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Split butt crack. - Help ! need some guidance.

this is embarrsing - but I have had this problem for about 2 years now. Have lived with it off and on now but its getting to the point where I can't take it anymore. There is about a 2 inch slit/tear within my butt crack. Its couple inches south of tailbone. I do not know what this is caused from.  I sit at a desk all day, some people tell me its sweat, or a yeast problem ? my regular MD doctor didnt know what it would be caused from. I was instructed to keep it dry and then put desatin on it but that does nothing. I switched to bag balm, it heals it up for a few days and then it goes right back to being split open and starts to bleed a little.  This stings when I take a shower too !!   any suggestions on what I can do ?  I can't afford to go see a dermatologist right now.  Thank You
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Usually doctors can not think outside of what they have learned.  That is to say, if they have not learned it in a book it either does not exist or they just have no idea.  When this happens they will 'force' your situation to fit their knowledge base.  Case in point talking about a cyst.  A split in your skin is a split in your skin pure and simple.  People can relate it to the sometimes split people have at the corner of their mouths.  No cysts involved no scare tactics needed to have an operation.  I have the same problem, I use aloe and vitamin e and keep it dry with baby powder.  I did notice it usually happens if my skin becomes moist for too long, like when I sweat.  I also noticed that it comes back more easily based on my diet, drinking too much etc.  Its likely to be a ph problem that inhibits the bodies natural defenses against normal bacteria.  It becomes itchy and if you scratch the skin breaks and vola.  Oddly enough anti-bacteria ointments do nothing, the skin does not heal back.  Dry is best.
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Thank you for this! I have had this same problem for years off and on and everyone keeps saying that cyst thing but they're is no cyst and even Dr's don't know what's wrong. However I get the split in the corners of my mouth to do maybe they're related. I don't drink anymore haven't for a year and a half but my diet isn't the best so maybe I'll look into that. Thank you again!
Try vitamin C 500 mg twice a day. Clean the area twice a day with a baby cleanser. After cleaning that way, apply a thick coating of Eucerin ointment. I think you'll heal quickly. It can recur.
The purpose of the thick coating of Eucerin ointment is to PROTECT the underlying skin and it will heal on its own.

What you've described is NOT a pilonidal cyst or sinus and NEVER requires surgery.

I believe powder is a terrible idea, although I won't dispute that moisture (e.g., sweat or poor drying with the towel) may be a culprit.

Almost any protective ointment (but not antibiotic ointment) will help, but Eucerin seems to stay around and protect the area longer.

Pay attention. Do what I say. You will be fine.
By the eucirin do you mean the normal lotion one I use for dry skin ?
By the eucirin do you mean the normal lotion one I use for dry skin ?
I used to get the crack in the corner of my mouth until I read an article about supplements that said Vit.B deficiency can cause these cracks.  I have a horrible diet and have always taken a daily multi-vitamin but since I added a daily Super B-complex pill, the only time I've had a corner of the mouth crack in the past 15 yrs. was the time I ran out of the B-complex.
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I had this happen to my one time. I used cortisone cream and kept the area clean. It was gone in 2 days. I hope that helps.
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Use a serum with Vit. C in it, or I have used polysporin in the past and it's worked great.  I've gotten the split on and off over the years and have no earthly clue what causes it, but it's painful and a bit itchy.
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The split in your butt crack is caused by fungus.  It's no different than the fungus that causes athletes's foot that causes split skin in between your toes.  All fungal related.  Get some Lotrimin Ultra or other anti fungal cream and put that in it every day until it goes away.  And it will go away if you are consistent with it.  Have had quite a few. Antifungals treat it every time.  Plus, my doctor told me it was caused by s fungus. He's right.  
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Omg I’m so glad we aren’t alone!! Me & my husband both get these slit/cracks at the top of our but cracks!! I just asked my teenager the other day if she gets them & she said no, never. Usually washing the area causes them for me but the other day I woke up with it burning from it happening during the night! When shower water hits it it burns like hell too. I was Googling a way to make it go away. From the comments it sounds like keeping it dry is best. Guess I’ll start using baby powder cause it’s LITERALLY a pain in the ass!!
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Have you ever asked a dermatologist about this?  It does sound like a skin issue and I'm glad you and husband are figuring out how to handle it best.  The reason why I suggest talking to a doctor is that there are things like weakened immune system that can lead to this being something that happens more frequently. So, if there is a remedy that is at the root of fixing it, it would be great to address that.
Every skin problem that your describing is definitely a vitamin deficiency.  Alcohol does cause vitamin deficiencies and the deficiency doesn't just go away from not drinking.  After you quit you have to pour in the vitamins and minerals aor up to a year to heal your body and skin.  Vitamin D is a big one for skin cracks.  Collagen also helps.  Ingested of course and don't hesitate to load up.
Doctors won't tell you this because if you HEAL your body, they can't poison you with more pills.
No processed foods, no sugar, no soda, especially diet soda.  Lots of greens.  Minerals are just as important.  I use km tonic and a huge multivitamin now that covers everything and loads me with 1000% of the daily requirements.  I was an alcoholic/am one but only for about 5 years.  I couldn't BELIEVE what it did to my body.  I also drink fresh lemon juice three times a day, for a week or more, to kick start my liver when I get sluggish.
Those skin cracks come from a vitamin deficiency... definitely.  I've had the butt crack, finger cracks and corners of my mouth.
It can also be caused by Vitamin K2, E or A.
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****** is being blocked?
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Apparently. Lol

