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itchy, sticky scrotum

This is to address the posted answer that was made on itchy sticky scrotum. Dr. this condition is a real condition and it is spreading like wild fire. No doctor out there has found any real answers for this condition. The man that made the statement concerning his scrotum is not imagining his problem nor is it in his mind. I share his problem and have gone from doctor to doctor, dermatologists, etc., you name it. They have put me on creams, foams, powders, but nothing has helped.  I am tired of the excuses and guesses. I know its frustrating for a doctor to not be able to help his patient, that is if he/she really cares about their patient. Truth is sir, no one knows anything about this skin condition. Mine started with small tiny bumps in my pubic hairs. I remember like it was yesterday. It was after an sexual encounter or night at a hotel and I thought the female gave me something. I'm not saying its sexually transmitted because we were in a hotel and it could have be that in my bathing maybe the hotel rags had some type of bacteria in them. I have been reading up on this condition from many men postings over the web and some said they were not sexually active or never been outside their marriage or really don't understand how this came about. I can only speak for me that it was the day after a sexual encounter. Now whether the woman or something in the hotel I can't tell but like I said it started with small bumps in my pubic hairs. Later, I started itching in my scrotum. When I started using antifungus creams it later became sticky. I have been affected by this condition for 2 years now and nothing and nobody has said or gave me any cures. I am still hoping that some Dr. out there will take on this condition and learn about it, study it, maybe get some scientific help concerning it. You will here more about this condition from men because it is real, and we don't know how we are getting it and the saddest part, there seems to be no cure at the present time. I just wanted to speak on the man's defense that its not in his mind. May have nothing to do with a new STD because its not proven to come through sex. But I will say I hope somebody will find a cure out there before it ends up an epidemic all over dermatologist offices everywhere.

This discussion is related to itchy, sticky testicles.
68 Responses
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I'm one of the many who have suffered this for years, and without diagnosis.  I also had the small red bumps (like fire ant bites) in the pubic region, which came to a head and burst.  For a while the scrotum was red and skin thickened, which settled into a constant itch and stickiness.  It causes my scrotum to stick to the inside of my leg (but only on one side).  Diagnosis and treatment is long overdue.  Any help is welcome.
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It’s been a while since somebody posted. Can anybody confirm that Vitamin D works and solved the problem. I’m a 16 year old with this issue and I don’t want to go to a doctor for an unnecessary cost.
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I would suggest doing this test Aperiomics Xplore-Patho. Please post your results here.
A minimum dose of 2000-4000 IU Vitamin D and potassium supplements daily. They are both affordable and effective. An antihistamine may offer temporary relief for itching and burning.
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I've had the symptoms for over 3 years. Just tried Nature Made vitamin d3 1000 iu for one week and it has improved this condition by 75%. I expect after one more week it should be gone all together.
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Hey guys , I do have temporary solution for it, works for a day only but yes it works. I dont think, any of creams are going to work. I think problem is in side of body not outside. First the symptoms from which I am suffering:
1. Sticky body, starts from scrotum, spreads all over body, worse at warmer parts of body like scrotum between legs, armpits, neck.
2. Very bad sensation feeling across all over body. Its like, suppose you have been covered with very dirty ****, then how you are going to feel? You will feel bad and irritated, even if you move your body parts slightly. Its like someone has cursed you.
3. Its like your skin oozes a sticky fat. Sometimes, your face easily shows it with a lot of oil on your face. (During temporary solution, face looks normal)
4. When you try to move your body especially trying to bring your legs together, you are unable to do it because of bad sensation.
5. It gets worse after taking bathe.

Now the temporary solution that works like magic but only for a day. Next day it again comes.
Your stomach and intestine should be completely clean. Note I am not suffering from constipation. Also constipated persons do not have above symptoms. You can find it out. When you are suffering from it, try to poo, clean your intestine. Then you are going to feel better. Complete relief only when you empty your intestine completely. If it works then you are suffering from my type of problem.

And how I clean my intestine? I used to take some ayurvedic medicine of constipation, allopathy doesn’t work. (Note: I am not suffering from constipation. I have to take it because I have to clean my intestine). Drink about 1-2 litres of water empty stomach daily morning.

