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can someone help me out with some answer

im 35 yrs old i have problems with my stomach i have been to er rooms twice one in ks and one in ms they can not find nothing wrong i have had blood work ultra sound on my gallbladder liver and my kidneys they never took xrays of my stomach i guess they did not see the need to all my blood work came back normal also my stomach just hurt i have daireea all the time i take imodium ad yesterday and it seem to quit hurting now tonight it is right back to hurting again i dont see any blood in my stool but it is reaaly starting to get to me i feel sick to my stomach sometimes until i bulch also when my stomach hurts i get light head or dizzy or something i can fell gas in my stomach rumbling all the time i have no insurance and these er visit are getting expenseive can some find relief or some kind of help thank you. mike
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Hi Mike, I am going out on a limb and suggest that you may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS.  You are right that the Emergency Room is very expensive.  So that is why it may benefit you to find a doctor, explain your situation, and have him help you.  A doctor can give you medications that can give you relief and also give you a diet to follow that will take away a lot of the gas.  Since you do not have insurance, try to find a doctor of a friend or family member that you can trust.  Good Luck!
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I have been on Prilosec and now Nexium for years. Last April (2001), I had a severe bout of distress related to the gallbladder and came very close to having it removed. I elected not to, and went online to find relief for the severe gas pains that come with the attacks. You know, belching for hours, gas pains that keep you up for hours at night, etc.

I discovered activated charcoal. It is great! It can absorb gas and toxins in the digestive tract. I haven't used antacid one in over a year. Take 2 to four capsules when eating a "bad" meal or when you have distress occuring. It works for me.

Today, I'm trying to get off nexium. I stopped taking it two days ago. I have a headache, my stomach hurts, and I have additional acid. But the charcoal seems to be keeping the negative symptoms down. I'm going to try this approach for a few more days and see if I can live without it.

By the way, activated charcoal does a number of amazing things to cleaning the body out. It also absorbs drugs, so you should be wary of using it when you are forced to take prescription medications.
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I haven't heard of using activated charcoal...sounds interesting.  Have you tried DGL?? It may soothe your stomach.  I'm using it right now and weaned myself off of the Prevacid about 5-6 weeks ago.  I also tried just stopping the Prevacid all at once before and had terrible acid rebound.  This time the pharmacist told me to take one every other day for awhile, then one every two days and I did fine.  Now I still use the DGL and am doing fine "stomach-wise".  I also find the aloe vera juice to have a healing effect.  Good luck to you. (Where did you find the charcoal?)
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The activated charcoal is at GNC and various drugstores. Get the capsule form, not tablet. It works very quickly.
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Instead of wasting time and money at the ER, it sounds as though you REALLY need an appt. with a gastroenterologist. Could be an ulcer, GERD, Gastritis, etc, etc. All of which should not be ignored! Get checked out, please.

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Hi again!  DGL is de-glycyrrhizinated licorice, beneficial to "support the lining of the stomach and intestinal tract".   This type of licorice will NOT elevate blood pressure levels.  It comes in tablet form and is chewed slowly to mix with your saliva.  I use the Enzymatic Therapy brand.  If you have a "Vitamin World" store near you, they carry it.  Also, find other stores that carry it near you by looking on www.enzy.com website.  I also found it at a local chiropractor's office and at a natural foods store.   I really hope this helps you, too!
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you could also have gastritis.  I think antacids or alterative herbs my help, but I agree with everyone else.... you need to see a doc.
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now for two days i have had no problems with my stomach i can not figure this out i stop all of my coffee and back on my meds this is so weird i will see a doc thanks for all of the help you guys are great to take the time and ease someone mine thanks to all. mike
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Hi. I just wanted to "second" the DGL. I have been off prilosec since Feb. and have not felt this good in over 3 years! I am just about totally controlling my reflux. The activated charcoal sounds like a good replacement to Tums which I do still occasionally use. (except now, they actually work whereas before the DGL, I could take all the Tums I wanted with no relief) My gastro doc said NOT to take DGL because he mistakenly believed that it would raise my blood pressure. It is only "whole" licorice that can do that. By the way, I had my blood pressure done yesterday and it is still great. It has not risen one bit since I have been taking the DGL. I cannot wait to go back for my next checkup with the gastro doc. I have a few things I would like to share with him. :-)
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Is DGL the same as activated charcoal?  Does one buy these at a Health Food store.  How much does one take.  I just had my EGD and shows Grade 1 Esophagitis with a small stricture.  Now, she upped me to two 40mg. of Nexium per day.  I tried telling her and her nurse that i cannot take this much but my pleas were not heard.  I asked if I could take 20mg. twice a day but this also was to deaf ears.  The nurse told me that they have found Nexium works the best.  I am trying to find a good alternative so i do not end up with barrett's esposhagus like the nurse said i could if i do not continue on the Nexium.  I have more upper back/burning pain and upper chest pain than reflux. I am also having breathing difficulties and wonder if this is from the Nexium or the silent reflux.

