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Bruise turned into rash

I had blood draw a little over a week ago. The site turned into a large dark bruise approx. 3 inches across. The bruise turned to the characteristic yellow a few days ago, and was almost completely gone. Today, I noticed itching where the bruise had been, and I now have small raised itchy bumps exactly where the bruise was. I put cortisone cream on the rash; however, it burned quite a bit, and the itching is pretty intense. What would cause a bruise to turn into a rash when it heals?
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In late November I got a deep bruise on my right hip (after taking an international flight with heavy suitcases and such). About a week after, a rash developed right on the bruise, same exact size and shape. The rash consisted of small red bumps. It itched like crazy and no cream or ointment helped. Then I got another patch of rash just to the left of the bruise. Then I started getting a rash on my lower back/love handles. For a month the rash persisted and itched. I went to a dermatologist after Christmas and she looked at the rash and immediately decided it was scabies (she didn't do the ink test or biopsy). I took Ivermectin and did all the necessary laundering and cleaning. The rash seemed to go away but then started itching again, the dermatologist was sure it was post-scabies dermatitis and told me to use Triamcinolone cream. It didn’t really help. Over the next few months the rash seemed to slightly flare up on occasion but never as bad as the first time. Then in February it came back again! Red bumps itching like crazy in the same exact spots as before: right hip, and lower back/love handles. I went back to the dermatologist and this time she said it didn’t look like scabies but since she knew I was worried and freaked out about being contagious, she had me take Ivermectin again. The rash died down a bit but not entirely. In early March I took another international flight and after handling heavy suitcases, I ended up with a bruise on my left hip! And lo and behold a rash developed on that bruise and suddenly the other areas (right hip and lower back/love handles) REALLY flared up again too. There is NO way this can be scabies again, it is impossible. I am 45, allergic to metals, especially nickel, I have seasonal allergies, and am low on vitamin D. This must be something internal!
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ALSO- I think the rash flare-ups tend to happen a week before my period...
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I'm a DO and believe it's a reaction to bile salts. I've had the same reaction a couple of times. Papular pruritic rash (red itchy bumps), margins exactly matching the edge of a bruise. Occurred toward end of the yellow/green phase. Both times, the bruise was particularly dark and the rash was along the inferior margin. Because it occurred in the area where the yellow/green color was most dense (inferior margin, pooling due to gravity I'm guessing) my thought was that it's a reaction to the bile acids released from the RBC's breaking down. Similar to the cholestasis and pruritic papules of pregnancy.  For non-medical readers:  the initial blue/purple color of a bruise is from red blood cells released into the skin. As the cells are broken down, the color turns yellow/green due to the release of bile salts from the RBC's. Red blood cells carry bile salts as a way of recycling them. If you've ever seen bile, you can see why the yellow/green stage of a bruise is related to it. Bile salts cause red, itchy bumps on the skin - Google some images of cholestasis and pruritic papules of pregnancy. Hope this helps!
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THE ANSWER: Drum roll....... BILIRUBIN!!!!

After an exhaustive internet search the only other culprit and best answer I could find that was not already addressed here(cellulitis etc.) is a very nice article by a Doctor acknowledging the itchy rash after a healing bruise is not readily diagnosed.  His thoughtful answer is the bilirubin left by the breakdown of the blood.  I am linking his article on bruising and posting the excerpt regarding why healing bruises itch.

After reading this my suggestion to everyone would be to get sunlight onto the area as jaundice(my babes were born slightly jaundiced) is treated with sunlight to help diminish the bilirubin.  

http://housecalldoctor.quickanddirtytips.com/what-are-bruises.aspx  (sorry dont know why its not a hot link....cut and paste to view)

Rob Lamberts, M.D.

What are Bruises?
A reader named Emily recently asked me the following:
“Dr. Rob, can you tell me about bruises?   What should I do when I get one? And why do they itch? I’ve always wondered about that.”
The medical term for a bruise is hematoma. Bruises happen when part of the body encounters blunt trauma. You can find good examples of blunt trauma every week on the popular TV show America’s Funniest Videos. On the show, people receive blunt trauma in amazing ways and usually in very unfortunate places. Doctors call blunt trauma to the human body a contusion. AFV is accurate, though, as scientists estimate that 25% of all contusions happen when people stand too close to a piñata.

