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Dizziness/Off Balance Feeling

I have had symptoms of anxiety. For the past few months. But, I also have dizziness. The dizziness happens at different times of the day, even with out the panic attacks. Sometimes I could be doing nothing at all. I could be laying down, trying to relax and I get dizzy. I have had lots of blood work done for anemia, blood counts, TSH- all normal. Except the iron was slightly low. I have had that for the past 3 years and never had dizziness because of it. Could this be from my ears. A few weeks ago I was putting in some Chistmas lights and as I came up I felt like I was going to loose my balance. It scared me so much.At times I feel dizzy while I am laying down, and that scares me.  I even went to the ER, they did a CT scan, and sent me home with a patch behind my ear. Could it be my ears. I have ringing in my ears every few days, left and right. I don't have alergies though.A few weeks ago my ears kept popping. Then it stopped. I had a anxiety attack a few weeks ago and the dizziness stopped for a few days, but came back. I also have warm fuzzy sensations in my head, like it tingles, from time to time. I am going to the DR in a couple of weeks for a check up. What should I ask him to check next, this dizziness is controlling my life, I feel like I am going to pass out all the time. I am scared to be alone if I do pass out because all my kids are under 5 yrs old. What should my next step be, maybe a ENT? Thank you.
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can you tell me a little more about your diet? I think I have started to have a problem with sugar as my A1C has me at pre-diabetic. My dr really didn't recommend anything- except to lose weight and exercise more( I do exercise more but have not lost weight)
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Went to dr like 6 weeks ago for head/scalp pain
went to er because thought it was anyuresm. They did ct scan said it was normal. Went back to dr 3 weeks ago said its anxiety and panick. Im freaking out at this point. Was fine for a week then started back up and ears ringing got worse. I went to ent who said I have severe tmj. Then went and had wyes checked and they dialated them and said I was fine.
Went back to er for this weird head pain. They said maybe sinus because they could not do ct again.
I followed up with nuero today who said eeg was normal and that it sounds like occipital nueralgia and says I can get it treated and also said they want mri of cervical spine. I told her im still worried about anuyerm but she assured me I was fine. Here I am after a bedr ears ringing loud and I feel unsteady. She said she thinks nec Went to dr like 6 weeks ago for head/scalp pain
went to er because thought it was anyuresm. They did ct scan said it was normal. Went back to dr 3 weeks ago said its anxiety and panick. Im freaking out at this point. Was fine for a week then started back up and ears ringing got worse. I went to ent who said I have severe tmj. Then went and had wyes checked and they dialated them and said I was fine.
Went back to er for this weird head pain. They said maybe sinus because they could not do ct again.
I followed up with nuero today who said eeg was normal and that it sounds like occipital nueralgia and says I can get it treated and also said they want mri of cervical spine. I told her im still worried about anuyerm but she assured me I was fine. Here I am after a beer ears ringing loud and I feel unsteady. She said she thinks neck is injured.  k is injured.
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R u feeling better? U need a sleep study done for tmj and sleep apnea
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Hi I know how u feel I'm a mother of 3 and everyday is a battle to not show my kids panic....!***** very scary... but God helps me thru it I'm not perfect and I still worry but I lean to god when I'm afraid and it helps...

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8379753 tn?1397845990
There is surgery for menieres syndrome. I suffered from 1986-1989 with it and finally had surgery in 1989. They cut two nerves to my ear in the central nervous system. It was a six hour surgery for me but very successful. For the first few years I would sometimes feel strange for an hour or two then it would pass. I have been well until two years ago. I Caught a cold while in France and had dreadful pain in my ears when taking off and landing on the flight home. I lost my hearing entirely for hours at a time. I was diagnosed with barotrauma  caused by the cold and flying at a high altitude. It took several months but finally cleared up and I regained hearing in my right ear, the surgery left me deaf in the left. Presently I have pollen allergies and have many of the same symptoms a lot of you have . My knees feel like they might give up and I am afraid to drive for fear I will pass out. I suspect the infection never cleared up entirely from the cold and barotrauma.
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7061275 tn?1387589688
How about all of the above symptoms (which I have) especially the" wamp wamp" sound in my head(ears)  and light flashes I just noticed when the wamp happened and I was in a dim lit room... now does anyone deal with this AND reawakening and/or lucid nightmares?????  I have had horrible ones since this began...day naps and night.  Every night!!!  I've tried everything..the most I'm on now is diazepam. (Valium) at night.  I'm ready to blow my brains out!!!  Dr.s. = no answers!!!!!!   Help..at least tell me the nightmares are associated!!!
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Look into pheochromocytoma. It's always a possibility. I have had all of these symptoms for about 4 years now. Have spent more money than anyone could possibly imagine with no results. Pheochromocytoma is what my latest doctor says could be the problem. Funny because not a single one in 3 states mentioned this before it is extremely rare.

