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Sudden oily scalp, the crown area. Will not wash out, why? What is it? I am healthy and bath daily.

The crown area of my scalp suddenly became very oily.  I have washed my hair with every shampoo I thought was strong or harsh.  I have even tried liquid dish detergant.  Nothing works.  I am a healthy woman who baths daily, I say this to offset the idea that maybe I am ill or unclean.  Please tell me what this is, how I can get rid of it and how I might be able to prevent it from coming back.
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I have its solution people!!!
It worked for me and i hope it helps you guys aswell :)
Apply a mixture of olive oil coconut oil and castor oil on the hair and leave it for like one day and wash the other day with "revlon z11 anti oily plus anti seborrheic shampoo" and the patch will go away!
The shampoo is available almost everywhere and isnt that expensive
After like 2 or 3 times i did this i tried washing my hair without applying oil first and guess what it worked again! But for a good growth of the hair plus shine and lustre you should try oiling your hair with the mixture i told plus this shampoo takes away the oil so its better that you provide enough oil to the hair before the wash! And i concluded that the oily waxy path on the crown is definitely a type of dermatitis most probably seborrheic thats why it vanished after washin with that formula in revlon!
Good luck
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Ainypk,  does it keep coming back?  have you figured out what triggers it and if it's a sign of a more serious underlying issue?  I am dealing with it now and will try all of the remedies on this thread, but I am freaking out a bit.
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I've experienced similar symptoms on and off my whole life -

It sounds like an issue of yeast overgrowth/unbalanced bacteria on the scalp. You should read up about 'seborrheic dermatitis' and its ability to cause waxy scalp build-up. Eating more inline with the 'candida diet' and only using natural shampoos with few chemicals and lots of natural fungicides keeps most of my symptoms at bay. I also seldom use hair styling products to avoid any unnecessary irritation and build-up. Plus the less you stress and fuss over it, the better :)

Good luck
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Guys, I literally never respond to forums like this, but I have to share. This strange phenomenon happened to me around a decade ago (suddenly just had this random, waxy, greasy crown and no matter how much I washed I could not get rid of it, I had it for maybe a week or two at the time.) I can't remember what I did back then, but it didn't come back UNTIL late last week. A couple of interesting things: I have a sensitive scalp in general, which only seemed to only develop over the past few years, so now I use sulphate free shampoo to minimise hair shedding/flaking from irritation and this seems to keep it in check for the most part.

Last week I got really sick with strep throat, so was on Amoxicilan antibiotics. I also had run out of my sulphate free shampoo, so used men's head and shoulders that was just randomly in our shower. Head and shoulders always makes my hair go waxy and gross, so I never use it normally. I thought my hair was oily and waxy due to this, but then it literally never went away, over a week later I still had that same waxy, oily crown no matter how much I washed, used apple cider vinegar, sulphate free shampoo, etc.

UNTIL I bought Selsun Selenium Sulfide 2.5%. I remembered when I had moved to Thailand and the hard water and all the chemicals irritated my scalp, I would use this on and off and it was good for dandrum and dermatitis etc, and quite drying of the scalp, so thought I'd give it a go and by following instructions to a tee on the bottle, my hair is TOTALLY back to normal. No more weird waxy oily crown, straight after stepping out of the shower. I washed my hair three times this morning without it, and still oily. Then I just tried the Selsun this evening for the first time, and bam, back to normal. I also did a final rinse through before stepping out of shower with apple cider vinegar as an extra step, but I am not even sure it's necessary with this stuff.  You just have to follow the instructions. I.e. shake bottle, lather, leave for 2-3 mins, rinse, repeat.

FYI. Selsun description: a medicated shampoo used to treat dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis (a greasy, crusting, itching scalp caused by excess oil). But don't get Selsun Blue, get the stronger, 2.5% stuff if you can get your hands on it. In thailand they sell it in supermarkets OTC.

