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Recurring itchy welt at old bug bite site

Back in late September of 2007, what I thought was a mosquito bit me on my outer right calf.  It looked like a fairly typical bug bite.  It was itchier than a usual bite, but I've had allergies and wicked sensitive skin forever and I'm very good at not scratching things, so I was able to leave it alone.  Several days later, all signs of it were gone.  

A couple months later, the same spot starting itching again, but so badly that I couldn't ignore it.  There were three tiny but firm bumps within a quarter-sized, welt-like area of scaly skin (my skin was soft and smooth everywhere else - no rashes, no itches).  I tried to keep the area moisturized and used some hydrocortisone cream, but it didn't do anything, so I just sucked it up and ignored it.  It went away on its own in about a week - just like the first time, you couldn't tell any difference in the area from the rest of the skin.  It looked completely normal again.

But the stupid thing keeps coming back.  Sometimes it comes back after a couple of weeks; once it disappeared for three months - it's not regular at all.  I've experienced it about 15 times since it first occurred.  I'm starting to get nervous about it.  I've had several health issues (lethargy, chronic pain, weakness, worsening depression) since I got to Korea (which was about a month before the initial bite) and, until lately, I'd just ascribed them to my body and mind not getting along with this country.  Now, thanks to the paranoia-inducing wealth of information on the internet, I'm thinking the bite had something to do with it?  

Tell me; is it normal for a bite's effects to come and go like this over the course of almost two years, or should I stop conflating this with my other health issues? Thanks!!
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I was bitten by something one night by the lake in Chicago 18 years ago. I didn't notice it because I was intoxicated. But, the bite progressively got worse and within a week the whole back of my leg looked like a big indented bruise and I could barely walk. The doctor said it was a spider bite but because she didn't know what spider, she couldn't treat it properly. So she gave me something general and my leg healed. Since then, the bit comes back in the same area as a cluster of blisters in the center of a red circle and it hurts if I sit on it. Then it just dries up and goes away before I can see a doctor. I've heard similar stories from others but have found no answers. I even take pictures of it.
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I have the same problem! I was bitten by a fire ant on my toes two years ago and the same area itches like crazy every few months and gets inflamed and red. Sooo strange!!!
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I too have the same problem where I got chugged bites. Been going on for about a year now. They didappear and come back. May go see a dermatoligist.
Has the dermatologist been able to help? Any reasoning why the itch keeps coming back? For me it is so annoying!!!!
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So nice to know I'm not going crazy! I'm from the UK but my friends and I took a road trip to the Grand Canyon and Vegas, we stayed in a motel in Arizona with a pool and I sat on the edge dangling my legs in the water. A day or two later in Vegas I noticed an itch, two bites on the back of my right knee which were soooo itchy and red, very painful when rubbed etc. They lasted for a awhile, at least a couple weeks and were pretty awful. They randomly reappeared a few months later even though I've been back home and not near whatever bugs it was, and now one of them has come back AGAIN despite being the best part of a year later! So frustrating. Hope we get some answers!!
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I was bit by a tick on my arm once and that same spot on my arm still a couple of times a year a bump resurfaces. I know it was a tick because I had my mother help me remove it. He was deep though hence probably why it still does what it does. It looks like we all have the same reaction from different bugs! Very strange.
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I will bet you dimes to dollars it's herpes. Herpes can appear on the calf and you would be surprised to know how often it happens. You can pick it up at the gym, or, if you have genital herpes and you sit with your legs underneath you,  you can transfer it.
Herpes is recurrent, it's intensely itchy and it has blisters that sometimes weep and then crust up and dry, then flake off. Almost everyone who has herpes on the leg thinks it is a bug bite. When they tell their doctor they have an itchy bug bite, the doctor figures it's just a more severe than usual reaction to a bug bite.
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Wow, your story is similar to mine! Was bitten earlier this year by a small black spider on my little toe. (The spider disappeared before I could properly see what it was - just gone!) I had a swollen ***** bump with two red fang marks on it, it really hurt and I had some flu symptoms but then it slowly went away. The weird thing is that now when I have my period the bump on the toe returns, it is a flat bump under the skin and my toe turns red and sensitive. Somebody told me it could have been a Black Widow Spider (this was in Arizona) but I think their bites are more deadly so it must have been some other type of black spider.

