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all itchy arm sufferers....please look into brachioradial pruritus.  My arms, and only my arms, have itched for 10 years.  no rashes, no psiorias, excema etc.  The creams, allergery pills..my list is extensive as to what I have tried but nothing worked. ---------------The only thing that helps are ice packs. -----------------------
Recently,I had an x-ray to check if I had any nerve impingement in my cervical spine - one of the possible causes but nothing showed so I continue to search for answers.  I did get confirmation of the brachioradial pruritus from a great dermatologist who has only seen 3 cases in his 15 years on the job.  He did a biopsy that he sent to UC Davis for confirmation.  The diagnosis was actually a relief as I have been told that it is so many other things.  
I hope this helps.  I will keep posting if I find anything helpful solutions.  
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After more than twenty years of being driven mad with itchy arms, dozens of visits to doctors, taking different pills , using different creams , ice packs  etc, I now have the cure, at least for myself ad wish to share this information with all of you.
After much research, trial and error, I have found that the itching is due to too much acidity in the PH balance of my skin. All I did for 1 week was to take 2 spoonsful of non filtered Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of wáter 3 times a day before meals. After the first week I was much better and after the second my itching had stopped. Now after 4 months, on the rare ocassions, I may feel a slight itch,I immediately take a glass of water with ACV to stop it. I have now forgotten about this terrible condition and would like to help others through my own experience.
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I am trying this RIGHT NOW i am crossing my fingers
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I have posted about this before. I have been suffering from this for 6 years. After time and time again I finally found a Dr. that could help me. She prescribed my Hydroxyzine for daytime and Doxepin for at night. They are both anti depressants but for some reason help with itchiness. I am so happy to say that my itch is 100% gone!!!!!!!!!!! And the Doxepin also makes you drowsy to help with sleep. The only side effect I have is some back acne.  But I honestly do not care! So worth not being itchy , sleep deprived and in terrible moods all the time. I have been taking it for 4 months now.......Again the itch is 100% GONE !!!!!!!
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After two years of suffering diagnosed brachioradial pruritus on my left arm, I accidentally found the cure --- at least for me.  I placed a board under my mattress to make it firmer and was "cured" within two nights.  The problem, in my case, originated within nerves radiating from my upper spine and the firmer mattress relieved my symptoms almost immediately.  The rash, (which I was told was caused by constant scratching) cleared up in days.  A low-cost solution that is worth a try for all sufferers.
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Hi, I'm new to this site. I reread an article today that was in The New Yorker in 2008 where brachioradial pruritus is mentioned. It was not until I read this article back in 2008 that I even knew there was a name for my itchy arm syndrome. I was diagnosed as having a pinched nerve in my neck when I was a child, but the BP didn't start until my mid-30s. Mine would flare up after doing yard work in the sun. The way I would stop the itching was to slap my arms with the opposite hand. Crazy, but it worked. I now realize it has been many years since I've experienced the itching and that it stopping coincides with having my son in 2011. I am wondering if pregnancy changed my body enough to have a bit of a fix. My latest issue is that this summer I have developed dark patches on my forearms in the exact same areas I would have the itching. Has anyone else had this hyper-pigmentation I am talking about? I know one explanation could be that my scratching all those years ago would have made those areas more susceptible to skin damage front the sun. Here is a link to The New Yorker article. It is a fascinating read: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2008/06/30/the-itch?mbid=nl_062115_Daily%20remainder&CNDID=36089242&mbid=nl_062115_Daily%20remainder&CNDID=36089242&spMailingID=7843512&spUserID=OTc2MTc4ODc3NTES1&spJobID=702594795&spReportId=NzAyNTk0Nzk1S0
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I’ve read so many of these and am actually shocked by the fact that some of us have to explain this condition to so many Dr.’s, especially orthopedic surgeons. There are many more people with chronic back problems that are in pain from the nerves in their spines being compromised and this is slightly different in its manifestation. Everyone’s spine is going to compress as they get older.  If you’ve ever had any kind of neck injury, you are prone to this condition. You don’t just get it from being in the sun too much. There is a reason why your nerves are being compromised, hence the itching. So, it is my understanding after much self study that the nerve/s are being tickled causing the intense itching and each vertebrae (as in my case C3-4-5) has what are called diatomes that correspond to the vertebrae, sending signals to a particular area of your arm. A good doctor would understand this compression causing itching - the psuritis (nerve itching) being caused by spinal compression. Most people get pain, however, and that seems to be swell know. I wonder if there has ever been a case like ours that has turned from itching to pain. It’s such a mystery to these Dr.’s and that scares me away from them! The top post I read here, and it’s pretty consistent throughout is that ICE PACKS are the only thing that brings relief and I agree. I have tried everything and if anything ever worked, it was short lived.
