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retina hole repair itself?

I am 25 yrs old and was told at my regular eye checkup that I have a small retina hole about a year ago. I then went to retina specialist and he confirmed that I had a small hole. He said that I could get it lasered closed, but as it was there was approx a 97% chance that nothing would further occur from it (no retina detachment) and if I git the surgery then it would reduce it to 98.5% (or some similar percentage). I asked him if the hole would affect me getting LASIK later, and he told me no.

A few months later I contaced a LASIK surgeon and they told me that as a prerequisite, I must first get the hole repaired (but they never actually looked at my eye). Then, another LASIK dr told me that as long as the retina specialist said that I could get the LASIK, then there should not be any problem and I could get LASIK.  So, to be sure I went back to the specialist, and he re examined the eye and said that the hole looked the same.

Today I went to another LASIK dr and they examined my eye (dilated the eye and had 2 doctors look for the hole), and they told me that there was no hole anymore and that it looked like the viscous fluid filled it in on its own, so there is no reason to worry about getting it repaired prior to LASIK.

So, my question is, can the retina hole repair itself without laser surgery or anything?
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233488 tn?1310693103
The short answer is "no"  the eye will sometime form pigment around a hole but studies have shown that these are much weaker than the adhesions that lasers create.  As you are finding out eye MDs disagree frequently about which holes/tears/thin areas need to be treated with laser. You will need to abide by the recommendations of the LASIK sugeon you choose to do your surgery.
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I have clear vision with occasional floaters. sometimes throughout the day I get a lightening bolt type flash in my eye when I look in one direction or another. I have good peripheral vision, clear and see good far away. Im not sure why this lightening bolt flash comes up from time to time for the last 6 weeks but no visual changes. When I try to look at it, it disappears...Should I be concerned?
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Hi doctor, I am 23 years old and earlier in the year I had a bleed in my brain which cause third nerve palsy ..that seems to have cleared up but recently I've been seeing a lot of floaters in both eyes ... any suggestions what it could be?
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They are not related. Floaters (except for showers of small black floaters associated with flashing lights and loss of peripheral vision) are almost all due to normal aging change in the vitreous. There is no good treatment for them. I have floaters in both eyes and a huge Weiss ring in RE. Be sure you have had recent exam by an Eye MD ophthalmologist.
177275 tn?1511755244
No that does not happen. If the retina detaches it almost always stays detached unless surgery is done to repair it.
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Thank you for replying so quickly Dr Hagan,

But can i just ask, is it possible for the retina to detach momentarily and stick back on to the back of the eye. because sometimes when i walk these black "flashes"  occur and im not sure whats happening now. it feels like im getting these symptoms from anxiety, like placebo. but i have a follow up appointment with another doctor as well soon in about 2 weeks, i hope that it doesn't get worse from here.

Thank you again,
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177275 tn?1511755244
Hi Alex.  What you were told by the ophthalmologist is generally correct. Most of these small hemorrhages do not lead to holes and if a hole forms the blood often scars the hole shut. However since your symptoms are persisting and you are still symptomatic I suggest a follow up visit with the ophthalmologist (not the optometrist) for a repeat exam and some reassurance to relieve your stress and anxiety.  In the future remember the importance of eye protection to prevent other injuries.
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Hi Dr Hagan,

My name is Alex, and i would like to ask you a question. recently i was hit on the eye ( the hit was to the lower eye lid of my left eye), this at the time immediately after the hit,  the lower left part of my vision blacked out. however, after around 4-5 minutes the vision returned, and i had my eye washed out with a saline solution. afterward i noticed that i had a subconjunctival hemorrhage, and i also went to an optometrist to have a dilated pupil examination through which he told me that nothing was wrong with my eye. a week down the track, i noticed i was now seeing flashing light in the corner of my vision (left top to bottom,the location of the lights is always in the peripheries and the locations and shapes of the light are random.), and a new floater had appeared in my view (i had not even heard of things such as floaters before, i have never had them before either.). i went to see an opthamologist this time, and had a more extensive eye examination, after dilation. the doctor concluded that there was a white part on a part of my retina, but no detachment or tears were notice by him. he said that nothing is wrong with my eye other than the small retinal hemorrhage, and if this should develop into a hole they will seal it then. however, what worries me and i would beg your opinion on, is another symptom that had recently come about. when moving my eye from left to right, or bottom to top (focusing my eyes in the direction and moving away), causes a 0.5 to 1 second blacking out of my vision in the left bottom to middle, part of the vision ( the blacked out are looks like part of a malformed circle). what worries me is that this area coincides with what i remember to be the area that blacked out immediately after i received the hit to my eye. i have researched on this matter and read too many articles that i cannot count. i would like to ask you, is this an issue that is cause by the small hole, or could it be that i have retinal detachment, but it happens momentarily when i move my eyes in a certain direction and reattaches after my eye settles, or do you think that it could be that my optical nerve was damaged in some way after the impact. please share your opinion on this matter with me.  

