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glucose levels in children

Can someone tell me what a normal glucose level for a child is?   For example a child has a small bowl of cereal and then is tested within an hour of that meal. This would be after having nothing else for the prior 12 or more hours. The reading was 144. Is that considered in a normal range?
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What about 79 in a one year old an hour after eating complete meal?  Is that low?  His pediatrician  told me his sugar level was fantastic but I'm a little worried as his dad is hypoglycemic.
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79 at one hour after eating is totally normal for a child.  No it is not low.   Normal blood sugar in children is lower than in adults.
In normal children blood sugar will stay close to fasting levels all the time.  Ie. his blood sugar is probably in the range of 70 to 90, regardless of what he eats.
Actually in non-diabetic adults blood sugar will also stay close to fasting levels all the time.
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We have described best glucose levels in children as they grow and develop:

Five and younger:

Normal blood sugar targets are 100 to 200mg/dl.

Age 5 to 11:

Normal blood sugar targets are 70 to 150mg/dl. Fasting blood sugars should be nearer to 70mg/dL.
Blood sugar after meals and before bedtime should be near 150mg/dL.

Age 12 and older

A healthy glucose level of age 12 and elder should be near 70mg/dl when fasting and 150mg/dl after meals.

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I would like to clarify here.  Blood sugar levels for healthy non-diabetic children are typically lower than those for adults.

The targets being described here are applicable to children with Type1 Diabetes, and even then these targets may be arguable.

People, including chldren without diabetes will  have numbers pretty much in the follwoing ranges:-

fasting: 70 - 90
2 hours after eating: < 120 (though closer to fasting number is even more normal).
231441 tn?1333892766

if your sister's post easting is 269 and her fasting is 139, it would be ideal if your parents can work with her dr to get her numbers a bit lower.

Ideally fasting is 70-95 range, and post eating is < 140.

However, depending how stable her blood sugar is and if she has lows, her doctor may want to keep her sugars a bit higher than I just posted.

Recommend you go to Bernstein Diabetes University on Utube and learn all you can about diabetes and it's management in children.   Often a lower carb diet will help in allowing less insulin to be used, but with more stable and closer to normal blood sugars.
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my sister have diabetics she is 13yrs old , she have diabetics from 2 yrs now her blood sugar level aftr fasting -269 nd before fasting 139 can u give any advice ,, is it too high ?????
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231441 tn?1333892766

your daughter's reading at bedtime of 196 is high.  Consider that normal blood sugars after eating are usually less than 120 (even more typically less than 100).

Please see your daughter's pediatrician / doctor as soon as possible and have this properly looked at.

If your daughter does have diabetes it can become serious very quickly.

Please make sure she drinks plenty of water and avoid sweets of all kinds.  

However, do see the doctor as soon as possible - in the next day or so.

let us know how you go and what happens.
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My 12 year old Daughter has a blood glucose reading at bedtime of 196 is that considered to be high
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What about a level of 78 for a three year old after eating?
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That is way too low my 6 yr old has type 1 diabetes he can not go lower then 80
That is low as normal blood sugar targets are 100 to 200mg/dl
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I know what you mean about having to put him through a glucose tolerance test...not fun.