My doctor just kinda rolled her eyes when I told her. Google does not produce fruitful searches either. So when I read your comment I felt that I am not crazy!
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Papule urticaria.  I get it all the time on left ankle where my original bite was.
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Just curious if you noticed the bites reappearing after you either added vitamins or had something that helps you detox?  I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and I've recently learned this can be due to the bodies inability to detoxify.

I've recently started dry brushing and using a coffee-sugar scrub and added a few new vitamins.  An old chigger bit on my shoulder from 22 years ago, just resurfaced.  It's never reappeared before now.

My guess, if yours is reappearing in waves, it's the bodies way of pushing out the toxins from the bite.  if your body can't detox, you can develop multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS).  MCS may be related to undiagnosed allergies, vitamin deficiencies or a metabolic issue.

My MCS was getting worse day by day.  When I added some vitamins it helped somewhat.  Then I discovered the pharmacy filled one of my prescriptions (Synthroid) with one tha contained gluten, acacia and food coloring and a list of other unnecessary ingredients.  I'm highly gluten intolerance.  Acacia has been known to be a cross-reactive for latex allergies or lectin intolerance.  
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I started synthroid about 1 month before this started with me.  What do you mean about they added stuff to your synthroid?  
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I have the same problem! 3 years ago, I lived in a duplex, we had a tree in the front yard and our parking was under the branches of the tree. I had seen spiders on the tree before. One morning as I am leaving for work, I sit in my car, as I am starting it I feel a HUGE sting on my left butt cheek, I immediately lifted myself off the seat and stayed stiff for about 10 seconds due to the pain I felt. I looked at the seat and around my car and saw nothing! The site of the bite turned red, super itchy with small blisters, about the size of 2 quarters put together. I put some ointment on it, eventually it dried up and it was gone. Since then I have been getting it on a monthly basis, sometimes I don't see it for 2-3 months at most. I have noticed that it comes out around the time of my period, which has led me to believe that whatever bit me had to leave either a stinger or proboscis behind, my body possibly adapted to it, encapsulating it within the tissue and every time that tissue capsule breaks or during my period, when my hormone levels fluctuate affecting my immune system, it attacks the site of the foreign object all over again causing the reaction. I have not gotten it checked because I am certain a specialist will not know what to make of it and I will just be wasting my money. I don't know, just my opinion of it.
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This happened to me the exact same way.  In my car, i went inside and looked and their were 3 whelps.  Over a week wen and it got worse, went doc and they said shingles.  I took the meds for that for a week amd stopped and now it is coming back.  So I don't know if it was shingles.  
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I have the exact same thing in multiple places around my ankles. It's been yeeears since the original bites. I never saw or even felt the culprit. I'm guessing chiggers though. These bites keep coming back over and over again.  The original bites left scars like little craters and they were a bloody mess. This is horrible, embarrassing and miserable.  Any luck finding a cure or cause of this??
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Hi! I have the exact same problem. I got bit about two YEARS ago, I remember it being very painful and I am not sure what it was that bit or stung me. It's on my forearm and when it is not itchy or being painful it looks like a tiny little scar. When it starts being weird it will randomly turn bright pink and swell up a bit and becomes extremely itchy. This happens every few weeks or months since I was originally stung. It just puzzles me, why does this happen? I thought I was the only one until I finally put the words together and googled what I was experiencing! Hoping for answers soon.
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It sounds like what you had was cellulitis, or some form of infection. Usually tell tale sign of an infection is swollen and warmth. I had the same thing happen to me three times. I was bitten by something (convinced it was a biting midge). My hand and arm swelled up, red, hot to the touch very itchy, spread quickly. Once it started spreading I was told to go to urgent care. Was given antibiotics and it immediately got better.

