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Chronic throat discomfort and ENT symptoms- seeking advice

I have been having ongoing symptoms for over 3 months now.I am a 23 year old healthy male and have had no previous history of any strange chronic problems.It started three months ago with a feeling like something was in my throat, within days I started coughing up greenish colored mucus.I was not coughing,I just had to keep clearing my throat.I started having some stomach problems(diareah, churning).The slight soar throat continue with greenish mucus for almost two weeks, at this point i started getting stomach and chest pain(pain would increase with fast walking or activities),at one point it was painful and it felt like i had fluid in my stomach area and i went to the hospital for an Xray.I was told I had slight bronchitis(I beleived I confused the pain in my stomach area to be my lungs).2 days later I went to the bathroom and a skittle size very hard object came out covered in bright green slime, after the passing of this object the pain in my tummy area subsided for the most part.Overall I felt better(but it kept lingering and never fully went away) but small things kept lingering.I visited my Dr and i did take blood and urine tests that came back normal.Some of the small things that kept lingering were small amounts of blood in greenish phlem when i spit up and small amounts of blood in my dried nose pickings(not all the time, but ongoing).The left side of my neck(not glands)the muscle area that connects my neck area to my head protruded(for about 5 days and went back to normal)Canker sores,flat rash on forehead/eyebrow area that would go away within 24 hours(2x)
12 Responses
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I am having throat discomfort for three months. I did had checkup and had antiboitic twice.  I still could not cure the discomfort. My voice quality has also gone from the begining. Can anyone help me.
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I am having throat discomfort for three months. I did had checkup and had antiboitic twice.  I still could not cure the discomfort. My voice quality has also gone from the begining. Can anyone help me.
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Over the past couple of years i have started getting a problem that comes on once every few months. When starting to eat a meal after the first mouthfull i start with hiccups and have trouble breathing. There doesn't seem to be anything stuck in my throat but straight away a thick clear mucus fills my throat. It gradually gets harder to breath and a continuous stream of saliva/mucus runs out of my mouth. This can last up to 3 hours. Eventually i start to choke and a large ball of this saliva/mucus comes up and i am okay. It doesn't seem to be a certain food group that i am eating when this happens. Any ideas what causes this would be most welcome. Thanks !
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You may want to have your thyroid checked, a lot stems from that being off.  www.stopthethyroidmaddness.com

Also, if you have taken antibiotics at all in the last year or so ...check out this site (symptoms).  www.fluoroquinolones.org

somewhere to start or to think about at least....

Good Luck.
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Not sure why MHI posted disclaimer re: COMMENTS but I hope you
didn't think I was w/ MHI or a Dr. Maybe it's just a heads-up
to you? Was just trying to help. Maybe it's their protection
device so you're not mis-lead? Maybe it's a hint to me to?
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PLEASE remember that people posting COMMENTS in this forum are NOT medical professionals. ALWAYS check with your personal physician before beginning any treatment or making any medical decisions.