Note I have not tried any vitamin D supplement yet as many guys posted. Note for my type of problem, permanent solution is yet to find.
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I'm am experiencing the same problems, yesterday I started taking the multi vitamins, started to eat cleaner, and started wearing boxers instead of briefs. I would like to know the updates and wanted to know if anybody found out a cure or anything to make this heal faster? Please share with us for the rest of us males can move forward with our lives. I will keep my progress updated. It's 2017 let's keep this post going. P.s I only had this problem for 3 days so I'm trying to kick its *** while I can.
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Today I woke up and mostly everything is dry. Just one area where fluids leaks. I started drinking cranberry juice, take a multi vitamin after breakfast, take a vitamin d pill after lunch or dinner.. which ever you prefer. I take two showers a day and air dry out the area. Use unscented soap. Drink plenty water through out the day. Also I started eating more healthy foods. One thing I read about is urine.. yes I said it urine. Put some urine on the area. Urine have been used for a lot of stuff wouldn't help to try. I think the urine helped out the most. Now my area is dry I'm waiting to see if it will heal to its normal skin. Inbox me for any questions.
So two days after I posted the one about my issue was fixed and now clear. If you need any help inbox me
Hello thank you for posting your experience so I have only sticky scrotum because of which i cant live my life normal but without the itching or burning sensation...will the wetness  go away if I take Vitamin D only?
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Have you found a cure OP? Also, a lot of people are talking about vitamine D intake. Ill probably try it out.
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I took an antihistamine this morning and the hot itchy sensation stopped!!!!!!!!
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I have had this for about 1 month and I couldn't bare having it any longer. Reading through some solutions from here I have tried to do it myself. I have been taking Mega Men Sports Multivatins. It has very good dosage and more than the daily amount needed for every single vitamin and much more. I took 2 tablets with lunch and 2 more with dinner. Much more than the daily recommended amount as I was desperate for solutions. Its the third day that I've been doing this and I see incredible results! The red little bumps, stickyness, itchiness and burning is literally almost gone! I don't know if its just the vitamin D alone but I received all sorts of vitamins from that supplement and it has worked wonders. At this rate it should be cleared completely after today. Hope you guys find the same results as me if you take Mega Men Sports Multivitamin as I did because I understand how annoying and uncomfortable this is.
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These symptoms mean you have gonorrhea. Go to the doctor and get Rocephin and you will be cured.
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I have had this problem since 2013.
I had sex with an acquaintance.
I know I am positive for hsv1, but I have never had any blister like lesions.
Just a red penis head and red sticky scrotum. Very tingly... Also my butt cheeks itch real bad i mean REAL bad when I sit sometimes...

I'm SO confussed because idk if this is herpes or some kind of serious bacteria or fungus...
U have visited many doctors but they said its nothing to worry about but i know when there is something up with ym body. I feel more tired and not as energetic, keep in mind I am a young guy.
I have hoesntly been so depressed because I feel like I cannot get a girlfriend again i dont wanna hurt anyone.
I have been drinking heavy the past last year but recently found some hope and have decided drinking and doing stupid things to throw my life away will not do any good.
Please lord!!!! help us ~!
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Hey just started having these simptoms 2 weeks ago... The itching is so intense I wanna scream for help..I'm going to try the vitamin D3 and change my diet by eating less sugars and more greens... I just recently started using a fabric softener 2 weeks ago so I'll be discontinuing that as well... Honey bee lotion creams that are all natural have helped relieve the painful itching...I've been married for 2.5 years..
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today's doctors are woefully ill-informed about scrotal issues.
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Yes!!! I am experiencing the same thing.
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Has anyone gotten a definitive answer or cure or found a doctor who cares? It's now February 2016 and I've been dealing with this **** for 2 years. Started immediately after unprotected oral with an older Asian girl I met at bar whom I later found out was a 'massage therapist'. (FML)

-Started as burning paper cuts on scrotum
Entire scrotum went red
-Started sweating from groin and armpits profusely
-Inner thighs darkened from sweat
-now constant red, sweaty, sticky scrotum and schlong all the time.

Bc of the unprotected oral I received I realize this could be a complication from HSV1, but not one doctor gives any credence to that theory and they don't care. I KNOW I'm sweating profusely from my groin and armpits for over two years now. The red sack will not go away. All my buddies joke and call me the 'Red Baron' now.

I'm now (luckily) married and My wife won't go near that big red delicious apple anymore (nothing delicious about it I don't blame her). I'm just like all of you- Mentally and physically dying slowly one day at a time from this debilitating condition. I've seen 2 absolute moron dermatologists at UCLA dermatology who have no clue and give the most asinine suggestions like "change your soap" "it's all in your head / anxiety" or "contact dermatitis" . These ******* quacks are so lazy to try and treat anything that's not typical from their textbooks. They aren't worth the white coats they wear and they should be ashamed to call themselves doctors. We all know THERE ARE MILLIONS OF US OUT HERE SUFFERING AND THE WESTERN MEDICAL COMMUNITY DOES NOTHING. ITS ABSURD.

The only thing that has helped me is daily is strong formulated probiotics and Epsom salt baths to get the skin to relax so it's not so damn tight and tucked into my body 24/7.

I can tell you I've had a myriad of other symptoms which include:
-broken verifies veins under arms / on scrotum
-brown Pigmentation on sides of legs, between buttux, under arms
-sticky, gross, smelly sweat.
-oily skin all the time
-pimples b/w legs and anywhere I sweat
-my skin now is so sensitive to anything I touch including my own skin or anything foreign. My skin quickly turns red and becomes irritated.
-I've also experienced diarrhea, flatulence and stomach cramps when not on a probiotic and my urine is WAAY darker then it used to be.

Again I've tested negative on all STDs except for HSV1.

