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clicking sounds in chest!!!

hi - i'm a 22yr old female and i just wondered if anyone out there has any idea to why i get (which i can only describe as..) clicking noises when i take a deep breath. It doesnt happen all the time, but when it does its very uncomfortable - i've had it now for about 7yrs, and it has got worse as i've aged. I did go to the docs when it started years ago, an got sent for xray but everything seemed fine, and the doc couldnt tell me why - so i got discharged and carried on with it, but it has got worse - and the clicking noises louder!! anyone know what this is?? - Thank you - Steph
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Hello. I have been having the same problem as all of you in the comments. I am a healthy 13 year old girl and I am totally befuddled as to what it is. The clicks are getting worse, the pressure and pain more annoying. I have been to my GP and they know nothing, then I went to the pulmonologist and he didn't know what it was either. He prescribed me two different asthma inhalers, saying I might have a small case of asthma. which I think is very unlikely. he gave me albuterol and Flovent. the Flovent I take two puffs of every day and the albuterol only when the pain is very bad and my chest won't click to relieve it. the Flovent does not seem to be helping, and the albuterol only slightly. I am on a four week trial with these steroids and I do not think they are working. my mom is thinking of taking me to a cardiologist first in case it is a heart problem, and then a natural doctor after that. I have heard the going to the chiropractor may help, so I'm going there next.
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hi stephie1982 its me again. I just remembered that when I went to the pulmonologist they told me to take this breathing test, to see my volume or something. when I took the test I didn't pass it. to pass it the numbers must be 80 an mine were 50 and 30. he gave me four puffs of albuterol and I just passed with 81. he said my lung function is low, so that may have something to of with it
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Hello stephie1982. I have been having the same problem as all of you in the comments. I am a healthy 13 year old girl and I am totally befuddled as to what it is. The clicks are getting worse, the pressure and pain more annoying. I have been to my GP and they know nothing, then I went to the pulmonologist and he didn't know what it was either. He prescribed me two different asthma inhalers, saying I might have a small case of asthma. which I think is very unlikely. he gave me albuterol and Flovent. the Flovent I take two puffs of every day and the albuterol only when the pain is very bad and my chest won't click to relieve it. the Flovent does not seem to be helping, and the albuterol only slightly. I am on a four week trial with these steroids and I do not think they are working. my mom is thinking of taking me to a cardiologist first in case it is a heart problem, and then a natural doctor after that. I have heard the going to the chiropractor may help, so I'm going there next.
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yes im alfred from Kenya and im facing the same problem now 3 years ..the moment my chest produces the clicking sound i feel relieved and comfortable. But iv been loosing weight ..Please help
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I have the clicking noise when lying in my left side, but no pain at all.  If I turn over it goes away.  Had two heart valves repaired three years ago.  I am going in for an echo in a couple of weeks.  Will let you know what I find out.
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I have had a similar problem except by tensing up muscles slightly I can make the sternal bump on the lower side of my ribs pop out a great deal, I used to experience and still do, serious pain when excersising or putting pressure on my lower ribs along with the popping, I have played sports and football and have taken some trauma to the chest and I am curious as to the cause of this and if I should be worried by how easy it is to move my sternum without touching it
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I had a fall recently while ice skating. Not a bad fall, but I landed with some impact on my chest - my right lower rib cage took the brunt of it. The pain was moderate and sleeping was difficult for the first few days. Now, after one week the pain is mild but present enough to prevent me from sleeping on my right side - and also enough to make walking through crowds an uncomfortable experience for fear of bumping into someone. (No brisk man-hugs for awhile)
A couple of days in, while washing my hands, I noticed a thumping or knocking sound coming from my rib roughly below my right nipple. The alternating movement of rubbing my hands together causes an alternating thump-thump-thump sensation. It also happens with deep breaths and certain other movements. It's not painful, just not normal. Based on discussion here it seems to me that the only thing to do is wait for the healing process to re-stabilize the connective tissue where the costal cartilage joins with the rib.
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Hi carly91
I too experiencing same problem as you but in my case my nose always blocks that time i wouldnt be able to breath in and i went to ENT doctor he said it is because one bone in nose interfering the breathness.so i need to undergo operation but i didnt do that and i went to pulmonlogisthe said everything is fine it is happening because of axiety.
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Glad to find this forum, I am 22 Year old male and have been doing vigorous exercise in Gym for like 6 months and just a month back while sleeping felt severe pain in my sternum area..centere of chest..bending down or streching back (even Breathing) is causing a sharp pain. But very next day a little stretch in my back and a Poping sound in back…felt everything got okay/No pain. Felt relaxed for two days and again wake up this morning same problem….and now it seems to be a regular feature everyday there is pain…waiting for poping sound...(But seems to get these rip/back pop reduced) and the pain is still there…..I feel no pain while lying down straight on back or on my chest….(“Those who exercise can relate this pain to the pain which occurs while doing Tricep Dips- Feel sharp pain in centre”).. Doctors told me to rest but this thing is not getting sorted have been resting for like 2 weeks… VERY MUCH CONFUSED…. FED UP OF PAIN….MISSING THE GYM 
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To All:
I'm soooo glad I found this forum. My son is now 21 and has had this clicking in the chest since his Sr. yr in high school, 2011-2012. He's an athlete, football, basketball and track. He's 6'6", 270lbs and plays college football. He first noticed the clicking after one of his football games in 2012. He stated, it only bothers him off and on when, he lays on either one of his sides, it feels as though something needs to be popped in there, he hasn't ever felt any pain though. And when he stretches his chest like, when he reaches both arms around his back and pushes his chest out then, he feels and hears the pop/click and then its gone. When he lays on his chest and back, he doesn't feel it. He's able to live and do his sports, workout etc. normally. But when he lays on his side, that's when he feels the wierd feeling in there.
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Glad to find this forum, I am 22 Year old male and have been doing vigorous exercise in Gym for like 6 months and just a month back while sleeping felt severe pain in my sternum area..centere of chest..bending down or streching back (even Breathing) is causing a sharp pain. But very next day a little stretch in my back and a Poping sound in back…felt everything got okay/No pain. Felt relaxed for two days and again wake up this morning same problem….and now it seems to be a regular feature everyday there is pain…waiting for poping sound...(But seems to get these rip/back pop reduced) and the pain is still there…..I feel no pain while lying down straight on back or on my chest….(“Those who exercise can relate this pain to the pain which occurs while doing Tricep Dips- Feel sharp pain in centre”).. Doctors told me to rest but this thing is not getting sorted have been resting for like 2 weeks… VERY MUCH CONFUSED…. FED UP OF PAIN….MISSING THE GYM 
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Hi Chris

