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1747881 tn?1546175878

Oakland businesses again brace for breakage


It has come to a point where Alexeis Filipello considers smashed windows a cost of running a bar in downtown Oakland.

Since opening Dogwood in February 2011, Filipello has replaced her 10-foot-wide windows three times: once after the 2011 Occupy Oakland protests and twice during the 2014 Ferguson protests. Each replacement, she said, cost about $2,500, money that came from her pockets.

Other than a few scratches, her windows were spared during the raucous November protests following Donald Trump’s election — but with his inauguration just a few days away, all she can do is hope her windows are shown some mercy once again.

“They just always pick on these buildings, and they have no idea what is happening inside of them or who the people are that run it,” she said of the rioters in downtown Oakland who so often use protests and marches as an opportunity.

In anticipation of the inauguration protests, many small businesses are expecting a scene that unfolds in Oakland several times a year: a well-intentioned evening demonstration that a small group of people turns into an unruly riot that lasts well into the night.

And when the noise clears, businesses are often left with shattered glass, graffiti-covered storefronts, thousands of dollars in lost revenue and big deductibles from their insurance companies.

“It’s highly frustrating,” Filipello said.

An Oakland insurance agent — who declined to provide his name because his firm did not allow him to speak to the media — said there has been a significant uptick in calls over the last few weeks from downtown businesses inquiring about their insurance policies or purchasing new coverage.

Businesses have been weighing their options since the election, he said, as they are expecting the coming protests to be even more turbulent.

Several protests are already planned for this weekend, with thousands expected to participate. More than 25,000 people said on Facebook that they will join the Women’s March in Oakland, while another 23,000 signed up for the Resist Trump — #OccupyInauguration movement hosted by the Socialist Alternative Bay Area group. The organizers of these demonstrations say they will be peaceful and family-friendly.

Since 2014, Oakland has experienced at least 205 unpermitted and permitted marches, according to the city administrator’s office. There were more than 60 reports of vandalism or broken windows during the recent Trump protest, which some city officials described as some of the worst damage Oakland has experienced.

“After the November protests, we were really saddened by how many businesses were hurt, which was counterintuitive to what people were protesting,” said Barbara Leslie, president and CEO of the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, who added that 85 percent of Oakland’s economy is made up of small businesses.

Despite being a hotbed for demonstrations, Oakland has no established fund for helping the businesses affected by them. In the past, the mayor’s office has partnered with the East Bay Community Foundation to help businesses recover from various protests — but the fund has not been significantly active since the 2011 Occupy Oakland protests, said Dan Quigley, the foundation’s senior program officer.

The Oakland Indie Alliance, a group of more than 50 independently owned Oakland restaurants, sent a letter to Mayor Libby Schaaf and new Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick that said the businesses are “deeply concerned” about the protests planned for after the inauguration.

“We have become the local punching bag for these protests and it is unhelpful and unfair,” the letter said, in addition to calling for a “better balance of free speech and commercial interests.”

Maria Alderete, the owner of Luka’s Taproom & Lounge, said the city has “never offered a dime” to help her fix any damage resulting from a protest. Her windows have been bashed in at least five times in the past few years, and she’s shouldered the damages herself to avoid an increased insurance premium, she said.

Most insurance companies offer basic safeguards for clients that find themselves victims of civil disobedience, said Gerard Mannion, a Bay Area trial lawyer. But, businesses that file repeat claims for the same thing may eventually be seen as a liability, he said.

Repeat claims for damages — such as vandalism or shattered windows — could lead insurance companies to either change the policy to exclude the recurring problem, increase the rate for clients, or just drop them all together, he said.

“These are the hidden costs of the protests,” Mannion said. “It’s not just a broken window, but you might be taking away a guy’s insurance coverage.”

Dogwood’s Filipello, for example, left her previous insurance company after it stopped covering her broken windows after she filed repeated claims.

Some businesses board up their windows whenever they expect a protest, but that can get pricey for mom-and-pop shops. According to Vortex Doors, a San Leandro repair business, it can cost $1,500 to $2,000 for a business to board up its storefront.

Travis Kuhl, the owner of Kuhl Frames + Art, said he likely would have left downtown Oakland by now if he did not have metal doors to protect his shop at night.

