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Hair itchiness and white things stuck to hair

I've had this problem with my hair for almost a year now. My head is ALWAYS SO itchy and it drives me nuts. NOTHING works- i use a LOT of hair products but I dont think it's all from that. Not only do I have a scalp itchiness problem but I also have these with things stuck to my hair. It's so weird, I panicked for like a week thinking it was head lice so I went out and boucht one of those Nit combs and used it on my hair. ALL those white oval shaped things came out, but no lice??? I'm so confused. After about three days after I combed, the white things came back. I don't understand- I fit was head lice both my son AND my husband AND everyone at my work would hair it (due to hairbrushes and headsets). I just dont get it, Ive looked up every scalp thing on the internet and NOTHING sounds like this white stuff on my hair but head lice- but I've checked so many times. PLEAASSSSE HELP!!!

This discussion is related to itchy scalp.
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Finally I have a doc that's helping me iv had this **** goin on for a year now iv read up on heaps n nearly convinced I would never get proper help after 100 dermatologist told me I was crazy 1 finally took me serious! I'm seriously on the mend and my skin is healin slowly but its starting to go away. SULFUR PASTE AND TRICORTONE CREAM!!! Sulfur mixed with zinc cream I cover myself every night and in the morning I apply the cream don't wash the paste off! I seen results in a week!!! Hope this helps some ppl as I know how desperate I was for a cure!!!
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I'm going to try this! I've been told I'm crazy and I'm imagining the sensation of something crawling on my head. I'm so desperate to find something to get rid of this. It's on my body too
Sulfur paste and tricortone cream where to put? Where do u get it from ?
OH MY GOD THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH this has been driving me crazy I've check my entire bedding my brush and everything else I use on a daily basis and glad I don't have to shave my head thank you sooo much but the question is where do I get those things
On hair.. any idea what to apply??? Can't apply paste
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Ive had this for a while and I've tried so many things. I thought it could be Morgellons Disease but there is no evidence of what causes it or how to treat it. There are Several theories. Ive been researching years because it is driving me nuts. Read a excerpt Ive pasted below. This seems to make sense. In the meantime , get some dandruff shampoo that has ketozenol in it. CVS has it. It helps with the itching and lint looking stuff  for a while. Ill let you know if I discover anything else.

White piedra is an uncommon yeast infection of the hair. Several species of a fungus that live in soil or dirty water can cause white piedra.

Piedra is the Spanish word for stone. White piedra appears as white or light brown stones that loosely attach to the tip of a hair shaft and may group to form clusters. The stones, which people sometimes call concretions or nodules, feel gritty and are easy to remove.

White piedra occurs more often in warm and tropical regions of the world, such as South America, Africa, and the southeastern United States. The infection can affect people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities.

