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Any PCOS women have success on Metformin and Clomid?

I've been diagnosed with PCOS recently and will start Metformin and Clomid.  I've heard the chances of having a healthy pregnancy with these meds are 40% for PCOS women which isn't too bad but wish it was more like 80%  : )  Just wanted to hear any success stories to help cheer me up. Thanks
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so here is my story
ive always been over weight 280-300lbs never had normal periods im 24 years old and in oct.6 2014 i went to the ER with back pain well the doc came in and told me i was pregnant and i didnt have a period all year...i was almost 6 weeks and i was terrified but so happy at the same time ive known my husband since i was 13yrs old..they doctor said it could be a possible eptopic pregnancy which resulted in alot uncomfortable testing and ended up having surgery and it wasnt eptopic but they removed what they thought was cyst ended up being a corpus lituenum..sadly two weeks later i miscarried didnt need a d&C but ever since the miscarriage for 5 months straight ive had normal periods that start everytime on the 24th of each month..me and my husband are trying to conceive again..i was prescribed metformin but never started it i see my obgyn tomorrow cause this month ive had alot of pelvic pain..im so lost in all of this ...both me and my husband want to start a family ..i quit smoking a year and half ago i havent drank any alcohol in 2 years..i maxed out at 320lbs was really depressed after the miscarriage when i found out i was pregnant i weighed 298lbs plus i have high blood pressure due to being born with one kidney only having 5% of its function...i pray to god i get the chance again to have such a miracle.. a blessing of a baby and a chance to be a mom..going to ask about clomid and metformin tomorrow and do what i need to,to have a family...prayers to all of you and hopefully we all get our  Little miracles soon
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I started mine without a period
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Hey there ladies. I found out at the beginning of this year that I have pocs. My husband and me have been trying for a baby for a couple years now. I'm on my first round of clomid. I have always wanted a baby and going through this is hard. I'm on day 13 and took clomid days 5-9 and haven't ovulated yet. We are supposed get busy on days 12,14 and 16 ;). Any words of encouragement or success stories would be great to read
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Hey My name is Lawanda and my doctor just put me on the Metformin twice a day and
I'm trying t find a good diet plan to follow while taking this med.I have been trying to have a baby for a year with no luck. And The most part is my weight. Can you please email me with some thing you have done. ***@**** is my email address hope3 to hear from you soon.

Thanks Lawanda
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5913988 tn?1376585660
So here's my PCOS, Metformin and soon to be clomid story....

After a long list of doctors and tests, I was finally diagnosed with PCOS, Being that I've been dealing with PCOS symptoms for as long as I can remember I have mixed emotions with my diagnosis.. Even a little anger that it has taken so many doctors and years to finally get an answer.