Sad and disallusioned here.
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Hi all!

DGL is De-Glycyrrhizinated Licorice, which helps to heal stomachs & helps to lessen or stop reflux, as others here just said. :-)

Activated charcoal "adsorbs" just about everything it comes in contact with. It's good for things like mild food poisoning.

The only problem I know of, with activated charcoal is that it adsorbs good stuff along with bad stuff, so it takes vitamins, minerals, etc. out (in stools), and a person could get some "malabsorption" from using activated charcoal too often.

Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) "episodes" can cause "choking" sensations, which are when the vocal cords get irritated or "burned", and then spasm shut, cutting off the air supply in the upper airway. This is called VCD/Vocal Cord Dysfunction, and is also called Laryngospasm.

I have a website about VCD, called "Can't Breathe? Suspect Vocal Cord Dysfunction!" It's at http://cantbreathesuspectvcd.com

I'm going to do a "cut & paste" of some Gastric Reflux "tips" (without acid blockers!) below, that help my husband, myself, and others!

Hope this helps!

Sincerely, Concerned lady

Some GASTRIC REFLUX TIPS (without acid blockers):

GER=Gastro-Esophageal Reflux. (Gastro=stomach. Esophagus=food tube.)

LPR= Laryngeal-Pharyngeal Reflux. (Larynx=voice box, containing the 2 vocal cords. Pharynx=throat, above the larynx. The larynx is above the trachea/windpipe.)

Reflux=acidic or alkaline stomach material that backs up into the esophagus (food tube), causing any of these problems: VCD/Vocal Cord Dysfunction/Laryngospasm attacks, cough, voice problems, asthma, globus (feeling of lump in throat), constant need to clear throat, worsening of sinus condition, sore throat, pre-cancerous conditions of throat &/or esophagus, etc.

SOME GER/LPR CONTROL THINGS WE DO, that we learned from the excellent book: STOMACH AILMENTS AND DIGESTIVE DISTURBANCES, by Michael T. Murray, N.D. See page 9, References, in my website: http://cantbreathesuspectvcd.com   and, also see GER/LPR info on page 5, and on LINKS page.

PLEASE READ THIS GREAT BOOK. It may possibly be bought on-line, from Michael T. Murray
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Hi. My reflux was also more of a pain thing rather than feeling acid backing up. In fact, I never even experienced the acid backing up until AFTER I went off the prilosec. The DGL that I use is by EnzymaticTHERAPY. GNC does not have it. I got it a local health food store. They have a website that will tell you what stores in your area carry their products. It is www.enzy.com. The man at the health food store said that this is the best brand of DGL to use. The DGL works way better than the prilosec ever did. My doc also told me to increase my dose of prilosec but I too felt even worse. I could not take that much either. I intend to go back some time in the fall to make sure that I do not have any sort of silent reflux either. I hope to never have to go back on prilosec or nexium ever again. By the way, the DGL comes in chewable tablet form. I do not care for the taste but if I drink a little water with it, it is not too bad. Best wishes to you.
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I agree with Needabreak and Feelbetter!

The DGL tablets MUST be chewed, to thoroughly mix with saliva, in order to help heal the esophagus, stomach, etc.! (See Dr. Michael T. Murray's book, described up above, in the Gastric Tips message).

