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Sticky / Oily / Greasy scalp?!?

I have an weird sticky substance in my hair that NOTHING will get rid of and it's extremely frustrating.  About a month ago i noticed after i got out of the shower and blow dried my hair that the hair at the crown of my head was very oily and sticky (but ONLY at the crown of my head). At first i thought i forgot to wash the conditioner out so the next night I scrubbed thoroughly, but once again the stickiness was still there.  Then i bought a few different brands of clarifying shampoo (thinking it was build-up) and still the same thing.  The oil is def coming from my scalp because at the same time that this happened I started breaking out with acne really bad.  I'm 27 years old and have not broken out this bad since puberty.  Very strange.  So i went to the extremes of trying baking soda, lemon juice, listerine, medicated shampoos, even dawn (for it's grease cutting abilities) and NOTHING gets this substance out of my hair.  It's driving me crazy to the point that i asked my dermatologist to put me on accutane to stop oil secretions.  Has anyone experienced this problem before, and if so, do you know of anything that will get my scalp back to normal.  PS - it has nothing to do with my diet, because i eat extremely healthy and always have.
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317787 tn?1473358451
Amazing stories! I wonder if hard water contributes. I had this, used distilled water and vinegar to rinse. It's better.
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Have had this problem on and off for years. Sticky crown, like tree sap on the top of my head. Tried most of the remedies listed here. Would go away after I had my highlights done. This time, it came back just a few days later and I was NOT going to put up with it for another 6-8 weeks till my next hair appointment. Researched some more online today anf shampooed with Neutrogena T-Sal tonight AND THE STICKINESS IS GONE! My hair is soft and silky again. So happy I don’t have to walk around tomorrow looking like I don’t wash my hair!
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I've had this happen to me twice. Once about 3 years ago when I moved to a new state. I had always used Pantene but as soon as I moved here and showered the first 2 weeks I had this really sticky thick film only on the crown of my hair. I bought some Pert from the regular shampoo aisle and used a few times and poof gone. For the next 3 years I used different shampoos but not Pantene and it didn't happen again until I recently tried Pantene again (I used to love the way it smelled) and low and behold it came back. Back to the Pert. It works wonders and way less expensive that tea tree oils and salon shop shampoos.
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Thank you thank you thank you.  I did the exact same thing ... tried to use up some of the Nice and Easy conditioner leftovers that I had, when my normal conditioner ran out.  I have had this nasty head of hair ever since and it does NOT NOT NOT wash out.  I also noticed what appeared to be a sudden spurt of hair growth... in other words, the small sliver of gray roots is definitely larger in a very short period of time.  L'Oreal to the rescue... need to go and pick some up....
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Both my daughter and I had 'sticky' hair at the same time, rather weirdly! Never had it before and then started researching it and found it was quite common. The Somaluxe Shampoo came recommended by my doctor so I decided to try it - after the first wash, the difference was amazing. Immediately after rinsing I could feel my hair as 'squeaky' clean again for the time in weeks / months. Now it has fully air-dried, my hair is back to it's usually dry bounce once again and feels great....my daughter said the same. So pleased and happy to spread the word that the Somaluxe Shampoo works for sticky hair!
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OK, so I too am convinced that it's Nice N' Easy's conditioner.  I have naturally thick, curly auburn hair so it's also normally dry.  Until recently.  A few weeks ago, I ran out of my normal conditioner and since I had a tonne of leftover tubes of conditioner from the Nice 'N Easy colour kits, I decided to make use of them. Suddenly, I started to have residue / waxy/ sticky build-up.  Gross. I was seriously considering taking a razor to my head because I was running out of hope.  Not knowing that the conditioner might be the culprit, I used everything to try and rid the nastiness that had resulted including Jason tea tree shampoo, baking soda & water mixture, apple cider vinegar & water mixture, salicylic acid shampoo, and a combination of all of the above to no avail whatsoever.  Then I came on here and started reading all the posts and put two and two together.  Sure enough, I went out and bought Loreal's hair color kit and conditioner, and ta daaaaaa!  Sticky residue was gone in a flash.  Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who also made the connection.  My razor and Nice N' Easy color kits both made it to the trash after this experience
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I’ve figured it out!! I know the pain you are going through... I cried when this happened to me and everyone thought I was crazy, or kept telling me my hair was just oily...

