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Blisters on my face

I am 26 years old and I have been suffering with this condition all of my life and the Doctors do not seem to know what it is.  

I suffer with blisters that have appeared on my cheeks, lips, eyes, ears, neck and once on my thigh.  When they erupt they are very itchy and are not noticeable to look at.  This is the most infectious stage- if I touch it at this time it will spread.  The next day a cluster of blisters will appear and the area swells immensely.  The cluster is usually no bigger than a five-pence piece, but the swelling makes it look ten times worse.  Over the next two days these blisters are filled with pus and as they burst they start to scab over.  Once the scab has dropped off, everything is back to normal- except I usually have a new scar.  The process usually lasts for about a week.  They tend to come up as an adult when I extremely stressed.  I also thought that there may be a link to cow's milk so I switched to soya milk, but unfortunately, that hasn't stopped them from returning.

I would just like to know what this condition is, so that I can find ways to prevent it coming back if possible.
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Hi, I have been suffering with a similar problem for over 20 years and probably like you all spent stupid amounts of money on potions and lotions. Also countless antibiotics from the doctors with few results or none. Then I discovered SAVLON Yes that normal boring antiseptic cream.If I get a blister I must confess I do pop it if it's popable then put savlon on it straight away it takes a couple of days to heal but doesn't spread and then goes away.Its worked for me and at under £2 a tube what is there to lose.
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Update!! I've been using something I found this weekend -Vicco is an Ayurvedic skin treatment made from Turmeric and sandalwood oil. It is having positive results on keeping down the spread and inflammation it can be ordered online or at an Indian herb/grocery market. Try it… it may help clear you up!!
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Have had this problem for years now… starts as a hive, itchy, then fills with clear liquid filled, ruptures, leaks fluid (sometimes orange), scabs over and eventually heals. I find if I itch them, 1 or 2 more will pop up in the same area a centimeter or two away from the original. forehead and cheeks are most affected areas. Doctor gave me steroid cream antibiotics and a c or z pack and it cleared it up temporarily, but by prescribing these both at the same time, you don't know if it is a viral or bacterial infection. If I'm in strong sun long enough, it seems to clear it up and my skin looks great, so I think ultra violet light may be  killing bacteria that cause the problem. Now that it's Fall, it's coming back full force. I'm going o try the advice of a possible fluoride allergy and go with a natural toothpaste. I was diagnosed Vitamin D deficient as well so I have to try to stay on a vitamin regimen. I've also been experiencing some bladder discomfort and have had kidney stones in the past, I'm wondering if I've developed another stone that may be related (mild blood sepsis??) I also notice the sores seem to occur after strenuous activity or a coughing fit. Anyone… comments commiseration???
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i have been experiencing the some of the same symptoms as others.  it starts out as a hive on the face, then turns into an itchy fluid filled blister that looks different from a cold sore.  it seems more frequent after i am exposed to friction or heat.  i am trying to notice if there is relationship with any foods.  steroid cream seems to help calm things down, but i rather know the cause of this issue since steroid cream can thin the skin with ongoing usage.  i've tried medications, but nothing really works wells.  notably, i have become sensitive to mosquito bites, which now leave blisters.  i truly believe this issue came about following a flu shot i received, which put my immune system into overdrive.  it really is frustrating because i used to have clear skin.      
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Thanks for the post! Gives me hope this can be manageable. Just when you think you grew out of acne and no longer have to worry about skin issues. I hope this goes away soon. From reading enough posts it does seem like this is in my life from now on. Gonna try to stay away from Gluten, dairy, sun, and STRESS. Thanks again. Take care!
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I feel your pain! I have the exact same thing (on my chin) I only hope we all can just figure out what this is!!!!! It's not only frustrating but also embarrasing. No it's not acne and NO ITS NOT HERPES. I wish we could all just figure this out. Let me know if you find out what it is. Take care
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Have read all comments, I have had something similar.  I get 1 blister like bump in different locations a couple 2 pr 3 times a year.  Nothing helps and eventually scabs over and heals.  All my life ( 70 yrs). Drs have no idea.
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That is what my quack doctor said I had too. Told me to stay on the meds and in the house away from people for 6 weeks. And to apply cream daily. It did NOTHING! I ended up in the hospital for a heart problem, they re tested what he said was impetigo , it was not! They never figured out what it was. They gave me some other cream, that just burned worse, not matter what I tried , It burned.
Mine started with using NAIR Hair Remover on my eyebrows , DO NOT EVER DO THAT. I was in the hospital for heart surgery for 5 days , when I left , I still had the rash on my face, eventually it cleared up. no problems since, THANK GOD!  I will pray for ALL OF YOU!
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Well it has been a long time since I been here , I have had open heart surgery and just getting back on my feet. They tested that nair burn for shingle virus and it was negative also for another contagious disorder , I forget what it was now. But it was also negative.
Seems it was just a reaction to the Nair. Thought I would just drop by and update. Hope all is well