Mine comes and goes, but when it’s on, it is crazy making like Io just want to light my hair on fire and scream! Being woken up every night itching and the more you scratch, the more it itches and it gets hot and the only way to get relief is to freeze that area of your arms, to get back to sleep, the word homicidal maniac comes to mind, just kidding of course, but who wants to live with this the rest of their life, have to deal with incompetent Dr.’s who think you’re crazy, and try to explain to others why anything having to do with nerves is crazy making and you can’t do anything undtil you can get some relief once the itching starts!?! Yes, there are different kinds of itching and this itching is intense and doesn’t stop until you can get some relief, ICE!  The last time I had a bout with this was 3-4 mos. ago, and it lasted a few mos. I don’t know why it stopped but I’m not complaining, but pretty sure I haven’t seen the end. Of this lovely. The last bout I had, I ended up having to go to the emergency room because all the scratching had caused sores to happen on my skin and they got infected. I had to take antibiotics to cure the sores and while I did that the itching subsided. Thanks God for that, or the sores wouldn’t have healed. The one things that did work the first time I had this condition that lasted a few months, I bought a cervical neck brace that cost about $30 on Amazon. It comes with a water back you put over a door and it has pulleys and a cloth brace that you wear and you sit in a chair with it on for about 19 mts. It actually feels good to have something else supporting the weight of your head for awhile. But it stoppped the condition for quite awhile as it stretched your spine. I guess an inversion table would do the same thing. Most Dr.s, I hope know what psuritis means. Itching.caused from nerves. If you go to a Dr. who doesn’t know that…run! They also say this condition seems to affect middle aged white women more than others? More than others that have had a previous neck injury of some sort. I fit into that demographic but have found that come rain or sunshine, if you’ve got it you’re gonna experience the discomforts of this lovely condition, no matter your color. The only thing I wonder about, besides a cure, is why the heck does this thing have to come wake us up out of our sleep at ungodly hours of the morning so we have to get ice packs to freeze our skin, so that we may be able to go back to sleep? Crazy making for sure!
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I feel you. Thanks for the info about the neck brace. The thing that finally seemed to work for me is a cream called Capsazin that you can get at any drug store. Got a tip to try it from a post on Reddit. At first (for a few minutes or more), it might seem like it is making the itching worse. But I find that if I stick with it and maybe apply several times throughout the day, it knocks it out. If I ever feel the itch in the morning, I'm like "I need to kill this before bed time" and I always do. If the itching comes at night, I might use the Capsazin or I might use ice and then attack the spot with the Capsazin in the morning (or I might do both). It contains the chemical that is in hot peppers, called Capsaicin. I don't now if it fries the nerve ends or if maybe the mild burning sensation it temporarily causes overmatches the itching (kind of like ice does). All I know is my episodes are rare and short now. P.S. I'm middle aged white male, if anybody is collecting demographic info!
PS the generic works fine, too.
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I have had this condition for years. It eased off considerably after I had a decompression and fusion of F2 and F3 last year but it's now come back with a vengeance. I've just tried applying Ibuleve gel which, oddly, seems like it might be helping.
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I've read every single answer on this board over the last several months. Have had BRP flare-ups for over 12 years. The last flare lasted 18 months after a sunburn I got on my back while at the beach. Thought I would pull my hair out--was desperate! Started taking mega doses of Serrapeptase. Took 2 caps every 4-5 hours to control the itch. Started backing off this dosage after four months and the itching was gone (or at least in remission.) This was over four months ago. I still take 2 capsules every day along with magnesium and potassium, hopefully, as a preventative. There are other benefits to Serrapeptase as well as it being an anti-inflammatory. It removes plaque buildup in your arteries plus it eats up other dead tissue in your body. Has been used with heart patients in Europe for over 20 years.