It started happening to me approximately 3 years ago…I would shower and as my hair dried I noticed a sticky / waxy feeling to part of my hair (in my case just the top) which was not at all the same thing as oily hair. I initially thought the plastic from my brush had melted while drying my hair, or I had improperly rinsed, or some weird product had been spilled in my hair somehow…

This would happen on and off, sometimes lasting only a few days, other times for weeks. I would try endless things to fix it: change shampoos, shower twice a day, not wash my hair for 3 days, airdry, blowdry, stop conditioner, try dish liquid (dawn or fairy) and it would eventually go away without me truly understanding the cause of it, or which part of what I had done solved it…

My most recent episode was quite persistent (>2 weeks) and none of my “old” tricks were working…  So I started researching and analysing my situation more closely and finally figured out the root cause!! I realized this only happens to me when I am in areas that have hard water. Minerals/ions which are found in hard water can interact somehow with your hair and/or shampoo to create this sticky substance. It usually appears suddenly, I suppose because a threshold “reaction point” is reached

The key to getting rid of this is using a chelating agent. Chelating agents improve rinseability by binding with metals and minerals and removing them from the hair.  The most common chelating agent used in hair products is EDTA. Shampoos which I have found that are high in EDTA content are:

- Johnson’s tip to toe wash (works better than johnson’s baby shampoo for me)
- John Frieda Brilliant Brunette
- Kerastase Divalent
- I am sure there are others, but these are the ones that were available in my area…

Another potential solution is to wash / rinse your hair with distilled water.

I just used the Johnson’s tip to toe, washed my hair 3 times, rinsed with bottled water, and it was back to normal! I now use only EDTA containing shampoos and the problem has not recurred!!

Hope this information helps!
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I just found this...hope it'll help.  These are actually affordable too!

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While there may be several causes, I've discovered that for me, the problem can be traced to dimethicone.  I've used some of the treatments listed here with varying success, but dimethicone-free shampoo is the only prevention I've found.  
See links for more info:


The second one is obviously trying to sell their brand of skin-care, but they do have a good list of other names for dimethicone, and some interesting comments as well.
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Ladies, you are not crazy! My first "sludge attack" happened last May, I was 49. It's interesting we are all different ages because I'm guessing this is hormones. Or stress. I've had this happen 4 times since, and there seems to be no specific reason. It's not the shampoo or conditioner I'm using, my hair color, the water, how well I wash my hair...

I never had oily hair like this in my life. I wash almost everyday, and even if I'm sick and don't wash for a couple days I've never seem anything like this. All the oil is at the crown of the head and sometimes from there to the back hairline. It's a thicker oil than I've ever seen on my hair.

What I have noticed is that about a week before I find my hair is unmanageable. The ends are super dry, and I it doesn't style as well as normal. It just seems blah. I'm guessing because the oils are distributing well for a few days. Then bam! I wash my hair and dry it and notice a big oily patch at the top of my head that won't wash out. Uck!

So I dab tea tree oil on it, don't know if it helps but it's feels good because the scalp gets kind of itchy. I wash with a baking soda or vinegar rinse and it gets back to normal in a couple days. Mostly, I tell myself to relax and not freak out. It will go away.
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Why not Pantene?  Does it exacerbate the problem somehow?
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I've had this exact problem since 2012. I tried everything. Never having this problem in my life, I, too, figured it was hormones. Then started researching and found this could very well be a symptom of heavy metal accumulation in the body. Getting hair and / or blood tested for heavy metals, would at least give answers because people from all over are getting this problem, and the common denominator is extremely high levels of heavy metals in the body. And oddly, all within the same time frame. Coincidence? I don't believe in those anymore.
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Didn't read through all the posts so I am not sure if someone else posted this solution yet. The best and easiest method is mayonnaise mixed with a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture generously to hair and leave on for at least one hour. Rinse the salad dressing (come on this is too frustrating a problem not to laugh at it) from hair and then lather wet hair with Dawn and rinse out. No conditioner required. Let hair dry naturally and you'll find the stickiness is gone and your hair feels quite luxurious again. Do this treatment every time your hair gets sticky, otherwise wash and condition as you normally would in between treatments.  

As an aside, the Mayonnaise actually coats the hair with good protective natural fats and protein while the vinegar molecules bind to the sticky residue so once the hair is rinsed with water (oil and water naturally separate from one another just as oil and vinegar separate from one another) the vinegar (now bound with the sticky residue) washes off with the water leaving the fat (oil) molecules behind on the hair. This is why I follow with a quick Dawn lather and rinse because it cuts through the grease (fats and oils) without stripping or damaging the hair.