Why don't you use a glucose monitoring system instead. I would check his glucose level first thing in the morning and then hour 1 and 2  after breakfast. That may give you a good indication of whether or not his glucose is out of whack.
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I have twin boys who are 10, one of which is very active and thin and the other is not active at all and weighs 107 lbs. The one that is not active is alwasy sitting out from playing things because he complains of frequent headaches. I know that in adults headaches can be caused by high levels of sugar. I have diabetes as well and I know that it can be caused by genetics as well so I was wondering if his headaches could be a sign of rising sugar levels. I have not checked his sugar yet because I didn't want to put himthrough that for no reason, so if someone could help me out and let me know if it is something I should do. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
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1509593 tn?1290005340
my daughter is almost 6 years old and her sugar ran 280 is that normal or is it to high ?
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YES! That is more than a 'little' high!
This NEEDS to be checked out PROPERLY! no if's ands or buts. ASAP
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I have a daughter who is 14 and hypoglycemic.  She has been complaining of being thirsty and not being able to quench her thirst.  She says she doesn't have slavia.  She also has been urinating a lot as well.
She has a grandmother, great- aunt, and great - uncle all on mother's side of the family that are diabetics.  I tested her levels after school yesterday about an 1 and 1/2 - 2 hours after the following snack.  It was an 80.  But she had eaten a king size peanut butter cup candy bar ( 4 peanut butter cups) and drank a 20 oz size of lemonade.  Does this seem low?  
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my husband and i are both diabetic, we both have type two but my husband is insulin dependent. i know it might sound a little odd but you can smell the sugar in the childs urine.  my sons glucose level was 156 the other day. he is also urinating alot and has an odd smell to his urine and i am definately going to have him checked just to make sure he is alright.
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My son (9yrs old) was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in May of 09.  I had taken him to the doctors for years because he had accidents all the time, they kept telling me he was fine and not to worry unless it effects him at school.  Sure enough, it started, he was going every 20 minutes while in school.  Took him back to the dr. and insisted they do more testing.  His test came back showing his levels of sugar in his urine were alittle high, so the dr said not to worry and make a follow up if I wanted to.  Thankfully I did and the next day they did some more test and told us to go see the endocrinologist the next day.  So we go and he gets diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.  It does not run in my family or my husbands, it blew us by surprise.  But my point is just follow your instincts.  Nobody knows your child better than you do.  If you truly believe something is not right, insist they do more testing!!
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My daughter is 11 and sugar level of 150 2-3 hours after eating. She also complains of ocassional headaches and stomach pains. Could this all be diabetes?
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I took my 6 year old son for a physical this week and I got called from the doctor because my sons glucose level was 40. His fasting glucose was 58 and two hours later it dropped to 40.... I thought it was strange so that night I asked my father for his Blood glucose meter and when I tested my son, his glucose level was 188. Should I re-test his glucose again?
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I took my daughter in for a physical last week and the dr. told me her glucose level in her urine was 3+ and blood stick was 288. He was VERY concerned and told me to take her in to her dr. the next morning. Her regular dr. told her fasting glucose was 0 and blood stick was 127. She told me the dr.'s machines were wrong the night before (it was an Urgent Care Center) and she's fine ... asked me to bring her back in a year. I'm getting a second opinion, but she is 13 and we have no family history. She's not lost any weight and drinks a little more than normal. That's about all I can say. She looks and acts very healthy. Could there really be something wrong?
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I am hoosier mom of 9 yo boy.  Is it possible for a fasting glucose to be good but still have glucose issues?  He is extremely tired he has the "spells" where he gets "hot flashes" his trunk, neck and head are warm his tempatuer only elevates about 2 points, cold clammy sweat and has blurred vision.  The spells happen randomly but when he is in the heat they are more intense....does anyone think this is a sugar level issue?
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My son had the same issues when he was in K. Turns out he had a new strain of Strep that had settled in his body...
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Technically being in the 120's is normal but it varies on what doctor you talk to.  My son't blood sugars are all over the place for the last year going over 200 sometimes but I've been told unless he's consistently over the 160's it's not a problem.  Good luck.  I hope they can get it figured out.
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if son's blood sugars are in 120's and he complains of not feeling well,stomach hurting, should I still be concerned. We are waiting on test results from Mayo. Doctors have said his blood sugars are "weird"and "puzzling".
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You could check to know is she is dumping sugar in her urine.  A free test.  Have her to tinkle in a cup.  Pour it on newspaper and let the paper dry in the sun.  
When it dries if you see shiny crystals that is sugar.  You could buy strips to test for sugar in her urine.  If there is sugar present get help and educate yourself.  There are people willing to help.  
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That seems awful high.  I wouldn't think it should ever be that high.  I am not a doctor, but I would call mine first thing Monday morning and schedule an appointment. Also, check for other signs such as urinating too often and excessive thirst.  Keep a diary.

I am on the questioning side of my daughters and just wondering.  I have pre-diabetes and am anemic both iron and b-12.  My five year old daughter is full of life, but is always drinking something and seems to use the bathroom more than one shoudl (but I have always too).  However, I was concerned as to if her b-12 was low because she looks pale and is dark under her eyes and just sickly looking alot of the time though she says she feels fine.  She also craves sweets and constantly is eating something sweet if I don't catch her first. She doesn't sneek nor disobey but is constantly asking.  She is not hyperactive though, rather calm.  Just out of wondering I took her blood sugar after 2 sips of half water/half juice and 2 pieces of old fashioned stick candy and it was 168 about 1 hour later.  I don't know that this is out of the ordinary.  Probably normal, but was just reading some others to find out.  She is 41 pounds and normal height for her age.  I teach a classroom of 5 year olds and church and she is right in there with all of them in size but less in weight.  Just wondering here also....
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I have question if a child level is 259 about 2 hours eatting and the children is complaining of being tired all the time
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A BG of 259 is NOT normal! This child needs to be checked by a DR
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I like some one to please tell me how bad it is to have a child with sugar level of 125. This was the first time that  I been told about it and as you can tell I am very scare I don't know what to do
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I read one of your comments about the blood sugar for ages 5-11. My son is 11. His level was 176 4hrs after eating lunch, I think your saying that's within normal range right.(70-180 before bedtime snack.)?
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