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Ear fullness and jaw joint pain

Since the beginning of Aug, I have expereinced some issues related to my ears.  It began with complete ear fullness.  Went to internist, and he gave me Rhinocort and said to take Sudafed.  It then appeared to go away for 2 weeks.  Then it returned, but not to the severity as the first time.  I proceeded to an ENT who peformed the test analyzing the pressure in the inner ear canals.  Came back negative.  I have continued to use the Rhinocort along with Sudafed and Claritin D.  I then began to experience slight jaw pain in the area below the ear.  Hurts when I chew.  Internist xrayed my jaw to rule out TMJ, and that came back negative.  He has no other suggestions.  I went for about 1 1/2 weeks until this past Monday, with no feeling of fullness or anything.  The slight jaw pain was still present.  On Monday, it begun to feel not normal again.  I don't necessarily have ear fullness, but the area  behind my ears near the jaw feels odd inside.  Almost like they are swollen.  It is hard to explain.   I am at a loss of what do do next.
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Hello:  First, the TMJ is located directly adjacent to the middle ear. With that in mind, anytime the TMJ is mis-aligned; there will be generalized pressure from that joint--referred to the adjacent middle ear.  WHENEVER there is ear pressure, pain, along with jaw pain; a TMJ specialist is
MANDATORY. You need a hard acrylic splint to reposition your jaw forward so that the
disc may be "recaptured" back into the joint. This appliance costs around 400$ and only..I REPEAT
ONLY  a TMJ SPECIALIST SHOULD MAKE THIS FOR YOU AND EVALUATE YOUR PROGRESS WITH IT. It usually takes around 6 months to receive optimal relief and another year or so to get past it all and back to the way things used to be--before the issue. Finally, the "feeling" behind the jaw and beneath the ear is most likely inflamation of the lymph node from continuous pressure and stress in that area--inflamation from the issues of the jaw surrounding the lymph node which is also located in that same spot! Lastly, I would request a soft tissue ct of your cervical neck to rule out any growths along with a ct of the mandible/maxilla including both joints in both opened and closed positions. On a final note, neuropathic conditions may also cause referred pain and sensations of fullness and irritation. One is called Trigeminal Neuropathy which can relplicate many, i repeat MANY other orofacial conditions. TRUST ME--I HAVE THIS ONE! TOOK ME A YEAR TO GET THE DIAGNOSIS RIGHT!!!  So, TMJ SPECIALIST, SPLINT, CT'S OF ALL IMAGES I MENTIONED. IF STILL NO RELIEF, GET TO A UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT WORKING WITH OROFACIAL PAIN SYNDROME.  GOOD LUCK!  AND KEEP A COTTON BALL IN YOUR AFFECTED EAR EVERYTIME YOU SHOWER! KEEP IT DRY INSIDE!!!
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Commenting because I'm seeing a lot of the same symptoms that I've been struggling with for the past year and a half. I had started going to the urgent care (quick and easy/big mistake) about once every two months for what the doctor had written off as a chronic ear infection in my right ear. Once every two months turned into once every month and when the discomfort only got worse. My ear canal was so itchy that I considered using just about anything to relieve it. I felt as if someone was constantly shoving their finger as hard as they could in space right in front of my ear canal, and the entire lower jaw area on that side would become tender/sore on and off (usually at night). During this time, I had also noticed that my smile just didn't look the way it used to, but was barely noticeable...to the point where when I brought it up to my mom, she said I was crazy and needed to see a psych for body dysmorphia. Over the year, my smile continued to shift and my ear and jaw pain grew worse. I