I apologize for the long response, but as a Chef, I decided to go at this hair issue that I have been dealing recently from a food science perspective. Like how would I get the stickiness out of calamari or okra. Anyway this method will actually be beneficial to your hair in the long run.
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After much research I learned that this "issue" is called Cradle Cap. Most common in babies but adults can get it. It IS a fungus. It doesn't have anything to do with your personal hygiene. It occurs most often when we don't dry our hair out completely before we put it up in a ponytail or bun. Selsin Blue is the most recommended remedy followed by Paul Mitchell clarifying Shampoo. If neither of these work see a dermatologist. I have had it for four days now and finally get to start curing it. I will keep you all posted. Remember CRADLE CAP!!! Hope this helps some of you
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It started a week ago for me! I've always prided myself in having healthy, shiny hair so imagine my shock when I woke up one morning to find my greasy hair stuck to my forehead. When the grease didn't go away after the third day I decided to switch to baby shampoo for a few washes to see if it would make a difference. Thankfully it did! I don't know what went wrong but I've been using Pantene every day for the past 4 months (I usually change shampoos every month) when this happened, so I will be steering clear of that! Baby shampoo from now on :-) thank you everyone for all your suggestions! This discussion thread helped so much, I would've gone crazy if my hair continued to be as greasy as it was!
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Hey guys. So I just recently had this problem with the disgusting sticky scalp, and after reading these comments I was desperate and saw someone used dish soap. So, I reached for the Palmolive dish soap and scrubbed it into my scalp in the shower. Then I shampooed and conditioned as normal. I could not believe it...MY HAIR WAS BACK TO NORMAL! I was SO happy! Now I use dish soap everytime I shower, and my hair has never been softer. I highly recommend. Hope this helps! :)
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After reading everyone's posts and suggestions, I headed (no pun intended) to Walgreens and bought baby shampoo, Suave clarifying shampoo, their version of T-Gel Shampoo, tea tree oil, and apple cider vinegar. Can you tell I was determined?

There didn't seem to be a consensus on the specific order of products, but here's what I did last night: massaged a generous amount of tea tree oil into the yucky areas of my hair and scalp. Let sit for 5-10 minutes and rinse out. Soak affected area with the vinegar. Again, maybe 5 minutes (as others have said, don't let it drip in your eyes) and rinse. Then the T-Gel shampoo. Rinse and rinse some more. Here's when I had to stifle my gag reflex -- the smell was incredible. I covered my pillows with towels and went to bed with wet hair.

This morning, I repeated the vinegar step before showering. Then, in the shower, I used the Suave clarifying shampoo and quickly noticed that the lather was much, much richer and frothy than I've seen in a long time. Product or Progress, I'm not sure. After a thorough rinse, I shampoo'd again, with the baby shampoo. Good step, because it was a nice, neutral fragrance after all the stink. Last: Pantene conditioner everywhere but on the top of my head.

Even wet, my hair felt different: lighter and smoother. I blew it dry and then flat-ironed it (which I haven't been able to do lately, since it's accentuated the greasy patch) and it came out very, very nice. I wouldn't say it's 100%, but I suspect only I would notice. I think I'll repeat this whole thing in a couple of days to get it "all the way."

Thank you to everyone who posted their history and help. I really was beginning to think I was losing my mind. (48 y.o., straight hair, some grays)
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1. Melt 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil in microwave in small cup.
2. Pour melted coconut oil onto crown and top of head, and massage into roots (WARNING: make sure the coconut oil isn't too hot!!)
3. Shampoo vigorously at roots, where oil is applied, then rinse.
4. Repeat shampoo to ensure all coconut oil has been washed out.
5. Condition if desired.

For me, the greasy/sticky roots came on suddenly and I tried many things on this thread. This finally worked for me, and I do this whenever I see it coming back.
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This is Seborrheic dermatitis.  The vinegar on scalp for 15-20min and shampooing does help.  You have to make sure you hair is clean.  It happens if fair is not shampooed regularly.  Our doctor recommended Hydrocortisone cream after shampooing with head and shoulder or sensing blue 3 times/week..
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Thank you wonderful women. I thought I was having a hair melt down. I decided to lighten my hair professionally with a bleach bath and new colour and highlights. I then could not work out why my hair was full of sticky stuff immediately after washing at the back. I blamed my stupid idea of lightening my hair.

After reading all your comments I remembered I also paid for an intensive conditioning treatment after the colour. Putting two and two together I realised this was just not coming out of my hair.

I used Fairy Liquid and tea tree shower gel / shampoo then finished with a silicone/paraben free shampoo. A little conditioner on the roots. I was so desperate I would chance a little color fade.

It's gone!!!!!!!!! No wax at all. Plus no color fade. Thanks.
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I have been suffering with this on and off for about 5 years now.  It came on very suddenly.

The first time it happened I used Neutrogena clarifying shampoo and it worked immediately.

Then a year later it happened again, and the neutrogena cured it again, but for some stupid reason I decided I'd be on the safe side and use the Neutrogena clarifying EVERY day.

