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nerve damage from acupuncture?

I recently had acupuncture treatment for tight hamstrings/knee pain while training for a marathon.   After one particular session where a needles were put into my leg down to my foot, I expereineced increasing pain from my glut down to my foot.  I have went to physical therapy for the last 2-3 weeks, but no improvement and had to pull out of the marathon after completing all my long runs (totally bummed).  Not sure if the acupuncture triggered this or not, but would appreciate any help.  Thanks.
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a week ago I had acupuncture treatment. It's not my first, I have chronic lower back pain that flares up now and then. This time I went because I had a very bad leg and toes cramps a couple of days prior to the treatment. During the treatment I fell asleep and woke up coughing, while I was coughing I experienced excruciating pain on my foot. I screamed and the acupuncturist removed the needle on the back of my knee. The pain went away and she left the rest of the needles in place for another 10 minutes. When the treatment was over I felt a slight headache and I thought I got out of the bed too fast. As I got in my car the headache was quite bad that I had to sit in my car for half hour before I could drive home.
The next day I felt both of my knees were weak and both my legs were in pain. As the week progresses the pain is more intense to the point I am having a hard time walking. Called the acupuncturist and she said the needles were only inserted skin deep and couldn't have damaged my nerves. Went to my GP and he X-ray both my knees and he said osteoarthritis. I know my body, I am convinced the acupuncture needles had damaged my nerves. I am a healthy 56 years old woman, I workout everyday. I have not been able to workout for the past week. My question is if it is indeed the acupuncturist had damaged my nerves, will I ever fully recover from it?  I am so scared that I have to live with this pain and weak legs for the rest of my life. I am still taking anti inflammatory pills from my GP. Any answers or advice will be greatly appreciated. Anyone out there has similar experience?  HELP please. Thanks.
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Hi yes I had a very similar experience as well... and like you I knew it was the accuputure and he said the same thing to me it cant br as only skin deep. I have severe nerve pain all over my arms, hands, legs, feet etc. Since that day I had it done. It's been a month and not going away. Did yours get better?
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a week ago I had acupuncture treatment. It's not my first, I have chronic lower back pain that flares up now and then. This time I went because I had a very bad leg and toes cramps a couple of days prior to the treatment. During the treatment I fell asleep and woke up coughing, while I was coughing I experienced excruciating pain on my foot. I screamed and the acupuncturist removed the needle on the back of my knee. The pain went away and she left the rest of the needles in place for another 10 minutes. When the treatment was over I felt a slight headache and I thought I got out of the bed too fast. As I got in my car the headache was quite bad that I had to sit in my car for half hour before I could drive home.
The next day I felt both of my knees were weak and both my legs were in pain. As the week progresses the pain is more intense to the point I am having a hard time walking. Called the acupuncturist and she said the needles were only inserted skin deep and couldn't have damaged my nerves. Went to my GP and he X-ray both my knees and he said osteoarthritis. I know my body, I am convinced the acupuncture needles had damaged my nerves. I am a healthy 56 years old woman, I workout everyday. I have not been able to workout for the past week. My question is if it is indeed the acupuncturist had damaged my nerves, will I ever fully recover from it?  I am so scared that I have to live with this pain and weak legs for the rest of my life. I am still taking anti inflammatory pills from my GP. Any answers or advice will be greatly appreciated. Anyone out there has similar experience?  HELP please. Thanks.