Although white piedra is a relatively harmless condition, without treatment, it can lead to brittle and damaged hair. People can treat it by shaving the affected area and applying an antifungal medication.
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You could have had just one pregnant louse go and lay a truck load of eggs and then you combed them all out, it's very rare actually to see a louse unless you use a shampoo like Nix that has insecticide in it, I went my whole life to 36 without catching lice then caught it I guess I had it for a few days or a week and I only washed out about 10 to 20 full grown dark bodied lice. Full-grown louse only lays about 5 to 8 eggs a day. Thank God.
I feel like that guy Job from the Bible at the same time traveling with the lice was pubic lice not where they usually crop up, they first attacked on my head, (yuck!) This sometimes happens as they love to be roommates, now I'm finding (this is what I think you have not lice)if I brush my hair with a nit comb that there are what appear to be nits, but there are also no adult lice I brush my hair for hours looking what I did find was some type of soft-bodied worm-like like insect residing in some of my hair follicles they are very delicate their bodies are so soft that a few minutes out of the hair will dry them up completely leaving them looking like little white or clear goop pieces, ever since I've had them I still get what seems to be nits but I think they're just the type of tiny fly laying a new generation in exactly the same spot as a louse would and it climbs down hair shaft to I don't know,eat oil and dead skin cells or whatever until it climbs up the hair and turns into a different kind of gross.
I'm not sure exactly what species they are but you might have these. A way to test is to start at the side of your head with a pair of tweezers that have meeting ends like the ones with teeth and grab a few hairs with the tweezers and squeeze right around the base of the hair at the scalp, if you hear a crunching sound instead of what you would hear normally hear at the mid or end of the hair shaft you might have them. You should also,(by doing this) pull a bunch of them loose and usually be able to use a nit comb to comb them out they are sticky white or clear and very tiny. Somewhere to start anyway, since their bodies at this point are 97 to 98 % water, I have gotten rid of them in a test run anyway wish alcohol pads that I had left on with small clips for 10 minutes I plan to use a hair dye bottle 2 coat my scalp in alcohol gel (hand sanitizer) and that should take care of them and creepy eggs that come with them, wish me luck hopefully my hair doesn't fall out, I hope you find out what's happening.
P. S. On the internet I have read that apple cider vinegar loosens the hold that lice eggs has on your hair if you find that this is what you have it makes it easier to comb them out, Nix also makes a combo pack that comes with gel to put in so you can easily come out eggs after you use the shampoo.
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Well, this could be a case of excessive sebum(naturally produced body oils, the same behind oily skin and acne problems) that's then coagulating into small masses. If this is the case, over treating it with a myraid of medicated shampoos and vinegar could make the problem worse by stimulating sebum production. Try anti-sebum shampoo, wash your face with gentle soap and warm water daily, coconut oil can help draw out the sebum and lessen production, wrapping a warm damp towel around the area can help too, not showing too often or too little in water that isn't too hot(which increase sebum production) or too cold(which can cause it to thicken in pores and become a clog to the follicle), peppermint oil and asprin can help with blood circulation near the skin which can help, and most difficult but most important do noy touch/poke/scratch/probe the affected area too much!
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Do acupuncture to boost immune system.
Do Morgellons Shield protocol, taking NAC amino acid, L-cysteine, and Branch Chain amino acids, along with vitamin C every day. Google Morgellons Shield 1 on Internet.
Do sauna or steam face, and u will see lint coming out of hair and falling into basin. Wash hair (after steaming)in basin of water and u might get to see what this stuff is. Include a spoonful of food grade Diamataceous Earth (fr internet) and a spoonfull of psyllium husk, from health food store, into your daily morning cereal to get this stuff out of your body. It is a parasite.
U can rub neem oil, lavender oil or peppermint oil on scalp and body to assist in getting this stuff off body.
Keep clean house because this stuff drops on floor and also infests clothing. Use swifter and u will see this stuff. Good luck everyone. This stuff is probably from chemtrails.
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Thank you for the direction in getting rid this stuff! I have battled this for 4 years! I thought it was live but it's not!!
I have tried most of this. The diamataceous , sulfur, parasitic ridding vitamins,  DHEA, blue light and so much more. While all of these rid the symptoms for a while, it seems to come back eventually. I thought I had morgellons, autoimmune disease, candida.... I have found an0ther theory online. White Piedra which is a rare hair fungus that you can not get rid of without a script. That's what I read anyway. Look it up and see if its what you have been experiencing.

One thing I have not tried is the psyllium husks. I will definitely be running by a Whole Foods to pick some up. Thank you for that.