Officials have been holding meetings with businesses over the past few days and suggesting a list of preparations they could make before this weekend. That is routine protocol by the city whenever it expects a demonstration.

But, regardless of the occasional outreach, many small businesses still lose when protests roil downtown — whether it’s from a broken window, decreased foot traffic or the lost revenue from shutting down early.
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Susanné Breen, whose Downtown Wine Merchants bar is right next to Frank H. Ogawa Plaza — a major congregating spot for demonstrations — has accepted protests as an inevitable factor of being in downtown Oakland.

“Every time something goes down in America, we’re at the center of it,” Breen said one Thursday afternoon during the Trump election protests.

11 Responses
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163305 tn?1333668571
One more comment about the protests in Berkeley. I read locally where there were about 1500 peaceful protesters when a group of 100-150 men dressed in black with their faces covered, arrived and began the violence.
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Some people that I have always considered to be "smart" have all seem to have forgotten how government works.  It's a shame.  4 & 8 years ago, democrats were telling republicans to grow up, get over themselves and get on board the Obama train.  Now, the tides have turned and the excuse making is at an all time high.  What has not changed is the name calling.  

Democrats insist that you must be racist, misogynistic, homophobic and xenophobic if you don't believe what they believe.  More than that, you're often called stupid if you don't follow lock step with the democrats.  

Its old...  its not going to stop any time soon, no matter what happens.  Its their turn to act aggravated. They feel as if they earned it and as long as they can paint an ugly picture of anyone different than them, they will justify it.

This is the exact behavior that they found so pitiful and the only thing different is, its their hurt.  Its their time to complain and rather than stand on the moral high ground that they laid claim to, they will continue to "hit low" while trying to seem to be better people....
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1747881 tn?1546175878
"the violence against innocent people just because they have different political beliefs different than yours has to stop, if you approve this violence you are a douche bag in my eye's ":

"No, I do not condone violence"

"Sorry if you felt you suffered during the last administration but calling me names only brings you down to the level of that poor tortured miserable being who happens to be our current president."

I didn't call you anything and you answered the question.

You are the one comparing my political beliefs to that of nazi Germany and insinuating that I'm a racist, that's ridiculous, find a new argument, that one is old and tired.

Have a great day
Helpful - 0
I'm sorry you misunderstood my intention or perhaps I wasn't clear but I never meant that YOU were a racist or had anything to do with Nazi Germany. I was referring to that horrid man in the white house.
163305 tn?1333668571
This is starting to feel like facebook, you are completely misunderstanding me, and perhaps I am doing the same.
It is not my intention to judge who is behaving stupidly as I am well aware that we often do not have the full story.

Now, what is upsetting about Trump's presidency, IMO is firstly, the man is not mentally stable. He has a deep case of narcissistic complex ( look it up on the Mayo clinic web site, if you'd like to understand further).
Then there are his remarks about women.
Would you feel okay about a president who said it's okay to grab YOUR genitals whether you were agreeable or not ? That IS the definition of sexual assault.
This is not anything that can be compared to Obama. That's like comparing apples and sewer rats.

I do not get any joy in the thought of another suffering pain, just because I have. Sorry if you felt you suffered during the last administration but calling me names only brings you down to the level of that poor tortured miserable being who happens to be our current president.
Sorry for you hrspwr.

I truly wish only to live my life in peace and to let others do the same.
What's so bad about peace, love and understanding ?
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1747881 tn?1546175878
"And if you don't care what happens to California, then why do you keep posting about it ?"

I'm pointing out what I think is stupid behavior and apparently  you have a problem with me speaking about it, kinda funny since I was talking about free speech.
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1747881 tn?1546175878
It's funny all of a sudden you have something to say against hate speech, where were these complaints when black lives matter were chanting hate speech in the streets, honestly I couldn't care less if they burn down Berkley or destroy all of Oakland but the violence against innocent people just because they have different political beliefs different than yours has to stop, if your approve this violence you are a douche bag in my eye's
Helpful - 0
No, I do not condone violence at all but I do understand the anger that can lead to it, especially when you have provocative powerful people threatening you.
Trump has threatened, women, Mexicans Muslims. . .  just about anyone who isn't white and loves him.
What do you say to a young girl~ who one is trying to raise to believe she is free and equal when the president says it's okay to sexually harass women even if they're married ?
And if you don't care what happens to California, then why do you keep posting about it ?
163305 tn?1333668571
These is a lot to be angry about. These young people are who will lose their freedoms to have birth control, clean air, clean water and to earn a decent living while fascism takes over the country. ( and that's keeping the list down to the minimum of what these extremists in DC want to do to our country. ) We don't want to become another Nazi Germany and hurray for the youth for standing up against this insanity.
Helpful - 0
So your saying you condone the violence, remember that in the future
1747881 tn?1546175878
Free speech and peaceful protest abound at Berkley