I recommend once you feel the bite or itch, wash the area immediately with anti bacterial soap and apply an antibiotic cream hopefully go stop it from getting infected.
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I am at the near 7 month mark. Same problems--  did yours ever go away????
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I also have a "bug-bite" that keeps coming back. Just to clarify, I never saw a bug bite me. When I first noticed it, I remember thinking it must be a tick or spider bite. Anyway, it came back last night but this time it was a different shape. It was still round but slightly bigger in diameter and also lower in profile and flat on top. It was strange to rub your finger over a "flat" welt. I have a feeling the Dr.s don't know or don't want us to know. There are way too many of us. As kooky as it may sound, I'm going to research Morgellons disease for some answers. If you don't know, google it because your doctor ain't gonna tell you about it, which is the point really. I'd prefer it to be something else though so...help? I do have pictures of the original "bite" taken over several days as it progressed.
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Ive had trouble with bites not healing for just about  two yrs now, i remember the first one was a striped mosquito type bug that when i squashed it as it was biting me it was like green slime. My property gets these bugs by swarms often and other propertys in my area, not far from the sewer, the estuary,  cemetarys and many stinky industries, Christchurch New Zealand, I also have ants that swarm the  property yearly.I am 57yrs and after reading all previous peoples situations it makes me feel better than before reading ,as i was thinking old age probs like the sweats, the fatigue, and yes the not healing, i have noticed i started healing better when i changed my shower gel and hand gel to a Detol wash lotion and eating a higher probiotic yogurt regurly and swallowing 3 garlic gloves during full moon period to help ward off maybe pasrasites. I feel also ive got some bone joint pains and aches ive got to look into sorting etc and yes im getting a Nutri Infusion so i can get more natural nutrients into me to help me heal and fight whatever it is, I alwyys wear a long sleeve top because of the scars these constant sores are which i relly dislike. Thanks every one else for their spoke about these problems , it hax helped me not be so worried.
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I have had the same think... i'm from a moderate climate (UK) and we don't have many unusual bugs. I believe it was a bed bug or something of the sorts that bit me.

Bites become itchy again after a while, but only some of them. If i don't scratch them it will tend to go away again after a day.

I am on immunosuprresent treatment and have a skin condition. The bite marks are similar to my skin condition, which is caused by an increased immune response.

