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Sunburn with horrible Pins and Needles Sensation

Hi...I am a 28 year old female.  I rarely sunburn and can count the number of times on one hand.  However, three days ago, I spent about three hours at the pool.  I covered myself in sunscreen prior to going and while there.  When I came back, it appeared I had a nice tan.  Then, as the hours passed, my back and the back of my legs became very red.  Since I was in the sun, I spent even time on both sides of my body so as to get an even tan, but for some reason only my back side burned.  

The real issue here is that now, after three days, I am experiencing extremely uncomfortable sensations that feel like pins and needles in addition to the fact that the burn hurts to touch, is hot, and red (although some redness has now gone away and some of the heat radiating from the burn has subsided).  Is this normal for a sunburn?  I haven't had enough of them to know really.  But, I have literally been awake all night and in tears because I cannot bear this sensation of pins and needles.  Is there anything that I can do to make this stop?  I am desperate.  I work and cannot function without sleep.  I cannot take off work as right now as I have deadlines that must be completed on time.  Please...is there anything that might help???  This is terrible.

Thank you for assistance.

This discussion is related to Sunburn .
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I got sunburn about three days ago, so bad that my shoulders were basically purple. I was fine all day, so I decided to take a shower and wash all the dried aloe off my arms. When I got out of the shower it started to hurt, and when I say it feels like literal needles stabbing my arms, that’s what it feels like. I love the feeling of pins and needles so if it was just that, I would not have a problem. It’s been more than an hour since the pain started, and I kinda want to die. I have five fans surrounding me to cool me down and dry my skin. I took two Advil and two Benadryl. I did this because I saw that is was suggested but it’s not helping. I did however think that when the pain started, I should put aloe on it. Rookie mistake. If this doesn’t kill me, I surely will.
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I am on day 22 of this. I NEVER go out in the sun and NEVER get sunburnt. 3 weeks ago I did a car boot and had my back to the sun for 4 hours and after the back of my neck was a lovely shade of radiation pink.
I had shingles 2 years ago and went to see the pharmacist as this was the only thing I could contribute the pain to. He had to hide his laughter, 'just sunburn' he said. Now on day 22 I want to ring his neck!!! Just sunburn, my backside!
I have noticed there are tiny pin head spots within the burn, I wonder if these are the nerve endings, as with shingles and what is causing the pain.
I've tried Aloe Vera Vaseline, sudacreme, moisturiser, nothing works. Last night was a hot night and I woke up in pain at 5am. Got my fan on my back ATM and the pain is slowly subsiding. However, I know it will be back again later. I'm going to have to go and see the doctor later as this has been going on too long now.
Cudos to my poor husband who is having to put up with my 'niggliness'.
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I've been blown up in war 5 times.  Once in Kosovo 4 in Iraq, got through Afghan clean slate.  My last time in Iraq I was in hospital bed for 3 months, lost a leg and arm.  Same story here this pins and needles is relentlessly annoying!!!  Grew up in So Cal and had blistering sun burns before much much worse!  Got slightly pink from Port A in Texas and two days later after a rub down of Aloe this kicked in.  Ive taken at least 10 hot showers just sitting in there with not scolding water but warm with a detatchable head hitting the spots with the stabbing needles.  Its slowly is going away now but things I did.  Hot water soaking in shower, I also took a couple of my pain meds with two horse like pills from VA Ibuprofen.  
Don't feel bad if grown men are crying from this or the Terets syndrome effect.  It has made me laugh reading these blogs but holy taledo Batman, these pins and needles coming and going when they like suck.  Probably more than a half day getting a tattoo.  Someones going to find an instant cure for this and become a milionair watch for it.  Hot shower though will help hit those good spots.  Might burn but cold showers you will get out and will come around quicker.  Numb it warm/hot way.  Thank you everyone for posts.  The pins and needles is a force to recon with!!!  God Bless and good luck!
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It really seems to be the back area is where all of these sensations are happening. Well I would call them much worse things, but lets stick to sensations.  I just spent 3 full 14 hour shifts outside at a festival I was working, got pretty burnt, but nothing likes Hell's Itch.. It's been 2 days now since I took my shirt off doing yard work for ONE HOUR and I swear if I'm never taking my shirt off again outside. No matter what I think of physically I can destroy with my bare hands, NOTHING will help this pain!!!! After convulsing sround the house and screaming for a bit, I decided to take a pretty hot shower. IT WORKS. Apple cidar vinegar worked for the day aftet the burn. Mainly for the heat and pain. But ANY LOTION OR ALOE OR SCRATCHING DOES NOT WORK ONCE THE PINS AND NEEDLES DECIDE TO SHOW UP. Cidar made it immediately worse. Aloe? Not a chance. Hot shower? Felt like I could stand there all day and be fine. After the shower I was good for about an hour. They came right back... I've read on the other answers that multiple showers help them go away for good. I just finally put calamine lotion on my back and it seems to be bearable...to an extent. Discomforting, but bearable for now. Pressure seems to help too. I play xbox and in my chair it doesn't hurt that bad. I'm also now laying on my towel to slightly scratch my back as the pins and needles arise. Tomorrow is another hot shower before work. Guys, if you are like me and didn't want to shower because of it hurting more, TAKE ONE! My dad also said it may be my skin scrunching up and drying out, but it feels like the worlds sharpest knives and just pricking my back all over! Hell's Itch is a nive way of putting this torture.. Do not wish this on anyone. Take heed of my words and you may just survive this abomination.