I'm currently undergoing blood testing and just received word that my liver enzymes AST-ALT are spilling out into my blood (AWESOME!) and now I'm doing more testing for anything infectious including hepatitis and all other STDs (previously done but doing again as the morons with the lab coats need to see for themselves)

I don't know if that woman gave this RSS to me as it could be some bacteria as well as I was working out at the gym and using the pool/sauna/steam. But when I listen to my body I still feel as if this is something going on internally in the nervousness system or an undiagnosed disease/bacteria/STD/yeast affecting one of my organs. (I.e. Liver / kidney)

This really is a slow  death sentence for any normal man that had a great sex life before. As many of you mentioned it s incredibly difficult to carry on a normal intimnate relationship as I am now married and am so ******* worried about infecting my partner.


I am going to an eastern medicine practitioner next week so I will update on what treatments he perscribes me (if they work).

Keep your head up fellas. We will find a cure to this nasty ******* RED SACK. WE MUST. And if doctors aren't willing to help then let's do it ourselves. Good luck my brothers. Keep posting solutions and possible keys to unlocking the matrix. We're all in the same red, sweaty, ball bag...
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Hey keep me posted plz.. I just started having this same problem 3 weeks ago... I'm 32 married for 2years..blood tests are normal..I keep a solid weekly workout regiment... Drink Friday and sat nights which I'm going to completely stop.. I haven't had sex in a month because of how the friction seems too act things up even if i masterbate..  If I was to guess I think its mental and stress related... Cheers
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I take the same vitamin D pills.  To cure me I took 2 in the morning with my breakfast and 2 with my dinner.  

4 days later I feel great.

Bought the Vitamin D pills at costco.
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Dude.  Same issues and Vitamin D cured me.

Went to costco to get their GoodNatured D3 vitamin D pills.  directions suggest one a day.  Screw that.  I took 2 in the morning with my breakfast and 2 with my dinner. Cured after 4 days.  I am still taking Vitamin D.
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Had similar issue.  When happened: had one night stand and two days later had jock itch symptoms.  (Balls strotum was clammy and penis head sensitive as hell).  Very uncomfortable and especially when wearing loose underwear like regular boxers (the chafing bugs me!!!)

What I did: Went to doctor had whole STD screening, he thinks it's fungal so writes perscription for anti fungal powder, and also got blood work done for the hell of it since they were taking out blood already.

Also went to drug store to buy store brand anti fungal spray powder.  burned like hell, but the feeling was 50 percent better.

Results: No STDs but blood work showed I was low on Vitamin D.  No big deal right?  So I went to costco to buy good nature vitamin D D3 pills.  I wasn't even buying it to fix this issue I was having, I just thought I needed vitamin D for the hell of it.  

Normal dose on instructions was 1 a day.  Screw that.  I took two after breakfast and 2 after dinner.  Every day.  After 4 days I'm cured.  My private area does not bother me at all.

It's been a week so far.
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Hi All,

There is a yeast in the body cadillac which gives to rise to all such problems. If your sugar intake is high or your consumption of readymade products is high with high sugar contents these symptoms show up. Please take probiotic, or natural probiotic like curd and Vitamin D & E. This would be able to get rid of the problem in 3 months. No oinments will cure this problem and even if it is cured it will resurface as we are trying to catch the wrong end of the stick.

Please revert back if it helps and pass the word around.....
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My sticky skin syndrome covered my entire body. I finally went to a dermatologist who recommended using Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash. I believe it's the salicylic acid that solved the problem. This worked like magic.
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My sticky skin syndrome covered my entire body. I finally went to a dermatologist who recommended using Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash. I believe it's the salicylic acid that solved the problem. This worked like magic.
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I too have been dealing with this for a year now! It drives me crazy. i have seen two different dermatologists and have taken/applied so many creams, powders, sprays, pills and washes that i have lost count. I am STILL suffering from red/sticky/itchy/stingy symptoms. Everything comes and goes except the stickiness is ALWAYS there even after a shower or bath. things definitely get worse after sex.

It all happened after I had sex with a girl who had celiac disease. The next morning is was like my entire penis and scrotum were on fire. SUPER itchy and red. my penis and balls were cracking and turned white/red/scaly.... it was really bad. i was put on anti-fungal creams and pills and antibiotics which definitely helped but it didn't completely work.

Then i had weird red bumps that would come and go on my pubic area, butt and legs but that went away after 4-6 months. i had a bump tested when it was happening and the biopsy results all came back negative. They said I had "red scrotum" and asked my if i was stressed. I almost lost my **** because this obviously all happened after i had sex and i had never had this issue before and i have had sex with a lot of women.

after a year of this i am kind o depressed about it but i haven't lost hope and this blog is so nice to see because I now know that i am not alone! I am seeing another dermatologist and have taken notes on everything you all have said. If i find something that works i will definitely let you all know!

Thanks for posting everyone.
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Potassium Supplements.
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This can't be a coincidence. I'm 16 and I have the exact same thing. My scrotum is really itchy and sticky. This is not my only problem. For a while I've been very tired and ill all the time so I went to see a docter and had a blood test. It showed that I had really low Vitamin D levels. Could this all be related?
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Hey Healthy

Did you ever get a chance to test the Psorexederm?
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Hi I know this is a while ago, but did your scrotum get irritated at first using the psorexederm?
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