I have always had a serious weight problem where I was fighting a losing battle no matter what I did the weight would still pack on. Growing up with pcos was very difficult in a home with a "skinny" family. I developed bad eating habits or should I say lack of eating habits. I admit to trying make myself throw up my food but luckily I couldn't stand throwing up so that was out of the question. Unfortunately, Not eating anything at all to "fit in" was easier. As I got older, keeping the weight off was even more difficult. I had to workout alot along with hardly eating which made excersise extremely unhealthy and difficult. When I was 23 I received a miracle and had a beautiful little girl who is now 11 years old. I met and married my husband (not the Bio-father of daughter) 5 years ago, about 6 months after meeting my now husband I had gotten pregnant again but it ended sadly after only 7 wks. They say it was possibly an ectopic pregnancy but now I think the problem lies with the hormonal issues, PCOS, Progesterone to be exact that may have caused the misscarriage since they couldn't exactly see where the fetus was due to being so early in the pregnancy. Progesterone is very important in keeping the pregnancy. We have married since and have been trying for baby with no luck. I had hurt my back at work and slipped a disk in my lower spine and since I couldn't exercise I had put on nearly 60 pounds in less than a year even with my limited bad eating habits of barely eating anything at all for fear of gaining more weight. During the year 2012 and half of 2013 my periods had completely stopped! not even spotting, nothing... after moving across the country and had put it off entirely too long I finally broke down and found a obgyn/weight specialist. After only a couple of tests that I had previously done before and ultrasounds, My doctor dianosed me with PCOS. He told me that I need to lose some weight which upset me because I have been doing all that I could with no luck. But he told me that he is going to prescribe me METFORMIN and told me to come back in 3 months and that if three was progress that I could start a cycle of CLOMID and go from there. I started Metformin May 5th of 2013, weight : 225 pounds. I started out slowly with  30 minute walks a day for a week, 500 mg Metformin for the first week as well but after the first week 1000mg split in the day, 500/500 2x's a day. Now, Metformin did not agree with my body for at least the first month but I was a little thankful for that because it certainly  "Cleaned my insides out" and that's always good lol ! I tolerated the pills telling myself if this is what I need then I'm going to deal with it. So like I said the "body cleansing" lasted for about a month and i haven't had any issues since. Now, It is true you eat unhealthy and your going to pay for it. I pretty started the "Primal" diet. Apparently there was a name for it but I thought I made it up lol. I don't eat ANYTHING processed, Fruits, Oatmeal, with 1 spoonful of 100% honey, Veggies, REAL cheese, nuts, meats and yes, bacon for sure. I cut out Butter, margerine..I only use coconut oil and olive oil. NO BREADS, no other carbs but what comes naturally in veggies, fruits and oatmeal If it wasn't fresh, I didn't eat it, nothing canned or nothing that has any chemicals to keep the food fresh longer. It is now August 15th 2013..3 months later... And I am proud to say I have lost 55 pounds so far and still going.. My doctors appointment was a few days ago and he was very happy with my results and asked me in detail what have I been doing! I explained the food already but thi is what else I did... I worked out about an hour a day total, 30 minutes in the morning 30-40 minutes at night. I have the xbox 360 kinect, I danced to ZUMBA, PERSONAL TRAINER "GAME", I jogged outside, and eliptical at home.. (lil ski machine thing, found it on CL for free!) My doctor prescibed me with Clomid and told me to take it on days 5-9.. I'm happy to say that the last two months my periods are back.. AND ON TIME!! So, as soon as I get my period, fingers crossed the 26th I should start my first cycle of clomid, Aug, 31st. Will definatly keep updating.
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has anyone been on clomid and missed their period for 7 days, i took clomid for five days along with metformin and folic acid pills and was to have my period on the 8 of july 2013 but still i have no period, i got period cramps on 8-10 july but nothing, my breast are tender, and it dont seem like i will be getting a period anytime soon, today is the july 15,2013 no period and took pregnancy on the 8 and it was negative then took it Friday 12,july 2013 still negative, hasn't taken any since!
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hi I also have a same prob.my doc did not prefer me any medicine he just say loose ur weight and prefer me to take folic acid.
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I am 20 years old and I have pcos .. I just found out about 2 months ago ... My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant 8 months ago after we lose our first baby at 22 weeks :(( so my obgyn is having me take metformin for 2 months and it has help me lose weight I lost 33 pounds in 1 month.. And I just need 30 more so I can take clomid with metformin .. I really want a baby I know I'm young but I always wanted to be a mom !! I hope and pray I can get pregnant soon
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3 yrs ago I have thyroid and gained weight and since then my menses have been irregular. My husband and I have been TTC for about 2 yrs. Just started my first cycle of metformin and clomid. Going to see my dr this friday...hopefully i ovulate...the side effects is driving me crazy. i'm 33 i'm quite worried if after 35 it will be more difficult for me. :(
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Got pregnant on my third cycle of metfomin and clomid 50 mg. I'm now 23 weeks pregnant with a baby boy!! My hubby and I are super excited. I can't wait !!!
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please read healthyboyandgirl!
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I was just reading through this and wanted to let you know i have always wanted children and was finally diagnosed at 30yrs with pcos i was put on metformin  then clomid (not together) then went to a new doc that said take them together and try robittusin (plain) a few days before ovulation (which most the time i didnt hardy ovulate) and i did another 6-rounds on 50mg my last month i was pregnant (a total of three years trying) had a baby girl in 08" i breastfeed 1year got my period 13months later and it never stopped i had to take provera to stop it (i once had 6-months of a period and had a dnc which also left scar tissue in 07') i started back on clomid and metformin 50mg for 7months i was stopped (9/100) to come in for a pap (11/10) and then to start 100mg-i never started my period i was going to start a med to start it then take the clomid but doc told me to take a pregnancy test which came out positive!! so now i have a healthy 1 year old boy (7/5/11) i am 36 now would even like more but god already blessed me with two and i yet again have not had a period in almost two years :(. but my advice stick with it!! dont change streaths so soon 6months is ok i have had a lot of heart ache,alot of crying,  one blelated ovun (miscarrige) a dnc,pcos, im heavy but with  a lot of prayers just wait good things will happen!! and im over 30!!
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Don't give up. I am 33 with PCOS and endometriosis. My husband and i have also been trying for 10 years. I am taking Metformine 2000 mg and 100 mg Clomid. I did ovulate last month but no baby with 2000/50 mg. This is the second cycle and fingers crossed with 2000/100 mg. We almost gave up on hope...... But still trying. I want to be a mommy. This will be our first. Baby Dust to all...
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I am 32 years old and have been married for 10.  My husband and I have been TTC for about 7 years now.  I have bben to see several doctors and I never go a answer to my questions until just last month.  My new Dr. has me starting out on clomid 25mgs and 500 mg of metformin but no ovulation.  He now wants me to take 50mgs of clomid and 1000mgs of metformin.  I am a little shocked at the dosage.  I hope that this works.... I am about ready to give up.