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Thank You to everyone who posted before me; so glad to know I'm not alone with this!  I have had this twice now; this is my 2nd experience.  I found some relief drinking TONS of Gatorade and water to stay hydrated, and I took  800 MG Tylenol PM, combined with 800 MG Advil or Aleve liquid-gels but did not take meds on an empty stomach--  I was sure to eat first. I know I cannot / will not sleep for 2 days until this passes.  I might "pass out" from exhaustion and get a little sleep, but it won't be much.  I will try to get some Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton Allergy 12 hour oral tablet) tomorrow and hope that helps too.  The pins & needles really ARE quite beyond belief!  In fact, my first experience I was in the Army and they threatened me with court-martial if I insisted on going to sick call with a sunburn, but the pins & needles were INSANE so I said I didn't care (they never did, but I would have willingly been tried because the pain was too extreme to not seek help.)  Luckily it does pass and clear up in just 2-3 days so think how good you'll enjoy your sleep then.  In the interim, dear Lord I offer up my pain as a sacrifice for all those who are suffering with this condition but do not have the internet or did not think to search here; we know they are alone and in agony, and I ask that my suffering may be acceptable to you for their benefit, oh Lord-- please help them!  Please Lord give some relief (and sleep) to them who need it the most.  Amen.
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Paracetamol and a good antihistamine are very good for this excruciatingly painful pins and needles sensation brought on by the sun
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The antihistamine in tablet form works best...
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Thanks so much for recommending hot water. I honestly thought a hot shower would add more burning sensation to the sunburn but infact took the pain away. I only happened to try it as a last resort as the aloe gel and moisturiser turned into a sharp prickly heat which pulsed across my back, chest and stomach. I couldn't bare it for much longer so jumped in the shower and turned to heat to roughly 40 degrees. Funny enough I didn't experience any burning sensation but slowly felt the pickling fade away within minutes. I don't understand why this works and why Google's "best ways to stop sun burn" is using creams and cold heat which only added further pain and irritation. Thanks to your comments I can now soothe the pain
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I just had the same sort of feeling two nights ago for the first time with a sunburn. The way I described it to my wife was like being electrocuted over and over again in a few spots. A cold shower directly on the painful areas was somewhat helpful but the ultimate answer appeared to be Benadryl anti-itch cream. It took about 30 minutes to start working, but thankfully it did. I was about to have my wife call 911 because I had never felt pain like that before (sunburn or not).
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I have had this 3 times in my life and I am no baby but I am DEATHLY afraid of the sun now because of this feeling. My father called me a baby, my wife thought I was just burnt and a baby.  Until tonight.  When my son got the same reaction.  The twisting contortions movements.  And my son has the highest pain tolerance we have ever witnessed.   He didn't flinch when his appendix burst.  No lie.  He is flipping out now.  I bought benzocaine 20% spray and calydrl clear lotion.  This is day 2 after burn.  Just like mine.  It is working for him so far.  I wish my father ran out an bought up Walgreens to help.  I will post tomorrow.   I hope he doesn't go through more of what I and others did.  This was horrific for me and for us to watch with him.  Anyone know a medical term for it?  Seems like it's not just burn but a a sensitivity to the burn.  I am Italian with olive skin.  He is part Italian.   Anyone else here have a particular ethnicity or sKim pigmentation that might explain the sensitivity?
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HOT SHOWERS OR BATHS!!! I had the same "hells itch" in Mexico 3 years ago and am now stupidly in the same position experiencing It again only this time in Thailand, anything cold drives me crazy....Air con, bath or showers, towels, after sun, sudocreme and other lotions, just stick to a HOT as you can bare shower or bath for half an hour at at time and be patient, the affected area still tingles for a while but the sensation of someone driving pins deep into your (in my case back) is lessened massively and will all go away I found in a few hours, hope this helps anyone reading it.
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So I get this about once a summer, almost any time I burn. The writhing, twitching, contorted body. The mental breakdown and tears while you are sitting through what can only be described as torture. I have an incredibly high tolerance to pain and this utterly cripples me for hours.