(((There is more to the article but below is the "Why do they itch?" answer))))

Why Do Bruises Itch?
Which brings me to the question that has kept Emily up at night for all these years: why do bruises sometimes itch? While I couldn’t find a definitive reference on this, I have a pretty good guess. One website I found suggested that histamine (one of the substances released to cause inflammation) is the culprit, but that happens early in the process -- not the time when most of the itching occurs.
I think the itch is caused by bilirubin. It is well known that elevated bilirubin levels can make a person’s skin itch (although it’s not clear why it does). It seems reasonable to conclude that the bilirubin produced by a maturing bruise is the source of the itch. That’s my best guess. If anyone can find a more definitive explanation, please send it my way.

(((((Back to my story for comparisons sake))))

I am a 43 yr old female.  Hit my chin hard as heck immediately bruised and swelled up.  Normal pain and round bruise.  About one month into the bruise as it was healing it began to itch.  I scratched it a lot in one session which caused it to feel hot and it was red.  From then on the skin seemed pebbled like a leather purse finish but bigger bumps.  The skin was tougher to the touch and it stayed itchy for the last month.  Sometimes it itches worse than others and a few times it has rashed out of the bruise bounds.  A couple of bumps were itchy down my leg which makes me think it is something bacterial or fungi so Ive gone throught hydrocortisone, antibacterial cream and soap, and now Ive been putting jock itch cream(antifungal) on it for the last four days and the truth is its the best its ever been since starting that.

However, I think the bilirubin is the real culprit.  But, perhaps when we itch the heck out of it we may give the opportunity for bacterial or fungal infection???

I hope some of this helps someone and I agree with the other posters it was a great deal of comfort to see others had EXACTLY the same experience.  

Good luck to you all and I hope you all heal.  Perhaps people could repost when it finally goes away so we get an idea???

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969143 tn?1255269269
The name for it is Autoerythrocyte Sensitization, it basically means your allergic to your own blood......
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I’ve been having mysterious bruises showing up in odd places like my inner thighs and lower abdomen. Then they start to itch like crazy and turn into red blistery bumps. The odd thing is, if I bump my leg or something really hard, I don’t get a bruise for a few days, and when it finally appears, it’s yellow and does NOT itch.
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A couple week ago I hit my upper shin pretty hard (just below the knee, on the inside fatty part) on a knob sticking out from a workout machine at the gym. Turned into a nice apple-sized bruise the color of an eggplant. Three days later, back on the machine, I forgot about the knob and hit my **** in exactly the same spot. Not quite as hard, but hard enough. The bruise area got bigger, like a large orange size. A few days after the second event, it started to itch. Bruise continued to heal, but rash area got bigger and bigger (just inside the bruise line). The bumps got more pronounced. And the itching got worse. Not constant, very sporadic, but when it itches, it is intense. Over the counter hydrocortisone gives very temporary relief. I've also used Benzocaine (OTC), same thing. Temporary but the itch comes back. Now the bruise is nearly gone but the rash remains. I'm beginning to think the "reaction to bile salts" is a fair assumption. By the way, I am 51 and this is not something I have ever experienced before.
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I’m in my early thirties & relatively healthy. I take Wellbutrin 300mg (throwing that in there for commonality sake). I’m dealing with one of these rashes right now. Side note - when I was in 8th grade, I got ringworm on my upper leg that spread across both thighs and my rear end. I saw a couple NPs who told me it was eczema & that I’d have to treat it. Last year I saw a dermatologist because it got so back & SHE finally diagnosed me with ringworm. After living with it for 19 years, it was treated & cured within a matter of weeks. The itching & intensity of that matches this rash. Someone early in the threads called it an allergic reaction to the healing process. I hope so. What I had was a fungus & I hope to never go through that again.
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Yes! This exact same thing has been happening to me for almost 4 years now! No doctor can explain it,  or has even heard of it for that matter.  The rash is so painful and happens all the time for me as I am always getting bruised from the type of work out training that I do.  I was diagnosed with lupus/ possible RA about 5 years ago and just figured it had to do something with autoimmune diseases. It happened while on medication and off. Doesn't matter.  I am in my early 30s and relatively healthy. (Besides the autoimmune stuff). I would love to follow this post to see if anyone evee finds an actual answer! Thanks!
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I'm a DO and believe it's a reaction to bile salts. I've had the same reaction a couple of times. Papular pruritic rash (red itchy bumps), margins exactly matching the edge of a bruise. Occurred toward end of the yellow/green phase. Both times, the bruise was particularly dark and the rash was along the inferior margin. Because it occurred in the area where the yellow/green color was most dense (inferior margin, pooling due to gravity I'm guessing) my thought was that it's a reaction to the bile acids released from the RBC's breaking down. Similar to the cholestasis and pruritic papules of pregnancy.  For non-medical readers:  the initial blue/purple color of a bruise is from red blood cells released into the skin. As the cells are broken down, the color turns yellow/green due to the release of bile salts from the RBC's. Red blood cells carry bile salts as a way of recycling them. If you've ever seen bile, you can see why the yellow/green stage of a bruise is related to it. Bile salts cause red, itchy bumps on the skin - Google some images of cholestasis and pruritic papules of pregnancy. Hope this helps!
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L_S_Hall, it would be so helpful if you could recommend a solution/treatment.

