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bugs me

i have bed bugs, head lice, scabies, and possibly rope worm, which does not exist in north america, apparently.  i am at home most of the time, but i do have visitors.  i believe all were put on me at the same time.  it has been a month now, and my fear of dropping any of these tiny monsters on someone keeps me from leaving my home to seek the medical advice i need.  i am an intelligent person, educated, and i love researching.  i am at my wits end.
the biggest problem i have, and the reason for my post, is with my ears.  i did not know i had headlice when i jetted hot shower water into both ears to relieve the tickle deep inside my ear canal.  i did not know i had wax either.  the shower impacted the wax and locked the little buggers in there.  ear wax is not supposed to be good for lice, but it has become their nesting place.  i can hear the eggs explode at intervals; i can feel them fight for life when i put known liquids of all varieties in my ear; i can feel them when they crawl out my nose; i may be be breathing them into my lungs producing a white foamy spit after a cough.  i can hardly believe this is happening to me; so how can you, or any doctor, believe me?
i am a homeopath, and the only things i have not tried in my ears is honey, olive oil, garlic, white vinegar.  the head lice are non responsive to double action flea shampoo applied to my head.  they do not die, even when i put a bag on my head and pressed my palm where i felt them moving with the shampoo still in my hair.  when i block off my ears, the tickle on my head slows down.  just now i pulled a live bug off the entrance to my ear canal.  not sure which way he was going.  the best remedy is a spray bottle of 70% alcohol sprayed right into the ear.  they drown, if i can keep it in there long enough; their squirming for life is more than i can bear.  hydrogen peroxide feels good until it reaches in further, then the velvet knife pain becomes unbearable, and i have to dump it out.  there is nothing i can do to fix this.
my emotional state has some new friends as well.  i cannot even take out my own garbage.  my bachalor apartment needs to be burned to rid me of the pests.  i am 62, on a disability for ptsd, and very quickly going down hill.  social services would put me in a home if i seek help.  doctors will not believe me; my family is already estranged; but i do have a friend who knows i am not crazy.  we both have been fighting these pests for the same time.  we were together when infected.
i have seen evidence of their existence, including the rope worm, with a magnify glass.  i have also seen other things that i do not know, but could be a fifth parasite.
i know you will tell me to seek medical advice, and i have, to be turned away for other reasons.  mostly i am not seeking your advice; i just needed to tell someone that this is real, and i am suffering.  if my problem is known to others, i would like feedback on their own story.  i do not need any criticism; that will break me.  an ear wax melter solution is what need most.
sorry, i did not proof- read this.  i just cannot do it.
10 Responses
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i have been researching for a month.  Tomorrow i am going to the hospital to tell them i have HTLV and STRONGYLOIDIASIS.  my situation has gotten worse:  there is activity inside my brain i cannot ignore.  my theory is the bugs or the worms have eaten right through from my sinus' to my brain and out my head.  now, when i apply the alcohol to my hair, the small holes lead the alcohol right into my sinus'.  they will have fun verifying my diagnosis, and it will not take them long.  
pray i live through this!
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By any chance do you take an amphetamine, like Adderall or any opiates? They can induce these feelings. I'm not saying you don't have actual bugs, but I just wondered. Also, there's a condition that causes these symptoms and I've heard of people who were put on a med for seizures or something, I think Carbamazapine or something like that, which has made everything better. I will say that flea shampoo is not meant for people and you could be making your symptoms worse and poisoning yourself. I will say that black mold can cause these symptoms too. I would try natural stuff including natural antiparasitics and garlic can actually be a flea deterrent! I read where you said you haven't tried certain things including garlic.
got garlic pills.  spearmint listerine or garlic cloves in my ears i have not tried
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I hope you understand my post. My keyboard must be stuck but try the alcohol for lice. Also vacuum as much as possible for bed bugs. Bed bugs can cause nasty infections
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well, yes, alcohol works for almost all of these creatures, but only for a short while.  i got rid of the scabies with a spray bottle of alcohol and tee tree oil.
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I don't know much about the other bugs but my daughters were coming home with love every other week. It seems as soon as I got rid of them they came back. I hated putting poison in their hair not mention it burned their scalp. Besides it just didn't work. The only thing that has worked so far is using coconut oil to get the eggs out and Gin/Vodka or even rubbing alcohol. It kills them and they haven't been back in over a year. Once a month I spray their hair hair with diluted gin and no more lice. I feel awful u have to go thru this and ur my prayers
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ty.  i think i got drunk dousing my hair with alcohol.  i was weebling n wobbling down the street after.  i believe they hatch as adults (i found an egg case with an adult in it) and all at the same time, so i have to hurry back home before the next 'wave' of hatchings.  superbugs...
