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Chronic Scalp Folliculitis


I am a 25 year old female that has been battling with scalp folliculitis for the past 2.5 years. I have been on Bactrim DS for several years now for acne, I would say since 2005, but I developed scalp folliculitis in approximately Feb. 2008.  I have tried every shampoo imaginable, prescription & non prescription (tar-based, salicylic acid, sulfur, sodium sulfacetamide, zinc, ketoconazole, salicyclic acid AND sulfur combined, hypoallergenic, selenium sulfide).  I currently go to a dermatologist every 3 months for follow-ups (mostly for acne, but my scalp as well), but have received at least 3 other opinions.  First doctor switched me to minocycline & Re-10 Wash (containing sodium sulfacetamide) which did no good.  Second doctor took a biopsy of one of my lesions revealing folliculitis.  He placed me back on Bactrim and Clindagel for topical use.  He instructed me to use regular Head and Shoulders as well as Pantene Pro V. The Clindagel does help clear up all the active lesions, but it does not help prevent any new lesions.  Of course, I don't use the Clindagel on ALL of my scalp, so I understand there is no way to prevent new lesions with just this medication.  Third doctor, whom which I saw earlier this month, suspects I have scalp acne & has switched me to doxycycline.  So far, no results.  I still use the Clindagel on all my lesions, but I am so frustrated with this disease.  I also recently used a steroid shampoo called Clobex 2x a week for 2 weeks - no results.  I have had my nose cultured-normal, and 2 lesions cultured as well.  First culture came back as normal scalp, second one was done recently so I do not have results yet.  Everyday I seem to have 1 or more new lesions on my scalp.  They are itchy,painful, and range from small to moderately large.  I am at my wit's end with this condition.  My routine dermatologist has recommended possibly ketoconazole for 5 days only to help flush out any fungus, yeast that may be causing this.  I am willing to try anything at this point.  Any thoughts?
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I have had folliculities on my scalp for over 20 year seen over 20 Dr and specialist, the infection are getting worse to a point where it is attacking my immune system. I am trying to eat no sugar whether refined or non refined or substitute I have lost over 40 lb trying to kill the bacteria by cutting over it is main source of sugar supply and trying to eat only what naturally exist in nature, it is my last hope.
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I have experience having scalp foliculitis too. I have read plenty of forum but found nothing that can help it at bay. I did visited dermatologist but could not provide permanent solution. one day, I met a person and told me at it could be because of my blood sugar so I decided to have FBS and found out I am prediabetic. now I eat less sugary food and less sweets and that cures my foliculitis. it only comes back whenever I eat too much sweets. you guys better check your blood sugar too, you might be prediabetic too and that causes your foliculitis.
let me hear if it helps.thanks.

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Probably you eat different type of food. I notice the same when I travel to South America.
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Hi all...

I have the same issue... but not always. I have outbursts that are normally related to the consumption of bread and pasta. But not all types.

If I avoid it, I have no issues.
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I have had the same issue for about 3 years now..It started with acne on my face for which I tried all possible medications (Clindamycin, minocycline, doxy...you name it..) . Nothing helped and then my derm switched me to acutance for 6 months which got rid of my facial acne but a few months after I developed chronic scalp folliculitis. Over the last three years I have tried everything from shampoos to different medications. The only thing that keeps my scalp clear is 100mg capsules of minocycline (mind you that I have been on it for the last 2 years. Everyday at night time right before bed). The only problem is if I stop the Minocycline, the folliculitis appears back within 2-3 days. I have also tried pus samples, cultures, biopsies etc. and everything was normal.
I live in Canada and this problem may be climatic (as far as I believe). Every few years I travel to India for a month or so and for the entire duration I am there (~1 month) my scalp heals and remains free of folliculitis even when I am on NO Medication whatsoever!.
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I was suffering from recurring scalp folliculitis for almost 15 years.  I’m 39, female, Asian w/natural hair, over weight, pre diabetic, have Hashimoto’s disease (hypothyroid).  Like everyone else I’ve tried acne meds, antibiotics, anti fungals, steroids, diet changes, spices, colloidal silver, etc... also tested for staph, biopsies, A1C (blood sugar) - and nothing special happened or was found.  One thing I have never tried are the stronger medications like Accutane.  My recurring folliculitis was mainly small puss filled spots; however, I had a few boils(?) that were so large and painful, it hurt to move my eyebrows and left small bald spots; mercifully, my hair grew back. My scalp felt like a crusty decorative autumn squash. Due to embarrassment, I’d get my hair cut only once a year.

About 2 months ago I found my solution, oddly, back at square one: 3% benzoyl peroxide.

Take it for what it’s worth, but this is how my solution came about.

At 39, I started getting adult acne fairly badly on my face and started using Retin-A and salicylic acid; however, neither were helping.  I read online that while SA & Retin A can help keep pores clear and skin rejuvenated, it’s benzoyl peroxide that actually kills the acne bacteria.  I was reticent about using benzoyl peroxide because in the way back, I used the 10% max strength bp and it bleached my hairline, pillow cases, clothes - everything it came in contact with - so I stopped using it.

One day at Walmart I started looking for a lower concentrate bp, and decided to try the AcneFree for Sensitive Skin kit (blue/white kit).  After about a week, my face started clearing up but more interestingly, my hairline was not bleaching.  Since I work from home, I took that as a cue to throw caution to the wind and slap it all over my scalp. After a week or so there was significant improvement on my head (and face).

Flash forward 2 months, and my scalp is clear.  About every other day or so I part my hair in sections and try to cover my entire scalp with the lotion.  Every now and again the 3% bp will make my head itch, but i’ll take the itch over the lesions any day.  I’m hoping as time progresses I can eventually stop using the goo, but we’ll see.

Anywho, I imagine many of you scour the internet looking for remedies, and you’re probably aware that folliculitis has many many modalities and what works for some may not work for others… I sincerely hope this post helps someone out there.

Take care!
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