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535822 tn?1443976780
It could be environmental allergies..caused by the aerial spraying we are all experiencing,ask for a toxicity test to find out if you have absorbed any toxins, you can then detoxify..Look at the Video 'What on earth are They Spraying'
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I'm wondering if you've figured anything out yet?  I have been feeling the same way for almost three years now and it started after having a baby.
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4369264 tn?1353509864
i  am 37 and i got tinnitus from  6 years  now, and is one week i  start feel dizzy and feeling to lose my balance when i put my head up and when i bend down for vacuum , i feel like losing  my balance and i am scared because can be something serious . I think is my tinnitus  is start to give me problem and i don' t know why  is doing now. I will see my doctor soon and i hope is nothing to worry because i don t like felling like that.
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The world is small finally I am not crazy. I feel the same way when I lay down sometimes I feel like I sink. There is times I walk and I feel off balance and can't focus I look to fast and loose perception like it past to fast. I feel my legs get weak and then my back hurts as well when I drink water it makes me light headed I drinking water. I work out and get more dizzy then I am sore longer. I can't enjoy a cocktail or a beer anymore because my hangover is worse and can't get out of bed. It's so weird all this has been happening this year. I hear ringing constantly but faint and my ears when I go in the pool fill up and it is hard to get the water out. If I wash my ears in the shower I will damn near fall. Is there hope for this problem. Who ever comes up with a solution to help us will surely be a millionaire for sure. If anyone can help me with this please inbox me or respond to my post. Thank you.
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I have also suffered loss of balance expecially following a flight but it was shocking in supermarkets.
I have had a huge improvement since commencing Vit D and Calcium.
I have had a total thyroidectomy (Ca 1990) and 2 parathyroids were accidently removed. I  had no real dramas until menopause.
The Drs said  I apparently had fluid in the inner ear and at night the tinnitus and fullness of the ears was shoching. Anyway I googled "can Vit D and calcium deficiency cause loss of balance" and hey presto I haven't looked back.
I also had severe anxiety and had read on these forums the anxiety was the cause but  not so with me.
I take cacium citrate as that is apparently better absorbed, vitD 1000, magnesium and vit C.
I now sleep so much better as Vit D def causes all sorts of problems.
It was like magic for me!
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Please hang in there.  I have this problem too.  My job had big cuts a while back and we have a small home business and somedays at home I am ok but I have discovered that on days I feel more stuffed up even at home I feel off balance.  I read a while back that if there is swelling in the sinus(which I had on my original MRI) that they can be pushing on nerves.  I have not had much drainage through the nose but out of my throat and I use to think why do I feel real bad and then I would have drainage and I think that moving through the sinus' if thick will push on things and throw the equalibrium off.  For me a lot of movement (people, colorful patterns in rugs) makes me feel off balance.  Its like things your eyes and ears do together to help keep you balanced that you don't even think about I can now feel.  I also had thought there is nothing doctors can do.  I am now trying a Upper Cervical Dr.  yes this is a chiropractor but it has to be upper cervical because what they look at is the neck.  Mine found a problem he could see after exrays so he popped my atlas.  I don't feel a lot better but my scans which were showing nerves that werent working properly are getting better.  Some of those nerves which show the worst problems are nerves that send signals to the sinus' so they may not be functioning properly.  Even if you have tightness in your back once the nerves can get better signals your tightness in the back will loosen up.    I should have listened to an ent years ago because he said its a nerve problem I can't help you.  At the time I didn't know what could be done to help the nerves so I kept trying treatments from ents for ear problems and I also did allergy shots for a year or so.  If only he could have said here is something or someone you can go to.  I recently found, and I am trying to find it again to show my upper cervical care dr, a place in california and they describe a group of compressed nerves in the neck that are not diagnosed very easly and often overlooked but have the same effects that I feel with blocked ears and everything.  So please hang on and know there are others that feel the same way.
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I have had all these symptoms for the past few months it first started with a cold and I would have dizzy spells everyonce in awhile but in the last 3 weeks I have been non stop dizzy there was a week of that, that I couldn't even get out of bed without help from my husband or kids to take a shower or even go to the bathroom I've been to two different hospitals which one claimed because I had a cold that it was the cause put me on antibiotics and steroids two different times no help! Then I went to another hospital where they did a CT scan and found nothing but give me meclizine and diazepam "Valium" and it did help a little atleast it help me cope. I've been to neurologist, ENT. Had alot of testing can't seem to find out anything but their supposed to be scheduling me for an MRI full head and ear scan. But I did notice when I went into a restaurant or somewhere where there is alot of noise it made my ears ring and the dizziness worse. I don't know if your having the same problem but I've never been depressed before but I finally broke down the other day and was ready to call it quits because I have been so miserable and no help it seems but I try to think positive since I do have 3 children to care for. On top of all this my insurance company is being A-holes and been fighting with them so I'm as stressed as they come and that in itself can cause anxiety I wish these doctors would quit saying its anxiety because the dizziness started way before stress and anxiety if any of oyu find a cause please let me know. And good luck to you all!!
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its all about the ear balancing u. the ear does a balance
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I found this Blog when I searched "off-balance" before going to the local Urgent Care Dr.  I wanted as much info as I had time to gather. Thanks for all the posts.  

