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Acutane or Diane-35

I am 22 and have been using various acne treatments for years with only moderate results.  Recently I noticed a new drug advertised called diane-35 which has just become available in Canada.  I am considering this or acutane, but had severe side affect from depro-prevera and I'm now worried about taking more hormone theraphy, advise?
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I am considering taking Diane 35 and I was wondering what side effects it has and if it will truley work.  I have been on Minocyclene for about 2 years and my body has become imune to it and I am still having break outs, I have cut out greasy food and there is alittle improvment but not the improvment I would like..
If anyone has any information, links or websites that I can read up on this I would appeciate if you could email me at ***@****

thank you very much!
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I am 23 and married a year ago.  I have been suffering from acne for about 5 years now.  

My dermatologist has recommended that I use diane 35 ... I did and used it only for 6 months ... the acne dispeared. But now I have reproduction problems ... He advised that period irregularities are common once you stop ... but it will subside. I am still waiting for that to happen.  Meanwhile I am using benzoyl peroxide 5% gel.  It dries up my face and the acne but does not take away the scars.  He recently prescribed for me a gel called contratubex that should take away the scarring once the acne subsides ... please help.
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what are the possible side effects of taking Diane 35 to cure acne? i'm 19 and had acne for 2 years and am considering taking diane 35 to cure my zitz. please tell me of ALL the known side effects and dangers of this drug.
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My son is only thirteen and has developed moderate acne.  He does pretty well with minocycline and a topical, but his doctor seems to be "pushing" the Acutane treatment.  As his mother, I have reservations about putting a young teenager into this program at this time.  I also do not like the idea of the neccessity of a blood test before treatment.  Please give me some honest feedback about the dangers of Acutane.  What does the drug do to the body that warrants a blood test at the onset? Thank you for your help.
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I started using Diane 35 for acne treatment. Now I also need it for preventing pregnancy.. It's been 2 and a half year... How long can I use those pills. Do I have to quit some time?
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I have been on several treatments for acne, including topical dalacin c, erythromycin and currently oxytetracycline together with Retin-A topically. however i am still suffering from breakouts and am considering commencing dianette(combined oral contraceptive). Please could you advise me re. this and potential disadvantages/side effects of this treatment.
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I have been on several treatments for acne, including topical dalacin c, erythromycin and currently oxytetracycline together with Retin-A topically. however i am still suffering from breakouts and am considering commencing dianette(combined oral contraceptive). Please could you advise me re. this and potential disadvantages/side effects of this treatment.
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Diane 35 peut causer la perte des cheveux sur la tele ?
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I am 31 years old and have battled acne and cistic acne (severe) since I was about 17. I have spent soooo much money and seen over 5 dermatologists. I have tried anibiotics,topical creams and cleansing, just about every cleansing product on the market,and nothing seems to help. I have scarring all over my cheek area and cists not only on my face but under my ear lobe. I was just wondering about Diane-35 and acutane. I have an appointment with a NEW dermatologist soon and I dont want to leave there (after being intimidated and told that my skin is not bad enough for acutane) being treated with the same old routine things. Please help
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can diane 35 cause thinning or hair loss on your head? I have noticed that my hair has become thinner since taking Diane...I am also under a lot of stress which may be the cause, but I can't help wondering if Diane may be causing this. Any thoughts?
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I take accutane and in 4 days is the end of my traitement and I am worry do you think my acne will come back when I stop. I take it six month but do you know if I can continue my traitement over it. Thank you.
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I have a friend who is on Acutane and is experiencing night sweats.  They have been so bad lately that she walks up and has to change her pajamas becuase they are so wet.  Is this a possible side effect of Acutane?  If not, do you have any idea what might be causing it?
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I have heard that a side affect of taking Acutane is that some users have commited suicide.  Is this true?  Are there any studys on this?
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I am a healthcare provider, and I saw a patient today who was using Diane- 35, which she had acquired in Poland.

It was not clear to me whether this was a birth control pill or a hormonal therapy pill.  Could someone please direct me to a site where I can learn the history of this drug?  I checked the Schering website, a distributor of the product, but could not find any information.