I, too, believe this is an allergic reaction to the healing process.  My own hematoma on my lower leg was healing nicely, then erupted into an intensely itchy, red, blistery rash on the bruise site as it was turning yellow.  I place stock in what you are saying, L_S_Hall (I am a Ph.D. and only use D.O.'s like yourself, not M.D.'s).

I am interested in some of the commonalities here which may help us understand our phenomenon. I, too, am menopausal, aged 50.  This has never happened to me before.  I, too, had a blood transfusion.  I am blood type A+.  I am sometimes anemic. I am watching my A1C begin to climb, but I am not diabetic and am working hard not to be.  Otherwise, very, very healthy.  Anyone see any commonalities running through this thread?

Thanks to the Mayo Clinic for providing us a place to come together.  We are not crazy, folks!
Blood type AB  negative here.  Female.  In my 40s when mine occurred.  I too suffer from migraines but with aura.  I do have sensitive skin and often have excema flare-ups.  At the time of my bruise to rash issues I was not on any medication and had no conditions except for slightly elevated blood pressure.
So glad to see I'm not alone in this craziness!  My story is very similar.  Wound up in the ER with intense pain (turned out to be a defunct gallbladder that was removed a week later).  The nurse blew out a vein in my left forearm when attempting to insert and IV, resulting in a a bruise approx 3x2 inches almost immediately after removing the needle.  It stayed in the dark purple/black stage for almost two weeks.  As soon it started to lighten the itching started.  Now I am left with a red itchy patch (like poison ivy reaction) in the EXACT shape of the hematoma!

For commonality, I am a 37 year old female (somewhat overweight) with O+ blood.  The only medical issues I have had are seasonal allergies, a spontaneous collapsed lung (over 8 years ago) and the non-functioning gall bladder.  To the best of my recollection, I have never received a blood transfusion.
For comonality, I'm female and 54. Sorry to say but I don't know my blood type. The only medications were birth control back in 2007 for the first instance and HRT during this current one. I don't think I have ever had a blood transfusion unless I had one when I was six years old in the hospital for a week after getting hit by a car...but I'm pretty sure I did not.

Back in 2007, at 42 yrs old, I slipped and fell and ended up with my entire left bottom cheek as a deep bruise, as it healed it turned into a rash on the outer edges of the bruise. That went away within a few days but then my back developed a rash, very shortly after.

For over a year and half that rash covered 90% of my back. The doctors I saw, a rash specialist, a dermatologist and my GP, all told me it was not possible for a bruise to become a rash and then move from my buttocks to my back. They said there was no way my fall had nothing to do with it.

My entire life changed that day. I went from eating so much cheese, and other dairy, that my husband would kid that I was part rat. I ended up seeing an allergy specialist a few months after this fall, in 2007, with the other docs poo pooing my fall/bruise/rash theory and found out I had developed a severe caesin protein allergy overnight...meaning all dairy was now my enemy. I completely stopped eating any dairy, cold turkey. This meant no lunch meat and no fresh ground meat, as they are usually injected with caesin as a preservative. Also had to stop eating anything that came in a package that I was not 100% sure of the ingredients listed. I guess health wise this wasn't such a bad thing.  I also decided to stop drinking soy milk, which I was drinking a lot of at that time. With the diet changes the rash began to heal immediately but never really completely went away. I finally figured out this year, that I can no longer have red wine since most of the wine makers use a mixture that includes caesin to filter it.  Since 2007, I had only been completely 100% rash free for probably 100 days, as it still comes and goes. This could be due to more food allergies that I haven't figured out yet.

Now here we are in 2020, after stopping the red wine back in Jan, I've finally been completely rash free for probably one full month. Unfortunately, now a new bruise/rash incidence has occurred. I just had a horrible bruise on the outer forearm that was extremely painful and as it's beginning to heal I'm developing a rash again. But the rash appears on the upper and inner forearm not on the bruised area itself.  