Im unsure of exactly what it is but its terrible and so hard to get rid of.
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most want to send u to a head doctor. Mine did..
One said I had a scalp infection & I got some pills, it worked I think.
.....my advice..never use anything but medicated shampoo & whatever conditioner...could use white vinegar for final rinse & leave in.
The problem is still there. yet I do
have control of it....
PS. rotate different medicated shampoos
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It is possible that you have myiasis (fly- type parasite living inside your scalp.)I have it and feel something tiny continually hit my head or a crawling sensation. So I shaved my head which made it easier to clean but more sensations too. The reason why this white/black specked flying parasite comes to you is they communicate with each other and are attracted to a head that is already infected. I finally found a product that is getting them out of head and is non-toxic.Cleans them off body helps heal lesions, sores, infested skin. It got them out of my fingers. Search debriding soap,NG.It work.  Tricky thing is the population is hovering and flying around your home and you and anything that you come within 5-10 feet of sill get reinfected. The internal body may be as well.  I'm about to begin a borax food graded mixture with liwuid hydrogen peroxide to kill them inside. Also going to try tetrasodium edta with ammonium chloride. Just do a search. I plan on leaving everything behind, go into a far infrared sauna, regular one, remove sll hair, hath and showe,  coming out to new clothes someone brings. Also need to get healthy so they don't come to you in the future.so it is a multi pronged approac,  internal, external, and beginning anew.
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Did you get rid of this problem
What the hell are you talking about you sound as loony as people that put foil on their heads. Are you really serious about what you just wrote or are you just messing around?
Oh my God you were not joking my appologies. This is what i think i have i am tryimg bath salts and coconut oil now I am so grossed out right now. Please is there a way to het rid of them please
1622203 tn?1299048785
I have the same thing. The white, oval things on your strands of hair are called "hair casts". I also thought I had head lice because the white things wrapped around my strands of hair and I could only get them off by sliding them all the way down the strand of hair. However, they came out easily. Nits, they stick into the hair shaft, not wrapping around it, and are hard to get off. When my oldest daughter had head lice the only way I could get the nits out was by using my fingernails or a nit comb. But Google "hair casts" for more info about them. Hope this helps!
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Dear eve15, Did you ever find an answer to your problem?  I hope so. If you did, could you share it with me?  I have had a similar problem for about eight years now, except in my case, the texture of my hair has become HARD and WIRY. It looks like such a tangled, unkempt mess that I finally had to start wearing a wig, mind you, before this all happened, I had beautiful baby fine, slightly wavy hair. Women actually used to come up to me on the street and ask me who my hairdresser was!  In addition, the roots of my hair come out and they are completely bent and deformed looking!  A doctor I went to thought it was black piedra fungus, but when she examined it under a microscope it wasn't. Like I said, I really hope your problem has been cleared up and that you can possibly share your solution with me.  Thanks so much.  Sincerely, D.
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Well, whatever they are I have them. Tiny hard white bumps that come out using a nit comb. They are definitely dead if they were ever alive.  I use white vinegar and let it sit for a while, then when I run the comb through my hair, these little gooey patches are on the comb.  I next rub in some 92% rubbing alcohol in case there is any living in there and to sterilize. Then I use a dr. bonners to shampoo with some oil in it.  I figure if it is a living thing like lice between the vinegar, alcohol and oil it has to be dead.  Most of these things are toward the back of my head, so I'm thinking it would just be allergy to pillow or pillowcase or what I wash them with.
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i have exactally what u have have you found anything that works ....please I need your help
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!!!!!SEA SALT, SEA SALT, SEA SALT, SEA SALT, SEA SALT, SEA SALT!!!!!! Best Demodex Mite killer hands down.
Best Malessezia Yeast (the ******* responsible for seborrheic dermatitis and alopecia) killer hands down.
WHAT TO DO: 1. Add PLENTY of the Sea Salt to hot water;  2. apply plenty hot water to area/s you'll be cleansing (as hot as you can stand) to open the pores, and then apply hot water and sea salt mixture;  3. DO NOT rinse if using on scalp, groin, etc. If using on face, leave on for at least 5 mins.
Do this face wash every day 1-2 times a day. Other areas 1 times a day.