Thank You
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Hi Alex,
I am experiencing exactly the same symptoms as you after I got elbowed in the eye during sports. After my first consult with the Opthamologist, he said there is no tear at the moment but it might take up to 6 weeks after the injury to appear. I'm due for a follow up appointment with the Dr in a few weeks. I was just wondering what the outcome of your situation was. Did you need surgery to fix the problem or did it heal itself?

if he doesn't answer leave a note on his home page
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I meant to write cornea
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This is the first time I find dhall10067 in this discussion thread so I'm not sure what question or comment you're referring to. Why don't you write out a new question and start a new post.
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Dr. Hagan. I was playing basketball and accidently got his in my eye about a month ago.  Since then I have noticed small floaters.  I went to the optomologist a week ago and was told that I have a small retinal tear in my eye.  I was also asked if I had a previous retinal tear or detachment because the the optomologist said that he saw some scar tissue from a tear that has healed a long time ago.  I told him, no.  This was the first time I was told that I had retinal tear.

My question to you is.  Since I had a previous retinal tear that healed itself- can I wait a month or 2 to see if this small tear heals on its own rather than have laser surgery?  Is it likely that if a tear healed itself once that it will do it again?  How long does it typically take for a small tear to heal itself?  Can I fly on an airplane with a smal retinal tear?
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It is possible for a retinal hole or tear to heal itself without any treatment. However the kind of tears that occur after trauma to the eye are more likely to require treatment (laser or freezing shut) than those which form spontaneously. Also there is a great deal of disagreement among ophthalmologists which holes/tears need treatment. Depending on the type, location, risk factors treatment can more, or less, likely.  If treatment is recommended you can always get a second opinion.  Flying is only a problem after retinal surgery when gas or air is injected into the eye so flying without treatment should not be a problem, however do ask your ophthalmologist.
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doctor says retina hole is repairing itself, but i feel pinching- Is this normal?
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iam ravi 26 years before lasik surgery that docter did not do the retinal checkup after lasik i have tetinal holes iam myopic if i had holes after lasik it can be incresed
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Hi there, I have had very complicating eyes lost sight when i was only 9 months old with herpetic menengitis and so on, i have had retinal detatchment last year also i have big scars at the back of my eye which because of my vision being very small amount, i was told if i have operation my eye will expload. It has thinned the retina, i never even managed to see properly or pin-point what images were like or writing... but i was getting better until last week i had another similar problem a year later. No one wants to operate on me, but my doctor also was a bit upset i am going away on a holiday. I am seeing him soon next week. My question is, 5 days my eye was black as if my eye was closed. i laid in bed thinking my eye is closed. from the front my eye looks fine but i think it has slightly gone right which makes me very unhappy because i am quite a perfectionist from outside as doesn't show the back of my two eyes. What my question is, how many days does a retina heal up itself? if they will ot operate on me, what are my hopes? generally my body heals up quick. I am 38 female and i go to the gym a lot (not hard work out but i try to keep fit and eat healthy). i started to take vitamins called Visioncare which has helped me recently. i am 47 kilos and not sure if i had this problem by loosing weight. I have so much to ask. who can i contact? Thank you. (yes i do have my consultants but i have had many group and check my eye and they all believe i must never have the operation because i will loose the tiny vision i have. my left eye sees such small dot vision but it's clear) thanks. Oh just to say, i'm new here...