finally decided to make an ENT and Oral/Maxillofacial appointment because something just wasn't right. After some X-rays at the Oral/Maxillofacial office, it was discovered that my left condyle was much larger than my right (which is normal for some people) but since the symptoms had just started to occur, the doctor suggested that the bone might still be growing. This August, I was referred to Emory where I met with a specialist who had me do a bone scan and finally diagnosed me with Unilateral Condylar Hyperplasia. Since the condyle had been growing, it was pushing everything to the right causing the ear and jaw pain. I'm scheduled for a codylectomy and total joint replacement in May. Since my diagnosis in August, I have developed other symptoms, including: headaches (often at night and into the morning), stiffness in my neck, a squishing sound in front of my right ear, difficulties sleeping, drooling and phantom tooth pain. I know this isn't something that's very common, but as a self diagnosed cyberchondriac, I know how frustrating it is to look for answers and come up with nothing.  Best wishes!
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Mine feels just like that but my syptoms are ear fullnes like i have a lot of ear wax or something witch i clean my ears quite often even with proxide sometimes ( heard it cleans out earwax, to behonest hasnt done me much justice but i do it anyway) but anothwr differance is that it hurts right behind my earlobe onto my jaw and hurts when i swallow and the feeling of ear fulness is also very aggrivating ad annoying , startingto feel like it could turn into a earache also simularitys to stiff neck ,for some odd reason it hurts when i turn my neck not of stffness quite yet but when i turn my neck left or right especially when i yawn or cough is this something that will go away naturly or do i have to get antibiotics ??? Appreciate all of the responses - Thank you
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I have these same symptoms.  I have dry heaves in the mornings when I set up in bed or at other times.  the tightness in my jaw area and flem in my throat area make me nauseated and feel as I am not getting enough air.  I do have some close up vision issues and have not been to the eye doctor.  
Doug, did you find any favorable cures?
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GCA? Giant cell arteritis? Have you had blood labs? Just a thought. Jaw claudication and ear pain could be symptoms of that. Any blurred vision or shoulder pain?
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If all else has been exhausted look at possible other causes
I would wear a mouth guard and see if that helps, sometimes when we
clench out teeth in our sleep the nerves in our face become inflamed so it may be causing pressure in  your ear. figure out if this is the cause.
Treat your ears to hydrogen peroxide cleaning and see if that helps
See a Chiropractor to get your neck adjusted
Also go to see a Dental cavitation expert might be able to shine light on the hidden issue, NOT a regular dentist . Apparently 70 of mystery illness stem from dental issues, and I was sick had MRI CAT xray panaramic thermagraphy all negative finally hired a dental cavitation expert and had infection in the bone in the wisdom teeth extraction site, after it was all cleaned up I was fine neck and shoulder pain disapperared
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It started 4 years ago with a throbbing pain in my left ear.
I've been suffering with ear/facial/jaw pain for about 4 years. It started out as a pain in my ear that came on suddenly and would go away after taking a couple of Aleve. It wouldn't come back for about 3 months. That went on for about a year. Then it got to the point where it would happen about once a month..then it got to a point where Aleve wasn't helping it..Well, now it happens about once a week or more and lasts for sometimes days at a time.