Know how I managed to solve the problem? And I don't mean tolerate, I mean solve?

I get drunk. Well, maybe not drunk but buzzed. It sounds juvenile but ******* if it doesn't work, and quickly. The booze numbs my nerve endings and dehydrates me. Typically two glasses of bourbon neat or on the rocks does the trick, and lasts long enough that the sensation subsides. If I feel it start to come back? No problem, pour another. I'm not joking, if you've experienced this you know it's not a laughing matter.

NO CREAMS, NO ALOE, NO HOT WATER, NO COLD WATER, NO SCRATCHING. Just a few stiff drinks stops it right in its tracks for me.
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So I get this about once a summer, almost any time I burn. The writhing, twitching, contorted body. The mental breakdown and tears while you are sitting through what can only be described as torture. I have an incredibly high tolerance to pain and this utterly cripples me for hours.

Know how I managed to solve the problem? And I don't mean tolerate, I mean solve?

I get drunk. Well, maybe not drunk but buzzed. It sounds juvenile but ******* if it doesn't work, and quickly. The booze numbs my nerve endings and dehydrates me. Typically two glasses of bourbon neat or on the rocks does the trick, and lasts long enough that the sensation subsides. If I feel it start to come back? No problem, pour another. I'm not joking, if you've experienced this you know it's not a laughing matter.

