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itchy, sticky scrotum

This is to address the posted answer that was made on itchy sticky scrotum. Dr. this condition is a real condition and it is spreading like wild fire. No doctor out there has found any real answers for this condition. The man that made the statement concerning his scrotum is not imagining his problem nor is it in his mind. I share his problem and have gone from doctor to doctor, dermatologists, etc., you name it. They have put me on creams, foams, powders, but nothing has helped.  I am tired of the excuses and guesses. I know its frustrating for a doctor to not be able to help his patient, that is if he/she really cares about their patient. Truth is sir, no one knows anything about this skin condition. Mine started with small tiny bumps in my pubic hairs. I remember like it was yesterday. It was after an sexual encounter or night at a hotel and I thought the female gave me something. I'm not saying its sexually transmitted because we were in a hotel and it could have be that in my bathing maybe the hotel rags had some type of bacteria in them. I have been reading up on this condition from many men postings over the web and some said they were not sexually active or never been outside their marriage or really don't understand how this came about. I can only speak for me that it was the day after a sexual encounter. Now whether the woman or something in the hotel I can't tell but like I said it started with small bumps in my pubic hairs. Later, I started itching in my scrotum. When I started using antifungus creams it later became sticky. I have been affected by this condition for 2 years now and nothing and nobody has said or gave me any cures. I am still hoping that some Dr. out there will take on this condition and learn about it, study it, maybe get some scientific help concerning it. You will here more about this condition from men because it is real, and we don't know how we are getting it and the saddest part, there seems to be no cure at the present time. I just wanted to speak on the man's defense that its not in his mind. May have nothing to do with a new STD because its not proven to come through sex. But I will say I hope somebody will find a cure out there before it ends up an epidemic all over dermatologist offices everywhere.

This discussion is related to itchy, sticky testicles.
68 Responses
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Did you ever try the Psorexederm?
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I have similar symptoms and have found that diet has had the most positive effect.. If I back off the red meats and other highly acidic food and focus more on veggies, chicken and other alkaline foods it gets better... I think it could be related to your bodies ph levels which is why I'm willing to bet why people are noticing relief from taking various vitamin supplements... The sweat that comes specifically from your groin and armpits are high in fat and acid and when it comes into contact with air causes odor.. I would imagine this reaction is what causes the irritation and high fat diet or overly acidic body might explain the slimy feel.. Not sure if this is worth anything or not.. But eating cleaner has helped me get rid of the symptoms.. Ive also noticed that airing the area out helps relieve the odor but it seems interaction with air makes it itchyer for a bit.. This only adds to my suspicion that it's likely irritation due to an acidic diet.. Eating cleaner will take a little longer to see and notice results but it's worth it because they are more permanent and hey.. Your eating healthier and living better.. If that's whats doing it... I'm sure there are some vegetarians out there reading this disagreeing.. I'm not saying it's perfect.. But I'm almost willing to bet it's diet related.. I know red meat causes the worst odor in the groin area.
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I have had this same itch for many many years on my scrotum and penis.  I did not begin treating it until a couple years ago.  One thing I noticed is that as I gained weight, the symptoms became worse.  I weigh 240 now and symptoms are bad.  Also when I drink alcohol the symptoms become much worse.  

Also I have gotten itch and moisture relief from using a talc mix product I get at Walmart called Monkeybutt.  It is inexpensive.  It is found in the pharmacy area.  

I have found itch relief from using women's products Vagisil and Monistat 7.  So obviously I am treating it as a yeast/thrash/candidas problem but I have not been officially diagnosed.  

The female Dermatologist and her assistants we're not interested in helping me.  Acted like they did not want to get near me..... cannot blame them.  

I think symptoms worse when drinking alcohol because the alcohol knocks immune system down.  Plus I like wine and wine had a lot of sugar for an infection to feed on.    
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also i understand why he said Listerine most men got this from receiving oral from there partner or someone they met so i understand the concept
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ILL KEEP POSTING UP THINGS that people said have worked but there's no guarantee it will work on you each person is different

Safeguard soap

bnt antibiotic ointment

Whitfield's Ointment Benzoic Acid + Salicylic Acid

Dermovate Clobetasol Propionate

Vitamin d tablets



Zoon's Balanitis

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