I can't sleep on my left side (side where pain is) as it will trigger the pain 90% of the time. About 3 months ago, i woke up with writhing pain in my jaw and couldn't open my mouth without it popping. after that i was down for the count for the rest of the day.

when it's hurting, i can barely talk, smile, chew, shave, brush teeth or anything on the left side.

I've been to my primary care doctor, ENT, Neurologist, dentist, orthodontist.

They all have different ideas mostly about what this can be but Trigeminal neuralgia has been brought up. The problem is I don't know where to turn anymore.

Commonalities have been with neurologist and dentist, who have said that bruxism (grinding) teeth is occurring as a result of sleep apnea which has caused TMJ disorder. Neurologist says the massater (jaw muscle) on the left side is twice as large as right side largely due to grinding he suspects. they've recommended sleep study but I  can't afford the deductible all at once and who knows if that would solve the problem. Orthodontist said can fit me with an appliance but insurance wouldn't cover it.

My life largely revolves around not triggering an episode of this and when it does happen, my quality of life is bad.

I just wanted to add my input as it may shed some light on someone's situation.
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A sleep study may give you some answers. They can diagnose all sorts of things. I know it's expensive, but it may be worth looking into if you can come up with the money or work out a payment plan.
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I'm sorry to see that this thread has ended for the most part. I've had a strange myriad of symptoms over the past 4 years
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I'm sorry to see that this thread has ended for the most part. I've had a strange myriad of symptoms over the past 4 years
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My doctor diagnosed left Eustation tube dysfunction. . . over 3 months ago. Have been on Allergy relief / Loratadine antihistamine for over 2 months.  My ear does pop occasionally, so I hopefully think it is getting better, however the pain in my jaw, mostly my end molar is still very upsetting . . I  can't even chew on that side of my mouth.  I am presently paying off a ridiculously high hospital bill, due to the blood work done on my initial visit to the doctor and would like not to repeat the process.  Does anyone have any over the counter advise for me?
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Go see a gastro DOC.  It could be your acid reflux.  I know that sounds nuts, but its true.  It took my best friend 34 DR's before he got it figured out.  He had an operation to stop his esophagus from allowing food and acid to get up into his sinuses and it took care of it.  ALL THE SAME SYMPTOMS.  Good Luck, I hope this helps!
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I had a stependectomy done on my left ear in June 2013 and since then I have had fullness in both of my ears.Initially when I went back to DR. in late July the Dr. stated he had no idea what it could be and he advised me to take an over the counter antihistamine (which I did - I have no hx of allergies ) and it did nothing . I persisted and then the Dr. said he thought the anestegilogist  may have dislocated my jaw during intubation. He has sent me to Dentist to R/O TMJ ( he is petty much sure it is not TMJ). The surgeon is perplexed - he does not have a clue what could be causing this fullness in both ears. It is now Jan 2014 & we have not gotten any closer to solving this issue ? It has not changed - I sometimes have coughing bouts at nite when I am lying down in bed as well.
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Are you feeling fine now ? I am having exact same issue. I see you posted it long back, checking to see what worked for you finally.

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I had pain for two years and did a lot of research on my symptoms without a lot of success.   It all started with a clogged ear and sore jaw joint on the same side.  Over time the symptoms grew to having swollen lymph nodes and tight neck, vertigo and difficulty swallowing.  I saw two doctors, my dentist, an ENT and had an MRI done.   Nobody could figure anything out.  Then I was referred to a Physical Therapist for Jaw problems a TMJ specialist.  I told her my symptoms and she diagnosed that the small disc in my jaw joint was displaces and it took her all of about three minutes to manipulate it back into place, my ear crackled open immediately, music and people sounded clear again, all other pain and swelling subsided in a coupled days. Then I spent 6 weeks, 5 more appointments learning exercises for rebuilding the face and jaw muscles and realigning my jaw movement and bite.  My smile was strait again and the jaw clicking subsided.  Two years of chronic pain, all those sleepless nights, anxiety, Advils. Now all in the past!  A Physical therapist specializing in TMJ is a must on the list of people to seek for answers.
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Ive read these posts and can't help but notice alot are similar to the symptoms i started to get beginning of november 2012, it started only with a slight pressure or fullness sensation on my lower left jaw below the ear and jaw line, it sometimes itches and the skin feels almost over sensitive. A few weeks later i was really sick with nausea, abdominal pain, night time chills causing insomnia, and weight loss.

I've gotten better since but the jaw pressure/fullness and itching with some throbbing pain remained, along with fatigue, pressure headaches, blurrier vision, stinging pains usually in abdominal area, inflammed and dry nose and throat (ears seem to produce no wax as well).

Ive gotten blood, urine, stool tests and an abdominal ultrasound, all negative and no concerns from them, so far ive been prescribed flonase for the dry nose which doesnt seem to do anything, but with all these symptoms, i think its an allergic reaction to dust, mold, or even gluten, but theres no way to prove that so far, i dunno what to think anymore
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I have had fullness in my ears for close to two years. I was diagnosed with a compression on the internal jugular at the c1.  researchers are just starting to discover these compressions and beginning to realize how many symptoms they can cause. I feel fluid drain from my ears but the ent can never find anything wrong with the ears. With poor drainage from the brain the hemodynamics in the brain is upset.  an mri should be able to show if the ventricles that store the csf are enlarged. I have had nucca to straighten my atlas and i have a dental splint custom made to fix my bite. We will see if this works over time.  the surgery to fix the compression is still experimental called a styloidectomy. Costs around 60,000
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Have you considered nph or ccsvi? If u have poor drainage from your brain it can cause all kinds of symptoms. Research about atlas orthoganol and NUCCA. Also a neuromuscular dentist for TMD. Also an aqualizer until you can see a neuromuscular dentist. Compressions of the internal jugular along with CCSVI are all on the cutting edge of research right now. Look into this. Good luck.
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Hi Chris..Just was curious to know whether the problem was diagonised or resolved from your last appt..
I am suffering from the same symptoms since last 2 months. I just had my CT scan last Friday. Awaiting the results..
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From my research, the things I have found are:
acoustic neuroma - a small benign (not cancerous) tumor (99%+ chance of survivablility) that can cause full feeling, pain etc.   This is treated either by observation, micro surgery or gamma knife.
Menier's disease - treatable by medications or optional surgery.
or TMJ - The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone of the skull, which is immediately in front of the ear on each side of your head.

