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Average Life expetency of person with diabeties?

Just curious on this one, if i stay under good control most of the time, will i still live a long life? or will my life be shortent by liek 20-25 years like my doctor said it will be?

because i dont feel like dieing or whatever when im like 50
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If I try to add it all up it involves doctor 1 hr every 3 months, about 15 min in 24 hrs for shots and sugar checks and monthly 1 hr trip for Meds and supplies. The reality of it is this:I decided back in late 1984 I was going to live my life with diabetes, not let diabetes run my life. Once you make that decision it will be much easier both mentally and physically. I did this back when you had to p** on a strip to check sugars, no A1c's and doctors saying I'd die by 50. I'm 53 now, married with 3 grown non diabetic children, run our business, go atv and snowmobiling, drive anything gone flying and have done anything a non diabetic does. My worst problem was kidney stones so far and all testing at the doc's office says very good condition. If I can do all this so can you with today's technology,  At this point check your sugars 4-6 times a day, keep them in the 100-120 on average, get outside and get some exercise, try to eat low fat and enjoy life!
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iam just 28 years old .  i got met  with diabetes . so that i got depressed all the time .because it is not curable  and this  is  not the  right age for that type of diseases . by taking all precautionay efforts to  maintain sugar level  how much time would i spent in this  life .  could i  overcome from this monster.
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Are you working with a pediatric endocrinologist? Regular doctors don't know very much about managing type 1 diabetes. Is he on a basal/bolus regimen? Do you determine his bolus dose by counting carbs? Do you know his I:C ratio for each meal? Do you know his correction factor to correct if he is high two hours after meals? If you don't understand all these things you need to find an endo who will work with you until you do. I also highly recommend the book Using Insulin by John Walsh. I know it's hard; there is a lot to learn about managing type 1 diabetes. Hang in there, it will get easier.
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Hey Everyone My son is 9 and he was diagnised with type 1 diabetes he`s went into dka twice. Right now his been hospitolized because his sugar was greater than 500 i don`t understand i did everything the doctors told me but his sugar still sky rocketed any sugestions. I follow his diet i`m so paranoid that i have a journal that we write down what he eats how much amount of his sugar.
                                                                                                         New at this!!!!!!!!HELP
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1444770 tn?1284408108
So, everyone takes offense to the question. On average juvenile onset type 1 diabetes will shorten your lifespan by 7 years.

That is on average. That doesn't mean some won't live to 90 and that doesn't mean that 9 year olds won't be diagnosed by autopsy, but on average in the US we live to be about 78. With type 1 juvenile onset on average it is about 71.
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Your e-mail was deleted by MedHelp. Why are you afraid to tell your parents? Diabetes is not something to be ashamed of and they might be good support for you during this time of adjustment. There is a lot to learn but if you pay attention to testing and eating properly you will be able to manage your diabetes and live your life healthy and doing the things you already enjoy. Unfortunately, nobody can give you a set of menus to follow. We are all different in what things we can eat without spiking our blood sugar. In general, though, you should eliminate sugar and reduce carbs. The key is to test two hours after eating and the goal is to have your blood sugar at 140 or lower at that time. If it is higher than you may not have dosed correctly or you may not be able to tolerate that food or that portion. I recommend the book Using Insulin by John Walsh.  I am sending you a private message on here with the names of other websites that have thousands of diabetics who can guide you and give you information.
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Hi eveyone,
I m 28 years old girl. Just knew that i have diabetic 5 days ago. Can anyone of you please send me some eating plan menu? I really got no idea what i need to eat. I m 155cm, 45.6kg now. My eyes gettig dry, i got difficlty to breath after having meals.

I m afraid to tell my parents too. please send me any notes to my email to help me keep longer live. Million Thanks from you guys

email: ***@****
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how long can  diabetes male live for.....im 61 yrs old type 2...i walk 1/half hours a day...eat right...tablets...
very fit..play touch footie...
roughly cani raxch 70yers old..if looking after myself..i sweet a lot also as i work as a painter...my weight is down very good

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I have had JD since I was 4 years old, I am now 28. I didnt control my sugars when I had the chance, now I'm paying for it. My average A1C was 14! I have bad kidneys, can't see without glasses, had 1 baby that almost killed me, can't lose weight. You name it, well, I got it. Yes, my eating habits and contol habits have changed, but I cant un-do what's done. But I can warn people to NOT follow in my footsteps. It's only hurting yourself. So I can honestly say that my life span will not be overly long, and it's my own fault....
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I have had diabetes for about 7 months, my docs are worried i am keeping my levels too low because my test that looks at the average over 3 months shows that my level was 5.8 mmol

Ok heres the bit i shouldnt say..i enjoy taking extacy with friends but i have noticed that a few weeks after taking them i need to take more insulin to keep control..when im off them for a few weeks i barely need to take any..breakfast i take no insulin at all and keep a brilliant reading...then dinner i take approx 7 units of novorapid and i eat a big dinner, i have come to the conclusion that i am quitting taking them as its going to mess me up in the future and i really want a long life and reading these comments has made me realise that i can have a long life too if i quit the pills.

all in all i really do have a good control over it and never go high but i do have frequent hypo's maybe once every 2 days but quickly bring it up. i say my average reading is around 6 mmol

Its time i start looking after myself...
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Well, that gives me a whole diffent look towards diabeties.

Thanks for clearing that up for me, and again, you guys are a great help to me,
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Just my 2 cents .....

