649848 tn?1534633700

HillaryClinton.Net Redirects To Carly Fiorina Campaign Website


"GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has launched #DomainGate on Twitter. She is seemingly buying up celebrity domains to push her campaign message. Those going to hillaryclinton.net, for example, find themselves at Fiornia’s campaign Website.

Breitbart News previously reported Fiorina schooled Seth Meyers on his show, Late Night with Seth Meyers by buying SethMeyers.org.

Meyers noted that someone had purchased CarlyFiorina.org using it to bash Fiorina as former CEO of Hewlett Packard.

“Carly Fiorina failed to register this domain. So I’m using it to tell you how many people she laid off at Hewlett-Packard,” read a note on CarlyFiorina.org.

The site displays a page of frowning faces, captioned by: “That’s 30,000 people she laid off. People with families.”

It appears Fiorina didn’t stop with SethMeyers.org. She appeared on Meet The Press Sunday and redirected ChuckTodd.org to her site as well.

If you got to any of the three sites, you are redirected to her campaign site, CarlyforPresident.com."
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Palin was being portrayed as a dunce.  She could have said "Wall Street Journal", "Time", "Kiplingers"..... Couric would have swept it under the rug as all lies and at least half of America would have believed her.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I forgot to mention that I try to follow most of the links posted here on CE to find out other members are reading and to understand their points of view.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I wasn't even here, then I was typing my response and you had to get rude... wow!!!
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649848 tn?1534633700
"I'm" not stumped...Are you sure you're ready for this?

I read my local newspaper, which tends to be pretty conservative, and any number of news sites online, including Fox, Brietbart (too conservative and self serving), Politico, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN... I do a lot of medical research, so I won't even begin to try to list those things.  I read cookbooks, I've read a little bit Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" and didn't really find it to my liking.  I like biographies, and autobiographies - Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Kennedy, Barbara Bush and Laura Bush are some of my favorites, but I also like FDR, Jimmy Carter (the books, not necessarily the people).  I spend time on Facebook, so I'm always running across interesting stuff there, whether it be weekend projects, politics, funnies or whatever... I read a lot history, very little fiction.

I've read quite a bit of the Bible and I've even delved into Islam a little bit just to see what all the hype is about - I don't particularly find it to my liking... I've studied a bit of some other religions as well.

I do spend a good share of my day reading one thing or another, so this is probably just a drop in the bucket, but at least I can tell you what I read... or were you looking for exact titles?
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Yes, you probably are. It figures.
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What do you read?
Are you stumped?
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649848 tn?1534633700
"Can you imagine anyone else struggling with something that simple?"  You weren't asking me, but I'll answer you... Yes, I can, because it's not usual for people to completely lose it, when they're out of their realm in front of an audience like Palin was at that time.  
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"Too smart in fact to ask a question like that.  I think it was a blatant attempt to make Palin look dumb (dumber) but honestly, none of that matters now.

Do you really believe that?
If you asked me what I read I'd tell you in an instant - or what I watch on TV. And really, I'd like to know what sources people rely on for their news and information. I think it is extremely relevant and not just in politics but in everyday life as well. i thought it was a straightforward reasonable question and even though I wasn't impressed with Palin I was stunned that she was unable to respond. Can you imagine anyone else struggling with something that simple?
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649848 tn?1534633700
I don't think we should under estimate Palin's intelligence; when she was running for VP, she was clearly floundering like a fish out of water and did even after that.  Just because a person is not Presidential or Vice Presidential material doesn't mean they are stupid, by any means; we all have our niche and politics, clearly wasn't hers.

Mike, I don't know what you've been reading that makes you think I've either "evolved" or gone so far to the right... I haven't changed my stance on hardly anything since this group was started.  I still walk pretty much down the middle of the road and you can bet your last dollar that Hillary is way out in left field, compared to me and I'm never certain about you, anymore.  Maybe we've never really been so far apart on many things as you thought we were.
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I wouldn't buy that for a second.  Chances are, I am probably wrong about that.  I find Couric to be a pretty smart person.  Too smart in fact to ask a question like that.  I think it was a blatant attempt to make Palin look dumb (dumber) but honestly, none of that matters now.
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Barb,either you've really evolved or I had no idea how far to the right you are.
I would bet Hillary is closer to the middle than you are. You're pretty far out there Barb. Hell, I'm closer to the middle than you are. I guess I'm the centrist around here.
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I actually think she was interested in where Palin got her news and information. I seriously doubt that she expected Palin to be unable to answer the question.
I don't think at that point anyone had any real appreciation of how utterly stupid and unprepared Palin was.
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"I guess Katie had her claws out too when she asked Palin what newspapers she read."

