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Tender skin - sore to the touch

Hi -

I am hoping that someone might have some feedback on an issue I have been experiencing over the last year with various areas of skin.  It started with my legs and back but now has moved to my face.  Basically, for about 24 - 48 hours, an area of skin (generally from the size of a softball to basketball) will become extremely tender and sore to the touch ... almost as if it were bruised significantly.  It is so tender that clothes brushing against it is painful.  The problem is, there is no visual evidence of it.  I went to the doctor and felt as though he was insinuating that I was making up the symptoms because he could not see anything.   Very, very frustrating.  Again, just wondering if anyone here has ever experienced anything similar.  At the moment, the skin on my entire face aches and it is difficult to even take a shower.  If it follows my past episodes, it will fade within a day or two so it is not too much of a problem but it would definitely be nice to get a better understanding of what is happening inside my body and if there is anything I can do to prevent/relieve it.

I thank you in advance for your time and help.

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ive been having pain like that also, on my outer thigh, feels very hot to the touch over clothes, and hurts when anything touches it like a really bad bruised sunburn. but there is no discoloration or swelling. I do an intermittent fasting diet and it could be whats causing it, when i break my fast i eat about 1000 calories worth of food at a time so it could be the amount of carbs or sugar that is entering my body. idk though
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I would think it's HHV-6 Human herpies virus 6 variant A
99.5% of the population is infected, courtesy of the Vaccine for the polio. It was grown in ground up monkey kidneys which allowed 105 retroviruses into all of us. Also in that group was Cytomegla Virus.
It was transmitted from the Ribosomes of the Monkeys cells. These complete DNA virus's activated in us, we created antigens and they took up residence in our DNA.
If our immune systems are suppressed for any number of reasons, this DNA can unwind, form a virus body, kill the cell it came from and cause all kinds of trouble. Mainly Variant A messes with the nervous system. It can also cause normal like symptoms.

If you study it,or just look it up... you will get the well thought our propaganda pooh pooh reply.
It is far more sinister that what they say. Variant B is clearly linked to Hodgkin B cell double nucleolus, called Stern-berg cells, chemo does kill these, but more important they can and do hijack CD20 cells, shutting down your immune system by offering made up conflicting information to the immune system, by this hijacked cd20 appearing as an immune cell.  I know, so very interesting.

These new cells are called CD20 B Monoclonal cells.
This fantastic Chemo like agent is called "Rituxin" An antigen which can kill these cells thus making Lymphatic cancers and others vanish in a few days.
Once the B Monoclonal is killed quickly by this targeted therapy, the immune system turns on and works quickly.

I am a survivor of 36 years of lymphoma. I asked for this drug for 6 years, as a last resort they relented and gave it to me,,, Viola, 100% remission..from facing a bone marrow transplant to what seems to be a managed cure..and now everyone gets rituxin with all the other chemo's. Not me...hum

My cancer docs didn't and still don't totally believe their own research but it is changing, and apparently now more quickly..
So if you wake up in this kind of total pain, it could be this and the activation of other viruses at the same time... causing all these problems. But your immune system will generally get you back on top of things, this time.

In my opinion ....These free vaccines have unknowingly allowed these viruses a highway into us all.
I know, this is crazy talk.

My work email is ***@**** if you wish better information and or direction to research this more for yourself if it interests you.
Bear in mind I am not a doctor.  
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For what it's worth, applying some Frankincense oil to the area seems to help for me.  I'm a 47 yr male and my wife suggested this essential oil, thinking I would be my usual skeptical self and ignore her suggestion :-)  I tried it and it seems to help.  Mine started on my upper thigh as a sharp painful pulling sensation on the skin that would appear at random times but mostly at night when sleeping or morning.  I tolerated it for weeks before finally applying some Frankincense every evening, and after a week it went away.  Now the same thing has started happening on my right tricep, first with the sharp pain and now a generally burning sensation with over sensitivity to touch.  Smearing that Frankincense gives some relief and after a few days it already seems to be improving :-)  It may just be a snake-oil placebo and the area healed itself, but all I know is I suffered with it for weeks and then within a week of using the Frankincense it went away...
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But I had a shingles vaccine  several years ago and was told I wouldn't need another one. I have been having this sensation of my left side; like a painful rash that is invisible. I have had back surgery recently (4 months ago) that didn't help my problem--severe pain in my left leg.--and I wonder if there is a connection. I am 77 and am not sexually active.
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Thank you for this thread I also have mentioned it to doctors and people in my life and the only way I could describe it was that it kind of feels like metal plates under your skin .I am having the most painful one right now. I noticed I get it a lot when I am dehydrated or a night of drinking alcohol .but today I woke up and had a lot of water though out the day.I usually wake up with it but this time it started in the evening .I find hot baths and rolling something on my skin and moving helps .if anyone has more tips please do share .thank you
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What have your doctors said?  No one seems to know what it is. I've suffered with this for years maybe since my late teens early 20s. I would notice it after I would drink alcohol but I still get it sometimes even if I don't drink which had me convinced it may be something in my diet. The past two days it has been excruciating and more wide spread starting in my cheeks going to my neck chest back arms and thighs. It's a sensation of pain but it only hurts if it's touched hit rubbed against something etc. if I'm standing still it doesn't hurt. It hurts to take my clothes off and on too.
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Happens to me all the time. Computers do not do apostrophes in writing and that is why your weird numbers showed up. Also, I found this thread helpful to my tender skin on my back and shoulder. Thanks for posting everyone.