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I started acupuncture for some back problems of an annular tear and slight herniation. He immediately put me on the 3 day a week plan with herbal tea. I did this for three weeks and felt great. He used the electric treatment every time on lumbar needles. Sometimes when he would spin them in my problem areas they would hurt so bad and he would tell me it's normal and there are blockages and he has to get to them so deal with pain. He would joke about his patients cussing but it was necessary. Then I stopped going so much when I spent more than my own mortgage in one month and returned with some back flare ups. The acupuncturist scolded me for not continuing to come for 3 visits per week and said "let me fix you". He used deep needling on at least 5 in my back and said it had to hurt for him to get to the right level. It was agony. Then used the eclectic machine for the lumbar needles for about 25 mins. That night I was in worst pain of my life! A 12 on the pain scale to say the least. I was begging my husband to take me to ER! I was throwing myself on the bed to the floor crawling in sheer agony trying to escape the pain. I had sever deep nerve pain, burning, stabbing and sharp shooting pains that I couldn't even walk. All through my butt on both sides. The pain was so bad I couldn't control my body temperature. Neither ice nor heat helped and both hurt. I couldn't get away from the pain and this happened for the next 3 nights. Luckily I got an appt with my spine dr prescribed gabapentin for nerve pain until my MRI results come back. That has helped bit not cured me, I am unable to drive or go to work. I know this is from acupuncture bc I've never had this problem before then. Does anybody know what is going on? At first I thought it was sciatica but tonight I have nerve pains going up my back. I'm on day 8 and the pain at night is excruciating and I'm completely disabled during the day! I have 4 children a successful business, a husband that need me and employees that need me!!!!
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Hi I had this exact same thing happen to me after accuputure... I am so scared and also have kids, husband and work that need me ... did u ever get better ????
I have an MRI tomorrow.
It’s been 2 years since that experience and I have not gone back to acupuncture. I got over the pain but let me tell you though it’s never the same again. I used to wear heels and I c have to give up heels completely since that day. I do not trust Acupunture anymore. I will go to physical therapist any day. Hope you get better soon.
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What about if you received a huge shock from the needles?  I had acupunture where they connected electrodes to the needles and the girl shocked me so bad.  My knee has never, ever been the same.
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Are you still experiencing pain when you strech your foot and leg?
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Hi Pati81...  I was also receiving accupuncture for planter faciitis on my right foot..  After 1 session I noticed that my ankle had become swollen and Im now also experiencing a shock like pain when I stretch my foot and also when I rub the side of my heel... its been over a month for me and I to am still experiencing these weird sensations, its scary as Im worried it wont ever go away.
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I had 3 months of accurpuncture for  painful cysts in 70% of breast, towards the end of these treatments within 5 mins of leaving practioner I was having trouble with my vision & had severe back pain, I have since been regularly in severe pain in other areas of my body, the vision problems have caused fluctuating vision. What has happened & what can I do about it, my dr cant find any reason for it.
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I went to acupuncture session and had a needle inserted on UB 62. I felt a sharp pain straight away, she removed the needle, but since then, every time I stretch my legs  or pull my foot back, I get this shock-like pain.
I saw an orthopedist and was diagnosed with neuritis. He said it would pass, but it's been over a month and I still the symptoms persist. Is it possible that this may have cause permanent nerve damage? Is there anything I can do?
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I went to an acupuncture practitioner to help with sexual response and he caused me to have loss of vibratory sensation of my penis and perineum.  The first session seemed to help me but the second session with the needles in different places hurt my sexual response.  Physically during the second session, I felt an intense sharp pain in my big toe with the needle placed there.  Prior to the acupuncture, when I used to drive my car over a bumpy road sometimes I used to get an erectile response but no more after the acupuncture.  Can anyone help me?  Does anyone know what happened?  My email is ***@****.  Thank you very much.  Randy
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I had my first acupuncture for a severe headache that had lasted 5 days. My headache was not improved, and now I have another problem. I have had an extremely annoying twitch in my eyebrow where one of the needles was placed. My eyebrow just twitches randomly throughout the day and night and I am having trouble sleeping--cant fall asleep for the twitching and it wakes me up during the night. The chiropractor who did the acupuncture says it sometimes happens, and it will go away...but its happening every couple of minutes around the clock for 3 days now, and its driving me nuts.