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If you suffer from skin blisters like cold sores (which have a clear liquid not yellowish pus) when you are run down or stressed, (and if you have ever contracted chickenpox) you may have shingles.

Many viruses live on in our bodies after the disease they arrived with is cured. In the case of Chicken Pox, the virus which causes it (a Herpes Zoster Virus - not "Herpes" but related to it), lives on in the nervous system - where it is kept in check (but not quite destroyed) by the body's immune system. Then it will sometimes resurface as Shingles, which look like herpes blisters.

If it does resurface, it is usually in old age or middle age but some people (immuno-compromised, stressed, etcetera) experience it when they are younger. It may also resurface when people's body's are chemically stressed. If, for instance, you have an intolerance to sallicylates, amines or glutamates and overconsume them over a short period.

Good luck and good health.
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I first went to the doctor for a burn from nair hair remover I used on my eyebrows. he gave me a antibotic cream and pain pills. The cream set my face on fire! I have been getting blisters and severe burning for over a month now. he treated me for infintago. In between seeing him I was admitted to the hospital for heart problems, still had hives so was in isolation.
When they tested the fluid from the blisters they found no infintago, no merca. And whatever it is they said is not contagious. That was 3 weeks
ago! I am still lgetting hvies and my face, burns like hell. Going back to dr
for visit #4 this afternoon. God bless you dear.
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I've been suffering from blistering inflammation for 5 years (I'm 29 now).  I used to get huge red bumps on my face, especially my cheeks, which would ooz yellowish liquid for 2 days.  It has been only a few months since I've gotten it under control.  I've tried all kinds of antibiotics, cremes, biopsies, 6 different dermatologists, none of which helped.  Last year, I took accutane for 6 months with great results (from a blister every other day to once per month).  However, after accutane, it all came back so I've been taking minocycline (which didn't help at all before accutane).  My skin has been so much better; I'm gradually decreasing the minocycline intake from twice a day to once every 2-3 days.  Hopefully, I won't need to take it at all eventually.  I use "neutrogena naturals purifying pore scrub" for face wash, cetaphil for moisturizer, and lancome mineral power for sunblock.  I have extremely sensitive skin, and have tried so many different products.  These are the only ones that doesn't make me break out with cystic acne.  I have suffered and cried so much, and deterred having any social life going through this awful skin condition.  Just keep trying until you figure out what works for your skin, eat healthy, and use mild products.  It will get better.    
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Please see my comment below.  I hope the cream a suggested will help you liked it helped me.
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Please see my comment.  I am 100% sure this cream will help.
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I am 36 and I have been suffering from fever blisters since I was 20.  I recently discovered a cream that helped and after years of suffering and embarrasment I no longer have to put up with it.  I would like to share this with everyone because it changed my life.  The doctor perscribed a cream to my daughter (7) when she had a skin condition on her leg so I tried it on my face and it worked! I have been using this cream for the last year and it even took away a normal cold sore that I had on my mouth.  The cream worked instantly and you have to apply it the minute you feel the itching.  The cream is called HYDROZOLE (It is a broad spectrum anti-fungal and anti-flammatory cream for sensitive inflamed fungal skin conditions).  You will have to ask your doctor to perscribe it as it cannot be purchased over the counter (in Australia). It contains 1% cortisone and 1% clotrimazole.  You will only need to apply a very small amount once or maybe twice.  Make sure you only apply it on the affected area. The itching will stop and the blisters won't get a chance to form.  I had a fever blister on Monday and you can hardly see it two days later.  I hope that I will be able to help anyone with this condition and please share it with others if you find it worked for you.