20544625 tn?1500374485
Same here bruise on inner arm now itchy bumps that drive me mad never ever had itchy skin anywhere but this is driving me mad
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I have Small brown bruises all over and they turn rush In to a rash and they are itchy and pain full
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Yes I am allergic to nickel and I also got a rash when my hematoma from iv transfusion started to heal
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I had a blood transfusion and they messed up the IV resulting in a hematoma on my left arm. As it became a dark purple bruise I put ice on it. Then after a few days the bruise began  to fade in spots. Then a rash formed in those spots. I tried benadryl and cream and later baby powder. Nothing helps the itching much.
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I am rh negative too! It started on my shins as dark bruises which faded to green then yellow and now this weird rough dented lump on each shin. It has been a month and isn't going away
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This is crazy! I didnt know this was a thing. I thought I was imagining it at first because the drs kept saying it must have originated from a bug bite. I find it interesting that many of us had this start after bruising to our lower legs. Also to comment on the above post i am O- bood type as wrll. Mine was my shins in a car accident. I was in an accident in December and after 1 month the itching started. Then last month the itching started to raise up to welts and I broke out in hives on my calfs and ankles. After two weeks it spread to my arms. I got on a steroid which lessened it but didnt go completely away. The steroids ran out and its starting to slowly itch more and cause new welts around the site of the bruising. I hope this doesn't continue after this bruising finally heals.
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19421110 tn?1477392251
My bruises have been doing this for years and recently I've been trying to think back to a time when they didn't and work out what may have caused the change. I'm wondering if there is anything which we all have in common which may have triggered this response. It seems to puzzle GPs with the only suggestion being that it's an allergic reaction. But why would anyone become allergic to their natural healing process? I wonder if blood type has any bearing on this? Mine is 0- and seems to have been affected following a blood transfusion 25 years ago.
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I also have been having this happen to me for about 3 years now, I thought I was crazy until I found this thread. The only thing for me is the rash starts up while my bruise is still pretty dark blue. Like I broke a bone in my foot Thursday night, the bruising really started to show by Saturday and the rash also started that day. I use steroid cream and OTC allery pills to keep it from spreading beyond the bruise. It is just so bizarre to be allergic to ones own blood.
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Well. Good read. Thanks to all the contributors here!
So glad to have found this thread! Thank you, all contributors. My post may be long, sorry!

About Me:

Age 45, female, overweight, moderately active, massage therapist/bodyworker by primary trade.

History of skin sensitivity (hives, contact dermatitis, childhood eczema, and mild asthma.

I take Zyrtec every night, all year, for allergies. I also use nasal and respiratory inhalers.

Am allergic to most modern metals and alloys, as well as talc, latex, penicillin, bleach, synthetic fragrances, detergents, dyes, and chemicals. Also ragweed and some trees.

My tale:

Monday, June 13, 2016- stepped wrong off a curb, hit the street HARD. My backpack added weight and force to the blow.

Most trauma occured to the outside and front of my right lower leg/shin. Also impacted medial/inside left knee, and left upper arm and shoulder.

Due to circumstances, the first treatment was 3-4 hours of elevation of lower leg, in a cold room, followed by epsom salts bath, arnica application, and IBU dose.

I worked cautiously and limitedly the next day. Then a day off. 3 days later I had a bodywork session that resulted in great reduction of my pronounced limp, my pain, and my awkward posture due to the fall. I continued to get about 2 hrs of bodywork once a week for a month. (I usually do so twice a month, so that is double).

The lower right leg was the worst. It was a week before the discoloration even appeared, so I knew the bruise was deep. The normal progression of blue and purple into green and yellow occurred over a month.

I think I first noticed the rash and itchiness about 2, maybe 3 weeks after the fall. I was very careful when scratching- gently raking my fingers or a metal hand back scratcher over it. It was impossible to shave without pain. I continued epsom salt baths for the first 2-3 weeks, but mostly relied on REST, Ibuprofen, and topical application of OTC Hydrocortisone 1% (little response/relief) and Arnica.

I still use the Arnica (I use Traumeel, and the new branding, T-Relief) cream. It tingles at first, then eases the itching, although it is intended to heal the bruise. I regularly use coconut oil anyway, so I think I will increase that.