I understand where gmoney is coming from.  I got the same scary "you'll probably have a shorter than normal person's lifespan" and "you'll probably have to switch to a less active lifestyle" talk from my first endo my second day in the hospital after being diagnosed.  I was already extremely depressed; paranoid about all the insulin shots; confused at what had happened to me; unsure about how I would even eat the next day; and so frightened that I thought I was losing it all together .... the last thing *I* needed to hear from a doctor was that I was now going to die long before my time.  

After I switched endocrinologists, my new endo calmed me down and explained that was the *worst* case scenario (he was also at a loss to explain why my first endo would scare the heck out of me on my second day without mentioning this).  It was what would happen if I didn't keep my sugars in range or didn't do anything to help myself manage the damage that Diabetes left me to live with.  He even mentioned a player from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers as an example of how even a diabetic can play active sports like pro football and live a perfectly normal life.

We all have limited lifespans - whether we have Diabetes or not.  It's a fact of life.  At some point our number will be up - it happens to everyone.  But Diabetes doesn't necessarily cut our lives shorter .... as long as you don't give up and neglect yourself.  

I figure Diabetes has taken away a lot from me and I've had to fight and will have to continue to fight to reclaim my life back from what it did to me.  I'm not about to let it push me in a corner and take any more of my life.
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Like LRS, I have lived with diabetes for 34 years, and have no damages at this point from the disease. My overall health is BETTER than most of my peers, for I am fit and active and do not have the weight issues that afflict so many in middle years. With modern advances, there is no reason at all that you cannot live a full and healthy life if you stay on top of those glucose levels which can harm you if let go too high or low. I have played USTA tennis, spent two years as a white water raft guide, and now frequently orgnanize kayak trips with people I work with. I have had two successful pregnancies, and raised two wonderful healthy kids to adulthood. Never let a physician tell you that you cannot have a full life, for you can. It isn't easy, and at times we all slip up and make mistakes, but if you build a healthy lifestyle and stay on top of the glucose readings, there is no reason you cannot live long and prosper. LRS and I are living proof of that, and we were raised in the dark ages before home glucose monitoring or pumps were available.
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I'm so sad whenever I hear that DMers (that's what I use as a short hand for folks like us with Diabetes Mellitus) are given a doomsday story.  There are MANY otherwise-healthy DMers who live long, rich & happy lives.  I was diagnosed as a teen, and now ~35 years later I am 48.  Thanks to continuing advances in my own blood sugar monitoring and treatment (thanks, in part to the research funded by JDRF, by the way!) and my own motivation to live long & prosper ;-) ... I'm at least as healthy as my non DM pals.

My sister has had DM for 10 years longer than I have.  She was diagnosed at an earlier age & is older than I am.

I have met DMers who have lived successfully with the disease for 60 or 70+ years and they are among the "wise old souls" still with us today.

Do all you can to take excellent care of yourself.  This is a chronic disease and requires something like a marathoner's attitude.  

It absolutely DOES matter how we take care of ourselves.  While some may be lucky enuf to have genetics that protect 'em from the ravages that uncontrolled blood sugars bring, I'm not counting on that luck ... I'm counting on the things I can control (somewhat):  my attitude, my behaviors, and my commitment to getting good medical & mental health care.  It's my hope for you, too.

Waddya think?
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Doctors need to tell young diabetic patients about the risk of possible damages due to diabetes because many people need that fear to motivate them to do all the work needed to keep blood sugars under control. If you go searching about life expectancy and diabetes, you will find that manyn type 2 diabetics do die younger than other adults, but this is largely because of obesity. For the type 1 diabetic, obesity is rarely an issue. Twenty years ago, the prognosis for type 1 diabetics was not as good as it is today, for home blood glucose montoring was not possible, and the type 1 diabetic had to somewhat guess at his or her control, using only tests for glucose in urine to tell them whether blood sugar was high. This was not nearly as accurate as actual blood glucose monitoring, and so insulin and food amounts were sort of a best guess scenario.

However, now we have new insulins available and home glucose monitoring is accurate and dependable. Pumps are available for those who wish to use them, and lantus insulin is there as a new type that can provide a constant drip of insulin very much like what the normal pancreas does. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a type 1 diabetic to not be able to tightly control blood glucose in this modern age and therefore protect themselves from the long-term damages.

I am a long-term type 1 diabetic, having grown up with it and having seen the changes in technology for my 34 years with the disease. Even without the technology we have today to help us, I have managed to live without any damage of any sort from the disease thus far. I am now 46. I strongly suspect that young people who are being diagnosed now will find that their life expectancy is very much the same as people with healthy pancreases. The statistics won't be in for another generation, but I think you will find that you can live a very long life with diabetes now because of the advent of home glucometers and so many types of insulin and pumps that make it possible for you to set up a system that works well for you personally and for your lifestyle. There are so many choices now that make it possible to be successful at managing your diabetes.

Now, all of that being said, I must warn you that YOU are the one in control, and that you do need to stay motivated to keep up the daily work at keeping those glucose numbers as normal as possible. Those that I hear from who are having difficulties with their health tend to be people who have never mastered the self-control that a diabetic must utilize every single day to keep their blood sugar levels within a normal range. These people do find that they have eye or kidney or heart problems starting, and they become suddenly very frightened after years of basically ignoring their condition. You will indeed reap what you sow when it comes to diabetes. It is not easy, but it is very possible to live a very active and healthy life, and I am living proof of that fact. I intend to still be kicking when I am 90, and I hope that you do, too.
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