UC Berkeley cancels Milo Yiannopoulos event amid violent protest

A protest at UC Berkeley turned fiery and violent Wednesday night, shutting down a scheduled speech by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos.

The Breitbart News editor was set to deliver a speech inside a UC Berkeley campus building but hundreds of protesters began throwing fireworks and pulling down the metal barricades police set up to keep people from rushing into the building. Windows were smashed and fires were set outside the building as masked protesters stormed it.

The Berkeley Police Department said people threw bricks, smoking objects, and fireworks at police officers. University police locked down all buildings and ordered a shelter in place, and later fired rubber pellets into the crowd of protesters who defied orders to leave the area.

“This is what tolerance looks like at UC Berkeley,” said Mike Wright, a Berkeley College Republican member said as smoke bombs went off around him. Someone threw red paint on him.

Protesters argued that hate speech isn’t free speech, countering the university’s explanation — free speech — on why it had allowed the event to proceed even as students demanded that the university cancel it.

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"“This is what tolerance looks like at UC Berkeley,” said Mike Wright, a Berkeley College Republican member....."

These same tame Republicans that Berkeley keeps on exhibit have been bleating and whining for weeks about the extra $10,000 or so the university wanted them to pay for the security at a hate speech provocation event.

Just another 'look-something-shimy-while-I-pick-your-pockets-somewhere-else' brought to by the Breitbart/Bannon administration. As if there wasn't enough other excrement flung at the walls to see how much will stick and how quickly we can overload the senses of anyone paying attention this week.

"When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.”

― John Lennon
They paid the money and apparently they didn't get what they paid for, perhaps on purpose.

"Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you."

You should post that to Berkley's web site, there is no defending what took place last night and you know it, it was a clear example of suppressing free speech and the attack on the girl getting pepper sprayed in the face by a man is disgusting, if you approve of that, you are just as disgusting.

Ya ya ya I know it was just a few thugs, well they sure are not conservative thugs.
Just wanted to that I've seen the video and it was a lot more than a few and in my opinion the people standing by cheering them on are just as guilty
"Just wanted to add"
Set up.

And given the masks, you're certain no "conservative thugs" lit any fires?
"And given the masks, you're certain no "conservative thugs" lit any fires?"

Your digging for scraps with that one
163305 tn?1333668571
My daughter was at the women's march in Oakland last Saturday and guess what ? Despite close to 100,000 people marching there were no broken windows anywhere ! In fact the city facilitated the march by roping off streets and providing porta-potties. Way to go Oakland !!!!!
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148588 tn?1465778809
Hundreds of thousands of people protest peacefully, a handful of thugs use the opportunity to loot, and this becomes "Liberals destroying an extremely liberal city". You'll have to fill me in on that one because I missed a few steps. I think the City and/or a deposit posted by protest organizers should be used to reimburse affected business owners. But I don't see a wholesale migration of businesses to Brownback's financial Wonderland or the welcoming arms of Rubber Bullet, N.D. any time in the near future.
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1747881 tn?1546175878
Her bar, which is usually packed during happy hour, was desolate that November afternoon.

But, despite having her windows bashed during a round of Ferguson protests in 2014, she chooses not to turn the lights off, board up or close early whenever she anticipates an unruly demonstration.

Instead, she takes a different approach: She keeps the lights on, windows bare and just continues pouring wine.

Liberals destroying an extremely liberal city because a republican won the election, FYI Hillary won in Oakland.

What a bunch of MORONS that don't seem to see just how moronic that is.
Helpful - 0
Sorry it is a mess, copy and pasted more than I thought, the link is there for a better read
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