I couldn't figure out what you were trying to say that was so bad it got blocked out.   Lol

You naughty person you. Lol
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I had this exact same problem and suffered greatly.  
I tried everything(powders, Desitin, hot compresses, balms, keeping it dry...).  

Here is a way to heal the crack in 2 days.  

Day 1:
Clean the area with warm water and wash rag.  
Dry very well.
Then smear Desitin everywhere around anything red & rashy near the crack.
--  Better to overdo then under on this step.
  Then apply the best moisturizing product you can find directly to the crack/hurting area.
-- I used ****** (https://www.amazon.com/******-Moisturizing-Cream-Daily-Moisturizer/dp/B00TTD9BRC?ref_=ast_sto_dp).  It is cheap  and it was already at my house.  
It was 90% healed the next day.  

Day 2:
Clean the area with warm water and wash rag.  
Dry very well.
Then JUST smear some preferred moisturizer ( ****** ) on the area the crack/wound was  even though it seems to be going away.  


It was amazing.  Maybe the DESITIN was not needed but I think there is a synergy happening.  I think DESITIN stops the lotion product from "moving" and adds its own benefits to lock out moisture.  Petroleum jelly and great moisturizing alternatives may work in place  of ******.  

Why this works?
I thought about and this is just like bleeding, dry hands from winters or from doing too many dishes.   Moisture in this case in the culprit -- it dries the area until it cracks and bleeds.  For it heal, yeah it has to stay dry. But it needs what was removed.   So you block the moisture --  and add the oil nastiness back in.

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I also have been dealing with this issue and unfortunately only happens when my husband and I have sex while I am bent over.  I have noticed he does sometimes pull my cheeks apart and its almost instant that I feel the tear reopen. I have found the gold bond powder helps the most for me.
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Yes I’m glad I seen this comment that’s the reason mine is split now plus I have a big butt too soon he spread the cheeks far enough it’s over
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yes, I have had this problem, it is from not drying the crack in your bottom well enough after showering.  Dry really well, then use some Johnson's Baby Powder, not any other kind of powder and definitely not scented.  It will dry and heal, and will always feel a little rough, but do not be tempted to scratch it off otherwise you will have to do this all over again.
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I just posted about this in another group .. I’ve had this split crack for about 3 months and tried everything ! Mines doesn’t itch or bleed or hurt it’s more of an appearance thing for me , also I have some brown discoloration around it .. ugh I hate this ..
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Sounds like it may be Lichen Sclerosus which will require a prescription cream from your doctor. For years I tried barrier creams, powders, anti-fungal creams and nothing worked. A few visits to different doctors and finally found a dermatologist who diagnosed Lichen Sclerosus and gave me a product that healed it.
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What is the name of the product?
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I’ve had this occur multiple times. Believe it or not, preparation H will do the trick. It will reduce the swelling & fix the split carjacking. To prevent this, use Deodorant it that area.   It works well on ANY other place besides your armpit. It keeps ANY area dry.  Hope this help s....it works for me.
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Autocorrect::: crack-not carjacking-lol
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Just went to dr for this today. I has be happening for me for several years.   I sweat under breasts and in that crack, it just is who I am.  He told me NO creams, they tend to sink into ulcer and cause more swelling.  If you had to use a cream he recommended Silvidine.  He said, keep it dry, if that means sticking a piece of gauze in there each time you go.... We also talked about powder but would caution you all to talk to your dermatologist before using, I was using talc under by breasts and the dermatologist said that can cause other problems and asked me to use. Zeabsorb.  I've been using that under my breasts for two years and noticed a big difference.  I use it all year round with no painful heat rashes. I am going to try that on my ulcer along with a gauze pad stuffed back there to see how that goes.
Doctor today also said since I sit at a desk all day I might want to consider a standing desk to ease some of the pressure on the ulcer, it's kind of like a pressure sore.
Lastly, thank you all so much for sharing, to find I am not the only one easy so much.
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I also have this problem, except my problem happened after I had a boil in the area, once the boil drained and everything it seemed fine but then I also found a crack around about the area where the boil use to be. That crack is now soar and itchy. I decided to get what is called a coccyx cushion, it really helps for what you sit down as it does not put pressure on the irritated area (I suggest memory foam coccyx cushion as it fits best to your bottom shape) also I make sure to clean the area everyday and keep it as dry as possible. I guess it is something we have to put up with, at first I was scared it might be Pilonidal Sinus but since that is fairly rare so I am doubting it and then the nurse I soar did not seem to think it was that... she claims it was scar tissue from the boil. But nonetheless doing what I said can help with the problem. And yes, hot weather really don't help as it causes sweat to irritate the area so keep dry as much as possible.
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Use deodorant to fix it and prevent it. Sitting and sweating causes it. . Keep it dry plus never touch it oand definitely don't scratch it.
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I Have The Same Thing..I Dont Know How It Happens But Im Guessing Its Because Of Dry Skin So It Tears/Rips Easily, The Only Thing That Makes The Pain Or Discomfort Go Away For Me Is Vaseline.
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Has anyone ever had to get stitches to have scar closed... mine is,kind,of lengthy
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I think the problem is your not rinsing off all of the soap in this area in the shower. I find this on me in areas where the skin folds,under the breasts and under the folds of the stomach if your obese.
Run your hand several times over these areas when rinsing off to ensure the soap completely comes off in these areas or take a bath instead.
Use corn starch and not talcum powder in this area helps completely dry the area also which is part of the problem also.
Females don't use talcum powered it causes Ovarian cancer it might cause problems for males too.