So my deductions would suggest that it's either some form of dermatitis, like other posters have suggested, sending your oil/sebum glands into overdrive (could the fact I ran out of my regular shampoo, hence used head and shoulders) have caused this to kick off? OR it's the antibiotics I'm taking, causing some kind of yeast overgrowth in the scalp. I read others were also on antibiotics when this happened to them.
But Selsun is the trick, i'm so relieved it's gone and I can wear my hair down again! . Goodluck! :)
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I fixed this. The culprit was my diet (+ some stress). I used to eat healthy (fruits, vegetables, no gluten and no dairy, minimal processed foods), and then I started to pile on the junk: bread, cheese, pasta, coffee, some alcohol, etc. That's when the greasy patch occurred out of nowhere. I sprayed AVC + water mix in that patch (left in in about 30 minutes then shampooed and rinsed normally) and then fixed my diet overnight by going straight back to fruits, veggies, gluten and dairy free, no coffee or alcohol, etc. One week later, back to normal.

So for everyone who has this problem, I suggest you think about what changes there have been in your life recently diet wise. I think what we eat is often overlooked when it comes to these things, and it can affect us a lot whether negatively or positively.
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Rena819,  I am dealing with this right now.  I am going to try the apple cider vinegar tonight but I eat low carb.  I do eat Keto which is low carb, high fat, moderate protein.  I have been eating this way for sometime.  the only difference is that I went off my keto way of eating last week for a vacation.  but I am back on so I am wondering if this is related to my body detoxing the processed junk out now..... so strange..
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MY SUCCESS:  Shampooed with Nizoral as directed (2 times while in the shower this morning; let sit on my hair for 5 minutes each time).  I conditioned afterwards, as usual.  Used hair dryer and the "ick" was gone... 100% gone.  YAY, YAY, YAY!!!

A) Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with water (50/50 mix) applied to hair and covered for 40 minutes.  Shampooed and conditioned hair and then dried with hair dryer.  Absolutely did nothing for my hair.
B) Tried the same Apple Cider Vinegar application as noted in the above step, but increased the amount of ACV (70/30 mix).  Then rinsed hair and applied a tablespoon of baking soda to my shampoo.  Scrubbed this into my hair and scalp and let it sit for 3-5 minutes.  Conditioned afterwards as usual.  Dried hair with hair dryer.  Hair looked slightly better, but it was still greasy/waxy... Gross.  And now I stink like vinegar too.

A little about me.  I'm 41 years old, 5'7", 150 lbs and a Type-1 diabetic. I have had diabetes for about 30 years. Not sure if my diabetes contributed to me getting this affliction, but figured it was worth mentioning (I suspect it does).  
Last week I noticed my hair looking greasy right after I got done showering.  I've never had this happen before, nor have I ever dealt with dandruff.  Like a lot of other people, I thought it was user-error... maybe I wasn't rinsing my hair well enough after shampooing or conditioning.  I then experimented with washing my hair better, but no change in this weird greasy mess on the crown of my head.  That's when I went online to see what I could find and "wow" was I surprised with how many people have dealt with this!  
I wanted to report what things I tried so that it might be useful to others.  I happen to have Nizoral in my home supplies because I bought it to treat a fungal infection on my back last summer.  I bought mine online from Target ($13.99), but you can get it from Walmart or even Amazon... It's fairly common.  Apparently it's a pretty handy medicine to have on-hand if you deal with skin issues on your scalp and/or body.  I seem to be prone to these types of problems (tinea, athlete's foot, jock itch) and it's great that it solved this hair issue too!  I totally recommend buying some Nizoral.  I was so relieved to have my normal hair back today!!
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mairee, does this keep coming back and do you know what is triggering it? So does this mean I have a fungal infection on my scalp? what would cause that?  I did hit my head on something a week ago, and am wondering if that has anything to do with it.
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Same problem. Tried many of these suggestions. I love how some people here have discussed the overproduction of sebum, how it happened after getting hair dyed (same here), the acid vs alkaline, the lukewarm water rinse to close the hair shaft...all good scientific info.

I saw my facial cleanser in the shower earlier this week and decided to try it on my hair...since it takes oil off of the skin gently...well, that's what I need for my hair! I used Alaffia Everyday Coconut Face Wash. Worked like a charm. So try your facial cleanser or this one :) it saved my sanity. The only time I had my old hair back, super clean and wonderful, was after a blow-out at the salon. I was seriously considering budgeting for a blow-out 3x/month and never washing my hair again...this issue is so debilitating and makes hair care such a time-consuming chore.