I hope this doesn't become an ongoing issue, loke ao many have mentioned!
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I've recently had this very same problem,
Try using Lanza Healing Oil for skin and scalp, it really works on a lot of different types of skin problems.
It's fairly easy to get, but you can always contact the Lanza company directly to find out where it is sold.
They sell it in a glass jar with a pump, opt for that one
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I have had this same condition for thirty years and in some cases it will not go away unless I treat it with oral steroid- If I don't use strong enough steroids it just continues to spread all over my body except for my face. I have noticed that as the years go by it last longer than usual- I wish I could find a cure or just  basic information on why this happens. It is so misurble to be so itchy all the time. Oh and forgot to add I have had every test under the sun and iam very healthy. Please let me know if you find anything out why our burise turn to a rash.
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It's been 8 years since the original post...still no cure.  I've been to traditional doctors, holistic doctors, allergists, dermatologists, immunologists, hell even Standford University Immuno-dermatology doesn't know what's wrong with me.

Mine is a recurring living nightmare. I want to cry every time I get a bruise because I know what intense relentless itching is about to occur over the next 3-4 weeks.  My bruises used to take 2 weeks to completely disappear, then two years ago (July 2014) I noticed my bruises healed unnaturally fast for me, 3-4 days tops followed by a rash in the identical shape of the bruise. intense, welted, raised, poison oak looking rash that would simmer down to a dull red rash then welt up and itch again in the same shape and size repeatedly over 3-4 weeks.  I've undergone auto immune testing, blood work, intestinal permeability (leaky gut) tests, stool cultures, biopsies, steroids, creams, pills, drops, ointments, to no avail.

