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question about endo and surgery

hi, im new to this community,
i just found this one actually, i have been writing on the addictions forums alot and am very happy i stumbled upon this board. so i have surgery commin up on the 11th, and i cant sleep, or eat and have no energy because im so afraid of this my doc says there doing a laproscopy (spellin) and then they are also going to have to remove alot of scar tissue from 3 previous surgerys so there will be a big incision, the pain now is so bad, i have been taking 30 mg of percocet a day, its really not that much but im scarred to take more, as i dont want to get more addicted. i though and was hoping that i could get some advise about what happens during and after the surgery, whats it like, how long dose it take to heal and has anyone else experienced the scar tissue thing? it has a name but i cant remember what its called but it is very painful and thats mostly what the pain killers are for. any advise or help or storys would help me
thank you very much
~geri xoxo
Best Answer
1615999 tn?1307461942
I just had a laparoscopy to remove a cyst and endometriosis at the end of January.  My procedure was on a Tuesday and I returned to work the following Monday.  My doctor recommended 4-6 days to recover.  By Friday I was feeling much better and probably could have gone to work but I really did not want to push it.  The main area that I had pain afterwards was my belly button.  I bumped it a week after the procedure and had some bleeding.  I have heard that it is different for everyone though.  Good luck with everything and if you have any more questions I would be happy to help the best I can.
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thank you for all that advise, i actually just found out at my last appointment that my gyno dose specialize in endo so i was happy to hear that, i looked her up did some research and she is the best there is in my city so im a little less stressed, i tried not taking anything to see where the pain is at, i got to 3 days and bam i had major withdrawals and yes i knew what might happen, i am a recovered heroin addict with 8.5 years clean, and it was bad and the pain was rediculas so i am stayin on them for now, i have CRAZY anxiety problems and never been prescribed xanax for it, i wish they would some times, i have ocd that i swear would be cured if my anxiety was treated properly for.
i think thats why there implanting this thing in my, so i dont need to take bc or have shots or any of that
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Once the pain is gone you might slip from that. I know I was taking Alprazolam (Xanax) through a lot of it and even at the hospital to be able to sleep after the surgery. At some point when the pain was lessening and I was still taking it to sleep I realized I might be starting to have a problem. So...I stopped taking it for a long time. I get it refilled now and again and take a fourth of a pill if I have a panick attack but that is like once a year. I used to be in pain all the time and the panicking was from fear of the pain starting again. Once I got rid of the pain I didn't need the panick medicine so much because I wasn't panicking. Make sense? :)
If the doctors can fix the core issue you won't need the pain meds and you can live without them, trust me it's nice in the sunshine.
I don't think you have an addiction yet but I think that you GMCp are intelligent enough to see you're starting to have an issue. A lot of the anxiety for me stemmed from social situations because I spent five years in pain and inside the house most of the time. The world was very different by the time I began to interact again. You can overcome anxiety, I did! I think it's normal for some people to go on overload now and again. An emergency doc explained it best to me once, he said the panick medicine was safer for me then my heart rate getting up all the time and freaking myself out. He also said that sometimes some people have racing thoughts, they move too fast for us to compute. It's not the worst thing in the world and oddly enough I'm seeing a lot of this with Endometrosis, I wonder if there is a connection biologicially?
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Were any of you super shocked to find out that most gynos don't specialise in Endometrosis? Some don't even know what it is? Or they didn't in 2004 when I had my surgery.
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Now my Endometrosis was stage 4 by the time I got to the proper medical provider for the right treatment. A lot of people don't know there are other treatments out there, a lot of us (like me) just accepted the treatment one doctor suggested. My advice to anyone with this is if your doctor is only giving you one option, find a different doctor. By the time I finally went to a male gyno I was so bad that surgery was a necessity. But he cared about me, how I was treated and well he studied this disease. My advice is make sure you are seeing a medical provider that is a specialist in the field of Endometrosis, not all gynos are. Do your research before you let anyone cut into you. I'd be leary of any doctor that had already done two surgerys on me and it was a reoccuring problem.
I don't wanna scare you with my story because mine is not typical at all of people of my age, however I found the right surgeon and allowed him to do an experimental procedure on me. I had first tryed the pills, the endoscopic and other treatments. I had cysts that exploded as well and talk about pain. I've been on pain meds for a long time too but I don't need them now. You have to weigh the costs. You do need to make sure they check the appendix and clean it, mine was taken out because with this disease I have a very high risk of it exploding and I live far from any hospital. It was less of a risk to allow them to just take it and from what I understand it was well they had to take it.
Anyway some people take bc's and are fine. I had to go through surgery(like a seesection), shots (lupron), and now I live my days with little to no pain. It's been almost seven years since the surgery. Again though mine was an extreme case. The surgery wasn't fun but it was necessary and if I have to I'll do it again. My doctors took care to make the incision along my bikini line so it doesn't affect my life. I can wear a bikini on the beach ( should I ever go to the beach). I have to take birthcontrol pills continuously every three weeks start a new pack.
I think that the best advice I have is to do your own research, be proactive about your own treatment. I still have the upset stomach in the early morning, it's common with Endometrotic suffers but now it subsides through the day.
Again I wanna state that my case was extreme. Yours might be something where you have to go in and be cleaned up right and just have shots for a while. The shots hurt the first time but after that it wasn't anything like the Endometrosis. Going pee after I was able to move a couple days later was the worst part. But they would have given me more time to recoope I was just being stubborn.
Anyways sometimes if they do shots after the surgery that works to shut stuff down so you don't hurt all the time.
Again you should do your own research and try different stuff till you find something that works.
My surgery and treatment was drastic but I'd do it all over again and hurt like heck for a couple of weeks (I was in that much pain anyways) to have seven years so far where I only feel a little tinge now and again and...no periods or one a year!
Anyways best of luck to you.
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awesome :) lol xoxo
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1615999 tn?1307461942
Well I am glad I am helping out and think you're cool too!  I like talking to you and you have been a big help to me too!  =)
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haha i am very thankful though! lol