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I have had something sort of tsimilar only mine pops up in the same EXACT spot one to two times each year, like clockwork, and always the same spot, my middle right cheek by my nose, and always the same thing, the same size and same symptoms. No doctor can tell me what it is, no test or meds help. It starts red, turns into tiny round little clear bumps of watery liquid,when scratched off leave a small round dot like hole in my flesh.Usually several in a circular shaped formation only in ne place, Its never spread its never itvhed but otherwise sounds similar. Sometimes itll swell up underneath my skin too right under the sore, and I always thought it was just swelling. But one time I got so upset, I took a razorblade and lanced my own face open to see, and orangy watery blood by the ounce poured out. I wiped it every few seconds, and used half a roll of T.P. before it ceased, and only then did it stop because it clotted. In a few days time it scabs and heals even if I do not mess with it. Then later in the year, it comes back same exact spot, same thing again. Had 40 tests done, nothing found a cure or diagnosis. Calamine lotion dries it up a bit, but nothing really works. Hydrogen peroxide I've used too.I wish anyone could help me too! I wish I could help you all too!
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Try not to use any face wash or masks or creams with alot of harsh chemicals in them as I find this worsens the problem.
I have suffered with them for years and I find simply rubbing on baby jelly must contain Aloe Vera and not touching the area until it is subsided helps it go away, but it always lies just bellow the surface of your skin so remember no harsh chemicals on your skin hope this helps:)
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I have been dealing with these "blister" type bumps that most of you are describing- for years. It's kind of odd though because its like I get all different sorts of lesions. Some seem like cystic acne and are REALLY painful. Those lesions are deep in the skin. Well, I got most of that taken care of, but I still get these blister like lesions that come out of nowhere. They are not painful at all, sometimes they itch- but not really. But once I get one, they spread very quickly. Some of them look like they have whiteheads- but don't while others do, some have many. Regardless, most of them drain clear fluid afterwards. They seem to be triggered more by heat, sweat, and stress, but not always.  They mostly come up in the same, exact areas. I have noticed that these "blisters" have occasionally began popping up on my children's faces, maybe one or two. I know that this is an old forum, but it seem to be still active. I am 28 and I have never had this problem until I had kids, though I am sure that has nothing to do with it. Currently, I am taking spiroaldactone for the cystic acne, l-lysine for possible viral cold sores, and I have been on and off of antibiotics for years. Everything has kind of helped, but not completely. I am just not sure if I have a mixture of different infections going on or if it is all the same thing.
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im so tired of this.for like 13 yrs ive been having this too.only in my face i get this burning red itchy blisters.biopsy ,said allergys but not true. i do my same eating style nothing new to my life .and i got this. dctrs cant tell me either wat they r.very itchy and stressful .and im the type  of woman that dont wear makeup.natural look.
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1851278 tn?1319400944

if you have any questions, please feel free to message me I am happy to go into more detail privately to help as much as I can.
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1851278 tn?1319400944
I have had this come and go for the past year - and I will tell you what causes this very same reaction for me - what helps heal them quickly and keeps them at bay and eventually cure yourself.

A) Stay away from Dairy, especially cheese I find causes a reaction and takes weeks for my skin to calm down so please avoid it.

