237300 tn?1231454718

High FSH and IVF...curious and need info.

Hi girls!  So my HCG was 23 on Monday..which isn't surprising b/c I m/c...think it's almost over though. This is the first time I have m/c naturally so this is new for me.  On Monday my RE mentioned that he thinks what might be causing my m/c is an elevated FSH level.  Mine this month was 12.  He said it should be less then 10.  He said there isn't much they can do for that.  To tell you the truth I was surprised b/c I am 31.  Dh and I asked him about IVF.  I figured the fact that they could grade the eggs and put the good ones back would make sense.  My RE said that unfortuntely this isn't the case.  He said that the results haven't been good for people with high FSH.  Has anybody else heard this.  He wants to put me on injectibles and do IUI.  He seems to think maybe if I have more eggs my chances might be better that one of them sticks.  Does anybody have any advice??
26 Responses
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294043 tn?1354207946
I know lots of people with FSH above 12 who did ivf and had high quality embryos.  Injectables + IUI make a lot of sense though since it's less expensive than ivf and the eggs will not be stressed by the process of retrieval (this is what your RE meant I guess).  

Also, your fsh may be elevated because you were taking clomid.  Since you are taking a few months off, do another fsh test in a month or two.  

I am so very sorry about your m/c.  Life can be so cruel.  
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237300 tn?1231454718
Thanks for the info Helen!  It's so weird b/c nobody ever mentioned that my FSH was high before.  I was on clomid 3 other months and not a mention of it ever being high.  
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374593 tn?1257879950
so sorry to hear about your mc... its so frustrating for it to take so long to cocieve and then have that happen!  I agree with helen.. i know lots of people who have had great sucess with even higher FSH levels... and agree retesting in a few months, it can vary month to month!   Have you ever done injectables???  the more eggs, the better chance.. and i personally think it is less emotionally, physically and financially stressful than IVF must be.. granted its ALL stressfull and frustrating! but at least you have a great game plan in place, which injectables are yall going to try?? at least your body can get pregnant, thats half the battle right?? GOOD LUCK your in my prayers! keep me updated!
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458090 tn?1256321162
it kinda makes me mad that the Dr. said that.  So many women with high FSh have babies every dern day! (Most don't even know it!)  I am so so sorry about your m/c.. Im going through mine as I write this and it is NOT fun.
IUI? I say yes and if it doesn't work IVF.  I don't like your Doctor, he/she isn't a very hopeful person.  I hope you prove them wrong!!!!
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186627 tn?1257877774
I'm sorry for your loss,I know how hard it is.
Fsh 12 is not great but not so bad .
I think most of the clinic look at that as borderline.
I would insist on IVF just because it has a much higher success percentage.
maybe you should ask for a second opinion.
Good luck!
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282955 tn?1394730951
I am sorry about your m/c I am not sure about the FSH either.  I don't think I was checked for that.  Anyway I hope everything works out for you.  
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405370 tn?1332206110
Don't forget, Doctors PRACTICE medicine.  You can always insist on IVF if that is what you feel comfortable with.  I switched REs after mine didn't want to do a lap.  
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237300 tn?1231454718
Thanks girls for your well wishes.  Yeah, I wasn't sure about the IVF stuff he said.  I thought that would give me a better chance.  The problem is DH was with me and he doesn't want to do IVF soooooooo he jumped on the injectibles and IUI bandwagon.  So it is what it is...I talked to Dh's aunt last night and she just kept saying, "You should just try again without all the meds."  DUH!!!!  I could've yelled at her.  I've been preg. 3 times.  2 times on my own and 1 time with IUI.  Taking me off meds and letting me produce one egg is no better...some people just don't get it!

Sas-  I'm soooooo sorry you are having a m/c too!  I had no idea.  It really does stink!  Hopefully you will be preg. again soon.  Were you doing IVF?
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458090 tn?1256321162
Yep, Ashort, it was my first IVF cycle.  Pretty much stinks, but I'll get over it.  (what can you do?).  I still think IVF could work for you (and me).  You know the drill, never say never.
Good luck!!!
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My FSH is elevated, it's a 12.  The only thing my RE said in regards to this was that he didn't want my DH and I to waste any time.  He wanted to be aggressive with treatment, but he wanted to start with the less invasive.  I did start out with IVF (my choice) before moving to IUI, but my RE was more than confident that we would be able to have children.  I agree with Sasparilla, your RE does not sound too hopeful or reassuring.  Please do not let what he said deter you.  Good luck and SSBD!!
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380530 tn?1239162538
I'm so sorry you've had to deal with so many m/c's.  One is hard enough, much less more than one.  I am very sorry you've had to suffer through several of them. My dr. has told me the same thing about IVF in regard to high FSH.  But, his criteria is a bit higher.  He has said FSH over 15 makes IVF much more difficult and significantly lowers your chances of carrying a baby to term.   But, you are also fairly young and research shows that age trumps elevated fsh.  I would get a second opinion.  However, my dr has said that IUI with a medicated cycle has a higher success rate than IVF and that your body will naturally select the best quality eggs, the same way an IVF cycle would.  Here is a good web site for women with elevated fsh.