I am having exactly the same symptons since last two years. Now from past 4 months i have stopped stretching my arms and avoid doing any click so now I feel that when i stretch my arms I am unable to reproduce that click because i cannot stretch my chest using my arms wide open because i feel pain and i feel that the two bones get stuck to each other when i strech my arms. not sure but i will go and see the doctor. are you still having the sympton ???

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Hi Chris

I am having exactly the same symptons since last two years. Now from past 4 months i have stopped stretching my arms and avoid doing any click so now I feel that when i stretch my arms I am unable to reproduce that click because i cannot stretch my chest using my arms wide open because i feel pain and i feel that the two bones get stuck to each other when i strech my arms. not sure but i will go and see the doctor. are you still having the sympton ???

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I am a 45 years old male. I have the same clicking (like finger breaking sound) in right chest after taking a long breath. this sound more strong when both hand take behind.after this sound filling good.
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Hi, I've had the same clicking chest thing.
I was jumping on the trampoline, and landed on it very badly.
Now,when I lean to the side, I have this uncomfortable feeling, and the 'clicking'  sound.
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Hi Stephie,

I am a 30 year old male.  And I have been dealing with this issue for at least 6-8 years now.  I am a very fit individual, train 3-4 times per week (weight training/Anaerobic cardio) I try to eat clean 60-70% of the time, and I don't smoke, and drink occasionally.  However I have a slight clicking in my chest when I take a deep breath in, or sometimes it catches me off guard doing something.  I hear it come up through my left ear, so it has to be referred to that lower side (I have no idea the cause)  I have had several ECG's and monitors.  And as usual it came out totally healthy and fit.  I thought that I was the only one.  Did you end up finding a diagnosis for yours ?

Thanks - Chris
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I am a 32 year old male who has experienced the cracking in my sternum for the past 7 weeks. I broke my left collar bone playing rugby when I was 27. I went to an hour-long aerobics/weightlifting class over Christmas 2012 and my chest started cracking after that. My collar bone break was bad - malunion - and I never got surgery for it. I imagine it places some undue pressure on my sternum when I work out and that the intensity of the aerobics class was just too much. I've taken the last three weeks off at the gym and that has seemed to help, and my chest does not pop as much any more. But when it does, it sometimes starts a panic/anxiety attack that can only be relieved by IB proferen and rest. There is also a deep, brooding pain in the interchostal area where it pops when I am symptomatic. I'm chalking it up to chostocondritis. If it gets worse I may go see a doc. But even for thus of us with health insurance, it can break your budget just paying your deductible. Better safe than sorry though, so I'll probably go in.
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i am in the exact same possition as you, when i stop smoking for a week or so it leaves, as soon as i smoke again ill get it after just one smoke. This leads me to believe it's nothing as sinister as i'd previously thought. My theory is it's a build up of flem or mucus that smoking could cause to be released somewhere in the lungs and it's some how sticking, or flapping or unsticking when one breathes out. This is much more what it feels like
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hi aiman_nz .. i have similar problem. Did you find any way to get rid of it.
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Hi i am 23 yr old male and have similar problem past 3 years. Did you find any way to get rid of it. It is driving me crazy.
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WOW! that explains exactly what I have been going through for the last 4 months. It started when I jumped into water and the impact from the jump hurt my chest. Ever since I have had pain/popping  in the area. It bothers me ever know and then when I workout my upper body or when I lie on my side for an extended time. Was yours sports related or did it just starting hurting?
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same problem, but generally in the morning when i wake up, sometimes i can't open a bottle because the muscles in my chest is too tight, then i have to push my shoulders back, arch my back, and click, whala, the pain is gone.  
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This clicking, could it be a Hiatal Hernia?

Sounds like some of these things occurred after lifting stuff at gym
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Hi guys i have this problem too.. When i take a deep breath my ribs click in my back.. It almost pulls for a slught second then clicks. I go to chiro fortnightly for neck, back an hip problems. I find its getting way more consistant an drivingme nuts.. The pressure hurts an it feels like somethings wrong. I hve been in many car accidents and exercise 6 days a aweek.. Hmm not sure. My hubby will be hugging me in bed an i take my deep breath an my back cracks sometimes making 3-5 noises.. He can feel it on him. Hense y im looking this up now! Need answers
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