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Red itchy bumps on the palms of the hand

I have been having sensitive and irritable skin on the palms of my hands lately.  I was itching a bump that I thought was a spider bite when I decided to take a good look at both hands.  There are red itchy and irritated bumps on both palms.  Some itch, some hurt a little.  I have a few on my right hand where you would develop calluses, but especially on the fleshy part just below the pinky.  Last year for the first time I developed a patch of eczema over my eyebrow, so I wouldn't rule that out, but this is something brand new for me.  Is Cortisone Cream the answer?


This discussion is related to Itchy rash on palms of hands.
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Interesting.  I have had two truly severe bouts of exzema in my adult life - on the backs of my hands and the backs of my knees.  both were related to some kind of chemical reaction to something in soaps. never found out what!  then I had a severe reaction to penecillin followed by ampicillin where the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet became so itchy I almost could not sleep and then during the night swelled up like cushions - like a horrible burn.  After taking histamine the swelling went away in about three days then all of it peeled, again like a burn.  Now I have begun to develop your really itchy bumps on the sides of my hands, exactly as descibed which really itch and become painful then go away.  I am relating these problems because my second response is an allergen of some kind and at first I thought it might be spiders.  Now I am wondering if it is related to any of my cleaning compounds - I have switched over four years to natural cleaners because of my hands - or something to do with gardening as i rarely wear gloves.  could be anything!
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I found I had a sensitivity to pork through a naturopath who tested me for all kinds of things after I started getting strange rashes of different types all over my body (each related to different foods). It was a systemic thing for me, which got under control with homeopathic remedies and mostly staying away from offending foods. Best thing I could've done! Drinking lots of water helps flush out the "toxins" faster.
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My answer came from a friend of mine who has several severe allergies and saw my itchy, bumpy palms. She said it was a reaction to pork fat. I have a sensitivity (not allergy) to pork fat, but get that same reaction every time I eat or overload on eating something with pork fat in it. That includes gummies that don't say "fat free." I learned that most gelatin is made from pork. Hope this helps. I haven't had any issues since staying away from it.
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I've had this "itch" for about 5 months. it first started with what you had on your hands with the small red/white bumps on both of my pinkies and sides of hands. it worse and worse and now its throughout my entire body! Now at 5 months going on 6 i now have bumps and dry skin all over palms and hands. it went from my hands quickly to my thighs. then from my thighs to my calves and legs. to my feet instantly and i began to get the same bumps from my hands on my feet between toes and on my big toe. I got a cream from mexico called konaturil. it has worked exceptionally for my toes and thats what it is for. i first noticed this rash on my pinkys at school and went to the nurse who cortisone cream. i will tell you right now, IT DOES NOT WORK. CORTISONE CREAM DOESN'T WORK. Its a steroid that will only enhance the itch and make move around your body as soon as its washed off. I am also looking for help of this "Itch" its very annoying. PLEASE ANYBODY HELP!
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Could be scabies
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The only thing I can think of is silver polish which I used before the holidays.  I'm noticing that new bumps are appearing while old ones fade away but this irritation started at least a couple of weeks before the holidays.  I will take your recommendations regarding cortisone cream and light cream moisturizers and let you know how it goes.  Thanks.

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Have you handled any chemicals lately?

Have you tried using new chemicals, cleansers, soaps prior to the onset of these bumps?

One thing to consider here is irritant dermatitis or xerotic dermatitis. This is one type of dermatitis wherein itchiness may be secondary to the dryness caused by continuous exposure to irritants.Does this apply? The skin becomes dry and this would initiate an itch-scratch cycle which could lead to scratching.The scratching may lead to the excoriations.

You may try using the cortisone creme sparingly only on involved areas. Then inform your primary physician about this . Do not use the creme for a long time. Stop using when the symptoms subside.

Avoid any known irritant. Moisturize your hands with a light cream.Use cream instead of lotion.
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