Has anyone had any luck on these meds?
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2176175 tn?1337517149
Hi everyone I am 30yrs old and already have 2 children 10yrs old and 6yrs old. I was last pregnant in 2008. Lost that pregnancy, but had been TTC every since than. Ive had irregular periods after I miscarried in May 2008. Real heavy too, not thinkinng anything. But the yr 2010 when TTC and nothing happened I started to question why arent I getting pregnant? Well just this past Feb. I went to my OBGYN and asked if something is wrong b/c Ive been trying 4 over a yr and nothings happened. And of course like the rest of us on here I 2 have PCOS. Ive started Metformin since March and Ive alwayed have had a cycle but now they are coming more closer to my 28day cycle like they did back before I miscarried in 2008. Im eager to get pregnant as well as my hubby. Not sure weather to just wait alittle longer to see if Metformin works on its own or to also combine that with Clomid? I made an appt this coming Friday the 25th to ask if we can combine to two meds In Hopes To get pregnant sooner. This waiting game ***** and is very frustrating. Maybe I should stop thinking about it and just let things happen on its own time but that just isnt easy.
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i read your story and i wanted to know did u get your thyroid check cause that could be the problem too .i have pcos ,diabetes.and a thyroid problem and its hard for me to get pregnant. i take metformin and levrotyroid and the metformin been helping me cause i have been seeing a cycle but some months it would skip but i still saw some cycle without birth contol pills.
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hi i have PCOS-only symptom is irregular periods. lost a lot of weight with metformin although i was never overweight. im on cycle 3 of 150 mg clomid and 1000 mg glycomet. first cycle lasted 35 days 2nd lasted 32 days and today is the 31st day of this cycle and no periods still.ttc.hope it happens soon. does anyone have any tips or similar specifics as me?
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Just reading these comments as next month, my husband and I have decided to start trying for baby no.2. My 1st was conceived after 2 years of trying. I was prescribed metformin to help bring on a period, it came within 10 days of being on it and we conceived immediately after. My son then went on to be born 13 weeks early (the docs have said this was spontaneous and that sometimes 'it just happens') - I'm not a smoker and have a healthy diet although was probably 1.5 stone over what I should have weighed at that time. Now aged 14 months, he is absolutely fine with no lasting damage from the 9 weeks he spend on SCBU. I am petrified but excited at the thought of trying again, but have been on the pill again since giving birth so am anxious as to whether or not my periods may be 'normal' now or not. I still have a couple of packs of metformin left from 2 years ago, does anyone know if they will be safe to use if required as it was such a pain to get them prescribed to me in the first place, I know it will be harder now I have my precious 1st baby! I would obviously from my experience highly recommend metformin, had this not worked alone for me, they were going to prescribe clomid also, I am hoping I don't need to get to that stage this time. Good luck to all you mums, you always think there is no one more desperate than you for a baby, but believe me, there are so many women who are just as desperate and you won't forget that feeling when your baby does eventually arrive! It makes your bond even stronger.
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Hi, I was diagnosed with PCOS and have been ttc for a year and a half now. I have been on metformin for a little over 5 months an I was just now referred to a fertility specialist I am young and I think that's why things are going so slow but I finally get to see the fertility specialist that I see next week. I know the next step is clomid or some type of fertility drugs. Is there anything I should know going in or any questions I should ask? I have always wanted to be a mom I don't come from money so depending on how far I go into fertility I only have one shot I don't wanna make any silly mistakes ... any advice ?!
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I know that for me, and this is my third cycle of Clomid, that it did correct the second phase (Luteal Phase) of my cycle.  I went from it being 5 or 6 days until my period stated to over 10 days.  I hope the treatment works for you.  Wishing you lots of baby dust and welcome to Med Help.  
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I found out last year i have PCOS plus in 09 i found out i have endometriosis so I am on 1000mg of metformin and i have lost a bit of weight from it...my bf and I have been trying n I found out I ovulate really late...I ovulate then 3 days later i start my period...do you think clomid would be helpful for me? My appt isnt until May but wanna see if there are any options for me.
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I just finished my last clomid pill on Sunday. I started the ovulation test kit today. Hopeful!!
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2017549 tn?1328405398
Alin, best luck to you as well. I tried 2 rounds of clomid with iui and didn't ovualte. So this time I will be trying 150 mg of clomid with acupuncture and hopefully a trigger shot
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Hi there
. Im new to this so i thank you first for sharing your stories. I was diagnosed with pcos 7 years ago, and never thought anything more of it other than my irregualarities until i got married a few years back and went off my bc and never got pergnant. Long story short i am on metformin 1000mg2xs a day and starting clomid on cd5. We are hopeful this will work but it is so wonderful to see that there are others going through the same kind of issues. Best of luck to all
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