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Hi I have had the same symptoms for a long time. But this is the first time I have seen this website. This is great in a way knowing I'm not alone. I found the two word entry, "tactile allodynia". Did some looking into it and found it describes my symptoms perfectly. Gonna try to eat better and got some b12. I will see what happens. I suggest everyone do the web search on that. You will find it very helpful.
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I have the same thing with various sized, patchy, skin tenderness moving around the different parts of the body. It must have started after my older daughter's birth over 10 years ago, and it has continued ever since. The tenderness stays foe few days to several days and it moves around all the time. The severity of pain isn't too bad except it is very annoying and bothersome to touch the affected area. I've gone to see a neurologist about this and no use as she didn't know what I know talking about and probably thought I was making all this up. I understand that this can be tactile allodynia or fibromyalgia or post-viral related. Hope some neurologists, dermatologist can address this more in details.
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Have issues with areas of sore skin since the age of twelve. Started on belly button area while sick in bed with a bad flu. My mom said she has had the same sore skin issue a long time. I only got the sore skin now and then. When I was a young bride I would get it bad in different areas. Couldn't touch those areas and when in a leg my leg feels painful inside too. I had noticed any time something rubbed my skin like a massage or something, then that sore skin would come back. I told my ob/gyn about it and he said it was neuralgia. The nerves in the skin getting irritated. But don't know why. He told me to take all b with c vitamins. So I would take vit. B 50 with 500 vit. C. He also gave me vit. B shots for awhile. It helped some, not a lot. I quit taking them. Do only now and then. The only thing I found to help the sore skin and pain are rubs like bengay and taking pain pills. Strange thing it had stopped for about ten years then came back. Strange. But I get it less and less now. I am having a bad case of it now. I'm going to talk to a doctor about it soon. So all I know is its supposed to be from the nerves in the skin.
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Sorry. I don't know why those weird numbers and letters came up. I must have typed wrong. Knucklehead. Lol
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Hey.. I read your post while looking for the same problem and came to the conclusion that its not just Splenda.  I used a sugar substitute yesterday and today and have exactly the same symptoms as you.. I will not use that sugar substitute again for a week and see how it goes. If it goes away, I will have the sugar substitute again in my coffee and let you know what the outcome is.
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Hey.. I read your post while looking for the same problem and came to the conclusion that its not just Splenda.  I used a sugar substitute yesterday and today and have exactly the same symptoms as you.. I will not use that sugar substitute again for a week and see how it goes. If it goes away, I will have the sugar substitute again in my coffee and let you know what the outcome is.
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Just going to throw this out there--I was convinced this skin tenderness/pain had something to do with hemorrhoid flareup but specialist says 'no way'..does anyone else have this experience?
My symptoms are same as most on here...feels like I've been dragged on gravel! Mostly back of my thighs (sometimes just one thigh) and almost always on my buttocks.
It's miserable.
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Hello--I just found your (old-2010) comment on a thread about skin tenderness in upper thigh, which I am suffering from...just wondering if you had gotten any answers...Much appreciate any info as docs don't know.
thank you.
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Hi Lavender