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Hi there, I have had very complicating eyes lost sight when i was only 9 months old with herpetic menengitis and so on, i have had retinal detatchment last year also i have big scars at the back of my eye which because of my vision being very small amount, i was told if i have operation my eye will expload. It has thinned the retina, i never even managed to see properly or pin-point what images were like or writing... but i was getting better until last week i had another similar problem a year later. No one wants to operate on me, but my doctor also was a bit upset i am going away on a holiday. I am seeing him soon next week. My question is, 5 days my eye was black as if my eye was closed. i laid in bed thinking my eye is closed. from the front my eye looks fine but i think it has slightly gone right which makes me very unhappy because i am quite a perfectionist from outside as doesn't show the back of my two eyes. What my question is, how many days does a retina heal up itself? if they will ot operate on me, what are my hopes? generally my body heals up quick. I am 38 female and i go to the gym a lot (not hard work out but i try to keep fit and eat healthy). i started to take vitamins called Visioncare which has helped me recently. i am 47 kilos and not sure if i had this problem by loosing weight. I have so much to ask. who can i contact? Thank you. (yes i do have my consultants but i have had many group and check my eye and they all believe i must never have the operation because i will loose the tiny vision i have. my left eye sees such small dot vision but it's clear) thanks
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Hi there, I have had very complicating eyes lost sight when i was only 9 months old with herpetic menengitis and so on, i have had retinal detatchment last year also i have big scars at the back of my eye which because of my vision being very small amount, i was told if i have operation my eye will expload. It has thinned the retina, i never even managed to see properly or pin-point what images were like or writing... but i was getting better until last week i had another similar problem a year later. No one wants to operate on me, but my doctor also was a bit upset i am going away on a holiday. I am seeing him soon next week. My question is, 5 days my eye was black as if my eye was closed. i laid in bed thinking my eye is closed. from the front my eye looks fine but i think it has slightly gone right which makes me very unhappy because i am quite a perfectionist from outside as doesn't show the back of my two eyes. What my question is, how many days does a retina heal up itself? if they will ot operate on me, what are my hopes? generally my body heals up quick. I am 38 female and i go to the gym a lot (not hard work out but i try to keep fit and eat healthy). i started to take vitamins called Visioncare which has helped me recently. i am 47 kilos and not sure if i had this problem by loosing weight. I have so much to ask. who can i contact? Thank you. (yes i do have my consultants but i have had many group and check my eye and they all believe i must never have the operation because i will loose the tiny vision i have. my left eye sees such small dot vision but it's clear) thanks
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great news, thanks for sharing your experience with us
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I had retina hole laser surgery in my right eye and within a month I got normal vision with spectacles . I feel like now my vision is much clear and stable .
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but i stille can not read world and its been 3 weeks now ! if they  repair themselves how long its takes !  thanks for reply Sir..
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1339674 tn?1376283011
Small holes in the periphery don't always need surgery and can repair themselves.
Holes or even tears near the macula from an injury are another thing.
Maybe they repair themselves maybe they lead to retinal detachment which threatens your vision in that eye.
I think you need to see a retinal specialist for an evaluation/second opinion. Find one on aao.org.
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hi i was play cricket i got hit ball on my eye after that i cant read worlds clearly then i went doctor he told me my i got hole in retina such a little hole he told me about surgery ! my question is there is any solution without surgery can my retina recover by self like natural ?
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233488 tn?1310693103
Discuss it with your surgeon only he/she can determine what you should or should not do.

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i am having holes in retina . the doctor say there are several small holes in my retina.. i m planning to go for the laser treatment for retina ..but can i have my routine after the laser treatment such as having sports ..lliving my routne etc ?? will this treatment effect my routine ?? and my future ?
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233488 tn?1310693103
Yes a retinal hole can spontaneously seal itself.

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I was told from my doctors that some wall in the eye is not strong enough to create support for a tear/hole to be healed (scar over).  But hopefully it can and in your case hopefully it did.  I had a detached retina about 5 months ago, glad i didnt get the lasik yet cause i was thinking about it, once you get the surgery your eyes change again, now i will probably have to wait a few years until i can get it.  if you play any sports wear full protection, better to look funny than see funny.
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