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I have now had this for 4 years and it is unbearable at its worst. But I still can't bring myself to a doctor as that's the way u have been brought up to only use docs/ hospital if you are going to die. But this condition is truly awful and keeps me awake for nights on end because of the intense itching.  
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Hi oh my goodness there is NO word for this life changing nightmare itch/prickle/itch!!! I find now I'm putting nice cold apple cider vinegar on mine as well as the Doterra ice blue cream with success sometimes ... the itch responds differently in different days! Anyone else have this experience? So good to know we are not alone but oh boy we need a cure...
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I took my dogs predinsone 20 mg. It helped with my crazy itching on tops of hands. I had to do something as my hands were swollen near knuckles from itching.
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I had it for 8 years before I finally found a dermatologist who knew what it was.  He told me that most people who get BRP live in Florida and get it on their left arm..ya know, the one that gets the sun when you are driving !!.  ...and then the right arm might follow, but not as bad.    He gave me a prescription for the Lidocaine patches, and they really help but I hate walking around with them all over my arm so  I have discovered that Extra strength Ben-Gay relieves the itching/burning/pain too.  So now I ALWAYS have a tube with me wherever I go !!  
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can anyone give suggestions on securing ice packs to arms  i feel i am going  mad
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Cut the toe end off a sock and put ice pack inside and put it on your arm. It is the best way of holding ice pack in place.
thanks but they dont stay put
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Im 35 and have had "the itch" for going on 15 years now. For a while I couldn't nail down if it was allergies an injury or what. Now I know it's nerves. Every night and some days for the past 2 years it hasn't let up at all. Before gabapentin I was loosing my mind. I've been on that a year and am up to 600mg at dinner and before bed. I've gone to numerous doctors and most just stare at me like I'm crazy. They listen and try to help but have never heard of anyone else like this. I have a slightly herniated disk at my C5 ans 6, ans that's the only problem. But they say that's a common problem among people. I just wonder, is it enough to bother me. Mine is triggered by sun, heat and laying down. Idk what to do anymore. Traveled a ways to an orthopedic doctor today that I was told could be hopeful.... Same ole answers and he was as clueless as the neurologist and dermatologist. Sometimes I wonder cousin t be tight muscles squeezing nerves...?
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I am sitting here at 2:00 in the morning because I can't sleep because of this Friggin itching that I have in both upper arms.  Truly thought I was alone in this torture chamber, and while I am glad to know I am not insane, I am sad for anyone else who is suffering as I am.  It can only take a person who is experiencing this ridiculous, insane, maddening itch to truly understand that we cannot control how hard and severe the scratching is to the point of bleeding or hurting ourselves.  I'm relieved only in gaining the knowledge that I am not alone in this, and that others seem to suffer as much as I do.  Now, I need a cure!  How the hell do I get this to stop?  I've never had a back or neck injury, allergies for that matter.  I am at a loss, as is my sleep.

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I had itchy arms and heard it could be from a pinched nerve in my neck.  I went for an MRI of my neck. I found out I had spinal compression in my 4th and 5th verdabrae which was pinching the nerves that go to the arms. I had to have surgery. After the surgery my itchy arms completely went away. I would check out the reason for your pitched nerve with a MRI. It might be fixed with physical therapy which exercises stretch the neck so the nerve is not being pinched.    I would suggest getting a MRI before going to a chiropractor Just in case
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Hi! Did they put plates in your neck or just clean up the bulging disks? Ans how bad were your arms?
I'm starting to think this could be the answer and disk damage just effects people differently
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God damn it. I am one of the few men on this! And am itching like mad. My condition comes on seemingly sporadically and my Dr told me I was imagining things. I have neck problems with C something and C something else which causes a tooth ache like pain down my right side. I also have this unbearable itching below the skin on my left forearm that cannot be 'itched away'! I have suffered on and off for several years and the only remedy for me is ice. I had to ask for some over lunch today as the itching became so unbearable. I am told the discs eventually harden and the body repairs itself. Glad to see not alone, but seemingly the only guy. If it's heat related then living in the UAE is not going to help.
