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Out o fmy mind

About 8 weeks ago I noticed a red area developing on the head of penis.  Being uncircumcised I am sensitive to soap in that area and usually use a very mild antibacterial to clean myself.  On that particular day I was out my usual and used my body wash to clean.  I any case I treated the area with a Hydrocortisone and Canestin mix and within 7 days it cleared up.  Two days later my wife and I had intercourse and the following night I felt a familiar tingle on my penis.  The next morning the redness was back and was worse.  I went to walk in clinic where the Doctor scared the **** out of me by suggesting it might be Herpes, but he did not take a swab because it was a long weekend and no labs were opened.  I explained to him that I have had a history of similar outbreaks and that I was always been prescribed Kenacomb cream which usually cleared up within 2-3 weeks.  I stared using an equivalent ointment, Viaderm (Kencomb is not available anymore) and it seemed to work.  One morning I was in the shower and noticed pain on my penis while I washed and notice that a small area of skin on my penis glans had ruptured and began to peel.  I went to the doctor the next day where a swab was taken of the area and an antibiotic cream was prescribed and was also told to use an over the counter hydrocortisone cream.  It didn’t work… more skin began to peel and whole head became enflamed.  The open areas were steadily leaking a clear fluid.  Back to the doctor I went.  My swab was negative for bacteria and fungus but I was prescribed antibiotics anyway. I was also prescribed Triacomb instead of the Viaderm I was using, and after about a week the swelling went down and my penis was no longer painful to touch.  The red areas began to recede and all was going well.  I should mention at this point that the inside of my foreskin was also affected and the whole time this was going on (3 weeks) I was leaking a clear fluid which I was told was due to the inflammation.   I should also mention that the Traicomb cream seemed to turned yellow white and form a layer over the affected areas.  Two weeks after continuing that treatment I had a flare up.  The tip of my forskin became red and very dry.  It burned when I urinated and It hurt to pull back my foreskin to treat the other affected areas and the cream seemed to top working.  I began to get more redness back on my penis head.  Back to the doctor I went.  Puzzled he took a viral swab and a blood test and suggested that it might be herpes but it would be the strangest case he ever saw and if it did turn out be herpes he would be very surprised.  I am waiting on the results now.  I stopped all creams for a couple of days and nothing seemed to be happening, until yesterday.  The leaking fluid was back in all the affected areas and the redness seemed to develop bumps (not blisters).  Also there was a ***** film that had an odor.  I am back on the Triacomb in case the area is now infected and it seems to be working again.  I am going out of my mind.  I have had outbreaks (not nearly this bad) for about 20 years.  Several different doctors have looked at it and none until now have ever mentioned herpes.  I have spoken to my wife about this, whom is very distraught.  I was her first but I was quite promiscuous prior to meeting her.   We have been together for 12 years and I have one very mild outbreak about 8 years ago.  Could this be herpes that lay dormant for this time only to come back with a vengeance now?  I am seeing a dermatologist in two days but as I said I am going out of mind.  
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Hi guy,
I have read your article with much interest as I have had pretty similar problems. I am a thirty year old married man with a four month old son.
A few years ago I got an itch on the crown of my penis and I went to my then G.P. He examined me and gave me a prescription for an over the counter cream called Canesten. He never gave me any other advice. Over the rest of the years I continued to have the problem. It was the middle of this year (2008) when the problem eventually came to a head (pardon the pun). Again I got an itch but this time my penis started to also get sore. One day when I was with my current G.P. I happened to ask him about the problem that I was having.
Upon examining me he concluded that I had a fungal infection. So naturally I asked him to give me a cure.
As I had a lot of redundant tight foreskin he spoke to me about the possibility of a circumcision. Then he advised me as to how to clean the crown.
“Gently pull back the foreskin. Then using just water, wash the crown while holding the back foreskin (i.e. in the shower every evening).”
Armed with this advice I paid the man and left. I filled the prescription for Kenacomb and went home.
Now let me tell you that for me pulling back the foreskin over the crown of my penis was not at all a pleasant experience as the foreskin was tight.
So at home I did as I was told I washed my penis in the shower and dried it off with some toilet tissue applied the cream and as quick as I could I push back down the foreskin. I did this for a week and as I was told the infection cleared up. About two weeks later I was due to return to the doctor for another matter and he happened to ask how I got on with the cream. I told him it worked and I applied it as directed but I have an itch again. So again I was to be examined.
Upon examination (and based on my own observations) we could see that this time I was much worse, I was sore, slightly swollen and peeling like an orange. Having thought about nothing else for the last few weeks I was waiting for his question.
“Have you come to a decision on the circumcision?”
I told him that I had, and that I was going to have it if it was in his opinion that it is the only cure.
So he told me it was.
As it is a fungal infection it loves dark damp places and lets face it there is not much light getting in and that fact that the area can never be 100% dry then it will just keep coming back again and again.
So for the second time I left his office feeling sorry for myself.
Over the next week I thought more and more about it and rang the doctor and asked him if there was not other cure and yet again I was told there wasn’t.
“Are you getting cold feet” the doctor asked
“Yes” I said.
So he talked me through it AGAIN.
“Go see this man, get his opinion and then decide,” he told me.
A week later I got a call from the doctor’s sectary and I was told of the appointment with the urologist.
When I went to the urologist I still had the infection and he told me the very same things as my own G.P. That circumcision is the only cure. He told me that he could do it the following Monday which nearly made me puke on the floor as to how soon to would be done. I told him that this was not convenient for me. So I was told to ring his sectary when I felt the time was appropriate (as it was a private clinic I could ring this week and possibly be seen next week).
A few weeks passed and so did the infection but not though any medication instead it was good old fashioned elbow grease sort of speak. Every day I washed my penis thoroughly and each time I realised that I could pulled the fore skin further and further back until eventually I nearly had my penis inside out. I dried it but as I was after stretching the skin over the last number of weeks I could walk around the bathroom and bedroom with the crown exposed to the air.
Once I had the infection cured I again questioned the idea of the circumcision until one night I felt the tingle of an itch. Quickly I ran to the sink and washed my penis. It was then that I realised that I knew what had to be done. It was decided the circumcision had to be done. Standing there looking at myself in the mirror I asked myself is this how I want to spend the rest of my life “washing my **** with ever little itch”.
So I made the appointment and had the procedure carried out. The procedure was done three weeks ago.

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