Discussed with primary Dr.the "off-balance" (not dizzy) veering to the right when walking - similar to walking on foam or on a boat - even like being drunk. He gave me the "drunk" test, but was it was not a talking point. Dr. checked my ears and found a buildup of wax in the right ear, and subsequently had both ears irrigated then and there. The right side had more wax build-up (or impaction) which is related to the walking or lurching to the right side.Amazing to see the "stuff" that was irrigated! I asked about the difference between the amount of wax in each ear. The nurse asked what side I sleep on. I said eft". She indicated that the wax does not build up on the side you sleep on. She asked if I used Q-tips - I said only to get the moisture at the outer ear (because of itching), not deep inside. She gave me disposable plastic instrument - that is a disposable per patient - that will lift and extract the earwax after loosening by irrigation.

I was quite taken that the Dr. knew the words to describe my situation and even others that I had not mentioned, but had in fact had experienced the last 3-4 days. Like. "the eyes don't seem to want to move in the same direction" - but no blurry vision outcome.

Discussed with Dr. a possible "Sleep Test" for apnia… I thought there may be a relation to the the inner ear/Eustachian tube off-balance and the exhaling "snoring" which, in my case, is not an inhale snoring – just the opposite. When I exhale in a sleeping mode, the air passes over my tongue to my closed lips and the "flapping" sound wakes me up. This occurs many nights, but not every night. Not sure what caused that kind of exhaling.

The method I use to get to sleep and not be awakened or even give the "snoring" a chance is to sleep on my stomach and rest my left shoulder on the pillow which is in the normal position on my left side. This allows my head to rest on the bed, with my shoulder raised slightly. I'm in a comfortable position that allows me to sleep through the night and most of the time without the exhaling sound. It's not a perfect solution, but 99% of the time, it works. I was am taking 2 prescription meds: Antivert (Meclizine) and Amoxicillin w/Clavulanate

Day 1: Still a little unsteady, but much better after the ear irrigation. I took 2 walks (total of about 1 block) but felt "tired". I usually have a fairly fast walk, but did not have the "get up and go".

Day 2: I feel "foggy" and somewhat unsteady, but my walking gait is better. I don't walk as fast, either because I'm afraid of "lurching" and falling, or just a "lugging" feeling. Hopefully, the meds will work over the course. May consider a Chiropractor - will check if I still have the same additional add-on insurance coverage as last year. I have read some posts here that C helps. I'm a believer of good alignment since a child - and had various "fixes". It's just the cost that is holding me back. But, in any case, that will be the next "go-around".  