I have the same problem, the pain usually starts from my buttocks down to my feet, also cant sit on a cold toilet or surface it makes it worse, my feet get so bad that i can not walk on any cold surface.  It doesnt last long sometimes 2 days but it is very uncomfortable and stressfull. Wish someone can diagnose this and tell us what to do to avoid or resolve this
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I don't agree that it's definitely Herpes. I believe that that's a possibility for SOME of the cases described on this forum, but not all.
I have the herpes virus and have recurring issues in one of my ears. every few years it flares up, but I assure you it is quite different than what I'm hearing others describe as I have had the same painful skin symptoms for over thirty years. I will get pain on a forearm, upper thigh, abdominal area, under arms, and/or back. The pain migrates to different areas at different times UNLIKE Shingles or Herpes which tends to affect a single nerve line and doesn't migrate. The pain can last anywhere from an hour to 2 or 3 days with varying intensity. Herpes pain starts slowly over a few days until it's quite bad, and can present with blistering, but, at least in my experience never lasts less than a week. Having said that quick action with an antiviral can stop it in it's tracks... at least for me. Took me over 20 years to catch on to the warning signs though.
I have NO idea what causes the skin pain. I've never gone after medical intervention for it, as it always goes away and is so intermittent. I'd LOVE to know what it is though as I have it in 3 places right now, and it really does wear on you after a while.
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I had this in Dec 15 on my right leg down to my foot and went to urgent care at Kaiser.  They listened and told me it was Cellulitis and placed me on Antibiotics.  The first round didn't work so they gave me another round and the pain went away but........in April it came back on the other leg.  Went back to the doctor's who laughed me out of the room saying there's nothing wrong.  We need to find someone who will listen and find out what can be done about this issue.  anyone know of a doctor in California who knows about this issue?
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I also arrived here for the same pain in the exact same place! It hurts in my pinky bones down through my wrist into my forearm. It is very sensitive to touch and temperature. And sometimes it just aches extremely bad, sort of like growing pains. It happens in random parts of my body at random times and I have finally decided to start figuring out if anyone else feels the same! I have no clue what it is but it hurts and I feel like no one else gets it.
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I recommend the book Medical Medium by Anthony William. I've had other issues that have progressively become worse since the birth of my son - severe food sensitivities, mood swings, asthma, lumps on my body, skin issues, etc. This book has been at the very least a message of hope for me. Now, just this week, I have symptoms similar to some of you, soreness and a sort of burn-like pain on both sides of my upper back and under arm areas. It's very sensitive to touch, like how I felt when I had mono 13 years ago. I'm hoping the prayer and simple diet suggestions in this book will help.
I hope it helps some of you, too!
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Oh god I've just skimmed through all of these and there has been a very sensible answer given several times but people still saying "I don't know what it could be" GRRRR

The HSV1 or even 2 virus causes these extreme skin soreness symptoms, the pain and soreness will keep you up at night!! You CANNOT test for herpes unless you get blisters and NOT EVERYONE gets blisters, just because you DONT GET blisters doesn't mean the virus isn't living in your lower back causing havoc!!
herpes is incurable and undetectable and is often triggered by a ladies monthly or stress.

Herpes symptoms vary they're irregular and can stop and start whenever it wants! Because that's the nature of the virus there's no rules it makes its own.

I'm sorry to say by the sounds of it you have HERPES just like over 70% of the population so stop wasting your Drs time take ibrobufen look after yourself and ride it out.

just to clarify your dr cannot cure or test for herpes. If your experiencing skin soreness akin to someone rubbing off a few layers with sandpaper then the chances are its HERPES. Now if I see "I don't know what it could be" one more time I'm going to expload...

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Actually there are several other causes.  Find a doctor who listens. This is a very common sign of Fibromyalgia.
Leah, There is most definitely a test for herpes -- a blood test, which has nothing to do with whether sores are present, or even if you have symptoms present at all. You're misinformed.
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If there is a sort of rash it could be Shingles.  I don't have the rash, just the sore skin....it started with a spot on my wrist, now there is one on my hip and my lower back.  
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Very interesting about the Splenda
I usually don't use Splenda, but I have been using quite a bit over the last two weeks.  It's the only new thing that I've been exposed to lately. I'm giving it up immediately. This pain is weird and difficult to explain.  Splenda is the only thing that makes sense.  
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I have this, too!  For a couple of decades now.  Never been diagnosed.  2-3 days at a time every month or two.  About 3inch diameter spots with no visible sign painful to touch usually on my arms or legs.  I say "my skin hurts".  Nice to know I'm not the only one!
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I've been having this pain/sensitivity on the skin on the outside of my upper thighs for awhile now. It happens randomly and not consistent. I haven't been able to identify any triggers. Upon research it appears that it could be something called allodonia (I don't think I'm spelling it right) but it's common in people with fibromyalgia. It's caused by neurological issues. I'm going to ask my doctor about it when I go see him and see what we come up with. Hope this helps I'll try to write back if I get anymore information.
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