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tiny itchy blisters on arms & legs

Shamefully, for almost 8 years I have been getting very small itchy blisters on various spots on my arms and legs.  The small blisters develop and immediately itch intensely, which is how I know they're there.  They have a clear fluid inside, with no puss.  When I scratch them in my sleep or when they break, they often weep a little  amber colored liquid.  Also, when I scratch them, more tiny blisters will develop around the original blister, signifying an infection.  These broken blisters often leave  (little open sores) which can be difficult and slow to heal.  These outbreaks seem to come in waves, as I'll often go weeks or even a month or two without a sign of blisters, itching, or infection.  I have never had any white puss or swelling redness around these troublesome blisters/vesicles, which isn't like any normal skin infection I've ever had before.  Can anyone help me diagnosis this problem please?
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I started getting the itchy bumps on my legs after being put on anxiety medicine too.  Please let me know if you come up with anything at all.  I have suffered for almost 9 years with this skin problem.  It has caused so much discomfort and inconvenience in my life that I would do just about anything to make it go away.  Please keep me posted if you come up with any answers!
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still hasnt subsided. i took a salt bath, and that helped with the itch for about 12 hours. now the itch is back. my wife thinks its hives related to stress, which i WAS under a enormous amount of. im not under any stress CURRENTLY, but the rash has not gone away. new spots keep popping up too. i hate this.  
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i recently visited houston, and during my stay, i went swimming in the pool at the hotel. i relaxed and had my arms on the coping of the pool, my back on the inside wall of the pool. the next day i noticed small bumps on my under arm and back. they itched so bad i could barely stand it. i tried calamine lotion, benedryl, cortizone creme, anti-bacterial soap and alcohol wipes. so far, nothing has helped. it feels identical to poison ivy/poison oak, but i was nowhere near either of the two. at first i assumed chlorine allergy, or maybe the chlorine was residual on the coping where they had walked around the parimeter of the pool during treatment, but its been 5 days since, and its only spreading worse. looks like small ant bites, that form a small head of puss. noticed a small area of four spots on my forehead, but mostly is on my arms, hands, and back. im afraid to hug my wife, or pick up my daughter, as i dont know if its contageous. this *****! also, i was under a great deal of stress, so my wife thinks its stress related, but im just not sure.
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This problem had come to me and my husband for a several times and not knowing what to do..taking medications and other home made herbal remedy but nothing works.. except one day my grandma told me to stop eating this foods check list below:

-chicken (including chicken flavored food on noodles, soup, gravy, and even food enhancer which usually contains chicken fats)
-egg (all kinds of egg)
-tomatoes so try to avoid spaghetti, lasagna and other pasta with tomato sauce even canned sardines
-all fish with no scales
-seafood like shrimp,squid,crabs and almost all kind of seashell
-fish sauce, oyster sauce, shrimp paste and even dried fish

Sacrifice a little there still lot of food we can enjoy all beef,pork and fish with scales products and still lots of fruits and vegetables.
This will help a lot,try it for a week and see for yourself.
Better to continue so it will be long gone.
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3746363 tn?1348065936
     Finally A group of people who won't tell me I'm crazy... =)
     Let me begin by saying, I am a former model - now a fulfilled, happy, stay-at-home wife and mother. Our family wants for nothing - I do not live in a stressful environment. I have regular visits with my internist, massage therapist & recently, chiropractor and acupuncturist.
     After a car accident in July, 2007, I was put on a host of medications for pain and anxiety - I believe these are what exaccerbated whatever this itchy beast inside of me is. All I know is, the beast is awake and never sleeps. My itchy red bumps came in straight lines on my fingers at first - now 5 years later, they are random itchy bumps, some large, some small - mainly on tops of hands and forearms, but also appear inexplicably on backs of knees, back, scalp, legs, etc. There are NO rhyme or reason to them.
    I agree with those who believe something is known about this within the medical community and we are not being told. I have been to dermatologists who get downright defensive when I even imply what it might be and am then I'm accused of being a "picker" - they are defensive because they have no answers and the treatments they've given - (steroids, gentamicin, hydrocortizone, unscented EVERYTHING, etc.) DON'T WORK! The last straw for me was when they attempted to "scare me out of the office" by suggesting cutting a dime-sized biopsy of skin off the top of my ring finger - believe me, if I thought they'd have helped me, I would have allowed it, but they don't know what the heck they're doing to this point, so how on earth could I say yes?
     I've NEVER had anything like this nor has anyone in my family - it's embarrassing and dehumanizing and I would take ANYTHING regardless of the side effects, if it would MAKE IT GO AWAY. I have been off ALL medications for over 2 years now, but this awful skin affliction remains. I reckon the damage is done - due to the ill effects of the pain and anti-anxiety meds. I too have tried all sorts of OTC and home remedies, but nothing quells it for long. It is brought on randomly by stress, anxiety, certain foods/ingredients, sun - this is why other people have a tendency to dismiss it as crazy - there seems to be no rhyme or reason to this condition.
     I have begun seeking treatment from a local herbal specialist who has a doctorate in pharmacology (because she's an herbalist, she was actually forced by law to get her doctorate - thank the FDA for that). I am in the proceess of becoming a certified herbalist myself and I will continue to share my progress and any new developments, positive and negative as they arise.
      Although difficult at times, I try and keep this all in perspective and remain grateful for life's miracles in spite of my once-beautiful, now-stricken hands and arms and itching.....let's face it, in this world, people can be downright cruel when it comes to appearances and you can't hide your hands from the world. I leave you with the eternal words of Tom Hanks in Castaway; =)

  "And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow, the sun WILL rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?"
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Very well said. I have been experiencing this problem for more than a year now. I went to a dermatologist and said that it's contact dermatitis. I used to flaunt my legs prior to having this by wearing shorts. Since I acquired this "disease", I rarely have worn shorts. Most of the time, I would find myself wearing sleeved shirts and jeans just to cover up the ugly blisters.
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ur story is the only one on here that matches mine perfectly. have the bumps but not red, some filled some not, itchy, spreads to friends, docs told me it was scabies, treated me like 6 months ago and its back. told me its bedbugs so i litterally threw out everything in my house and moved and got all new things, that didnt help. no bedbugs. no bugs of any kind, at least not visible ones im kinda ocd about cleaning even more so now. ive also been drinking soy and been close to gluten free for most of my life, i perfer the more natural stuff, so not sure if that would be it. all i know is this is terrible and these doctors who just point a finger in a medical book and say "yep this is what u have" is really starting to make me mad. why cant anyone figure this out!?
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