B) Gluten - Gluten intolerance is highly associated with inflammatory disorders of all kinds. It is also a contributing factor in many autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type I diabetes, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, autoimmune cardiomyopathy, lymphoma, and dermatitis herpetiformis (skin disease) among others. It is also linked as a contributing factor in asthma, allergies, & eczema

Tips to Reduce risk of Gluten Intolerance:
1) Breastfeed newborns for at least the first 6 months of life.
2) Optimize vitamin D3 levels between 60-100 ng/ml
3) Optimize gut flora with high-quality fermented foods and probiotic supplements
4) Keep blood sugar under control with regular exercise and a low carbohydrate diet that is loaded with phytonutrient rich veggies, good fats and anti-inflammatory herbs.
5) When introducing gluten it is best to use sprouted forms.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/033944_gluten_sensitivity_prevention.html#ixzz1bdlisJom

C) As a woman, I found it got worse around my period - so during this time (PMS) take extra care of yourself, eat lots of greens, drink lots of water and   fill yourself with positive energy (music, funny movies, etc)

D) Stress is a huge one, so as mentioned above assist yourself and lower your stress through relaxation, music, movies, meditation etc.

E) Oil of OREGANO - my savior. This is an amazing natural substance that is an anti-bacterial, fungal and viral and is powerful stuff. You can drink it, put it under your tongue or apply it to your face (diluted) for a quick heal AND cure when taken long enough.

F) For my skin I find natural oils help, whether it be aloe, olive oil, or emu oil - keep it simple. I find for around the blisters it gets super dry when it heals so I apply Aquaphor. Altho its mineral oil, in small doses in this case I find it greatly assists the healing process.

G) SOLE - I apply this to my face and allow it to sit and wash it off - read about it here: http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/salt.htm

H) Energy work ie: Clearing emotional wounds and traumas. Sometimes we think we need to fix ourselves by changing our diets and using better products - but we tend to neglect our energetic bodies/minds. An easy way to do this is to simply place yourself in a state of GRACE. Forgive yourself, forgive others and be completely thankful for who you are and yes, even for this annoying ailment - as its bringing you closer to yourself. How? After you master this problem, you will feel empowered and unstoppable. Love yourself no matter what.

I) Sleep and exercise, and drink plenty of water. This is self explanatory.

J) Detox your body, this can be your body reacting to an overgrowth of yeasts, bacteria, and toxin. I find using etible clay is wonderful for cleaning out the body - lots of Vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, and freeze dried green superfood powders to boost yourself back into a healthy body.

I have had this come and go for the past year and once I did everything I mentioned above (and I know it seems like much but it really isnt once you're in a groove), it kept them at bay and actually cured me. It comes and goes when I decide to neglect my self (physical and energetic) and it takes me a good 2-3 weeks to find my balance again. I know this to be true, I am an example of this :)

Good health to you all.
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Sounds like most of you have something called Porphyria.  Check out these symptoms:  http://www.bettermedicine.com/article/porphyria/symptoms  and then look up images.  See if you can't bring this information in to your doctor and get them to test for it.  I plan to - it's been 30 years of looking like this and treatments from Accutane to herbals ... to finally have an answer is amazing!  Good luck!
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i developed a small water filled blister on one of my cheek 2 years ago, after some months they started appearing on both my cheeks and the area is slowly increasing. Blisters are painless and non itchy and are appearing ONLY on cheeks.
I went to aiims for treatment, at first they thought its pemphigus vulgaris and then thought may be its porphyria, so they did tests for both and every report was normal and negative, they even did skin biopsy but even that was normal. After giving medicines for at least one year they said they don't know what is this........!!!!!! because even after taking medicines i was developing blisters. And they also did test for herpes but even that was negative.
Now its almost three years and i still don't know what is this!!!! and why is it happening! In between  all these i tried homeopathic medicines after which frequency of appearing blisters reduced but still i am having these blisters (now one or two in one month).and now with that i am having pimples too!!! and the color of affected area has changed.
Now again i am consulting allopathic Doctor and he is also saying the same things!!! he has started medicines thinking its pemphigus and also saying that he is not sure!!!!!!!! its irritating:(
can anyone please HELP me?
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Reading all your stories is all too familiar and suffer with the liquid filled blisters that spread once popped do scab and heal but takes weeks to get better and leaves a scar. The recorrences are in the same place so never gives the skin a chance to heal completely. I was told its cold sores and use the aciclovir cream and patches to control the outbreak which does help but because I scar easily my skin is is a mess!! I do not know the trigger but believe sun light and stress do aggregate it which can't be avoided so like many of you I'm stuffed. Age 30 and suffered for 2 years, very miserable :'(
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