NO CREAMS, NO ALOE, NO HOT WATER, NO COLD WATER, NO SCRATCHING. Just a few stiff drinks stops it right in its tracks for me.
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I had this a few summers ago, and I know the terrible feeling.  Here is a link to a Reddit page that seems to have some helpful advice for this hell's itch.  https://www.reddit.com/r/HellsItch/
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Hi I am like this now but I learned from the hospital that aleo vera with lidocaine in it actually helps with this pain and feeling yes it may itch but to scratch it just pat it but it actually helps u sleep due to the fact that lidocaine is a topical pain killer and trust me it works and lukewarm water baths with baking soda in it helps as well thanks to this aloe vera after sunburn with lidocaine and vitamins A&E I have been able to sleep and do what I need to do don't applly this more than 3 or 4 times a day tho but in my opinion if it's a small area then do it as often as u like but space it out also some fabrics can be causing it to feel like pins and needles wearing clothes to tight or to big can irritate it and make it itch worse so be careful of how ur clothes fit
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I am currently going through the 'Hell's Itch' and can only agree with everyone that it is the worst thing ever. I am 22 years old and never had to take pain killers in my life no matter (I am doing bodybuilding which made me pain tolerant, especially the pain related to muscle recovery and injuries) what but this 'Itch' made me desperate. It certainly is pins and needles with occasional stabbing, which last a couple of seconds and make you arch your back (my burn is on the back by the way - it is burnt more severely on the lower back but the pins and needles and in the upper part). The skin is already turning brown with only a little of pinkness left on it, which would normally be the end of a sunburn. I even managed to do a session of training yesterday and it certainly wasn't anything like the 'Hell's Itch'.

It started 37 hours after the sunburn and the stabbing woke me up at 5 am in the morning today. Tried some after sun lotion - HUGE MISTAKE!!! Then tried to find some help on the internet and thanks to you people I was able to stop running around the house like an ex drug addict. First I tried cold shower (30mins) and bath (20mins), which relieve it for the moment but once you finish the pins and needles are back.  However, what helped me to reduce the pain to a manageable level was - HOT SHOWER!!!. Only 10mins in the hot shower (gradually made it warmer) helped A LOT. I let the water dry off naturally (which took about 20 mins). The first minute after the shower was wonderful, no pain at all. It slowly  started to come back and in 10 minutes it was already as bad as it got (however, it was manageable and much, much, much better). An hour later I took some pain killers, which made me pass out for a couple of hours.

In my experience, DO 1. take a hot shower - I tried it after reading this thread and it helped me. 2. Try to limit your movements. 3. Knock yourself out with something (drugs, alcohol or whatever works for you) but it only helps by keeping you unconscious while the time passes.
DO NOT. 1. Apply any creams or lotions; 2. Rub the area or scratch it.