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Hi, just read your post about the Braggs ACV 10 Mel's 3x/day treatment you are doing. Is it working to relieve itch symptoms of BRG?  How bout the painful 'pinprick' sensations?  Have you tried both taking before meals or during meals? -- does it make a difference? Please respond promptly if you can...my mom is age 95 and going crazy with this..it brings her to tears. Thank you for your help...
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Hi Pauline,
I have just been able to confirm why I have been incredibly itchy on my arms thanks to this blog.
I am trying your ACV remedy, I am on my first day today.
I am taking 10mls 3 times a day , as that's what it says to take on the braggs ACV bottle, is 10 Mls enough, and does it have to be before a meal, can you take on a empty stomach, as on bottle it does not state you have to take before meals.
And I am happy for you that you have finally cured the dreaded itch, i don't know how you put up with it so long.
Hope it works for me to, as it's driving me crazy.
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Hi Pauline,
I have just been able to confirm why I have been incredibly itchy on my arms thanks to this blog.
I am trying your ACV remedy, I am on my first day today.
I am taking 10mls 3 times a day , as that's what it says to take on the braggs ACV bottle, is 10 Mls enough, and does it have to be before a meal, can you take on a empty stomach, as on bottle it does not state you have to take before meals.
And I am happy for you that you have finally cured the dreaded itch, i don't know how you put up with it so long.
Hope it works for me to, as it's driving me crazy.
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Has anybody had any luck getting disability benifits? I suffer terribly. My skin is so bad from scratching last night I have blisters. I am 45 and have had this 7 years after my second baby was born. All of you people on here have all the same problems as me. I had an IMR that show bilateral formanal stenosis on those C-4, C-5, C-6. I have tried everthing and nothing works except ice at night. I've even become somewhat immune to the Capzasin that used to work a little for me. I could not recently accept the job I wanted because of this condition. I also have anxiety and depression because of this.
So anyone have success getting disability benefits?
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Did you get disability because of this condition? I cannot work my BRP is so bad so thought I may apply. I don't know how anyone works full time with this condition. It is unbearable!!!!!
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I've been dealing with this for about 5 years now. Not sure what I've done to deserve this unbearable sting and itch. Left arm only. No creams....nothing helps. Ice works but last night was the worst flare up that I've had and it would come back even after using ice packs for an hour. MRI of neck was fine. My orthopedist wants an MRI of my arm to see if that nerve is trapped. Praying they find something. My neurologist just throws mess at me but they all suck! Gabapentin works but makes me feel terrible. Sorry for the rant, but I feel hopeless at times. There is no rhyme or reason for the flare ups. I did drink a little alcohol last night, for the poster that mentioned it earlier. Anyways, praying for all of you, as I ask for you to pray for me.
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I have been undiagnosed with bpr and have been suffering for the past 15 years since my first pregnancy. I have had itching on and off since then and it seems to be worse when I sweat in the autumn in the washington dc area. Recently I have noticed that drinking any alcohol makes it flare up. Have you noticed that?
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BRP Patient Testimonial: Cervical traction with a home device (used in a horizontal body position) seems to relieve some of the pressure on cervical nerves. In addition, Lidocaine 5% patches (manufactured by Watson/Actavis Pharmaceuticals) placed each evening on shoulders and arms have provided significant, beneficial, and effective relief. Patches are worn for 12 hours and help the patient to sleep at night. The benefits seem to carry over into the following day. Lastly, Aspercream with 4% Lidocaine provides on-the-spot short term relief. Effective hygiene includes cool or cold showers with only Cetaphil used on arms and shoulders.
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Lidocaine did absolutely nothing for me
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Yes! I remember my Mom and her sister itching their arms, too! I remember years ago my Aunt being so frustrated and saying, "it's like needles and ooo I could just dig them until I bleed!" Ugh....well mine seems to start in the Fall or change of season, too.   It went away for many years but this year it is in full force. I've wondered if it is brought on by the change in temperature or dryness or heat going on in the house. This time it seemed to appear after I got poison ivy and then hives ...took a dose of steroids and seemed to be left with this.  Or maybe it was the cause or just coincidental .?..who knows!  Kind of feels like I have a scratchy wool sweater on most of the time. At times I feels something like a pin pick of a needle but that is usually after I have irritated it already. I really am trying not to scratch because i have a wedding this weekend and feel self-conscious. Maybe we can identify each other by the little blood spots on our blouses...ha!
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