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itchy scalp and rash on back of neck

i have had a itchy scalp for 2 months and now i have a rash on back of neck and is itchy.i just went to my doctor today and she said i had head lice WRONG!!! if i had head lice i would be infested with them and so wouldn't my family.i have tried t-gel,head and shoulders,scalpacin and taking benadryl.i do have a little bit of dandruff and the tops of my ears itch.i looked at the pictures for seborrheic dermatitis and my head does not look like that i have a few scabs and the rash on my neck that just came on there this past week.i DO NOT HAVE HEAD LICE she doesn't know what she is talking about.she said i had a few nits and when she showed me what she found i said please that is dandruff she said she couldn't find any live ones.hello that is because i don't have HEAD LICE!! so what do you think could be wrong with me? this itching and scratching is getting on my last nerve!!
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thank you, I will try this and see if it works.  I have tried selson blue, teatree shampoo, other dandruff shampoos, anti-ich cream, pepermint oil, lavender oil.  Today it is really back and I have developed a bunch of bumps at the base of the back of my neck and hair line (in about 1")  I sratch it and now pull the scabs.  I'm constantly scratching or essing with it.  This has been goin on for at least 6 months.  It almost goes away, then it comes back.  I will be seeing the doc on Wednesday, but from what I have read, It looks like Docs don't know what is coing on.  Thank you for your post.  Thank you everyon for your posts!
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I have the same problem and it is driving nuts! If I wash my hair with a real soap bar, the problem goes away, but I live in a area with hard water and after a few weeks my hair begin to form spontaneous dreadlocks! If I use shampoo, the day after I wake up covered in big itchy cistyc bumps in all the parts without hair that came in contact with the shampoo, aside from my palms. I have a little spot without hair on my scalp, probably an old scar, and I always get a bump there, then around the hairline, above the brows, on the back of my neck and below and behind the ears. If I shampoo under the shower, I am ruined: the next day also my chest, back, shoulders, bottocks and front lower legs become covered in these itchy, inflamed, painful things. I thought that SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) in the shampoo was the thing to avoid, so I switched to SLS and SLES free shampoo, which seemed to be better but still the problem was not going away. Only using old school soap the problem goes away. Then I have found out that I have SALICYLATES SENSITIVITY and that it was affecting my general health very badly. Salicylates are everywhere in nature and in foods, but they cause more problems whan applied on the skin than when eating them. Please, do your research on this problem because Aloe is packed in salicylates. Hair products in general are very high in salicylates too. And it doesn't make any difference if the salicylates are  natural, if someone is sensitive to them, they are always salicylates.
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I'm 12 and I've had this for about a year... I have a rash on the back of my neck, my shoulders, and its even spreaded to my arms... my scalp, ears, and (weirdly) my eyebrows are itching... sometimes I feel like there's something moving on my face but when I 'wipe' it away there's nothing there... I have changed my shampoo to pretty much everything but the mens stuff in walmart and publix and even tried things like T/Gel but still have had no luck... I'm going to get my mom to take me too the doctor soon...is there anything that doesn't cost verymuc that could keep this at bay until I can get to the doctors?
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I have the same problem for about 6 months now.. I never been to the doctor for this problem but did research
on it and found a very accurate solution that has been working for me.. I have been using this method for about a week now and all the bumps on my neck front and back have disappear all that remains now are the two little scabs on the back of my scalp were the problem started I'm still repeated the same method hoping that this will stop it for good,,, hope this can help some else..

spray apple cider vinegar directly on the rash except for your eyes ( YOU CAN DILUTE WITH WATER (I USE DISTILL WATER)
and let it dry and then rub olive oil on it, repeated as needy about three times a day...  I notice results by the next day and itchimg stopped the first
day....for me when I felt a itch come on I repeated method again ( DO NOT SCRATCH RASH IT WILL SPREAD)
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Yes! I've been reading all the comments and when, I saw yours, I was excited because I have been using the same shampoo. However I've been using it for a while but just recently started itching like crazy. I was suspicious that it was the shampoo so I grabbed some baking soda because I use it to wash my face and I rewashed the back of my head and neck with it and it actually relieved the itching...for now anyway.
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There is an unusual (quite rare in humans) skin disease related to cats that your condition sounds like.  My kids got it from a relative's kitten.  We had to see about three doctors and finally got to the bottom of it at a med school.  It's related to ringworm but isn't.  Heavy steroids did the trick.
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I have 2 cats i rescued from a pet store last year. Had them 9 mths no problems. But, I have been trying to rent 2 bedrooms n a bathroom out in the back of my home by my backdoor. I allowed a girl that i had known for 19 yrs to move in with her paranoid ex con husband, her 2 boys, an iguana and 2 cats which i found out one of the cats was allowed to roam the neighborhood. They only stayed one month. The husband had a gallon jug of some kind of poison and i dont know how much he sprayed in my rooms. And the cat brought back fleas infesting my cats. We took my cats to the vet for flea dip. Obviously, we are not heavily infested. What is the name of the skin disease related to cats?
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