**If you have several places on body with issue... wash ALL areas at same time... mites move from one location to the next if necessary. Demodex & Malessezia live in nose hair follicles, in eyelash/brow follicles, deep in ears, teeth/gums, scalp hair follicles, along sides of nose in crease, temples, chin 'dip', and more. You MUST knock out ENTIRE population or infestation will return.
IF MOISTURIZER BECOMES NEEDED: Very often if infestation is bad, the first week or so your skin will sluff off as if you've been burned. Sea Salt naturally dries out healthy skin, so...If skin gets to dry you can mix 3 drops of straight Tea Tree Oil with a small Organic Coconut Oil and use as moisturizer. NEVER use Undiluted Tea Tree Oil; and since it's an oil, it can ONLY be diluted using another oil... oil and water do NOT mix!
Wash ALL bedding and laundry... ALL of it (socks, undies, pants, shorts, hats, shirts, scarfs, EVERYTHING in the hottest water the material will allow if avoiding shrink issues AND BUNCH of SEA SALT! NO laundry detergents! No fabric softeners. ONLY SEA SALT & H20!! Never reuse clothing item or towels more than once until you get this crap under control!
Use spray bottle and spray mattresses, pillows, couches, chairs, etc. with Sea Salt and H20 at least every 3rd day.
Sorry folks that's ALL you should use on your body, laundry, furniture until you get this under control. You can NOT use ANY hand soaps, face soaps, organic soaps, pure castille soaps, make up remover, skin syrums, ANY type of body moisturizers, no deodorants, no perfumes... NOTHING. Both of these leeching bastards live off OILS (hence the love for our particularly over-producing, uber oily, sebaceous glands/follicles).... ALL and ANY oils and sugars. They eat, break them down, multiply, and die. Malessezia yeast leave their waste all over us, creating a nasty bio-film cream and/or grayish grease that contains stuff that Demodex feed off of... so one out of hand issue ,can lead to another for some. You think that's gross? Demodex burrow into your skin to die and decompose there. Not full of goose bumps yet? Google images of Demodex Mites before bed tonight. You'll have bought every container of Sea Salt in your zip code by 7am tomorrow morning.
ALL THIS SEEMS CRAZY WORK TIME CONSUMING, who has the time??? If you are truly as miserable as all the posts scream above... YOU!!! Take this time for yourself and better your quality of life!
I hope this not only helps a few of you, but hundreds of you. I'm not sure if it's a cure all, but if you put in the manic effort, and are determined to kill this problem... this will get you a sure-fire 95% of the way there, if not to that seemingly impossible 100%.
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Is there a specific brand that you find as your favorite, and will this help with the shedding of my skin.
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Of course they do. They are a doctor. And their response is perfectly typical. All the misery, anxiety, confusion and suffering being shared here, and this person has the nerve to say, 'Relax, it's nothing. You're normal. BTW, you can rest easy with my answer.... I am a doctor (pediatrician)."  Not even sure why people continued posting after their comment. We're ALL normal; nothing's wrong guys. What a typical PRACTIC(e)-IONER douche bag.
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Do you still stand by this propagated statement?
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oh wow.  i've been going nuts trying to find out what;s going on with my hair and here you are describing it almost exactly, except i havent got the rectal hair.  but what is it?  it's been a year since i started getting the irregular thickness of my shaft, and now i've cut my hair man-short, i hate my hair being  shorter than shouldr length!  i wish this would heal and go away so i can be pretty again!!
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After years of searching, I have finally identified a bug/larvae I've been seeing in my apartment. The last year I have suffered from scalp redness, tenderness, red spots, red bumps with salt like granules at the end of the hair, black blue looking hairs that are thin then texture gets thicker, tingling like crawling, itching and hair thinning, hair loss, oily flakey and irritated scalp, black dots underneath hair and over all itchy skin. I was diagnosed by a GP and a Derm with Seborrheic Dermatitis and put on a corticosteroid solution and dhs shampoo. After bloodwork I was diagnosed with iron deficiency and put on an iron supplement. Long story short I am now SHOCKED to learn about ANTHRENUS VERBASCI, carpet beetles known as fabric eating insects who feed on fabric, wool, pet hair, human hair, carpet fibers and live behind walls, baseboards, in the attic, in birds nests and around windows signaling infestation. Carpet Beetle Dermatitis is years of exposer developing hypersensitity. Testimonials from others have exact same symptons.....I was speechless!
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Here we had a really bad infestion of carpet beetles Steve's bug off identify the larva we found in our bedroom. So we got rid of all carpet in our home which they can live without but I've had all these symptoms ever since we removed our carpet so almost a year I've been really bad. I was definitely sure it was from the carpet beetles every time I cleaned it got worse. Mind you before we knew what they were my hair would itch really bad at night and my husband had a rash. He now has no symptoms but I have all the items described by millions but I'm really not crazy and that's the sad part. Hopefully a doctor or maybe the CDC will truly put two and two tougher we could only wish for our sake but thanks for you're post it confirmed what I was sure of....
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It seems like more than one problem is being discussed here.

