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1926359 tn?1331588139

Blood in Stool

Hi Everyone-
Wondering if anyone has ever experienced blood in stool as an endo symptom?  I have had endo for close to two decades and am having a reacurrance which is quite bad.  The past week or so I have begun to bleed more and more from my rectum with bright red blood and darker blood in my stool.  I have read this can be a common symptom of endo.  I also have Crohn's but have not been having any Crohn's symptoms for about a year now.  This is a first for me and I am worried because I've been taking tylenol pretty regularly for the pain (not more than the daily recommended dose about 1200 mg)  Thanks everyone.
15 Responses
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136956 tn?1688675680
There is no cure for Endo. Thank you.
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Okay this is getting ridiculous!  For the past week, as of 8 pm every night I am swollen in my lower abdomen to the point of looking 5 months pregnant.  The lymph nodes in my right groin are the size of golf balls.  I have swelling beside my vagina on the right side towards the buttocks and pain radiating all the way down my leg to the point where I cannot walk.  I am 8 weeks on norlutate.  I am bleeding from by bowel.  My pain is no longer cyclical but constant and increasing daily.  I literally lay in bed until the moment I have to get ready to teach my classes.  I feel like I'm going crazy.  My surgeon is out of country until June 6th.  I get a scope next week.  I feel as if this disease is growing minute by minute.  How am I supposed to function?  And still, still no surgery date.  Feeling so hopeless.
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Ahh yikes.  Sorry you are suffering!  Yes Catherine Allair works with my surgeon Christina Williams and that is the hospital clinic that I go to.  I have a phone appt booked with her tomorrow morning so hopefully I will get some answers.  Rest up and take good care of yourself.  I am sending you healing vibes.
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136956 tn?1688675680
Have you ever been to the bc women's hospital? Dr Catherine allair? She is one of the best in bc.

I am in terrible pain from my hyster. I managed to get myself home this morning because I just can't sleep in the hospital. I had rectovaginal Endo and bladder Endo. I had stents out in and taken out during surgery as my ureters were stuck to my pelvic wall. He removed my pelvic lining as well. I am at home with a catheter until Tuesday.  
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1926359 tn?1331588139
I live on Vancouver Island and was shocked by the news the ER doc gave me that gastros no longer see patients in the ER unless they are in a life threatening situation.  Having had Crohn's for a decade and therefore many, many trips to the ER- I have always been seen IMMEDIATELY.  This is definitely a new thing and like I said, a doctor shortage over here.  The good news is the rectal bleeding has slowed...The vaginal bleeding increased.  It seems I must be bleeding from one area at all times hahahaha.  This is not funny but I've gotta find the humour because I'm feeling a little bit crazy.  Hey you're going for your hyster tomorrow!  How are you feeling?
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136956 tn?1688675680
Where do you live? What about going to the er for a gastro referral ASAP will they not do that? I know usually they brush any Endo stuff off and or related things but maybe say you can't wait until your doctor comes back from vacation. I know I was bleeding for about a year. Not a lot but it was because I had a partial bowel obstruction from scar tissue so the only way I wouldn't have pain is through water enemas. It took me 3 yrs for someone to listen to me and the rectal / bowel pain I was in I became addicted to them. I am no longer doing them but I have to take lax a day so it's not painful.
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Yeah this is scary because I AM in Canada and went to Er and the doc said that gastros are no longer seeing patients right away even if admitted unless it is life threatening.  Because my blood counts were normal (though low end of normal) they said I had to get the referral through my family doctor.  Ladies I am beyond frustrated.  I called my DR's office and asked to be put on a cancellation list.  The walk in clinics here are a joke.  I am pretty surprised this is happening because I usually receive pretty good care here.  There is a doctor shortage in the town I live in so maybe this is the reason.
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136956 tn?1688675680
In Canada if something like this was happening to me I would go to the ER, tell them you are bleeding a lot of blood and if you're in pain say that as well. Here they will send a referral to a gastro and the call for the appt usually is the next day. Is there anyway to see another doctor or a walk in and tell that you can't wait until next week for your doctor to return and that you need a referral now?
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7486852 tn?1410352184
I am so sorry to hear that:( That's so messed up somebody should be able to do something sooner than that! When I was passing blood in my stool and not even that much blood they referred me to a gastro in less than a week, then he got me a colonoscopy scheduled for 2 weeks later and then they had someone cancel and mine moved up sooner. Hope things start looking up for you!! Ticked might have more of a suggestion on what else to do than me
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1926359 tn?1331588139
A sad and discouraging day today.  My surgeon is out of the country until the end of the month.  I cannot get a colonoscopy without a referral from my GP and cannot see a GP until next week.  The nurse at the pelvic pain clinic told me that the only way I will get surgery this summer is if I have a huge fibroid or if my endo is life threatening.  6 weeks of hormone therapy.  Still bleeding vaginally and now from my bowel.  Up all night in terrible pain.  My doctor had told me I'd be in surgery by end of June and now....I don't know.  I need a plan.  What do I do?????
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Yes I've experienced bowel obstruction many times with my Crohn's.  I just got back from the Er.  The doc is certain I have endo on my bowel but is sending me for endocospy and ultrasound asap.  I have nausea but I am having normal bm's they are just full of blood (about a half cup) I do get swelling in my abdomen but am passing gas and everything fine.  I am pretty sure this is the endo.  I am going to call my surgeon tomorrow and tell her what is happening.  Hopefully I get a surgery date soon.  I seriously feel like I am going crazy.
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7486852 tn?1410352184
Do you have pain in your abdomen as well? Have you vomited while you're constipated and have the swollen abdomen? That could mean you have a bowel obstruction or partial obstruction. I think they can tell by ct scan or xray, if you are vomiting or begin to id go to ER it could be life threatening and need surgery. I've been to the ER for my constipation before because my stomach hurt bad and I was bloated and I couldn't pass gas either and had bad nausea and I had "explosive bouts of diarrhea" which could mean the diarrhea had forced its self around the obstruction. Thankfully it was just really bad constipation but better safe than sorry. An obstructions can cause more problems like hernias and preforation ect. Hope you get some relief soon!
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Yes I know I need to look into all these things.  I usually only suffer with constipation the day or two before my period.  But since I've been on the hormone to stop my bleeding every day is like the first day of my period and I have been constipated.  I only ever had bloody stool with my Crohn's when I was very very ill (as in 35-40 bowel movements a day) and I haven't been having any other symptoms.  I am having a lot of abdominal swelling and severe pain in my cervical area.  I am so fed up with this.  DONE.
Thanks for the responses ladies xo
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7486852 tn?1410352184
I did earlier this year, they originally thought I had Diverticulitis from a trip to the E.R. last April, so when I noticed bleeding My Gastroenterologist did a colonoscopy and I dont have diverticulitis, Endo causes me constipation. which caused me to strain at times especially because its so painful to have to go with my endo but to be constipated on top of that caused me to have internal hemorrhoids which Is where he thought the bleeding was from he did a procedure on them and I havent noticed any bleeding. He says not to blame just my endo for the constipation he says he thinks I have a slow colon and ill probably have to take miralax daily and stool softners when I take certain medications that can block me up worse:(
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136956 tn?1688675680
It is possible if its cyclic pain however it could also be a wide variety of things such as adhesions, colitis, hemorrhoids, fissures, or also maybe a crohns flare. The steps they will make you take is for sure a colonoscopy to rule out any bowels problems or diseases.
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