Med Help International
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Glad you're getting more tests to compare w/ old reports. The
mention of cancer was a wake-up to what can happen w/ bulimia.
Get lesions & the cells can change. I don't know your habits/
acidic food/drink lots water or soda's. The fact that nothing has been mentioned w/ lab cells being off, IF a sm cancer, it's
not systemic. The throat click could be inflammed tissue pop or
eustachian tube irritated.I'm guessing you may have some ulcers
someplace causing problems. You are taking charge now. Stay on
that path. Talk later.
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I forgot to mention that when I swallow, alot of the time I can feel/hear a click.Not all the time, but consistently enough, I can hear a click in my throat.  Thanks
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I wanted to thank you again for your opinion.  I am going to follow up with a second Dr and try to get to the bottom of it.I will get the results of the blood tests that I took 3 months ago when this started. I am also scheduled to take another blood test this week and I think that may be helpful since we can see if there are any changes since this all started(I took the first blood test alittle after this started)I have been worried about cancer, but im trying to rationalize the green mucus as being some kind of lingering cold or virus, or maybe a redo of the mono or something.Im not sure, what is ur opinion?What did you mean I may have taken the first step to catching the cancer early?I also wanted to mention that before this all started, I had been under extreme stress for about 5 months prior to this starting.I had been under extreme personal stress for months before this all started and at times after this started when under alot of stress, the stomach pains would act up and hurt more when i was stressing.Thanks again for your help and opinion.  Dave
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Thank you so much for your response.  I have been to the Dr at least 3-4 times and he just plays it off as nothing important.However, I cant bring myself to beleive him.Like I said I am a healthy 23 year male with no chronic health problems prior to this and I think all physical problems should be ruled out before it's considered "nothing".I forgot to mention during the initial sickness the first 6 weeks when it started I was having on and off again night sweats just around my neck and shoulders.They have since stopped and I have had no more night sweats since.I did not have a temp during any of this.Since the color of the mucus and the slight traces of blood are similar from my throat and nose area I am concerned about something being wrong up in my nose(particularly NasoPharynx cancer, since I had mono three years ago)However, the stomach issues kind of throw me off.I was also wondering if black mold could be the culprit.I lived in a house with black mold for years and recently found out, this all started about a month after i moved out of that house.I would still like to rule out physical problems before i just let this go.Other than the linger chronic problems which are more of a annoyance, I feel healthy and strong.I also wanted to mention that I stopped throwing up when this all started and have not thrown up since (4 months ago).
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Can't say much now. Just ready to sign off & noticed you. I
have a neck problem & limit computer use but will get back. You
need to get copies of ALL labs done to see report & what was
ordered. Don't think Dr is on top of helping you. Tests are an
easy read, H-high/L-low. Come back & post symbols to inerprut.
Since you mentioned bulimia, it raises alot of ?'s & I don't
believe all tests could be in range. Sounds like there is poss.
intestinal problem. Canker sores can happen from bulimia or the
acid stomache brings up. 1 or 2 can multiply to more, go into
remission & come back here/there 3xyr. When ulcerated, can even
be contagious. You may have ulcers left in esophagus that's
bleeding off/on from certain foods or still tissue open. Get
labs 1st, then you will need to go to a gd-Otolaryngologist that
has a special scope to exam dwn esophagus & larynx + exam the
sinuses. Lesions caught early may be fixed w/ meds/diet/silence
etc. Mouth may need to be cultured to see if viral. Later you
may have to have a barium GI exam for lesions in stomache &
intestines. You may have taken the brave stand to step forward
in time & avoid cancer. 1st go to ofc & tell desk you're
starting a hm-health file & need copies of all lab-reports. The
law says they must give. Smile big & flatter them! For some
reason, Dr's discuss little w/ guys & dismiss woman fast since
they ask too much. The results, I can interprut for you. Later!
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it felt like the initial problems lasted for 6 weeks and it ended with cold like symptoms.Swollen tender glands in neck, runny nose and fatigue for about three days and then i got better.But the small chronis discomforts linger.Currently, I still have small amounts of blood in my dried nose pickings and i coughed up some green phlem again recently.My nose pickings are green, the same color as the phlegm.I have very slight throat discomfort, like i have to clear my throat more than i should, and my stomach still churns alot, I have noticed alot that when i exhale i can hear a crunching like sound in my stomach alot.I am not certain but i feel some slight dullness in my left ear.I have some small movable nodes under my chin/jaw area as well.My stools can be light colored or dark, or sometimes both.I keep finding small white deposits in my stools at least twice a week.I have been to the dr and they kind of just play it off, however i feel like something isnt right.I dont know if its serious or not but i would like to find out.Before all of this happened I was bulemic on and off for a year, and i did have mono three years ago that left a swollen gland on my neck.Naturally, my mind has jumped to the more serious conditions to worry about like (Nasopharynx cancer, oral cancer)Please give me any advice u can. I plan on seeing another Dr for a second opinion and would appreaciate any good advice to mention to a doctor.the rash i explained earlier, came twice.It was a red flat rash, that did not hurt, or itch or anything on my forehead/eyebrow area.It came and went away within 24 hours both times.Please help
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