My guess is something may be there which the body is reacting to and killing, but comes back after a while. It seems a few of these have now gone for good, but a few come back every now and then.
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I have had the same symptoms of the bites (could have been ants, mosquitoes or horseflies)  completely healing with just a faint redness and lump left.  They appear to be dormant and then about once a month it re-emerges at the same red spots like a fresh bite (but without exposure to any bugs) with a blister and lots of itchiness.  I have tried antihistamine creams, but nothing seems to do much.  My doctor originally treated me with antibiotics because the original bites were infected and turned to blood poisoning.  She now just shrugs her shoulders when I show her the re-emerged bites from 6 months ago.  Has anyone had success with treating these strange things?  I hear lots of people  that are having similar issues, but why are doctors so baffled by this?  One bite is on my hand and then I had 5-6 on my foot.  I live in So. Korea if that makes a difference.  
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Hi All,
I got a bite from something on the back of my right calf. (Maybe a horse fly?)
It started as an itchy red welt.  Now 2 weeks later, it spread into about 4" in diameter, and feels rough and sore.  I got tested for lyme disease - the preliminary results weren't conclusive, because I had Babsiosis 4 yr ago, and that can sometimes cross react.  So I'm waiting for further tests, to see if they can find anything!
Meanwhile I had some fatigue, that got better, and get sweaty in the morning sometimes after waking up, but haven't missed any work from it.
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Please update Dave. :)
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Has a anyone heard of chiggers? I thought I had been bitten by fleas but someone said it could have been chiggers. I had over 50 bites between my ankle area, lower back, inside thigh. They were so itchy!!! Over several weeks they all seemed to go away except for 2. 6 months later I still have then and they'll start itching on and off. Tried benadryl ointment and neosporin but still...anyone has experience with chiggers ( in case this is what bit me)?
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I have a bunch of small bites in one area that keep coming back, it's been 3 months.. All the googling I do points to Chiggers so I'm thinking I just have to wait it out. Every time it flares up there seems to be less.
Yes, I am having LOTS of experience with chiggers lately, unfortunately. At least they is what I am told they are. Thing is, the chigger bites recurred, after they initially settled down, about every week or two. But all those bites eventually stopped itching altogether. Took about three months. NOW I have what seems just like the other chigger bites (this one between my fingers) but it is not going away. I even cut open my skin and put tick/mite poison directly on it and kept it there with a cotton ball for the entire day. My skin peeled off after a couple days but the spot/itching came back a couple days ago anyway. They say chiggers don't burrow and it is their spit that irritates and causes the itching but there MUST be something burrowed in the skin. Either that or my immune system just randomly identifies the old bite area as some problem and attacks it. LOL. No answers on this page so I'm about to take a plug out of my finger and end the problem myself.. :)
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I was playing disc golf in the mountains of the northwest and "Ouch!"  big bite on the back of my thigh. redness and boiled up for ten days. went away. came back more gross and boiled up.  i had it removed with a biopsy. so now I have a discolored area on my leg where you can see where it was removed in a chunk.  it has come back off and on over the course of almost 2 years just next to the dark spot where the previous biopsy was removed.  wtf?  this thing has got to go.  any progress on everyone previous to my post? nothing seems to work.
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I have what my doc thinks is a spider bite on the knuckle of my index finger.  I remember when it first happened it felt itchy, i did nothing since i tend to get rashes on my hands from dishwashing gloves.  WHen it didn't go away I ended up using cortisone cream i had around.  that may have relieved itching but resulted in the welt getting bigger and then spreading out~ thats when I went to a Dr.  In the past when I mistakenly put cortisone cream on a spider or mosquito bite, it ended up being a problem bc it drives it to do even weirder stuff.  If I had known it was a spider bite I wouldn't have used steroid cream.
Anyhow i used Blue Chamomile essential oil to bring down the inflammation and it did work.  BUT it does periodically come back~ goes away completely and then comes back, I don't get it !  I put the blue oil on it and it can take weeks before it goes down,  and it moves locations, just a bit, still near the knuckle, just on another side or spot… I'd love to dissect it and figure out what is going on.
I saw a TV movie that steroids can wake up parasites of the skin so I'm going to look into that...
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8561398 tn?1398712017
hi don't know if you are still having trouble ,,I got two bites one on the shin and the othe,,r near the ankle on the other leg in june 2013,i was riding through feils to the place where I work in a wooded campsite ,,,didnt think much about it ,,im 46 healthy female ,,or was,,within a month I was like a 76 year old ,got lumps around the bites was fatigued ,,just didn't add it all up ,went to docs about 7 times with the aches fatigue ,the lumps ,,hard bumps 5 around the shin rock hard ,and 3 on the other one ,,sometimes went itchy ,sometimes didn't look like anything was there ,,but you could feel all the hard large formations under skin ,,doc ,,had full blood tests for the general stuff ,,and had chest xray ,,nothing ,,been backwards and forwards now ,got to xmas  ,so sick of feeling just old and tired out ,and dull throbbing pain in the lower legs around the lumps ,,then started to have trouble lifting things and raising arms ,,went to docs ,,no idea ,tests are normal ,just getting older ,im 46 ,not 76 ,,

got to feb and went back to docs and said  I have to sort this out and find out whats going on,,ok will send you for a biopsy  she says ,, ,,had the biopsy 10 days ago ,,haven't got results yet ,,had another set bloods done ,,all normal ..apart from one ,,,,  kinase creatine showing muscle degeneration had the bloods done 3 weeks ago ,,

but ,,heres the weird thing ,,7 weeks ago  was doing some online searching ,,for stuff about lyme disease ,,I did go to docs to say do you think I could have been bitten by a tick   ,,absurd she says ,,so I went home and paid 99 quid for a private test ,came back with at present we cannot find any lyme   however many test come back negative ,the private doc says ,,as lyme incorporates your dna into its dna so it can live undetected ,in the week I was waiting for the results ,, I researched all about it and discovered only self help and alternative treatment ,,as antibiotics and drugs don't work ,,so bought basil and thyme essential oil ,,thought well what have I got to lose ,,,,put 3 drops tyme 3 drops basil and for good measure had some clove so put 3 drops clove and 3 drops oregano added to about 2 inches of sweet almond oil in a rollerball perfume bottle ,, been rolling a little bit on everday for last 10 days ,,lumps all gone in leg near the ankle ,,in the other leg 2 lumps left ,,
have no idea if this has got anything to do with any of it ,just wanted to put it out there if anyone will find it helpful ,,

