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Hair itchiness and white things stuck to hair

I've had this problem with my hair for almost a year now. My head is ALWAYS SO itchy and it drives me nuts. NOTHING works- i use a LOT of hair products but I dont think it's all from that. Not only do I have a scalp itchiness problem but I also have these with things stuck to my hair. It's so weird, I panicked for like a week thinking it was head lice so I went out and boucht one of those Nit combs and used it on my hair. ALL those white oval shaped things came out, but no lice??? I'm so confused. After about three days after I combed, the white things came back. I don't understand- I fit was head lice both my son AND my husband AND everyone at my work would hair it (due to hairbrushes and headsets). I just dont get it, Ive looked up every scalp thing on the internet and NOTHING sounds like this white stuff on my hair but head lice- but I've checked so many times. PLEAASSSSE HELP!!!

This discussion is related to itchy scalp.
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I also have this issue. B/M/36 have been suffering from this since I was 18. I pull these hairs from my groin constantly. But until they come out of the skin where I can grab them w/ tweezers, I scratch constantly. Please somebody help... as soon as I pull a hair with the clear waxy substance, RELIEF!!! I hate this I pull 2 or 3 yesterday please help. What is it.
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hi i have the same white things in my hair my head is itchy and my hair is falling out what should i do can people catch it
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I have the EXACT same thing you describe. It sounds so weird to finally hear someone else describe the same issue I have had for about 15 years. I deal with the same thing daily...have you found anything out as to what it is or what helps to treat it?

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White piedra and black piedra
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Please read my posts regarding Morgellons. These are common symptoms and the disease is spreading and still not recognized. 300k in world have this. I believe this disease is covered up because it is due to biotechnology, and the ramifications will affect certain corporations drastically, as well as the US agricultural department.

To take away the itch, I washed my hair/soaked in borax  and that helps. also denorex shampoo weekly, and pepper oils dropped in shampoo. I use coconut oil shampoos, and body oils. I scrub head often in salts. DO you have any pimples at the base of your skull that feel like mosquito bites? another sign. theres much  more to this. It is a systemic infection, get treated right away if you think you have it or you can wind up like those horrid pictures others posted who did not have treatment. SO much more for you to do. Drink lemon water with peeled skin, and add cayenne pepper, and slight agave syrup or honey for sweetener. This is a systemic infection, and that mixture supposedly helps with the biofilm this disease creates inside our bodies, and on our skin. avoid sugar. avoid stress(good luck with that one)
I am suffering greatly and everyday is a struggle.. I am making an effort to inform people because most are in the dark, and if we do not make this seriously public we will suffer continually.

Thankfully, some doctors are studying this now.. It took a few compassionate doctors in this entire world to really look into deeper magnifications. It was previously dismissed as textile fibers and patients were DX as delusional. Be careful what doctor you go to because that DX is not good and most docs are not aware of this disease. Join support groups and they will help you.

research Randy Wymore at Oklahoma University through the Charles Holman Foundation. It is believed that this disease may stem from an old disease, but may have been genetically altered with a parasite, a virus, a bacteria, fungus, and other unidentified fibers that do not match any DNA database. It is theorized that this affliction was created for our food supply using GMO(genetically modified organisms for agriculture called agribacteria, and also related to chemtrails, and H.A.A.R.P. technology. They are messing with our universe and no one knows. It is also believed that Cell phones and other electronic devices may play a role in this disease - clifford carnicom research. There are many theories, but we need public recognition to force money towards research.
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Vogel's Neem Oil shampoo is good for various bugs in hair. Justagirl's description sounds to me like scabies mites in scalp. That is why they are not caught in a nit comb, they are burrowed in the scalp. That scabies could not be in scalp and face is a myth springing from the fact that permethrin is too strong to be applied there. Use pure virgin neem oil instead.
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I have trichotillomania, a case where I pull out my hair.  Often times, when I pull out hair (more often shorter hair) there will be a clear-white oval attached to the hair near the small follicle bulb at the end of the hair.  It feels ever so slightly damp.  What is this?
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