I'm gonna throw something out here...if you want to be considered for a study (I'm going back to Stanford) you can text me with your contact info. I won't call you myself but I'll give the list of afflicted people to the Stanford research center so they can really see how many of us there are suffering from the same baffling illness. I for one and tired of fighting for a cure the last two years and never getting any answers. If you're interested, feel free to text: (559) 258-2373
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Beehealth Propolis Cream maybe worth a try and the Beehealth Propolis tincture. Excellent for your immune system. Check with your doctor before trying if on medication. Kind regards
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After reading all of the posts I can see so many similarities to my own situation. I recently had a heart procedure for atrial fibrillation and the groin site had a huge bruise which started disappearing after 3 weeks. Last night a rash formed exactly on the bruise area - so itchy!!
Things I know about me:
I'm almost 50 and pre-menopausal, probably not ovulating for about 2 years - about the time I suddenly began getting migraines, though these have eased the past 6 months. I have quite a few inflammatory & autoimmune issues and after decades of being prescribed meds which only seem to mask the symptoms I have lost faith somewhat in Drs & want to find a cause. The Drs are either not really interested or able to any more, because of time constraints.
So, after many tests & rigorous research several things have come up. I have extremely high oestradiol levels because of estrogen dominance caused by a variety of factors over my life. HRT is not the answer as it is synthetic progesterone. This estrogen dominance  is relevant to the younger people & men posting. It is not something that only affects menopausal women anymore because of the high amount of synthetic xenoestrogen in our modern lifestyle. Once you are affected by this there is a cascading series of problems that can develop depending on your genetic make up and the effectiveness of your detoxification processes.
If, like me, you are one of 38% of people who have problems with phase 2 detoxification, (and are also unlucky enough not to be able to methylate a host of vitamins & nutrients), your body becomes more or less overloaded and starts reacting with autoimmune and/or inflammatory responses. This can be a slow process over years or even decades or a 'straw that broke the camel's back' very quick response. Stress has been the biggest factor in exacerbating every problem I have had - our own uncontrolled cortisol levels can lead to chronic illness if constantly high.
The only thing that I can see that will help me is by eliminating as many irritants/chemicals/medications/foods that I can and gradually reintroducing them to see what my triggers are. I need to drop all processed foods from my diet and feed my body with as many nutrient dense healing food as possible. I also need to learn how to manage my stress levels.
I listened to a recent fascinating podcast on the Wellnessmama website called The Overmedication of America. What was said made so much sense and fitted with my symptoms (especially about steroid use - cream or pill...or even my own stress response). There was also a link to the cascade effect from one medication - the oral contraceptive (estrogen). Again this is relevant to all of us.
While 'grasshoppering' about the internet, I came across a book which has an Autoimmune Protocol which I think will help me very much. It is called The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body by Sarah Ballantyne Ph.D. With over 1000 reviews averaging 4.7 stars on Amazon it is worth a look. I read about 400! The wellnessmama website has a 30 day autoimmune diet that is far easier to follow, but not as rigorous. I am starting by taking supplements to boost the glutathione pathways to help with detoxification and pre-methylated vitamins and folate that my body can access now. This is short term until I learn the foods that will naturally do this.
Sorry about the length of the post, and I probably am coming across as a bit of a nutcase new-age hippie - at least my family think so! I know it is going to be a very difficult protocol to follow. I am still trying to get my head around it, but with my body really seeming to turn on itself, I just have to do something. All of this is just my opinion, and sharing what I have found through months of research, and is not intended as advice. It worries me that if 131 people have responded to this thread over 8 years, how many people with the same issue read it and did not respond, and how many more people with the same issue have never even looked? I hope to start the protocol in the next month and will update here in a few months. Good luck to you all and good luck to me - I suspect I'll need it!
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I am commenting because I came upon this post two years ago after a the same thing happened to me. After a serious bruise on my right shin, a terrible rash formed right over the top of it, and has been there ever since.  I have since been to three doctors who seem skeptical of the bruise theory, and tell me it's severe eczema.  It only fades after steroid treatments, and comes blazing back as soon as I run out.  I'm so tired of this thing. It itches like crazy and looks terrible.  What really gets me, is the way the doctors just can't believe that the bruise was the catalyst.  Even my husband will verify that it is exactly where the bruise was, and it appeared as the bruise was fading. I wish I had a photo of the original bruise to show someone. I'm tired of the steroids as well. I'm glad I'm not alone.
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Interesting read thanks. I have also developed a rash over a large bruise that has faded, it is driving me crazy and seems to flair up at night, but I think that might be because I take an antihistamine for hay fever in the morning, so I'm guessing that helps during the day, even though it's still there, just not as bad. It's been about 5 days, so thought I should Google it as it's a bit odd, but seems quite common after reading this.
Someone posted earlier about the histamine, think there must be something in that, because creams aren't working and I have tried a few... the antihistamine seem to do the trick. Just hope it goes soon though!!
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Same problem but made it worse/triggered it by massaging a deep contusion on my ankle I had for months from some amatuer kickboxing. Gf and I thought it would help blood flow to rub the healing hematoma abit. Well now I have a rash that looks like a typical allergy reaction rash that everyone describes. However the rash covers both my legs and my arms about 60% of the area. Seems like most people have the rash where the bruise is, it follows that the rubbing did circulate my blood and with it the dead blood/platelets toxins etc... And that is the reason for the wide spread reaction. Also it seems others have found it is exasperated by warm weather, mine coincided with four days in a row of intense sun exposure temps 80+ after which the rash began, so I thought it was heat rash, but since I have it now two weeks later I don't believe that is the case. What really threw me was that the rash is really only on my arms and lower legs, almost exactly what is exposed to the sun. So perhaps the sun is not the cause but just a contributing factor, my skin/tissues were already weakend or damaged by my sun exposure and the combo has caused my wide spread rash. Just hoping this clears soon I look like I have some terrible disease, and I'm hoping no blood clots are meandering their way to a just too narrow artery. Morel of story: Never Never Never massage a deep bruise. Also it would seem that deep, terrible bruises lead to localized allergic reactions in some of us. How special we are...
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I fell on my mountain bike 6 Jan 2015 and couldn't unclip my peddles in time.  Consequently, the bike bashed my left knee.  I could see no visible bruise, but found EXQUISITE pain if I crawled on my knees- even on my "pillow-top plush" mattress.  In early Feb, I began to develop a light bumpy red rash over the same area.  I thought "What a crazy coincidence!" until I found this site.    

So by April, my rash became itchy.  I started to treat with antifungals.  Aloe.  No improvement.  Over-the-counter steroid cream, Gold-Bond Medicated ointment.  No improvement.  Went to the doctor.  Stronger steriod cream, then borrowed Mom's even-stronger-steroid cream.  Went on anti-inflammatory diet.  No improvement.  

Now it is June and the thing has expanded and erupted in blisters!  Gross!  Mostly is like a raised red bumpy area, about 2x2 inches, with a blistered crusting rim.  ITCHY!   Especially in the areas outside of the rash, which appear red, like they are about to also erupt.  So now I'm intoxicating myself with Hydroxazine to see if I can curb the progression.  I think it must be autoimmune in some way.  We are military so have to wait on socialized medicine to get my appointment.  

Has anyone else had a rash over a bruise that continually progressed for 5 plus months, over a bruise?  This thing ain't going away.  Thyroid connection?
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