Good luck to all.

Sincerely, Concerned lady
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Thanks for all the suggestions.  I just finished reading Concerend Lady's site on Can't Breathe. You mentioned that you had to go to Denver to get diagnosed correctly.  I am amazed that teaching universitites/medical centers do not know or are too ignorant to recognize this disorder. I wonder why!

I started 5 years ago with whistling and wheezing.  Naturally, i was diagnosed with asthma and bronchitis and given a bag ful of inhalers.  Then, came the white foammy stuff into my throat when I talked. Then came the horrid sneezing spasms and choke like coughing. I saw an ENT Doc (jerk) 3 times in a 4 month period and he could not see a thing. Vocal cords looked great, he said.  I even had the foam come up when talking to him. AND, he is with ONE of the biggest and well recognized medical centers in the country. Then, I saw one of his colleagues.  He went down with the light (largnoscope) and he said the larnyx was all irritated and must be from GERD/Reflux. He never mentioned anything else to me and he seemed annoyed that I even came in to see him.  Then came the reflux.  I was a mess.  Then, I was sent to an allergist who pricked me and said I was allergic to Mold, cats, trees, dust mites, etc. etc.  She loaded me up with another bagful of breathing stuff, and also prevacid.  I was a walking drug store.  Then, the pulmonologist did a High resolution CT scan.  it showed some scarring at the top of my lung and 2 tiny surface cysts.  He then did a broncoscope and took several washings to be biopsied? analysed? and all came back good. My PFT tests were just ok and then not so ok and vice versa.  Depends on how I felt that day.

Then, last week the EGD with the diagnosis of GERD which i knew i already had as this doc had me on nexium since last year of which i do not care for.

Now, the breathing problems and I hate it when i have to answer the phone as I do not want to talk to anyone as I feel anxious that i will not be able to breathe.  What a mess.

I think, I just may have VCD.  Now, concerend lady, how long did you have to be in Denver and what tests did they do?  I do have insurance and do not need approval for anything.  

My pulmonlogist is tyring to get me to an Infectious disease doc who probably does not know anything about this disorder.  Another waste of time and money.  Thanks so much for sharing this info.  I want to show it to some docs here.  Problem is, these docs are with a large medical teaching school and their ego's will get hurt if I suggest being referred elsewhere. Oh well....I need help to see which came first...the chicken or the egg.

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Dear Lisa,

Both my husband (about 4 years ago) and I (about 2 years ago) developed VCD/Vocal Cord Dysfunction/Laryngospasms, from a combination of causes--one of which was GASTRIC REFLUX! Other causes included sinus post nasal drip, indoor air pollution, etc.

We live in Colorado, so we finally were referred to National Jewish Hospital, because we didn't know what was causing my husband's breathing problems. Before discovering Nat'l Jewish Hospital, he was repeatedly misdiagnosed at ER's as having asthma. Neither of us has asthma!

It took only part of ONE DAY for the excellent docs at Nat'l Jewish Hospital to diagnose my husband, using the laryngoscopy procedure. 2 years later, same thing for me--just took part of one day to get properly diagnosed by the EXPERTS at Nat'l Jewish Hospital in Denver.

The immediate treatment for VCD (See page 4 of my website) is certain speech therapy techniques, plus abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing. This works for most VCD patients.

BUT, in order to conquer the VCD (prevent future "choking"/throat closure episodes), you have to find out ALL your several underlying CAUSES! (See page 5 & 3) of the website. Identify the causes, and then gently eliminate, lessen, or treat all these causes (&/or triggers, &/or aggravators &/or associated/pre-disposing factors).

One MAJOR cause of VCD is GASTRIC REFLUX. Other causes are listed on page 5 & 3 of the website. Check them out.

Another big cause is sinus problems. I'll put some SINUS TIPS up as another message below. Sinus problems can even aggravate gastric reflux. Everything is connected!