At the time of writing 9 hours have passed since the beginning of the sensation and I hope it does not come back to it's peak. I can only hope it will be over in 24-36 hours as mentioned by you guys.
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How long does this last? My 14 year old son is having this same issue. He burned three days ago.  He gets 20-30 min of intense pain, which seem like his nerves are attacking him.  We went to Urgent care, they gave him steroids and an antibiotic.  No help.  We went to the ER, with my son having hell's itch while there, and the doctor told me it is psychological and that my son is exaggerating for attention. My son can handle pain.  Note we live in florida, so doctors commonly see sunburns.  They gave him 2 Xanax, discharged us, and he finally fell asleep once home at 2:30 am.  They wrote him a 1 day prescription of ativan.  I assume today will be equally bad.  How long will this last?
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HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL.......I'm so thankful for this thread. Gives me complete justification for my erratic and insane behavior in front of my wife and kids. Now that the burning needles slowly being inserted to every square  inch of my back have subsided I was able to compose myself enough to find this thread. Having a lifetime of sports injuries from shoulder separations, blown out knees, multiple surgeries, broken arms, to slipped disks I feel like they all pale in comparison to those damn satan needles. Like everyone else the needles came 48 hrs after my sunburn. My fire needles came right after I got out of the shower and I thought that might have been what triggered it. I felt like all sense of rationality abandoned me. I was like a crazy possessed person running around the house saying things I didn't know I was capable of saying. Really the worst part about it was the lack of sympathy I got from my wife. All she could say was "thank goodness you don't have to have kids"....... I'm pretty certain this is worse than child birth. Pure torture!!! The only thing that seemed to help a little was the cold. I would go from the ice cold shower to strings of otter pops laid on my back to laying over the AC unit. I repeated this for what seemed like an eternity and it seemed to subside for the time being. I also applied apple cider vinegar from my wifes recommendation because apparently she had this "same" thing when she was a kid and that helped her (yeah right). Anyone who knows......knows!!! I will be applying 100 sunblock for the rest of my life to avoid ever going through this again. God help you if are going through this and please take pity and sympathy if you have a loved one going through this.......you have NO idea the hell they are in!!!!
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Hells Itch!!  Wonderfully describes this torture
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So glad I found this thread, I thought I was crazy.  I just experienced the pins and needles sensation or "hell's itch" (I think that one sums it up) yesterday after getting a rather mild sunburn on my back 24 hours before.  I have had many sun burns, once even to the point of blistering, but never had this sensation after.  I am 49 years old, so, really a fair number of burns over my lifetime.  I had some one scratch my back for me, and that is when I first noticed this sensation.  So, I had them put Aloe lotion on my back--bad idea!  That is when it really took off and I had to immediately jump in the shower.  At first I thought I was having an allergic reaction, and expected to see hives start to form.  But, no hives.  The only relief came from being shirtless and standing in front of a window unit air conditioner.  Once calmed, it isn't too bad, as long as nothing is touching the area. It did get a lot better the next day--at least I could wear a shirt.  If it happens again I may try the hot bath idea--but I am a little afraid to even to that.  Sounds like I just may have to wait it out.
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My daughter  had the same thing happen tonight and so glad I found this forum.  We did put cortisone cream at first and than saw that cream was the worst thing so I had made some tea thinking it would draw out the sunburn and that took the cream off.  I than saw the post about some powder and went and grabbed some Gold Bond medicated powder and it worked wonders.  At first she said it felt hot but than I spent the next hour sprinkling it on her back and light
patting it lightly with a don't laugh but a fuzzy sock. We put a fan on for about 15 min but it made her too cold.  The Gold bond powder took the edge off.  She said she could faintly feel it coming back so I would sprinkle more powder on. She went from crying and having the worst pain ever to just mild discomfort.  Luckily we had pain meds  and she took one.  She is down sleeping. Whatever this is it is terrible.   She did get sunburn Monday and this was the 4th day like everyone was saying 3 or 4 days.  She didn't have sunscreen on and normally takes a bath in the stuff.  Her sunburn really wasn't that bad but I guess that doesn't matter.
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Get least 10lbs of ICE, put in ziplock bags, lay bags on back or where pins/needles are. Pain pills too. Keep ice on for at least an hour. If after removing ice you start feeling pins/needles come back, put ice back on for another hour. This always works for me.
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Had my first experience today of what I now know is referred to as the 'Hell's itch', following sunburn 48 hours earlier.  It started from out of nowhere with pins & needles that progressed over a couple of hours to an almost unbearable and unrelenting level of stabbing pain all over my sunburned back.  So much so that it got to the point where I was on my knees practically screaming in pain which resembled a level experienced when I had previously broken bones, no joke it was excruciating.  No amount of after-sun cream, stone cold showers, ice packs or painkillers would even take the edge of the pain and if anything irritated it further.  

Just at the point of losing my mind and considering a trip to A&E I frantically searched the internet for any kind of help and found the holy grail cure. HOT SHOWERS!!!!!!!.  

Turned the shower to >40 Degrees and stayed in for 15 mins, initially it was painful but then after about 5 mins all pain completely disappeared with such an overwhelming sense of relief.  Within 1 hour some pins and needles returned but were completely non painful and stayed that way for a further 3 hours.  Took a precautionary second shower before bed and that was the 'Hells Itch' finished for good.  

