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Sudden Cross-eyed Vision NOT double vision

I've looked everywhere online and haven't found a single thing about these incidents/episodes with my vision.  FYI - I have astigmatism in both eyes, nearsighted, migraines with aura, and that's all I can think of that would be related to why this happened.  I am 31 years old, female.

About four weeks ago (3/28/09), suddenly my vision went cross-eyed.  But I was not intentionally crossing my eyes.  It felt the same as if I were intentionally crossing my eyes, but I could not control my eye movement at all.  It lasted about 45 seconds or so.  Then my vision went back to normal.  I felt the slightest bit dizzy (not even 10 minutes), and my eyes felt strained (for about an hour) afterward, but I was not in any pain, and my eyes did not hurt.  I did nothing about it at the time, because I figured it was nothing to worry about.
This happened a second time two days ago (4/20/09), exactly the same except it lasted only about 30 seconds.  And the same feeling...slightly dizzy (about 5 minutes), and eye strain (about an hour) afterward.  None of the same circumstances were present from the first time it happened.  Just out of the blue, sudden cross-eyed vision.
I immediately looked online to see who I should call/see (ophthalmologist or neurologist?) & made an appointment with an ophthalmologist.  My appointment was this morning.  My eye exams were all normal...nothing out of the ordinary.  She set me up with a blood test for possible myasthenia gravis, but she says it's most likely not the issue. She said she wasn't really sure what to tell me because she had never really heard of this before.
She told me that the next time it happens to cover up one of my eyes to see if I can see clearly.  She also said it could possibly be a TIA, but I am not in the right age group.  My main concern is if it happens while I'm driving, as it could be very dangerous!

Any ideas?  Explanations?  Suggestions?  Thank you!
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wow so strange this same incident happend to me at work tonight it lasted a little longer about 1 mintue and  my vision was crossed and felt like my eyes were going cross eyed it also made me very dizzy and scared after about a minute it went away  but i was still paranoide and worried i came online to reasearch about it..
i do get really bad migrains and wonder if that has anything to do with it?
should i be making an eye doctor appointment ?
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This just happened to me today.....if I focused on something real close(3 or 4 inches) it was ok, but anything further and it was exactly like having crossed eye. Of course the vision problem then starting making me dizzy and sick to my stomach. It took about 4 or 5 minutes for it to go away
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Original Poster  - the same thing happened to me and at around the same time frame too! I am also 31 years old, but male, and last month I went cross eyed very briefly twice in a week. I simply shook myself back into single vision, but I was worried... immensely. I went to an optometrist/eye doctor who dialted my pupils and said he saw no signs of injury or degeneration (other than an astigmatism). But I am still VERY concerned - I am on vacation and haven't driven in 2 weeks (havent had to) - about my eye's behavior when I return. Am I going cross-eyed intentionally? It has only happened a couple of times, but I am wondering if it is behavioral (ie. poor back posture or  poor "eye" posture??). During my vacation my eyes have not gone double when reading, viewing movies, on the comp... Just overly-worried, but then again cross-eyedness is NO joke and could indicate something worse. Oh - Original Poster - Please get back to me so we can compare notes. PS. I don't have MS in my family,  and I don't migranes or anything. But I am interested and nervous.
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After some findings in the last couple of weeks, I figured I should mention the things I have discovered.

I had the appointment with the ophthalmologist, and discovered nothing.  Completely normal eye exams.  I then had a physical appointment with my regular doctor and I have not yet received my results of several blood tests, but she had no clue what could have happened.

BOTH the eye doc and family doc looked at me like I was a crazy person after describing my sudden involuntary cross-eyed vision (NOT to be confused with double vision!!!!!!!) and neither had any idea what could have been the cause.

**I did not mention in my original post that I am taking the generic form of Wellbutrin, called Bupropion.  BOTH doctors I saw were informed of this before any exams took place.

I just yesterday morning had an appointment with my psychiatrist.  I told her about the two cross-eyed incidents.  

One of the main concerns with this medication is that a dosage of 400mg/day or more can cause seizures in patients.  In February, for the first time, I was put on this antidepressant.  At first, I was taking 200mg/day, and 6 weeks later, the dosage was increased to 300mg/day.

The first cross-eyed incident was one week after I started the 300mg/day.

She immediately said that she would decrease my dosage to 200mg/day and add a different kind of antidepressant, because it is possible that I was experiencing mini-seizures!!!

I have since been researching seizures and the different types online, and it seems I am not the only person who has experienced this and/or experienced many doctors NOT knowing what was happening.

I just wanted to spread the word.

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