Yes, egos and "turf" can be a problem, but truly good docs can overcome both. What area are you in, and what is your email? I'll be happy to send you names of medical professionals in your area who are KNOWLEDGABLE ABOUT VCD, because they attended the VCD Conference given by Nat'l Jewish Hospital last summer, in Denver.

Hang in there! I think you will be improving soon, because you are pro-active!!

Sincerely, Concerned lady
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Here are some "SINUS TIPS" that can help, because sinus post nasal drip can worsen gastric reflux, by irritating the stomach!

SOME  SINUS SURVIVAL THINGS WE DO, that we learned from the excellent book: SINUS SURVIVAL, by Dr. Robert Ivker, D.O.  See page 9, References, in my website: http://cantbreathesuspectvcd.com  


(1) NASAL IRRIGATIONS: THIS IS DONE WITHOUT ANY CHOKING, AND WITHOUT SNIFFING THE LIQUID UP THE NOSE! My husband does these once a day. I do them 2x a day. When I first did them, I needed to do them 4x/day. We try to avoid doing them within 1 hour of bedtime (or lying down), because some of the irrigation fluid drains out later on, and we prefer to be awake and not lying down (when possible), to gently blow the residual warm salt-water out of each nostril. Keep tissues (unscented) handy.

  (a) First, we each bought a NETI-POT an 8 ounce little ceramic teapot without a cover, from a health food store. Some people who do Yoga use neti-pots (hence the East-Indian sound of NETI-POT). This avoids potential latex allergy from rubber bulb syringes! Also, this is a gentle gravity method, with no dangerous high water pressure. And no electricity is needed!

  (b) We put about a half teaspoon (1/2 teaspoon) of plain (non-iodized) salt (sodium chloride, NaCl, avoiding additives) into the neti-pot. I like sea-salt (from health food store).

  ( c) We then add a little hot water and stir, to dissolve the salt. We use well water (no chlorine, no fluoride). Distilled water would be OK, but we do not drink distilled water, which can leach minerals (like calcium) out of the bones, contributing to osteoporosis.

  (d)  Then we add a little cold water, and stir, to make the salt water warm, not hot. (I experimented, until I found the most comfortable degree of warm temperature.)

  (e)  Then, we add warm water to fill the neti-pot, and stir.

  (f)  I lean over the bathroom sink and tilt my head slightly to the left, so my right nostril is a bit higher up than the left nostril.  I wear a bathrobe, because this can be a little messy (but it is worth it!!! The sinus relief is wonderful!!!, like lessening post nasal drip, lessening stuffed nose, lessening phlegm,  soothing and healing sore & dry throat, promotes sinus drainage, etc.).

If it seems that fluid is getting into one or both ears, try keeping the head less tilted (sideways), so that one nostril is just A TINY BIT higher than the other one. But still lean FORWARD over the sink, to prevent the fluid from going down the throat.

If it is hard on my back to lean forward, I put a folded towel on the edge of the sink, put my left fore-arm on towel, to support my back, and then I lean forward over the sink.

  (g)  I put the neti-pot spout against/into my right nostril, and gently, slowly, pour about 4 ounces (about half of the 8 oz. neti-pot) (it
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I have used DGl but not recently on a regular basis.  Instead I have been using "GastroSoothe" which is DGL with Tums ingredients in it. I plan to start on plain DGL again before meals.  But I just read about a wonderfully successful finding for GERD using orange peel extract. I found it today at our health food store under the name "Heartburn Free" by Enzymatic Therapy.  The study I read about had wonderful results with a twenty day use.  I will try it!  My reflux is better but I have been using several other helps such as meditation, accupressure, message and movement.  I have not had pain with mine but I do experience the feelings in my throat like some of you describe.  I will not go on Nexium or the like because there are too many side effects that make the treatment worse than the cure.  I watch what I eat and I use slippery elm lozenges when I need them.  So far, I have improved but I know that eating too fast and rushing here and there needs to stop.  It seems that stress, even though I never think or feel that I am stressed, is the culprit. I guess its the way we live today and all that goes on day to day that stresses people out. Most of what I have read about acid reflux points to changing our lifestyle and I am trying to work on that too. I will let you know how this new natural medication works.
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