Also, when I was using shampoo, I would put a few drops of shampoo in a squirt bottle and fill it with lukewarm water then shake it up...so it's dispersed well and not just a dollop of shampoo in one spot. This helps if you're going to still use shampoo...

Lastly, my go-to shampoo for this issue was Kirk's Coco Shampoo but then it stopped working after several months. It's still a good option if you want something else to try...
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Happened to me when I went on holiday to a hot and humid country.  I believe it's fungal.  It has a smell to it and your pillow smells funny too   Cured by washing with original listerine and apple cider vinegar.  Not sure which of those did the job but one of them did.  Also you need to chuck your pillow away
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Have had this problem on and off for years. Sticky crown, like tree sap on the top of my head. Tried most of the remedies listed here. Would go away after I had my highlights done. This time, it came back just a few days later and I was NOT going to put up with it for another 6-8 weeks till my next hair appointment. Researched some more online today anf shampooed with Neutrogena T-Sal tonight AND THE STICKINESS IS GONE! My hair is soft and silky again. So happy I don’t have to walk around tomorrow looking like I don’t wash my hair!
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Hi Wendyhair,  This is happening to me now.  Does it keep coming back and have you figured out what causes it?  I am freaking out because someone else on this thread said it's early signs of hair loss!!!!!
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This problem popped up out of the blue for me about 5-6 days ago. Like everyone else, I thought it was a result of not rinsing out my conditioner properly, or overdoing the hair products, but after ditching both of these on the next wash, my hair was greasier than ever. It was literally forming dank strings even before I'd had a chance to dry it!


After a quick search on Goolge, I decided to try a 50/50 mix of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and water in conjunction with a tablespoon of bi-carb soda (BCS) in my regular shampoo.

I spritzed the ACV on the affected area, let sit for 30 minutes, then washed out with the BCS & shampoo mix.

The back of my crown still felt a bit grungy, so I repeated the BCS & shampoo, rinsed again, applied my usual conditioner to the ends of my hair, rinsed, spritzed with ACV for a final time and then a final rinse.

Even while my head was under the shower I could feel the difference in my hair, and upon drying it, the greasiness in the crown had reduced by 90-95%.

I'll repeat this process again tomorrow and hopefully that will be the end of it.  

It's just so nice to be able to run my fingers through my hair again!
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Had this!!!! DISHWASHER SOAP AND MOUTHWASH!!!! Mouthwash works the best, and also normal dove soap the bar !!!!! Use those as shampoo and a conditioner on the ends because mouthwash is so drying
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Omg lol i mean dish soap so like fairy liquid
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I got this, and had NO idea it was such a common problem until I went to google! I was so sick of washing my hair and it feeling greasy again as soon as it dried. I did a 50/50 ACV and water (probably about 1/4 of each), with 10 drops of melaleuca (tea tree) essential oil. Sprayed it on the crown of my head (where my greasy spot was) with a little spritz bottle, let it sit for 10 minutes, then washed with clarifying shampoo. BAM- gone! The crown of my head now feels all soft and clean again! Yay!! I'm keeping the spray bottle in my bathroom cabinet in case it sneaks up on me again.
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Hi raiinbowlovely,  Did this ever reoccur? and if so, did you figure out what the cause was?
It came back here and there. A lot less since I went off one medication that increased sebum on my skin and hair. (That medication made me get cystic acne too.) I still get it a little bit sometimes when I use shampoo with no sulfates in it (since I color my hair) for a few months. Or if I'm in a depressive episode and don't wash my hair often enough. But nothing like it was when I was on that medication (Xyrem). I've found that even the 50/50 water/ACV does fine, and I don't need the tea tree oil for it to be effective in washing out the sebum build up in my hair.
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Wow, this years-long thread is interesting!  Makes me wonder what the "oil" is.  Could it really be just sebum?  Or is it an exudate of either a purulent or serous nature?  The exudate would explain why some describe it as sticky.  A purulent exudate (pus mixed with serous secretion) would almost certainly be from an infection, although conceivably some other inflammatory reaction.  A serous exudate just indicates some kind of injury.  If you let it dry, a serous exudate will become an amber-colored transparent solid.

