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Pain under left rib cage, orange oily stool

I have seen numerous doctors and have numerous blood work, stool samples etc done and no one can figure out my pain.  I don't really care abou the oil in my stool, I mean it's weird but mainly I cannot stand the pain.  I don't take and don't want to just take a pill, I want to find out what this is so that I can be better:(  I mean I'm 25 years old!  I haven't eaten meat or dairy (advised by doctors)  but I still have pain and oil floating in stool...Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Help!  My 17 year old just came to me complaining of the orange oily floating loose stool.  No pain she has assured me.  She said this happened one other time a couple of months ago but not for as long.  She states it has been going on for about 36 hours.  She is a good eater and goes to the gym on a regular basis.   What do I do?
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Yep, better see a good GI.  Pancreatitis... painful. Don't wish it on anybody.

The gallbladder secretes stuff to digest fat, that is its only function, to my knowledge.  With the gallbladder removed, it puts all that work on the pancreas.  If your stool floats, there is still undigested fat present... if you have a pancreas problem, yep... diarhea is just one of the potential problems.

Do limit the intake of your fatty foods, mark down what you eat, and how much pain you have. Make sure to mark your pain on a scale of 0=no pain, to 10="so bad that an ER trip might not be good enough... do whatever you need to do, I don't care take the pain away type pain!!!!".  

Have your doctor check your Amylase & Lipase levels, within 48 hours of the onset of the worst pains.  

I wish you enough... that you would have no pain...

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P.S. If you aren't seeing a Gastroenterologist (GI), you need to see one ASAP.  A General Practitioner won't be able to help you, you need a specialist.
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Hi Sarah,

Yeah, as you know I am trying to figure out if what I have is Pancreatititis or not, but my symptoms are really vague.

You have serious symptoms that, from what I have read, sounds
like pancreatitis.....
Pain in left quadrant
more severe when you drink.
oily stools  - this especially

If they have not done so I would have them check Lipase and Amylase levels and do the following procedures.
CT scan

Only then would I be somewhat satisfied that my pancreas was not the problem. This is my two cents - (a very unqualified two cents).
I trust you are seeing a GI.
Best of luck
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Hi Sarah,
Considering the fatigue and vomiting, your doctor absolutely needs to rule out an attack of pancreatitis, or perhaps chronic pancreatitis, in my opinion.
You may want to try drinking lots of water, avoiding any high fat foods, meat/dairy, etc. I've gone totally vegetarian since the symptoms started, and found that soy replacements (soy milk, tofu products you can find in pretty much any decent grocery store) have made me feel a lot better overall.  
Dietary supplements can do all kinds of freaky things - I myself was taking creatine briefly to maximize work-outs before experiencing some pretty weird side effects, and that was the end of that; obviously any supplement should be approached with caution, but that said it sounds like there's more going on than just a result of a dietary supplement.
The uncertainity of trying to decipher what exactly is wrong, especially when dealing with doctors anxious to blow off your symptoms as stress as IBS, just sucks. But hang in there and find a doctor who will listen and do the necessary tests.
Take care, R
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It is weird how doctors try not to get involved with natural products or other over the counter products due to liability or something?  I showed him the ingredients ect.  But he just put it in a file.  My natural healing doctor seems to grasp the concept that this Endurox is really bad and has effected my digestion.  She is researching it for me:)  Thank you so much:)
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this could be a result of the endurox since it affects fat metabolism,.....I hope you told your doctor about this and maybe he know more about the mechanism and if coming off this could have been the cause of your problem...just an educated guess....
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Thank you so much for all of your advice!  I was having such a painful day yesterday.  The pain passes for a few days and then comes back full force.  To answer some of the questions I don't eat any fake fat stuff or any of that.  I was taking a supplement called Endurox Excel (bad, I now know) and as soon as I stopped I began to have vomiting attacks and the orange floating oil (I have really bad vomiting about 4 to five times a month now) I try not to get stressed but with trying to be the best single mom I can and trying to get through school it is hard to have my health fail.  I know I have stresses, but orange oil is strange.  Maybe I have more than one problem...I am going to a massage therapist who has given me more relief of the pain.  She told me to get off Nexium (my doc percribed) and so far no problems.  I also have fatigue on and off, sometimes it is hard to lift my arms.  this is also frustrating becuase I am arunner and rock climber:(  I better stop writing now because I don't want to get to sad abou this.  Anyway, I will keep checking back and thank you all so much!  There truely are some wonderful people out there:)
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Hi Sara,
However unlikely, this sounds like it could potentially be a result of a pancreas-related problem. The left-sided pain and steatorrhea (fat malabsorption) you've described may be evidence of some kind of pancreatic disorder. Have you experienced any other symptoms by chance?
If you have a family doctor you trust, who will actually listen to you, I would encourage you to ask about them about getting a spiral CT Scan, or an MRCP. These are diagnostic imaging tools used to locate pancreatic problems (enlargements, calcifications, pseudocysts, and many others).This will help a great deal in ruling out the pancreas as a source of your problems. I'd strongly encourage you to do so, because while this may not be the cause of the problem you're having, it's really important to rule out the pancreas.
For what it's worth, I started having left-sided upper abdominal pain (more of a dull, persistant ache) along with back/flank pain and extreme fatigue, floating stool, etc back in August, a couple of weeks before my 28th birthday. Luckily, the worst symptoms cleared up within a couple of weeks, but the left-sided abdominal pain, occasional back pain and bowel weirdness have lingered on. Trying to get a doctor or gastro doc to really take your condition seriously when you're less than 30 years old...well, it hasn't been easy. I've learned that it's especially important that you be persistent, polite but forceful in demanding that your doctors pursue the causes of your pain. It's really helpful to come into your doctor's office educated (try www.google.com - not to scare the bejesus out of yourself with potential maladies, but to get the facts on what your symptoms may indicate), as again, if you're young and otherwise healthy, they're anxious to dismiss your problem as IBS, stress, etc. Perhaps it is just IBS, but as that's a diagnosis of exclusion (ie, they've done every other conceivable test on you, and found nothing) it's important they you don't accept that diagnosis after a couple of blood tests.
To summarize, in addition to the other advice given by those who posted here for you, I'd ask about getting a spiral CT w/pancreatic protocol, or an MRCP. Make sure they've checked your pancreatic enzyme level (amylase, lipase) and your bilirubin level. Ask about a fecal fat test.
Again, probably has nothing to do with the pancreas, but it's good to go into your doctor's office with questions and as much info as possible.
Take care!

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I agree 100% with Ozark! Follow Ozark's good suggestions!

Also, previously, someone here said that she had orange oily stools after eating snacks containing fake fat like Olean or Olestra (very dangerous additives).

Good luck in finding good specialists to help you get diagnosed & treated.

Sincerley, Concerned lady
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have they looked into whether you have cystic fibrosis?  or an enzyme problem? or a fat malabsorption problem? have you seen a GI fellow? those things need to be ruled out and i would think a
GI doctor would be a start   good luck
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