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"Hello"     Can someone help Me with a Pyogenic Granuloma Problem  -  I know that this will have to be Surgically Removed  -  But  that is something that there is `Up To` a 6 MONTH Waiting list for  -  Longer if the Hospital  `Day Surgery` gets More Important items to Operate upon.

The Problem is the Pyogenic Granuloma absolutely `STINKS`  -  In the Morning the Bedroom and most of the rest of the Home is absolutely `Stinking` of the most horrible smell that you could imagine  -  So `Bad` that members of the Family feel like Vomiting !

The area around this IS `Cleaned` with an Antiseptic Solution  -  TCP  -  to try and prevent Infection.

The Pyogenic Granuloma HAS been Seen recently by a Nurse Practitioner - who had been told by the Doctor to `Cauterise` it using `Caustic Pencils`  -  On that Day She referred to the Smell as an `Odour` !   - Having seen it She stated that there was `No Infection` present.
The `Smell` would cause MOST people to feel like Vomiting !

I have read `Online` that this is caused by `Necrosis` of the immediate area  -[Skin Cells `Rotting` ?]    I am worried that this type of `Growth` / `Tumor` could become Infected in a VERY Short time  - Possibly leading to `Serious Problems` ?

  These `Tumors` are REALLY inconvenient and on the Right Hand Thumb cause `Problems` with EVERYTHING in life  -  How something like this can be considered `O.K.` to  leave for 6 Months Plus [?]  - I really cannot understand.

Obviously I do realise that more important `Surgical Procedures` would take precedence -  But I understand that removing the Pyogenic Granuloma and Stitching the Wound is a very quick procedure ??

HOW can I Stop this from `Stinking`  for the VAST amount of time that is involved in waiting to have it Surgically Removed ??

I would REALLY APPRECIATE any help with this  -  As I stated the Nurse put onto the Medical Records that the Pyogenic Granuloma `Has an Odour`   -  She must have a poor sense of smell !

Thank you to anyone that can suggest any Cleaning Method  -  Although it must be `Kept Dry` or will Bleed    -  OR  - Any Product to use on the surrounding area to `Mask` the Smell ??

"Sorry" that my `Post` is so long winded   -  I will try to write less in future  -  I wanted to explain `Fully` - possibly `Prempting`  some Questions about this.

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The `latest` on this is that while attending a Hospital Appointment for an `ongoing` condition - the Smell was `noticed` -  Even when trying to `conceal` it with the strongest deodourant AND Vics Vapour Rub which has a smell of camphor !

The Doctor was `Horrified` that one was expected to `Live` / Walk about with this Pyogenic Granuloma - apart from the Smell - The inconvenience of Knocking it / Bleeding `profusely`!

He referred it to the Dermatology Department -  AS a `Walk in` procedure - BUT unfortunately
no-one was available to administer a `Local` Anesthetic !!  -  The Surgeons cannot do this - an Injection of Anesthetic into a Hand !

So because of this -  No Removal of the offending item  -  Now - Go home and wait for an appointment for `Day Surgery`  -  5 - 6 Months !!   OR More.

A Anti-Biotic / Steroid Cream has been prescribed -  `Use for 5 Days ONLY`   -  What about the other 6 Months ??
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563773 tn?1374246539
Pyogenic granuloma a primarily oral disease which appears as an overgrowth of tissue due to irritation, physical trauma or hormonal factors.  The bad odor need not necessarily be due to pyogenic granuloma. It can be due to gases produced by the action of certain bacteria on protein and other substances. These bacteria may be present on your tongue, in your mouth, Gums , nose, tonsils, esophagus or stomach.

I suggest you to get it evaluated from an oral surgeon. If it is infected then it has to be urgently surgically treated. Foul smell is produced only when there is presence of infection.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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"Hello Doctor",

If You read My Post - You would have seen that the Pyogenic Granuloma is on the Right Hand Thumb  -  Not My Mouth  -  So an Oral Surgeon is NOT the correct Medical Professional to give advice on this Problem.