Of course there are 1000 things that could cause these symptoms and anyone who has them should visit the Ear Nose and Throat Specialist.   An MRI with Audiometry performed by an Otolaryngologist will likely reveal the underlying issues causing the symptoms.

Don't be scared; just make sure to follow up on things so you rule out bad things or discover and treat them!  

I am not a doctor but my Wife exhibits these same symptoms and I have done research.   We go to result appt today in about 30 minutes.   I will try to post the result when done.    

Chris in GA   -   08/08/2012
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...arg...I have/just had this too! My ear totally swollen and left jaw too...almost to painful to eat...please write me back at ***@**** if you have found out what cause it...hope you are better!
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...arg...I have/just had this too! My ear totally swollen and left jaw too...almost to painful to eat...please write me back at ***@**** if you have found out what cause it...hope you are better!
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I have been diagnosed with CLL, and RA.  My symptoms in my jaw and ear are very similar to many of the posts above, and the symptoms come and go, right side or left, and began years ago with some bouts of vertigo, and even shoulder pain to the extreme..  So far, the doctors have just shrugged the symptoms off.  I have done much research on this problem, and finally when I was exhausted from it all and about to give up, I found a nebulous article on a South American botanical called Cat's Claw, or formally Uncara Tomatosa.  I think I am alive today because of this miracle botanical.  It certainly is worth a try...It completely stopped the shoulder pain, but when I skip a couple of days, it is like tempting fate, and right now, my right side jaw is swollen inside, and my right ear is full of fluid, but is pretty quickly getting better.  I hope this helps someone.  It is definitely worth a try.
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I am experiencing this issue now for more than a week. I went to the Doc last week and she said my ear drum just looked a tad sucked in but I had an upper resp and sinus infection. I have taken 2 rounds of antibiotics now. Everything else got better but the ear feels full and the jaw closest to the ear is sore when I yawn or chew. Anyone find out the answer???
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I think that sometimes Sudafed and decongestants can elevate BP. They make my own heart speed up, so I rarely take.
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I've been having this problem too, it started two weeks ago after taking a bath. The next day I had completely lost the hearing in my left ear, along with having a full feeling in my ear just behind it and around my jaw on the left side. I went to a walk-in clinic and the doctor said it was earwax built up (never use q-tips, they just shove the wax further in) that was hardened. He irrigated the ear and a bit of wax came out which alleviated some of the full feeling and a bit of the jaw pain, but I still couldn't hear. He gave me a 3cc syringe and told me to put 1cc of oil in the ear, wait a bit and then rinse the ear out with water using the syringe. Later that day I did and my hearing came back, but I still had the jaw pain and ear pain.

       Now the pain and full feeling have come back, and I have been popping my ears non-stop because it feels like it helps a little bit (not with the jaw pain much though). I continued to put oil in my ear and rinse the ear out with water afterwards, but no more wax is coming out when I do, and squirting the water in just hurts even more (plus gives me vertigo).

       Just wondering if your ear/jaw problem has gone away, or if it is still bothering you, and if so how long did it take to get better?
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3114919 tn?1341851476
I have experienced the same sort of pain. Where the area by my ear canal has become very sensitive, and painful. Also felt the pang of pain at the back of my throat, and also when I move my jaw.
I visited my General Practitioner, and he has suggested an influx of ear wax, which has hardened, causing uncomfortable symptoms, such as loss of hearing, pain in the ear, and the throat may hurt because of blockage in the Eustachian Tube.
For this, there really is no cure. The best thing to do is put olive oil in your ear, and drain it out, softening the ear wax, then visit your General Practitioner to have your ears cleaned out. Also for the pain, try Ibuprofen and Paracetomol, it can numb down the pain. Hope this helped :)
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