I sometimes have experienced small areas of serous exudate on my scalp, which I usually assume to be from places I've scratched that haven't fully healed and are still oozing.  However, sometimes the effect occurs in patches in places I doubt I've scratched.  In general my scalp is very dandruffy, usually as dry flakes but with occasional brief seborrheic hypersecretory periods, when it feels greasy or waxy.  However, it's never been in such a condition that ordinary soap wouldn't at least temporarily wash it out.  I don't think even the worst cases of seborrhea could produce the phenomenon described here, which is what makes me think these people are dealing not with sebum but with something that can be secreted much faster, i.e. an exudate.
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I've been suffering for a week. This came on out of the blue and I had no choice but to put my hair in a ponytail. I'm 33 and have no changes to my lifestyle or medication. After reading all of the comments to rushed to WALGREENS. I made a paste of apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and listerine. I let it soak on my head and rinsed. Then I washed with baby shampoo and a medicated psoriasis shampoo with 3% sal-acid. Good as new!!! I am so relieved!!
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I am 32 and I have the same problem for the past 5 months now. I understand how frustrating it is.But recently Ive tried something which helped me and thought I should share. I ve shampooed my hair normally with a mild shampoo, then I applies Jhonson baby shampoo on the affected area rinsed and left it for about 5mins. Then washed it with warn water.It helped me a lot. Hope it helps you too.
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pgdhar,  does it still reoccur?  If so, have you ever discovered what caused it?  I will try johnson baby shampoo tonight
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Had issue for 10-11 months - close to a year but not quite.
Tried:  vinegar/water, dawn, tea tree oil, selsun blue, all of it.  
I was washing my hair twice a day (lather/rinse/repeat - so really a total of 4 times)

Items to buy:  Nutrogena anti-residue shampoo (the clear shampoo) and Head & Shoulders Moisture Care Scalp Soother Treatment initially.

1.  Changed lotions to lotions without dimethicone in it (Texas Scents from HEB is what I use now).  I don't use face moisurizers (except for my eye area, I'm 53 and I need that!) :)  and can't tell the difference.

2. Quit exercising until my hair started becoming normal again.

3. Wash hair 2x a day (lather, rinse, repeat) for 2-3 days with Nutrogena anti-residue shampoo (the clear shampoo).  

4. Day 4 or whenever the residue and oily gunk is gone, before shampooing, spray scalp with Head & Shoulders Care Scalp Soother Treatment and leave in 1-2 minutes, then wash with the Nutrogena once.  Do this for about a week.

5. Once your scalp starts feeling normal try to rotate a gentler (dimethicone free) shampoo.  I'm rotating in OGX Coconut water shampoo.

6.  Once a week I condition with Furterer Curbicia mask ($26 on Amazon), I only leave in for 1-2 minutes (not the 5 minutes that is in the instructions) then use the Nutrogena after that.

It's important to note that any time I tried to deviate and use a dimethicone shampoo I'd immediately start feeling that gunk come back.

I am NOT a doctor but I suspect what happened was my scalp was dry and I was using conditioners and hair products that sat on top of my dry scalp and started blocking in my natural oils and all that gunk and oils sat on my dry scalp and started getting....gungky.  

I sincerely hope this helps someone.  I found this post back about 7 months ago and promised myself that if/when I finally figured out a 'recipe' that worked I would come back and let everyone know.

I'm not saying this will work for EVERYONE, I think some of these issues are different, some may be bacteria, some may be fungal, but if you tried everything, then give this a shot.

Lastly, whenever I feel just a little oily crown again then I immediately use the Nutrogena (lather/rinse/repeat).  It truly has done wonders for me and I do swear by it.  
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LilTex,  did you ever find out what caused it? are you still dealing with it?  I am just now experiencing this and concerned. will try remedies tonight.
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I cannot believe the amount of people with the same problem!  I am a 49 year old woman in good health and I have been suffering every few months with this for a few years now.  It comes on suddenly and usually lasts about a week then disappears.  Sometimes Dawn works....sometimes it doesn't.  So frustrating.  My hair is so greasy right out of the shower....I have been late to work the last three days because I have rewashed my hair several times a morning....I teach and being late is not cool!  My hair is thin and fine to boot....so it shows really bad and I cannot style it.  I look horrible and I am so embarrassed.  It is now after midnight and I know I have to get up early and try again....hoping today was the last day for a while.  Not sure I have any of the items listed in the house.  I have vinegar but I think it is white....not apple cider.  Ugh.  Tomorrow I will go and buy all the stuff mentioned to keep in the bathroom cabinet!!!!  Thanks for all the posts.....at least I finally know I am not alone!!!!
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Countryksss, did it work?  have you experienced any relapses?  did you ever discover the cause?
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Wow, so many people going through the EXACT same thing!  Same spot, same thinking that it was product that needed to be washed out, same conditions- out of the blue, same solutions.  Thanks for the tips, everyone!  Boo this problem!  Yay internet!
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My solution for this issue was using BAMBOO CHARCOAL SHAMPOO.