Many thanks,
Heidi Milliken, Ph.D.
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i have been on accutane since may 3rd 2000
its now sept 21 2000, its kinda worked but not liek other peoples you think after 4 months i might look actually good
but i dont soem scarring has faded but i still get like 2 BIG pimples like once a week
AHHHHH my slef asteem sucks now too
but im on orthotrycycline..is this gonna help
does anyone recommend the diane 35...
how long did all of you stay on accutane....and did it continue to work after you were off of it??? when did you really notice a difference???
thanks a million
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I am 15 years old and am thinking about taking the medication Acutane for my acne which is a mild to bad case. I have used topical treatments for 3 years and so far none has worked well. I was wondering about the side effects of this drug. Thank you.
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Hi:  My 18 year old daughter was put on Diane-35 for acne in April 2000.  While her acne has greatly improved, she has gained 15 pounds.  She has put on weight in her breasts, stomach, hips and thighs.  She now has stretch marks at all these areas and also a fair bit of cellulous which she never had before.  Has anyone else experience rapid weight gain like this?

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I want to take Diane-35 for acne as it has advantages over antibiotics, but it contains lactose, and my religion forbids the ingestion of milk derivatives during fast periods. Is there another contraceptive pill available to control acne?
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I took Diane 35 in France for 7 years straight and it helped my skin a lot. I didn't notice any major side effect (no weight gain, no hair loss or depression) maybe a little hyper-reactivity from time to time. As far as getting off Diane 35 to get pregnant is concerned, I got pregnant four months after stopping Diane when I thought it would take me at list a year!!
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I was on .1 levothyroxin from the time I was 12 years old.  At age 20 I had a severe migraine attack that went into seizures.  For five years I had what you might call tonic clonic seizures and then a doctor realized I didn't have a thyroid condition and took me off levothyroxin slowly.  The seizures decreased as well as the migraines and once off the medication I only had visual auras once in a while.  My health was great and then about six months later I started with hepatitis b shots for a course I was taking in college and just after the third shot I developed bizarre allergic reactions to almost everything, acne, cysts, constipation.  Chronic fatigue, or yeast I figured I had immune system problems.  Now at 30 years old I have been on Alese birth control pill and vitamin b6 for allergies, constipation and acne, for about 2 years.  The b6 works wonders but it makes my skin very oily.  Now out of sheer frustration I went to my GP and she recommended instead of seeing a dermatologist just to try Diane 35.  This sounds like a great idea but the only thing I fear is migraines.  So far I have actually seen an improvement on my visual auras and migraines since going on Alese.  My question is what is your opinion on Diane 35 compared with Alese for migraines?
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HI!! I'm interested to know if the components of Diane, are for anticonceptive and if doesn't matter when I start my pills for this efect.

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Has anyone tried alternative therapy for thier acne. I have been on several different medications myself over the years. minocycline, dinacine, etc. but have only had good results for a few months then the break outs come back and I seem to be immune the medicine. Also, I have tended to develop reacuring yeast infections after taking the antibiotics. The natural therapies seem to be the only way I have been able to see any long term success. However this does require some disipline and consistancy in order to keep the results with no side effects. Accutane interests me because I have heard you go through the treatment once and never have acne again. That sounds nice and easy and possibly to good to be true. I am curious to know all the side effects. Can it cause a women to become sterile or have problems with pregnancy by taking before getting that way? What about people who have anemia?

Please respond
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I have been suffering from acne for many years, until my doctor suggested the therapy for it. I am taking Diane-35 for 4 months now and basically my acne is getting a lot better. Plus I am using the cream of azelaic acid SKINOREN, which I think is really effective.
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Hi my name is Katty and I am very worried because I have been taken Diane -35 for 7 years, and now my doctor  has told me to stop it, but now I am waiting to my menstruation  .I am very worried because a frien tell me that perhaps i won't have babies and I want it. Now I am 27 years old and i am thinking to have a baby in 1 or 2 years, can you tell me if is dangerous to take diae-35 please. I will waiting for your answer
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