I have the wax or gel like sheath around the part of the hair under the skin. It is usually not painful but can get infected and the sheath part gets thicker and can be painful until plucked. It is not all of my hair or most of it.

I have a medical background. It is in no way a normal part of the shaft or follicle. It easily doubles the diameter of the portion of the shaft below the level of the skin. I can get a spot of blood after plucking a leg or mustache hair with a thicker sheath.

I also have eczema. It appears to be associated with my eczema which can be quite bad at times, so my skin is frequently itchy. It appears to be an autoimmune process. When my eczema is under control due to topical medications or oral corticoteroids, the hair follicle situation goes away.

Other than it being unusual, it does not cause me any difficulty and appears to be an odd symptom related to my eczema/inflammation rather than a separate problem.
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Demodex brevis.  Aka: Rosacea.  Aka:  demodex folliculorum
Demodex folliculorum is a species of face mite. D. folliculorum is one of the parasiticl face mites that occur on people.  Everyone has these ectoparasites living on them, however some have overpopulation of these critters due to a compromised immune system.  New studies have associated rosacea to over population of these demodex mites.  Most doctors will look at you like your crazy when you ask for ivermectin,, but you can google and find a online pharmacy (which are usually in India) which you can get without a prescription.  I did borax and peroxide baths until i found permethrin 10% (dog dip I purchased on amazon which I diluted to 5%), and ivermectin x 2 doses.  My skin is much better now, but I struggled with this for over 5 years.  The white thing at the end of the hair you pull is the mite...it's really creepy, right.  I'm an RN and can tell you don't waste your time and feelings trying to get a doctor to treat you for this condition....  Anyway, google the little bit of the above information I shared and you all will find much better explanations than mine.  Oh yeah, the blue/white fuzz in your brush that looks like dryer lint is what the mites look like after they die.  Hope I was able to help someone.   But please, google it and you will find many sources about this.
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Demodex brevis.  Aka: Rosacea.  Aka:  demodex folliculorum
Demodex folliculorum is a species of face mite. D. folliculorum is one of the parasitic/commensal face mites that occur on people.  Everyone has these ectoparasites living on them, however some have overpopulation of these critters due to a compromised immune system.  New studies have associated rosacea to over population of these demodex mites.  Most doctors will look at you like your crazy when you ask for ivermectin,, but you can google and find a online pharmacy (which are usually in India) which you can get without a prescription.  I did borax and peroxide baths until i found permethrin 10% (dog dip I purchased on amazon which I diluted to 5%), and ivermectin x 2 doses.  My skin is much better now, but I struggled with this for over 5 years.  The white thing at the end of the hair you pull is the mite...it's really creepy, right.  I'm an RN and can tell you don't waste your time and feelings trying to get a doctor to treat you for this condition....  Anyway, google the little bit of the above information I shared and you all will find much better explanations than mine.  Oh yeah, the blue/white fuzz in your brush that looks like dryer lint is what the mites look like after they die.  Hope I was able to help someone.   But please, google it and you will find many sources about this.
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To "Confused Girl" and "ReallyFedUp," you need to be looking in the Morgellons forums for help. You have the symptoms. The lint and fibers is a dead giveaway for this disease. It is not a surface condition but a systemic one.
morgellonsdiseaseawareness.com or look on Wolfe's site morgellonsaid.wordpress.com
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Demodex mite is not an invader. It's a normal occurrence to have them.
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one explanation: http://www.morgellonsuk.org.uk/micromyiasis.htm

but whatever it is....