This is more a journal entry - but hope someone, somehow gets something out of it. I will be back to see and add more on the subject. This is all new to me...  we all have to be proactive and do our own research. Thank God for sites such as this. Take care.
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Hi there, it has nothing to do with you just having a baby! Ive had these symptoms for like 8 years now, it comes and goes and due to that Doctors say its anxiety...I've been to ear specialits, ear nose throat, neurologist, chiropractor checking my balance, all is OK!! Frustrating cause I still feel dizzy that's why they blame on anxiety...I got pregnant after those feelings, I loved and enjoyed my pregnancy, even after giving birth where I had c section, all was good and I was good, have a beautiful daughter...I would be free of those symptoms and it would just show up like a theft and no doctor is able to diagnose it!!! Ugh! They keep saying its anxiety and relax...whatever! For the last 2 months now I have been feeling dizzy and mostly my left ear and left side feeling like slightly bums, so weird and because of feeling this way I feel anxious, with or without my daughter I'm scared to be in public and just want to be home!! That's what happened today was in toys r us and m like let's go mom, I get slight headache too. So few weeks Go I took myself to the urgent care and he said my left ear the fluid is too high and it has to be at some level, ok he prescribed a nasal spray, I kinda felt better after that but it just keeps happening on and off or at times it's consistent!! Looks to be vertigo, could it be? Tough I have to say my ears Are blocked and have to pop it every single day sometimes so many times Day!!! There's always pounding in my ear and god forbid f I have a cold or allergies it gets worst... So I keep googling, could it be some vitamins I can take for this? I eat pretty healthy so I am desperate and want to be free of scare and go out and enjoy the nice outdoors.... Thanks Annie
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i have a dizziness in a last three weeks i went ER blood test normal and blood presure, but didnt checked my ears i always use a cotton swap to clean internal ear. is that  possibly can cause dizzy
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This thread obviously goes back a ways and we all are not getting any real answers but the fact that we read and realized were not crazy...but if someone could only figure out why this happens to so many of us. I too am glad im not alone but i am desperate for how to fix this. I want my life back. I 1st started having anxiety with a few big panic attacks but id feel it coming on and could tell id have a bad day...now its not moments or days anymore ...its everyday i wake up and feel like everything is slight disoriented , kind of like the feeling some meds do to you but im not on any. My head feels wierd and if i let it get to me  THEN i feel the anxiety come on with the hard to breathe, feel heavy feeling, and muscles tense, and tingling/prickly in my head. It was just more going to work and oncei was there id be okay(the whole giving yourself anxiety thing)  But now everyday no matter where i go or if have day off its a struggle to feel normal My big thing is no insurance to nnarrow it down or to help.
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and i forgot to say that i am 22 now ..so its a 8 years problem and everyday and every time feeling ..its hell ....
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lol reading all this and thinking I have people living on the same planet as me .. basically ever since I can remember around the age of 14 I started feeling , dizzy and off balance , lighthead , eyes problems , ear some times feels like its filed with water and ifI tense my draw , it pops ...anyway , it feels like that i am dying any time because of this feeling of dizzy and off balance , my only time that I get rid of that feeling is sleeping lol..I cant even walk for 1 min never mind walk as a normal person ..if i walk , then out of nowhere , off balance comes and everything starts to look as though thats it , final breath and death ...that gets me mad and when I make it home , i am thinking , i did not die , what was i thinking , but one thing for sure , everyday that goes and in the nights , i am thinking either i am crazy or its just panics , because nothing happened to me since i was 14 ...i did not fall , i did not faint , nothing , just all the feelings and its real the feelings ...did some bloods and that and nothing is wrong , but one thing for sure is , it makes life aint worth it nomore ...however i keep living and day after day , keeps coming and still same me with all this ....

so all you guys , stay blessed and i just hope one day , one day , we no what happend to us at a stage in our life  
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This may sound random but I was taking Tyllenol PM for months and durning that time I suffered  from depression, anxiety attacks, such dizzy spells I thought that I must have a brain injury.  I went to every type of doctor for months, had every type of blood test, mri, etc...I stopped taking the Tyllenol PM because I ran out and within a week I started to feel better.  I wasnt sleeping as well but I felt so much better. Just a thought.
Good luck!
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180749 tn?1443595232
Follow the  alternative nostril breathing and other techniques  described in my November 11 ,2011 post in this forum thread to get over the dizziness and balance problems.Start now and let me know, how you feel. Do not give up before 16 weeks.
January 27,2012
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I am feeling the same way. Never have I had issues but now I have a large amount of anxiety and its hard to walk, talk, type, etc. For the first time my worst nightmare has come true. Since I have been feeling dizzy in a way where I'm wobbling I finally fell when nobody was around. I am unsure of what to do especially because I am a dance major and not being on balance is horrifying while moving around. I need help but I don't know what kind of help i need. Sometimes I think I am becoming retarded because of these symptoms. What is recommended now?
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I am 20 and found out I had MS when I was 15 years old I get dizzy all the time too. Wat I do to help the dizziness is just take slow deep breaths,drink lots of water and make sure I eat enough. A lot of dizziness cones from malnutrition or standing up to quick. Hope this will help
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