I will say as well for the extreme fatigue ,,have been having 1 teaspoon maca powder everday for the past 2 months ,,after 3 days pain had started to go ,,had a break for 7 days to give my system a rest ,,and by the end of the week the pain was back ,,so now back on it for the las 4 days  and pain is gone again ,,  will post back with the biopsy results ,,, hope this might help someone    
Jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Please update on your condition. I do know that lyme IS detectable but it is best done on the SECOND tests they use (usually after the first, unreliable one, comes back positive.) Not sure why they do that when it makes no sense. Can't remember the name of the test but we used it in veterinary hospitals on dogs. It's the more reliable one. And a long course of antibiotics is supposed to kill it. IV antibiotics for about 10 days, or so the good book says. And by good book I mean the veterinary manual. :) Please let us know how it is going.
8561398 tn?1398712017
hi don't know if you are still having trouble ,,I got two bites one on the shin and the othe,,r near the ankle on the other leg in june 2013,i was riding through feils to the place where I work in a wooded campsite ,,,didnt think much about it ,,im 46 healthy female ,,or was,,within a month I was like a 76 year old ,got lumps around the bites was fatigued ,,just didn't add it all up ,went to docs about 7 times with the aches fatigue ,the lumps ,,hard bumps 5 around the shin rock hard ,and 3 on the other one ,,sometimes went itchy ,sometimes didn't look like anything was there ,,but you could feel all the hard large formations under skin ,,doc ,,had full blood tests for the general stuff ,,and had chest xray ,,nothing ,,been backwards and forwards now ,got to xmas  ,so sick of feeling just old and tired out ,and dull throbbing pain in the lower legs around the lumps ,,then started to have trouble lifting things and raising arms ,,went to docs ,,no idea ,tests are normal ,just getting older ,im 46 ,not 76 ,,

got to feb and went back to docs and said  I have to sort this out and find out whats going on,,ok will send you for a biopsy  she says ,, ,,had the biopsy 10 days ago ,,haven't got results yet ,,had another set bloods done ,,all normal ..apart from one ,,,,  kinase creatine showing muscle degeneration had the bloods done 3 weeks ago ,,

but ,,heres the weird thing ,,7 weeks ago  was doing some online searching ,,for stuff about lyme disease ,,I did go to docs to say do you think I could have been bitten by a tick   ,,absurd she says ,,so I went home and paid 99 quid for a private test ,came back with at present we cannot find any lyme   however many test come back negative ,the private doc says ,,as lyme incorporates your dna into its dna so it can live undetected ,in the week I was waiting for the results ,, I researched all about it and discovered only self help and alternative treatment ,,as antibiotics and drugs don't work ,,so bought basil and thyme essential oil ,,thought well what have I got to lose ,,,,put 3 drops tyme 3 drops basil and for good measure had some clove so put 3 drops clove and 3 drops oregano added to about 2 inches of sweet almond oil in a rollerball perfume bottle ,, been rolling a little bit on everday for last 10 days ,,lumps all gone in leg near the ankle ,,in the other leg 2 lumps left ,,
have no idea if this has got anything to do with any of it ,just wanted to put it out there if anyone will find it helpful ,,

I will say as well for the extreme fatigue ,,have been having 1 teaspoon maca powder everday for the past 2 months ,,after 3 days pain had started to go ,,had a break for 7 days to give my system a rest ,,and by the end of the week the pain was back ,,so now back on it for the las 4 days  and pain is gone again ,,  will post back with the biopsy results ,,, hope this might help someone    
Jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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I'm having very similar thing as amel1a.  6+ months now

I don't know what may have bitten me.  I wasn't really paying attention as this came on over a few weeks.

I had a bunch of bug bites show up in September 2013.  It was flea season, and they were very itchy and persisted for more than a day, unlike mosquito bites.  So I assumed I had been bitten by fleas, though I never saw a flea.