I am very Disappointed with Your reply  -  You have Posted `Advice` that is NOT relevant to the Area in which My Pyogenic Granuloma is `Sited` .

Your whole `Post` is about an `Oral Pyogenic Granuloma`   -  Although I realise that You must be VERY Busy - And I admire Your dedication in giving advice on this Forum -  I cannot see HOW You would NOT have seen the `Location` of the `Growth`  ??

I also described that My Local Hospital WILL be Surgically Removing this - BUT - A `Long Wait`  for that appointment is resulting in a `Nightmare` - Having to `Live` with the Smell that I described  -   Which is NOT caused by `Oral Bacteria` - Or Bacteria from the Nose or Stomach  -  As the Pyogenic Granuloma is on My Thumb !

I was really hoping for a suggestion of something that would `Help` with the `Smell`  -  Again I am Very Disappointed !

I have been told by the Hospital Dermatology Department that because I am trying my Best to keep it `Clean` that the `Growth` is NOT Infected  -  They cannot believe the `Smell` !  - Which permeated the Entire Hospital Clinic  -  They had to Open all the Windows and People were having to leave the Waiting Area while I was waiting to be seen  - People felt `Sick` with the Smell !

No-one has been able to suggest anything to `Negate`/ `Mask` the Smell of this `Growth` - As I stated previously - I have tried  `Vics Vapour Rub` - Near it / On My Hand - which has a `Camphor` Odour  -  This does very little to `Mask` the `Stench`.

IF You do see this reply  -  could You Please at least respond to these `Facts` -  Pyogenic Granuloma  - On My Thumb  - Which has a `Foul Stench` - Absolutely Overpowering` !

I have ONLY just seen Your reply Today  -  3rd May [2011]  -  When I had not received a reply after about  10 to 12 Days after My First Post  -  I stopped coming to the website  - And I thought that I had `Set` for a `Notification` to be sent to Me IF a reply had been `Posted`  - when I did not get any `Notification` Email  - I thought that there were  `No replies`.

I hope to see a reply from You - After You have read this  -  If the `Tone` of this Message is not as `Polite` as You would expect - This is because of My `Disappointment` about the reply.


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"Hello Doctor",

If You read My Post - You would have seen that the Pyogenic Granuloma is on the Right Hand Thumb  -  Not My Mouth  -  So an `Oral Surgeon` is NOT the correct Medical Professional to give advice on this Problem.

I am very Disappointed with Your reply  -  You have Posted `Advice` that is NOT relevant to the Area in which My Pyogenic Granuloma is `Sited` .

Your whole `Post` is about an `Oral Pyogenic Granuloma`   -  Although I realise that You must be VERY Busy - And I admire Your dedication in giving advice on this Forum -  I cannot see HOW You would NOT have seen the `Location` of the `Growth`  ??

I also described that My Local Hospital WILL be Surgically Removing this - BUT - A `Long Wait`  for that appointment is resulting in a `Nightmare` - Having to `Live` with the Smell that I described  -   Which is NOT caused by `Oral Bacteria` - Or Bacteria from the Nose or Stomach  -  As the Pyogenic Granuloma is on My Thumb !  Another problem is the `Pain` and Bleeding - Every Day - sometimes several times a Day - When the `Growth` is `Accidentally Knocked` whilst doing `EveryDay Things`.

I was really hoping for a suggestion of something that would `Help` with the `Smell`  -  Again I am Very Disappointed !

I have been told by the Hospital Dermatology Department that because I am trying my Best to keep it `Clean` that the `Growth` is NOT Infected  -  They cannot believe the `Smell` !  - Which permeated the Entire Hospital Clinic  -  They had to Open all the Windows and People were having to leave the Waiting Area while I was waiting to be seen  - People felt `Sick` with the Smell !

When travelling to the Hospital - As a Passenger -   I had to hold My Hand out of the Car Window - Otherwise the Driver would not have been able to  Stay in the Car - Let alone Drive it !