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Have you heard of Morgellons? Just a thought as I have heard many people with it having similar symptoms.
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yesterday i pulled one of these things off my wrist after i felt it's sting.  yes, these too, i am suffering with.
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You say you are a living medical research volunteer? Are you sure this is not your reason behind mercury poisoning and for the bugs infesting your body etc? What medical research did you take part in? I am so sorry you're going through this.
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i am a possible research candidate.  the local university is researching new meds for HIV; no other research i could join.  i just wish...
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i posted this in occupational problems, but i have had no comments back.
I have black mold on my balcony, which is dripping down from the roof of my apartment building.  I have not been to a doctor, yet, because I cannot equate my symptoms to the mold.  The doctor will tell me it is all in my head, until I can be more specific.
Have you been tested for black mold allergy symptoms?  
What is the test, and how reliable are the results?  
Have you sued an employer for black mold poisoning?
Do you have parasites?
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Ace hardware has a home tester that cost 29.00 and it test over 100 mold type...and its 3 easy steps. Give it a try
i will look into this.  ty
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how does one get poisoned with mercury???
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Too much of certain types of fish can cause mercury poison
maybe cigarettes???
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update...last night i soaked in a bath with flea shampoo and scrubbed my head with it while in the bath.  the residue in the tub is shocking.  i assume the black ring on the tub bottom is dead bugs; the ones caught in the suds that did not make it down the slow running drain.  
today i have discovered yet another parasite on my finger cuticles.  mercury poisoning result.  huh?  anyway, i saw actual barbs and pointy ends on the things i cut out of my finger today.
this is just insane.  i do not deserve this.  i am a living medical research volunteer.  who wants me?  on this note i am contacting the local university medical department to ask them to see me.  
more reading today to find my sloth living could be the parasites eating up my vitality and my will to cope.
thank you for responding to my story.  the veteran idea lead me to the medical research dept at the university.  ty!
i will keep you posted...God loves me, but the Devil may be winning!
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Please find help for yourself. I cannot believe someone can live like this. You have an income, right? Cover yourself head to toe, get a cab or walk. Get your butt right to the closest emergency room. Explain to the very first person you see about the things living on and in you so they can keep you away from others. You need medical attention both physically and mentally. They have social workers whose job it is to help the patient have a safe and clean home to live in. You need a bunch of testing done, labs and whatever else they deem is necessary. And I am sorry I have to say this. Bugs of any type need filth to feed on. It seems that your hygiene is probably lacking or just nil and your surroundings are also probably filthy. Think about the other people you are around, do you want to put their health in jeopardy also? Please get some help for yourself. Take care
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Hi, don't know much about bugs BUT I know a lot about different programs that could you if you are a Veteran which I am guessing you are. A lot of people are unaware of this BUT if you call your local Red Cross they have a SAF (Service to Armed Forces) Department that helps Veterans. The Red Cross changed from just helping active to also Veterans a few years ago. I believe they could have the connections and get you the help you need. They help from getting affordable housing, to airconditioners, helping with bills, food, clothing and all sorts of things.  If they knew about your situation they would want to help.
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If you are not a Veteran and I was wrong I would still contact Red Cross. They have a disaster team that could help. I think you'd be happy to see that type of help they can give. In my personnel opinion this is something that needs outside help if you are going to recover fully.
yes i need help.  flea shampoo is a big help; i can travel now to get help!  :)
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This sounds so incredibly awful. We have been battling fleas in the house. I thought I was going insane with that. I feel you have no choice but to leave the house and have it bombed, sprayed, and allow those bugs to not have a host. Disguard the clothes you have on, buy new ones, treat you head while your away or shave it completely. Really you probably need to throw away all your furniture. I have heard that is the easiest route. There are wax candles that could help with the ear issue.  There are also professionals that remove wax. I'm no professional and been lucky enough to not have to deal with these bugs 1st hand before. I will pray for you and your situation. Maybe moving would be the best option. Good Luck, God Bless.
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funny you mention fleas, as well.  the girl, who is also infected, now has fleas at her house.  she is moving.
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