Well then my hair or scalp seemed to have built up a tollerance to it, and it would no longer work to remove the build up. So when it came back again about 6 months later I used "Paul Mitchell's clarifying 2" shampoo and that cured it, and I vowed ONLY to use the Clarifying 2 Shampoo when the build up began.

It came back about a week ago, and I had given my bottle to a friend who had been going through the same thing and she lost it in a move, so I went and bought a new bottle of the Paul Mitchell Clarifying 2 shampoo again. This time it didn't work by itself.

I mixed 2 tbsp of baking soda with about 1/4 cup of Paul Mitchel Clarifying 2 shampoo, shampood my hair, rinsed with a mixtue of half apple cider vinegar and half water. Then I applied MORE shampoo/baking soda mixture and again, rinsed with half and half cider vinegar and water.

This seems to have done the trick FOR NOW.

The condition seems to happen to me when I have switched off my normal Salon brand shampoo and conditioner and grabbed cheap drug-store brand shampoo and conditioner when I couldn't afford the good stuff.

My salon brand is Matrix Biolage Normalizing Shampoo, now called the Clean Reset Normalizing shampoo, and I condition with Matrix Biolage Detangling Solition, now called Matrix Biolage Hydrasource Detangling Solution.

When I use this combination of products from 2 separate Matrix brands (the normalizing for getting rid of build up and it can be used every day- and the detangling solution for silky, hydrated, moisturized hair and scalp that tricks the scalp into producing less oil by moisturizing the scalp [for people with greasy hair who need to wash every day, this combo is AMAZING])

So anyway, I know what you're all going through.  Fortunately I have had success in clearing it with clarifying shampoos and natural remedies.  I say, try everything you can, mix multiple solutions together and STOP using cheap conditioners.

Also, I have Poly Cystic Ovarian syndrom which means my hormones are SERIOUSLY messed up.  If any of you suffer from acne, facial hair that is courser and darker than the average woman, irregular periods- I suggest you talk to your doctor about PCOS and have an ultrasound to see if you have it.  I strongly suspect this hair condition is a hormonal issue. Have blood work done to check your androgen, estrogen and testosterone levels. This might be the cause of your sticky hair.
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use ketoconazole based shampoo everyone. i had same problem 2 years ago. it was that worse that once i shoved off my head and then my doc. prescribed me that. believe me, it works best! just using it as a regular shampoo twice a week and i'm normal again (:
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Oh my, what would I do without the internet!  Thank you all so much for your tips!  I had exactly the same thing happen to me last week, all the sudden my hair became so greasy, waxy and sticky on the top of my head.  I hadn't changed anything about my diet or beauty routine.  I washed and rewashed and it only got worse.  I started to wonder if it would ever go away or if I had some sort of medical condition.  I finally looked it up on the internet to find that many people have experience the exact same thing!  I had all of the products that you all were suggesting so I tried them, I want to pass on what WORKED for me!  
I didn't have tea tree shampoo, but had a bottle of 100% tea tree oil so I worked that into the oily area on the top of my head and let it sit for about 30mins, then worked in 1/4 cup of vinegar and let it sit for about 10mins.  By then my scalp was really tingling, so I decided not to do the Listerine.  Then I washed my hair with the green Palmolive dish soap until it was easy to get lots of suds.  ....it worked!  It dried nice and silky and fluffy, not a bit of that residue left!  
I still wish I knew what this was from and if it will come back.  ...but at least I know what to do now!
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Ahhh thank you SO much guys!!!!

I moved to London from Brighton (lovely seaside city in the UK) 3 months ago very suddenly, moving to a brand new job, lots of stress, eating badly etc and obviously being around a lot of pollution on the underground....my hair started to feel as though it had wax all over the roots. I also had really bad white flakes all over my head and in my fringe - disgusting!! My hair before this had always been shiny and lush, so this was really not fun at all.

I persevered with my normal shampoo (organic and natural stuff) and just hoped the wax would shift..but it remained the same --- tough around the roots, feeling as though i hadn't washed it for weeks even when I was washing it in the shower! Bizarre. It made me so self conscious. As well as this, whenever I ran my fingernails over my scalp I would get white cream under my nails..it was if I was scraping conditioner off my scalp?! So weird.

Today I had enough so tried pouring Cider Vinegar all over my head (mixed with some water) and i rubbed it all over my scalp and put a plastic bag over my head and left it for about half an hour. Then I washed it out with a Boots own anti-dandruff cheap shampoo for greasy hair, lathered it up and again put it in a plastic bag and left it for another 30 mins.

Washed it all out and now my hair is back to normal!! Amazing, thank you everyone!!! It is so bizarre that this 'condition' or whatever it is isn't known yet!

Thanks xxx
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