No-one has been able to suggest anything to `Negate`/ `Mask` the Smell of this `Growth` - As I stated previously - I have tried  `Vics Vapour Rub` - Near it / On My Hand - which has a `Camphor` Odour  -  This does very little to `Mask` the `Stench`  - No Amount of  `Deodourant Spray is of any use.

IF You do see this reply  -  could You Please at least respond to these `Facts` -  Pyogenic Granuloma  - On My Thumb  - Which has a `Foul Stench` - Absolutely Overpowering` !

I have ONLY just seen Your reply Today  -  3rd May [2011]  -  When I had not received a reply after about  10 to 12 Days after My First Post  -  I stopped coming to the website  - And I thought that I had `Set` for a `Notification` to be sent to Me IF a reply had been `Posted`  - when I did not get any `Notification` Email  - I thought that there were  `No replies`.

I hope to see a reply from You - After You have read this  -  If the `Tone` of this Message is not as `Polite` as You would expect - This is because of My `Disappointment` about the reply.


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I Apologise that TWO `Posts` have been applied here Doctor  -  I am using Mobile Broadband - when I went to Submit in the First Instance - it did not seem to `Work`  -  I then looked at My Post again - Edited in some further details - then `Submitted` it.

I had thought that only ONE `Post` had been Submitted - Until I came to look at My Post and saw the TWO  -  The Second one has ALL My Text  - Where I had `Edited` the Post when I thought that it had NOT been Submitted.

I then looked for a way to `Delete` the First One  -  If this Facility does exist [?]  - I could NOT see how to do it.

My Apology  -  This kind of thing DOES Happen when using Mobile Broadband - Due to `Interferance` / `Weak Signal` /  High Usage where I am situated etc.


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I await Your Reply  -  "Please" DO Reply to Me  -  "Thanks".

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563773 tn?1374246539
The foul smell is emitted because of the necrotic material and tissue that accumulates in the pyogenic granuloma. A course of antibiotics along with the thorough cleaning that you are already doing can tackle the problem. However the definitive treatment is by surgical excision of the granmuloma.

I hope it helps. Take care and regards.

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"Thank You for Replying Doctor",

As You Know Doctors cannot Prescribe Antibiotics for a Period that will last MONTHS - As did the Pyogenic Granuloma  -  The ONLY `Course` of Antibiotics was Prescribed for ONLY 7 Days - which was `No Good at All` !  regarding the `Growth` was on the Thumb for 4 MONTHS !

The Granuloma was Removed at the Beginning of AUGUST !  -  A `Wait` of almost 4 MONTHS !

it was an `Absolute Disgrace` that My Local Hospital made Me wait for such a Period of Time before Surgically Removing the Pyogenic Granuloma -  In SECONDS ! - After the Anesthetic had been given - plus 20 Minute Wait.

There were NO Stitches involved  - After a `Local Anesthetic` to My Thumb -  The Procedure Only Took SECONDS !  The  `Diagnosis` that it would have to be `Removed in an Operating Theatre Environment` was NOT Done / Necessary after all  -  It was `Cut Off` in Seconds at a Clinic / Surgical `TROLLEY` - the `Root` was Removed with a small `Pipe Like` Implement - In Seconds  -  There was NO `Bleeding` - A Plaster was applied and I went Home.

The `Medical Professionals` involved in the Case should be `Disciplined` ! !  For the VAST Delay in arranging the Surgical removal.

For Others reading THIS  -  Please Read My Description of the SMELL that emanated from this Pyogenic Granuloma  -  Can YOU Imagine `Living with That`  ??   -  For 4 MONTHS !

Can YOU Imagine what kind of `Medical Professionals` would ALLOW One to `Have To Live with That`  -  For 4 MONTHS ??

I Should have gone to outside the A&E Department  - And Snipped it Off with Sterilised Scissors - Then Gone Into the A&E Department to get the `Bleeding` Stopped  -  OBVIOUSLY I am NOT `Recommending` that anyone else does THAT.

IF I seem `Bitter` about this  -  I AM !

I had hoped for some `Suggestions` on HOW to Manage the SMELL on here -  But I suppose that this is `Impossible` [?]   -  There is NO `Method`  ??

