I have always struggled with dieting... I really want to lose weight & get healthy. I began working out today & it felt good! But I am soo out of shape! Any tips to help me stay motivated? To help me not cave while dieting?
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Try keeping a work out journal so you can track your progress. Find someone to work out with you or join you on your diet. It is so much easier to stay motivated if you aren't doing it alone. Find work outs that you enjoy and make you feel good. For instance, I don't like cycling but I love running and yoga. There are tons of options out there!
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Have you talked to your doctor about a weight loss plan? Not only can your doctor make sure that you're healthy enough for regular physical activity, but she/he can also suggest nutrition options and workouts that suit your lifestyle and level of fitness. Talking with your doctor gives you an outline and someone to report your success to in order to stay motivated.
Plan long  and short term goals to help you stay motivated and see results. While long term goals  like losing 30 pounds  are good, they may be too high to keep you on track. Instead, try short-term goals that lead to longer-term benefits, like going to the gym every day for one week or packing your lunch each day, rather than grabbing fast food. These smaller term goals are more easily accomplished, which could be the key to your motivation and seeing long-term results. The American Council on Exercise suggests using the SMART acronym for planning goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.
Ask friends and family members to support you in your weight loss efforts. Making workouts and healthy eating more social can give you more accountability and motivation as you stick to your plan. Whether it's going for a nightly run with your friend or swapping healthy recipes with a neighbor, having someone to check in with can keep you on track.
Visualize the outcome of your weight loss. Whether you're working toward a better life, losing weight to be more active with your kids, for a special occasion or to improve your overall health, pictures and affirmations that you see regularly can help remind you of why you want to lose weight. Cut out pictures from magazines, stick a motivational quote to your fridge or set a family photo as your phone background so there's always a visual cue to remind you of your goals.
Celebrate your small successes as well as your big wins. Working toward something even if it's a new pair of workout shoes or a trip to the movies -- can give you the extra kick that you need to exercise daily or swap fatty snacks for fresh fare. Just avoid rewarding yourself with food  choose experiences or products and reward yourself whenever you feel like you've had a personal victory.
Try the following!
The Peak 8 routine it will quickly raise your heart rate 8 times for very short bursts, with a cooling down period in between. Ideally you’ll be sprinting or cycling full throttle for 30 seconds with a 90 second cool down in between each outburst.

This is the fastest way to lose fat and build muscle in the body. Peak 8 actually stimulates the growth hormone in the body. I encourage you to visit Dr Mercola’s site to learn more about Peak 8 fitness because I personally feel that it is one of the best ways to exercise, especially considering the speed at which you can lose fat and build muscle.

I highly recommend you read this article and watch the videos on the page. It will give you all the information you need to know about Peak 8 – Flood Your Body With This “Youth Hormone” In Just 20 Minutes

What you eat after Peak 8 training does matter

It’s recommended that you do not eat sugar or carbohydrate for 2 hours after the Peak 8 exercise because these foods can impact the release of the growth hormone in the body. The links are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy7j9FRiJpg&list=PL9FxWnfq1Oyo9pHHUPHeQne4iqoZ4zTN_



Figure your heart rate by this formula
220 minus your age is your maximum heart rate! you should try and get your heart rate between 65% - 85% of your maximum heart rate.
I suggest buying a heart rate monitor.

You burn 30 percent more fat from doing cardio after a weights session as opposed to cardio on its own.
Before doing anything get the OK from your doctor!!!
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