yes normal it is :) but i am over thinking it i think, a few people are helping me with the anxiety on here, including you. your cool, to bad we dont live in the same country haha!
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1615999 tn?1307461942
Oh wow, I can totally see why you would be scared!!!  I would definitely check into other non-surgical options then if I were you.  It's a good idea not to stress about it until you need too as well!  lol  Why get yourself worked up over something that might not happen, but I think that is easier said than done!  =)  I get nervous and stressed about all the junk that is goin on with me too, I think it's just normal.

I'm glad I am helping you some, no need to thank me either hun!  =)
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well they do it if it is necessary here, my best friend had one 3 years ago she was 23 and another friend who is 29 had one last year plus i have had all my kids, my tubes are tied if they take it out well no big deal the only thing that im frightened about in reality is the surgery, i am so scarred of surgery because i almost didnt make it through 2 of them in the past. and im pretty sure they will let me know after the lap if there going to do further treatment so i just try and not let it over stress me till then :P lol.
all your posts to me are really helping so thank you hun
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1615999 tn?1307461942
I don't know if things are different where you live or not but I was told by my doctor that she thinks I am too young for a hysterectomy.  Personally that is the route I want to go because I have been having SO many problems over the last 8-9 months.  I am going to see how my hystosonogram goes Friday and decide from there.

If your doctor suggests a hysterectomy I would ask if there are any other options for you until you know that is what you want to do. My doctor told me that there are types of physical therapy you can do for Endo pain, maybe check into that?  Have your doctor go over all the options with you before you decide on a hysterectomy.  I hope it all goes ok for you hun!  Take care and keep me posted!
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actually, yes there is, and my doc says after the surgery if theres still alot of pain thats where i will be going, so yay i guess thats a good thing, i thought maybe he was trying to brush me off, lol
im so scarred of having a hysterectomy my mom said they might do that with all my problems, but it hasnt came up yet, so hopefully not
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136956 tn?1688675680
I really feel for you. It really makes a difference if you have someone who specializes in Endo.  My concern for you wouldnt be the endo it would be the scar tissue and the use of perks.  My aunt had stage IV endo at 30 and had a complete hysterectomy and has been addicted to it ever since.  

I am not sure if there is a pain management clinic to help you with your pain but it might be something you want to consider.  

That is something I am going to be doing.  
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well here where i live my gyno/surgeon is the best i can get for that and it took me 11 months of complaining to my family doctor to get her! its very frustrating. but yea i have looked into it, hopefully after the surgery they will take me more seriously, i think he just dosnt want me off the narc's cuz id go through withdrawal and that on top of the pain would just be worse for me, so i can understand it i guess, just wish they wouldn't so easily prescribe these kind of meds but its to late now, thank you again for all your help xoxo
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1615999 tn?1307461942
Lol...I like the comparison!

It ***** that your doctor is not real supportive of your concerns!  Have you looked into an Endo specialist at all?  I know there is a post in this forum that lists Endo specialists, maybe you could try that?  If there is anything else I can do to help just let me know, I am happy to do whatever I can.  =)
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oh, lol, i have been to my doc 3 times to express my fears, he said lets just wait till after the surgery and see where your at, so that is hopeless case there, i am looking for a new doctor, but so far finding a doctor in this city is as hard as finding a back of an earing at a club! lol thank you for your advise hun :D
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1615999 tn?1307461942
I had vicodin for pain.  I am scared of the prescription stuff though because it affects me a lot more than most people.  I took 4 advils every 4-6 hours for the pain and that worked for me.  I took 1 vicodin the 2nd night just before bed because I wanted to be able to sleep.  Maybe talk to the doc about your fears and they can find something that will work for you that may not be as addictive?
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thank you,
thats what i was told 4-6 days for the lap, but now there talking about implanting an iud to keep the endo away, and THEN now there saying there going to do the major surgery for the scar tissue but they might just do the lap and iud first then wait a few weeks for the big one, im so scarred about the narc's tho im already adicted, not that i want to be, but taking them for as long as i have its normal i guess, what did the give you for pain after?
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