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It sounds like herpes out break so thy need to test the cut for that
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I just had an outbreak 3 weeks ago. From the genital area I feel much better, but now I have that tear.. is driving crazy when I was feel good this happend!
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I've had  this since teen years...  cornflower or cornstarch flower works wonders for me... it dries it out then i use paw paw lotion and it clears it.... and when i feel it becoming damp and tender again i hit it with the flower.... I now only get it maybe once a year in summer.... i also don't rub my crack to dry it after showers and baths, i pat dry because I think when it's wet it's at its most fragile
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I've also been struggling with this, so I really appreciate all the opinions and advice. Mine got really out of hand last week, so after doing lots of research, I decided to try using a "barrier cream" which is called Calmoseptine ointment (Walgreens has a generic called "Walgreens skin protection ointment", which is a little cheaper.) It's actually like an "adult" version of diaper rash cream. Lol. It's found in the same aisle as the adult diapers. *Blush blush*. But it has really helped. It's not something I want to have to use every day, as it is a bit messy and gets on underwear if you don't put something like gauze over it. So I'm also looking for a preventive to help it not get so bad.

The cornstarch baby powder seems to help, but I'm still having some itchiness....so not entirely sure how to prevent it from recurring. It's a conundrum. Lol. Claudine, I'd like to try that anti monkey butt powder with calamine. Sounds like it works great! Wish I could find it in a store instead of having to get it online.

Bellastella007, the antibacterial mouthwash sounds like it's helped you, so I'm thinking about trying that. Just scared it'll burn!!! Do you use something like Listerine? I'll let you know how it works for me. ;)  Hopefully this will be over soon!!!!!
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Hope it helps u.  Mine has healed but i notice that there is like a scar left from it. This can flare up again under the right moist conditions or can split when u sit on toilet if u don't sit carefully.
If it does heal i suggest still using it now and then
They have the monkey butt powder at academy and at some neighborhood walmarts
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I have experienced the same for months and didn't know how it happened or how to fix it. I do know that i sweat more there than i use to.
Cream only keeps it moist and makes it worse. So after reading an article i decided to try antibacterial mouth wash and it has almost gone in no time.
From what i know it kills the bacteria that growns on moist skin and helps to dry the skin.
Twice a day dab some on with cotton wool. Good luck. I hope it helps.
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I too had this problem just for few days but a simple thing just worked a wonder and now within half a day its gone.... just mix some coconut oil with some olive oil and put than during every morning and evening and put some turmeric before going to bed.... iam sure it will cure soon.... A point added to that akways keep your butt line moisturized to avoid the recurrences.... hope it will help you
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18301655 tn?1463878737
I had no idea that other people have this too. I don't think everyone on here is talking about the same thing but the basic "when it's extra hot out" or "I'm sweating extra" I feel the split and it hurts and adding cream or whatever doesn't help because it it keeps the area wet. That said I showed my doctor once. This has been happening to me since I was a young teen and I'm in my thirties now. She told me to use organic expensive baby diaper cream. It's worked really well for years because it somehow does the trick and keeps the crack still mostly dry (if not over applied) I recently ran outta it and don't wanna buy it again. I've been debating using something like peroxide since that would dry the area out and then if I keep it dry it would heal. Thoughts??? I think it would do the same trick... I don't know why I feel weird buying diaper cream. Maybe it's because I can't have babies... but it's nice to have answers and for the first time ever not feel alone after reading all of this. I thought I was just a freak with a touchy crack :)
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Thank you for that comment. Reading what she wrote I was like...wtf? And yes a lot of these answered help so thank you. Dry seems to be the key after healing it. :)
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