You don't think that comment was in reference to Palin's intelligence?
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649848 tn?1534633700
Excuse the typos - typed too fast... We all know it's supposed to be Fiorina, but that's not the only one... Sorry about that.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Personally, Mike, I think Katie almost always her claws out, especially, when dealing with women of opposite political party.  She simply tends to be that way and, sadly, most women, either respond in kind or stupidly and I'm not afraid to admit that Palin was out of her league, running for VP - IMO, she's the biggest thing that lost McCain the Presidency - not necessarily that he'd have won anyway, but with Palin around his neck, he didn't stand a chance and he should have known better.

As far as the low polling numbers - as I said, first off, I think it's too early to start polling because most people (myself included) have never heard of some of these candidates, secondly, there are still possible candidates that haven't announced whether they're going to get into the race or not and third, we all know that a good share of these candidates aren't going to make it past the first debate.  On top of that, the election is 1.5 yrs away - who cares about 1% poll rating, at this point?  I sure don't, because I suspect that when Carly Foirina gets done playing her ".org games", she won't be in the ring at all.  Will it even matter 6 months from now?

As you well know, the only thing I'd vote for Hillary Clinton is a jail sentence, so I'll just refrain from comment on her, though it's curious why the media isn't covering her "roundtable discussions and coffee chats with voters" - oh wait, maybe that's because her campaign is cherry picking the voters they want, so it's kind of like "nothing to see here folks, just move along", as always, with Hillary.  

Jeb Bush is another story - he better careful slinging rocks at Hillary.  He presented her with the 2013 Liberty Award " in honor of her career in public service and her advocacy efforts on behalf of women."  Does he, or anyone else, think for one minute, she's too nice to use that against him?  
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Speaking of questions, Hillary and Carly:

Hillary Clinton Hasn't Answered a Press Question in 21 Days (And Her Opponents Are Taking Notice)
May 12, 2015, 5:39 AM ET

Today is the one month anniversary of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. It also marks 21 days since she has answered a question from the press.

During this "ramp up" phase of her candidacy, Clinton has kept her distance from the media, answering only a handful of questions from the reporters following her on the campaign trail.

As the days go by, Clinton’s opponents have begun to take notice and Clinton’s limited engagement with reporters is becoming an issue.

Likely Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush took a shot at Clinton for not taking questions, saying in an interview with Fox News Monday he wants to run a campaign where he doesn’t “have a protective bubble.”

And last weekend, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina rolled out a fresh attack line.

“Like Hillary Clinton, I’m also running for president, but unlike her, I’m not afraid to answer questions about my record," Fiorina noted at the South Carolina Freedom Summit. "She’s answered seven on-the-record questions since April 12th; I’ve answered over 200 on the record since Monday.”

Not surprisingly the press is also taking notice: The New York Times launched a new feature called “Questions for Hillary,” dedicated to posing hypothetical questions that it would ask Clinton (if the paper had the chance).

By ABC News’ count, Clinton has responded -- in one way or another -- to a grand total of eight questions from reporters since she launched her campaign last month. Most recently, on April 21 she answered a question from a reporter about her position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement.

Clinton has not answered any questions from reporters since, though she has fielded her fair share from voters in events her campaign has organized.

Here’s how Clinton campaign spokesman Jesse Ferguson explained the approach: “The focus of our ramp up period is to hear from voters about the issues they care about. She’s enjoyed engaging in hours of public question and answers sessions and, as the campaign progresses, looks forward to more engagement with voters and the press as well.”

Clinton has participated in multiple roundtable discussions and coffee chats with voters during campaign swings through Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. But, in some instances, those voters were chosen by her own campaign.

Clinton is not the only 2016 hopeful who has been steering clear of inquisitive journalists lately. Wisconsin governor and likely Republican presidential candidate, Scott Walker, has largely ducked encounters with the media since he told the Washington Post in February he did not know whether President Obama was a Christian. This week, Walker is on a trip to Israel (the national press were not invited).