For reference, after the first shower I took one 180mg Fexofenadine Hydrochloride (strong antihistamine) tablet which I usually take for hives following hay fever.  However the true extent to which this had an effect over that of the shower is debatable but I would still advise.
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Hi Mandy
I can echo all of the comments above and confirm that this is a very painful form of sunburn. My son has it presently, we are on holiday in Barbados. He has what looks like medium sunburn, a red back but no blisters. The Doctor prescribed anti-inflams, burn cream and a mild steroid. I'm not sure if that has helped, certainly the cream seemed to set it off again. He is literally being driven crazy by this. All of the above is true : Creams make it worse, cold compress helps somewhat, he's just out of a hot shower and feels a bit better. Before reading the posts above we were quite sceptical, now we fully understand how he is feeling. Good luck every one. He's smiling again after the hot shower !
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I can say how thankful i am for this thread with my story. I went to the beach 2 days ago. I got burned im talking fire burn from the sun. Anyway my mom suggested we go see a movie with my family and i said sure. While she was getting ready i applied routine aloe vera to my burns. If i could take that moment back i would. Hell's itch set in imediately. Instantly i ran to the shower running my mom out of the only functioning bathroom in the house. I have been in the bath for 3 hours and am afraid for life to leave. Baking Soda and hot water have become my only friends. And for anyone seeking refuge and confirmation in my words. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!!!
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It seems there is one thing in common here. We all have used some kind of moisterizer after getting burned. I am 52 and have been burned many times, but this time it was a mild burn and very managable. I applied aloe cream for 3 days and then suddenly after a cool shower tonight it happned, a hundred pins all over my back. Not fun. I jumped back in the shower and removed the cream thinking that it was some alergic reaction, but that did not work. Only after taking another HOT shower did I get some relief. Now as I write, it is still there but not so crazy. So hot showers do work, but my feeling is that there might be something in the creams we are using to treat our burns that only reacts negatively with the body after a few days, or as has been pointed out, when the new skin starts to form

I was using the Banana Boat Aloe After Sun.
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It seems there is one thing in common here. We all have used some kind of moisterizer after getting burned. I am 52 and have been burned many times, but this time it was a mild burn and very managable. I applied aloe cream for 3 days and then suddenly after a cool shower tonight it happned, a hundred pins all over my back. Not fun. I jumped back in the shower and removed the cream thinking that it was some alergic reaction, but that did not work. Only after taking another HOT shower did I get some relief. Now as I write, it is still there but not so crazy. So hot showers do work, but my feeling is that there might be something in the creams we are using to treat our burns that only reacts negatively with the body after a few days, or as has been pointed out, when the new skin starts to form
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Yea After reading the comments while in the pain right now I tried icing myself, aloe, cold shower, pain killers, and benadryl. None of them worked. Any kind of creme will make it worse so just dont try. When I first read hot shower or bath I was like it cant be true because a hot shower hurts after being sun burnt. However I tried a hot shower and I felt so much better the pins and needles pain was gone with minor pain of hot water touching the sun burnt area. I dont know how but how shower is the best solution or hot bath. Bring in something to watch while in the bath cause you will be there for a while.
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So thankful I've found some people who understand. I got this Hells itch for the first time when I was 10 and my parents thought I was overreacting. Overreacting is acting as if Satan himself was possessing me. Only when did I get it again when I was 16 did they start thinking that it's a problem. I remember both times vividly. It was the last day of school when I was 16 and went to the beach with my friends. Afterwards I noticed I was pink. No biggy, I've gotten sunburns before. Throw some aloe on it and watch some tv. When I woke up the next morning, it was the most painful 24 hours I've ever experienced. You run out of tears because the horrible pain is too much. My stepmother rubbed every gloop she could think of on my burns and as everyone else says, it only made it worse. The only solace was pressing my back against the cold walls and moving to a new spot when it started to flare up again. Eventually I found peppermint oil would be of some relief but by the time I put it on, it was towards the end of the 24 hour reign of terror so I can't give a good say if it worked or not. My only advice, get special medical sunscreen to ensure it'll never happen again. This pain I'd never put on my worst enemy. Sadly, I'm here right now as I forgot to put sunscreen on my legs after a 6 hour boat ride. Give me strength my comrades, for I fear the worst.
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