I have tried everything... I am all about natural, so this might be a surprise, but what seemed to work the best for me and was the easiest: 1/4 to 1/2 cup of bleach in a bathtub of comfortably hot, but not too hot, water. Soak body fully, hair and scalp under water, for 20 minutes. Don't get it in your eyes, but do try to soak your face a bit with your eyes closed. Take a shower with natural soap, no perfumes, afterwards. Always rince very well. Use a blowdryer to dry yourself, no towels--they love towels. Step into your slippers or flip flops, but not on the floor when you get out of the shower. Stop using shampoo and conditioner, and use regular, mild all natural soap. (You can try teatree soap for a couple of washes, between the bleach baths, but don't overdo it with this either.) Do the bleach bath once. In the meantime, shower, and vacuum everyday and wipe down surfaces of your home, and at work and vacuum car regularly. It gets in clothes, so laundry needs to be treated. 1 cup vinegar, some laundry soap you can handle, not too harsh since the skin is being taxed already, or borax is good, soak laundry in hot water for one hour minimum. Dry extra time on high heat. Put in air-tight, sealed plastic bags. Shower and change clothes everyday. Throw away clothes, towels or blankets that are heavily infested, or be ready to wash them several times before they are free of these things. Keep your home dehumidified. An air filter also helps. Do this until you have no more symptoms for a good month--for as long as it takes. If you notice symptoms, start all again right away. Try to accept that this might be a new way of life. Not easy, but I had to. This, these little white things, like a fiber of a thread or tiny hair a milimeter or three long, and little white dots about the size of a grain of salt, that might at some point in their development, bite or bore into the skin leaving itchy red bumps, need to be treated like bird mites, scabies, bed bugs, parasites, whatever they are, collembola, slime mold, don't know yet, and the doctors don't want to know either. But--VERY IMPORTANT--don't use chemicals or pesticides. Use a spray mix of about 15 drops of essential oil of orange and about 10 drops of cedar essential oil to spray around the house after you vacuum. There are many other essential oils they don't like either, but this mix works. Try not to overtax your liver and kidneys with extra supplements, take only what is abolutely necessary until you start to improve. I try not to do the bleach too often, if it's the first time, you should likely take one bath, wait a few days, then take another. You must soak all brushes and combs regularly in the bleach water mix also, and same washing method for all scarves, hats, coats, everything you wear. Pray, meditate, exercise, or do something to relax yourself daily. Believe in yourself!! You can and will get beyond this!!! Eat healthy, stay away from chemicals, alcohol, sugar, yeasts. Get outside for fresh air a lot. Get support from understanding family members. Not everyone is affected, but those with weakened immune systems, so keep your immune systems healthy. It/they will go away if you keep this up. You are not alone. I thank all the people who have posted in many forums. Now I'm sharing what worked for me. Remember the nature of healing is up and down. This is a slow process, months to years, so be patient and don't get down if you think it has finally been resolved and it comes back again. Hormones related to stress attract these things. That is the nature of this thing, but eventually the periods between them coming back get longer and when they reappear, they are not as strong, but YOU are!  Working at keeping yourself happy isn't such a bad thing!
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You are not alone. It sounds like natural sebum build up on the end of your hair follicles, which I've been told can be really itchy. I recommend going to a Hairforce clinic if you are concerned about having head lice, then can see  if you have them or not, then they comb through and check for eggs. Check for your nearest clinic. I went to one and the woman was so so helpful and helped me realise I've not got head lice after 20 years of worry myself, whatever has happened in the past, it is now natural white round balls of sebum right on the end of the hair follicle making my head itchy. The lice eggs are teardrop shaped, greyish when placed on a tissue and become longer when they lice hatches. Live lice are tiny as babies so they can be easily missed. My head still itched but I know the cause is not lice now so I can relax. The depression and shame that can come with this, and the isolation is terrible so please don't give up hope of resolving this. You can do it!
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