Also I had some blood pouring down my face when she took the needles out.....AND the sites where the needles were placed on my face have been itching a lot since then.  
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I went to an accupuncturist who was helping with the pain of shingles and she forgot to take out a couple of needles.  When I got up from the table there was a searing pain in my calf where the needle was still in and now, two months later, I feel a pain in that place every time I walk, if I don't stretch it before walking.  Do you think it will eventually be healed on its own and go away??
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Sure, you can write anything which is exercise related in this forum.

There are some issues related with aging which is not considered as pathology but normal human physiology with respect to ageing.

Good to here that at the age of 79 you are in best health! Take all general precautions and enjoy your dates with physical activity.

Take care!
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139792 tn?1498585650
Many thanks for your advice.  and thanks for the prompt reply. I have some issues which nedds some discussion so that i can have better perspective about my health.
I do yoga, accupressure, Reiki and many other modaities. I am 79.
General health is good.However there are few issues  whose pathology is not known. I shall write in due course of time.
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In the lowest quadrant on the right abdomen you may have some issues with the intestine. It can be mild intestinal obstruction or colitis. Go for an ultrasound and rule out kidney and other issues like hepatitis, gall bladder problems or appendicitis.

The gastroenterologist is trying to decrease the inflammation by giving you paracetamol and ibuprofen and also is trying to cut down your acid by prescribing your ranitidine. Take ranitidine on empty stomach and anti inflammatory medications after food. You can try smooth muscle relaxants also.

Discuss with your gastroenterologist and I suppose he will go for an ultrasound or colonoscopy if the pain does not subside.

Take care!
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139792 tn?1498585650
I am getting pain in the lowest pare of the right quadrant of my abdomen and pain in the right testis. Pain is mild and intermittent. I am taking Ranitidin and enzyime preparation containign  activated charcoal. For pain i am given paracetamol and ibbruprophen.
There is no pain relief with analgesics. Do you have any experience of Saritiopeptidase- an enzyme having anti-inflammatory action.?. Can you suggest the reason for the pain. I am being treated by a gastroenterologist. Please suggest.
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Any particular nerve has its area of distribution and sensory nerve supply to the area of the skin.

If by any means that nerve has been injured then you can have pain along the whole area of its distribution or partly.

It is very difficult to comment without examining and understanding the whole area of pain and localizing the nerve which was disturbed.

A neurologist can help you out with this.

Take care!
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I went to my third acupuncture appointment yesterday and had an interesting experience. After the Acupuncturist place a needle in my upper left back, I immediately felt pain (similar to that of when you get a vaccine; a radiating, dull pain). He took out the needle and continued the treatment, throughout which I was experiencing a pain when breathing in. After treatment was over, I was having difficulty breathing, and was experiencing pain from my lower back into my ear, all on my left side. The Acupuncturist attributed this to anxiety, which was my original complaint, but I'm thinking he actually hit a nerve, causing my muscle to spasm. I was in pain throughout the day yesterday to the point of going to a doctor and having an ekg and chest x ray done, both fine. I woke up today with terrible pain in my chest and back, and am still having difficulty breathing (taking deep breathes, shallow breathing is fine). Anyone have any insight?
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I would want you to get your area of the needle injury checked by a general physician. Let him check all modalities of sensory and motor functions and if required will refer you to a neurologist.

Take NSAIDs for the pain and rest the affected arm.

Take care!

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I had acupuncture on my arm for tennis elbow.  I think the needle was left in too long or something, because I began to feel pulsing in the arm and pain at the point of one needle and if I moved even slightly, there was pain.  Now my arm is sore where the needle went in ... and my shoulder is sore.  The tennis elbow seems worse somehow and the other arm is now sore.  Could I have developed some generalized nerve damage or something.  I don't want to have more acupuncture now...
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I have complete respect for acupuncture & my wife is a trained acupuncture specialist. I meant here is the problem of jmw01 origin is something else and you just cannot go into treatment without proper diagnosis, (with complete respect to your profession). Take care!
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139792 tn?1498585650
I am 78.I am hypothyroid.controlled by 100 mg thyroxin.I an non-diabetic,neurological reflexes are normal.No B12, and iron deficiency.since last 3 and half years, i am havint tight feet and mild swelling on leg and very sligh numbness like feeling. As the pathology is not known some alternative treatment,yoga, accupressure treatment         was done.I am taking sarrito peptidase an enzyme which is anti-inflmatory and reduces swelling since last 3 months. can you advise some treatment plan to reduce the tifhtness of my feet(soles of my fee)
Sincerely yours
Dalsukh sanghvi
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It is very, very, unlikely that acupuncture caused nerve damage.  I was trained in acupuncture and conventional medicine(and have the doctorate to show for it although I'm now retired) and practiced it for several years.  Is it possible to cause pain if the needle goes into a nerve, yes,  but because of the shape of the needle, nerve fibers are moved out of the way not severed and not producing permanent deficits or pain.  
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Yes take some steroid shots initially and you can take some periodically and with good care and follow up you will recover.
Consult a good Physiotherapist and learn some good exercises and strengthen your back muscles. Follow good ergonomics while sitting, sleeping and at work. Take care!
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just want to thank you Dr Vinod.  I had the MRI and have some moderate disc herniation in the L4 / L5.  My doctor is suggesting a cortizone shot as a next step.  Hoping for the best.  Thanks again.
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