Even so, Clinton’s strategy differs from that of many other announced or likely presidential candidates such as Bush and potential Democratic rivals Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley, who have been doing regular television interviews and answering multiple questions on their campaign stops.

Clinton herself, however, has suggested things could change.

As reporters swarmed during her first official campaign stop last month in Iowa, Clinton dodged their questions but offered this: “We'll have lots of time to talk later.”

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Oh Barb - do you really think that question was a claws out thing?
Carly overreacted - she showed her sensitivity.
I guess Katie had her claws out too when she asked Palin what newspapers she read. I know republicans have a lot of trouble when asked anything but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be asked any questions.

[Noting her low polling numbers, Couric asked Fiorina if she was actually running for the No. 2 spot on the ticket.

“Oh Katie, would you ask a male candidate that question?” she responded.

Though it hasn’t been asked much so far this year, the question has been posed to male candidates in the past. In 2004, the New York Times called it the “worst question” of the primaries because it was asked so much of North Carolina Sen. John Edwards: “John Edwards gave the same boring answer at every stop, but reporters never stopped asking it anyway: ‘Are you running for vice president?'” (After all that, Edwards ended up as John Kerry’s running mate, disproving the idea that it was a bad question.)

Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was also dogged by the question in 2008.

“Why does everyone always ask me that?” he responded in a video interview, laughing somewhat bitterly. “No, I don’t want to be vice president.”

And though it hasn’t been posed to former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, who’s polling well behind Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton, the idea that he’s actually running for No. 2 has been raised....]

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649848 tn?1534633700
I guess we all have "dull moment" now and then when we simply "don't get it", don't we?

Personally, I think it's way too soon to be thinking about polling numbers or whether or not a candidate would settle for Vice President over President... how much do we even know about most of these people that have just recently crawled of the woodwork and jumped onto the campaign trail?  Aside from that, someone ought to teach Katie Couric to retract her claws now and then; people might have more respect for her.

Further - why is it any worse for Carly Fiorina to play the gender card (if, in fact, that's what she's doing) than it is for others to play the race card at every opportunity?  I'm sure you've heard about Michele Obama's commencement address, by now, in which she declared how much every day distress she goes through because she's black... poor thing.  

El - I knew the double would surface; just wasn't sure how... :-)  I think the whole thing is rather comical, too, and somewhat childish.  I can't imagine voting for a Presidential candidate who plays games like that, but  she did some pretty good things for HP, so maybe when she decides to get serious, she'll have something better to offer the country.  Everyone deserves a chance...

I don't think we have to play dirty - there's no reason we can't discuss the candidates and who they are/what they do and/or stand for, without being hateful about it.
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Katie Couric asked Carly Fiorina whether, in light of her 1% polling numbers, she was really vying to be chosen for Vice President and Fiorina replied - "would you ask a male candidate that question?". And Katie said yes she would if the candidate was polling at 1%.

And incidentally several male candidates with very low numbers in past election campaigns were asked that exact question.

Carley seems to be playing the gender card.

El, you really never get anything right. My hackles weren't raised. The truth is I was reading that post on my phone and the visibility was terrible and I didn't understand the import of it. I was just like you for a minute there - I just didn't get it.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
Since it's someone on the Right doing it, it's not funny AT ALL, Barb.

You should know that the double-standard of the Left, doesn't stand for tables being turned on them.

What's good for the goose IS NOT good for the gander, when it comes to Libs, and never will be.

I, on the other hand, think it's fairly amusing;-) Take of their own medicine, and they don't like it (as evidenced by the previous poster's seemingly blasé attitude toward the article. Don't let it fool you though... his hackles are raised, whether he wants to admit it or not.

Getting into their end of the swimming pool, and playing dirty, is the only way we're going to be able to compete with them. Attempting to compete with them, above board, will never work. We must stoop to their level.
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649848 tn?1534633700
And nothing... I just ran across it and thought it was kind of silly.  Things like this are all over the news, so it IS current events and not everything posted here has to be dead serious.

Liberal networks are making a big deal of Carly Fiorina not registering her domain, so she's turning the tables; I guess that's not so funny, is it?
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