I had a good dozen bites around my calves and ankles.  I'm pretty good about not scratching bug bites.

After about a week...maybe 10 days of this I got very sick for about 10 days...strange though.  No fever, no temp.  just felt achy and had night sweats and chills so bad I'd be soaked and have to change my tshirt a few times in the night.  the bug bites were aggravated and red, itched like hell.  

Also I noticed a very hardened swollen lymp inside right thigh up high near groin crease.  (sorry to be graphic, but I'm trying to be vivid about my details here).

after those 10 days this 'flu' that wasn't a flu went away and I haven't been ill since then.

Also similar to amel1a I get a hive like rash on both forearms when I work out.  I train Kung Fu 3+ times a week, so I take alot of showers.  I wondered if I was developing an allergy to Chlorine or other chemicals in the water.

this has been going on for over 5 months now.  Some of the 'bite' sites have healed and are not even visible anymore.  others have healed and then recurred.  Nothing has spread.  It is only these specific places, and my forearms.   They itch Maddeningly.  I wake up having scratched in my sleep.

Some things that I've done to try to cure/relieve this:

I dabbed all spots with peroxide twice a day for over a week  figured if I had scabies or some other parasite that would saturate and kill em.....just scabbed over the sites and soon they came back.

Oregano oil....this is very effective for parasites, funguses, we've used it to kill warts, athletes foot etc.  I applied straight oil on the sites twice a day for over a week...if this was parasitic that should have done the trick.  It burns quite a bit to use peroxide or oregano oil on cuts or scratches.....I can handle it.  I prefer that burn to the maddening itch.

Still have this 'thing' going on.

So let's talk about steroid topical cream....I confess I haven't gone to a doctor or dermatologist about this...I don't have medical.  So I have no bloodwork.  Ignorant....tsk tsk...yes I know.

But I used some topical cream on my forearm rash and it went away rather quickly.  I used this cream once a day for 10 days and all visible signs and itching went away....

but you cannot use those creams for more than 10-14 days.

I stopped applying and the forearm itch/hive/rash returned.

I've just ordered a shower filter.  I'll probably go get tested for Lyme and the host of other crappy parastitic bedfellows that go along with Lyme....rocky mtn spotted...etc.

I still have no sure idea of what bit me.  but it wasn't one bug.  It wasn't a tick (to my knowledge) I'm paranoid about that. This was most likely fleas or mosquitos.  

So.....if anybody else has some clue....please post.  even just post if you're experiencing something similar.  maybe we can gain insight from the similarities.

A friend suggested that local water treatment chemicals may have been increased back in the fall 2013 (Long Island, NY) and I may be having a reaction to the higher levels.  Another friend suggested that when we were camping several weeks before all this I might have got snacked on by mosquitoes that carried parasites (flatworms or scabies or some such)  from waterfowl (seagulls, ducks, etc.) and that the gestation period would be 7-10 days, so while I would not have noticed the inital bites when the larvae hatched (gross) the numphs and their waste toxins would appear as a new skin eruption itchy as hell and fool me into thinking these were fresh bites.

I really am concerned now.  Nothing lasts this long without a reason.

I wondered myself if the skin as an organ could ever just have a creepy lingering sensitivity from previous bites....but I'm 42 and nothing like this ever happened to me before.  I've spent alot of time outdoors in my life.  This is new.

Thanks for reading this, please comment with ideas, similar experiences.  and I'll do the same.  I will get to the bottom of this!  soon I plan to maybe do a detox juicing fast and maybe some IV push vitamin C to kill parasites/ boost my immune system.

P.S.  I'm no sickly person.....I've been athletic, lifting weights and training martial arts for years....this is infuriating!
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I have the same thing going on - with the recurring itching from a mystery bite. In my case, I think it was chiggers (mites.) Im stumped too but the idea of new larvae makes a lot of sense to me. I think it might even be a measurable cycle of time but havent timed them yet. Curious to know how you are now since it has been three years. LOL. I even cut my skin open over the red spot and applied a tick/mite poison directly on it. My skin peeled off after a couple days, but the mark and itching are back today (about a month later.) I cant believe no one on here has an answer yet.
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