"Sorry"   that My Posts will NOT be of any Help to Others.


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Hi Chris,

I would suggest re-visiting that place you went to where the doctor was going to let you in as a walk in procedure, do not use anythign to mask the smell. Keep going until anesthetic can be administered. Surely they work there more than one day. Just keep going  and going. You'll get lucky :)

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Even tell you have hot sweats and feel all clammy, say anything to get you in lol
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My Local Doctor referred Me to My Local Hospital -  The `Day Surgical Department` made Me wait 4 MONTHS for something that could have been done on the FIRST VISIT in about 2 Seconds [After the Anesthetic Local Injection] !

It was an Absolute Disgrace -  Because of the TERRIBLE SMELL !  -  I had Members of My Family who could NOT Live in My Home while the Smell existed !  -  My Wife could NOT bear to be in the same room with the SMELL !  -  Let alone the same BEDROOM !

An EXCEPTION should have been made in MY or anyone else`s case who had the SAME   `STINKING` Pyogenic Granuloma !  -  ESPECIALLY as it took only SECONDS to remove !  

4 MONTHS of People wanting to VOMIT when anywhere near Me because of the `STENCH` !

I also nearly LOST My Small Business because of this `STINKING GROWTH`  -  IF My OWN FAMILY could NOT bear to be near Me -  Why would other People / Clients  ??

This also nearly turned Me into a `RECLUSE` !  -  HOW could I DARE go out and have to MEET People  -  ??   Strangers in the Street would RUSH AWAY from ME ? THE SMELL ! !

I would LOVE a Doctor / NHS Administrator to TRY to Justify My WAIT to have this removed by Quoting  `Waiting List`  -  After reading what I have described HERE and in My other Posts ! !

My LIFE was nearly RUINED because of this  -  When it could have been removed  IN SECONDS  -  AND the `Operating Theatre Environment` that WAS used as an EXCUSE for the WAIT was NOT USED when Removing the Pyogenic Granuloma  ! !  -   Just a Surgical TROLLEY ! !   -  and very basic Equipment  -  No Doubt Specialised for the Removal of these `Growths`.

If I seem  `BITTER`  -  YES I AM  ! !

I hope that this will be viewed as a `Cautionary Tale`  -  Do NOT allow your  Hospital to do this to YOU !

Regards to ALL Readers of this.

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My 2 year old has this problem and it bothers me some because he has the issue about 1inch above his eye. Every since he has this problem,  noticed that he crosses his eyes. I have tried to burst it on my own but the granuloma came back.  Every time that I wash his face it hurts him. I just would like to know if their is anything that I can give him at home to may stop it from getting any bigger and stop the pain. Is it ok for me to give him motrin everday for this problem?
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My daughter had pyogenic granuloma on her thumb and at first I didn't think anything of it when I first saw it because her thumb was just bleeding but there wasn't any visible tissue.  It stopped bleeding for about two weeks and then it started back bleeding when she had something prickly in her hand.  I took her to the doctor and that's when they diagnosed her with pyogenic granuloma.  He referred me to a dermatologist and the bad thing was the dermatologist office had a wait of a few months for making an appointment.  I took her back to the doctor because it was beginning to smell with pus inside of it and he referred me to Pediatric Surgery.  Once there, they took a look at it and made an appointment for surgery, only for that to be on hold due to insurance needing to verify the procedure. Meanwhile, I had to think of something to prevent the smell which was most likely caused by bacteria. I began to put essential oils of peppermint and tea tree oil on her finger everyday for six days straight. I did this twice a day and kept it wrapped with gauze.  It helped the smell tremendously and also killed the bacteria because of tea tree and peppermint's healing properties.  After six days of that, I added liquid chlorophyll to her regimen and the next two days her lesion came off without any pain.  All in between that I was calling the doctor's office and insurance company like crazy to try and see what was taking them so long but it looks like I didn't need them anyway.  Hope this helps someone.
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Does it hurt when you get it cut off?
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