I first started experiencing this problem when I vacationed abroad, similar to several other responses I've read.  There, I was able to purchase bamboo charcoal shampoo, however you can purchase it online (Amazon or Google).  My brand was called Take Sumi and was purchased at the store in Bali.  This has worked like a charm for me after months of dealing with this problem on and off.  I love that this is a natural remedy rather than using harsh soaps or chemically loaded shampoos.  

Best of luck ladies!
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Thank you ladies!
I live in a hostel and had limited resources. Dish washing liquid worked and if you accompany it wish a good shampoo, you want have any dryness problem.
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Again like most people here, I am 27 year old female, and suffered this waxy spot on the crown of my hair for approx 1 month and got increasingly worse. Only 2 things that have changed in the last 6months was increase in exercise and I quit smoking. I have read all the posts and put it down to the sweat in my hair causing a damp environment. Anyway my treatment is as follows (1st got rid of 90% then did it once more and my hair was back to normal, yay!!)
1st rinse was lemon juice & Apple Cider Vinegar (in a spray bottle 1lemon then 1part ACV 2parts water), sprayed on and original Listerine, left for 10-15mins and rinsed out. * pour Listerine going to the back of the head cause it stings like a mofo if you get it in your eyes!  
2nd rinse was original Palmolive dishwashing liquid, left for 10-15mins and rinsed out
3rd I used Tgel shampoo twice(coal based shampoo)
4th so my hair wasn’t completely stripped I put conditioner on the bottom ½ of my hair and the ACV and lemon spray on the top, left for 10 mins and rinsed.

I hope this helps, I was so depressed and upset about this I was very close to shaving all my hair off. Before you go to this extreme please try my method! I still do not know what causes this but I will keep you posted if I find out.    
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KitMitchell,  I am dealing with this now... I am going to try these remedies tonight, but I am wondering if this ever came back?  Also, if it did, is there a more underlying reason that caused it?  Please let me know!
No, this never came back. I did repeat the whole process a bout a week later, just to make sure and then would use just the t-get(coal shampoo) once a week for the following month, but it never came back. From what I found out I think it was a fungal infection caused mainly from working out with a tight bun and not letting my hair dry out properly. I am sorry your going through this, I was so distressed when it was happening to me but very glad I found this thread otherwise I would have had a shaved head :(  
I hope this has helped you.
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OK , I was stressed for 3 days, because all of a sudden my head was so oily like out of nowhere ,, it looked like someone poured Oil bottle in my head ,, , to the point that i washed 3 times yesterday , i even did the Lemon and hot water rinsing, NO HELP ,,,,, SO after reading reviews here I got a lil happy ( because i was not the only one facing this problem) LoL,  after reading all comments i went to get  Johnson Baby Shampoo and neutrogena.t-sal-therapeuti shampoo,,,,, SO first ur wash ur hair 2,3 times with Johnsons Baby and then u apply T/sal and massage the crown area ( thats where i had all the grease at )  for 3 minutes and leave for 5 minutes , repeat 2 times , rinse and blow dry ,,, :)))))))))))    ((( I think the  Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Shampoo was the reason that i  turned into an Oil Magnet )))   Good Luck ,,, :))))) ( sorry for not accurate English )) :******
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biolage normalizing shampoo and conditioner works
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my name subra i face hair loss since 18 years old my scalp toooooooo oily i have used all remedies but not work pls help me
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it seems like this is a estrogen related issue, because all the people complaining about it seem to be women, including me. For me it happens right around when i get my period, so I personally think it comes from a hormone fluxuation, which would also explain the link to birth controls. So maybe try something to balance hormones?
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