Hope this helps.  Good luck!
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398459 tn?1262186144
I, too, have elevated FSH (15).  The way my RE has explained the correlation is that a high FSH indicates decreased ovarian reserve, and when you have decreased ovarian reserve, often times the quality of the eggs is reduced (high FSH=decreased quantity of eggs and often times decreased quality).  This, I guess, is the reason for lower success rates for IVF.  

I am sorry for your m/c.  That is just so unfair.  I do hope for the best for you...

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237300 tn?1231454718
Thanks again girls!  Your support means so much.  I went back and had another Beta today.  He told me that my u/s was good.  It looks like I m/c on my own...which I knew.  I'm hoping for a big 0 when I get my bloodwork tomorrow...never thought I would say that..LOL.  So while I was there I picked his brain a little bit.  He said for me to call him in Sept. when we are ready to do IUI again.  He definately wants me on injectibles at that point.  I wish Dh didn't want to take a break...I just want to get preg. and stay preg....like now would be good.  My RE told me that we can try naturally for now and we may possibly get preg. on our own.  He said it could happen that I have a good egg in the works that monrh.  I asked him about acupuncture and he wasn't for it.  I've been going anyway.  It's funny his nurse asked me if I tried it.  She said that my RE doesn't believe in it but she has seen it work in patients.  She is in charge of the egg donor program...if all else fails I guess we can look into that later.  She did say some RE's don't even consider 12 high.  She said it's the "gray area".  So that made me feel better.  I never imagined this would be such a battle and take so long.  I told my RE people are very polite and say they are sorry...and I thank them...I just feel like I'm on a mission and I'm so focused that if I have to lose 10 babies I will just to be able to hold one eventually.  Thanks again ladies...I really appreciate all the positive posts!
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405370 tn?1332206110
Thats a good thing that you m/c on your own! I've been there where I want my levels at 0 too.  Hmm.  Well, I hope things go well for you in Sept.  Actually, I hope you conceive on your own before you can get to Sept.  That would be awesome!
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237300 tn?1231454718
Houston, thanks. I hope so too.  According to my RE it's basically all luck...could happen, who knows!
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186627 tn?1257877774
I'm glad that the U/S went well and I hope your beta its a big fat 0!
Your RE seemed a little better this time,I thought last time he wasn't right!
I hope you will get you BFP this cycle and you will not need any more treatment!
Keep us posted!
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328927 tn?1227761840
I'm utterly out of words to express how sorry I am you had to endure another m/c. I am glad you are forging ahead, but that doesn't take away from your losses.

When my hormone levels were tested my FSH was 11.8 or something and no one said a word about this being high. I got a BFP on my first month of injectables and IUI (although, as you may remember, dh  missed the sample cup and we backed it up with bd). I ovulated 6 eggs and ended up with a triplet pregnancy (now twins).

I am 37, six years older than you, and I say if it can work for me it can for you. I thought you had been doing injectables already, so if you get pg almost every time with one follie, I say your chances would be significantly improved on them!!!!! Really :-)

Just as an FYI, I took Femara along with the follistim, and had an HSG test 4 days before my IUI/bd sessions. I don't know how much either of these helped individually, but that was my protocol.

Also, once you have your IUI, they may put you on progesterone to help it "stick." I didn't do that, but it seems many women here do, esp. those with a history of m/c.

Finally, I would consider getting a 2nd opinion just for sh*ts and grins, so to speak. It never hurts, and plus I agree with the other ladies, this one sounds a bit of a downer.

Best wishes sweetie!!!!!!!
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237300 tn?1231454718
miky-  Thanks, my u/s went well.  He said I was in the clear...no D and C...YAY!  Oh, and my HCG was 0!  I was excited about that.  I'm trying to convince DH to the injectibles next month but he really doesn't want to so I guess i shouldn't push.  How are you doing?

Heath-  How are you doing?  How far are you now?  It's funny my Dh had a incident with the cup too...LOL.  He didn't close it all the way and some escaped...LOL.  I did IUI and clomid the past 2 months.  Nothing the first month and got preg. the second month.  Yeah, I've been preg. 3 times this year...so I seem to be able to get preg. just can't stay that way.  I was on progesterone with my 2nd pregnancy but the baby never really developed and my RE (old RE) thought that I had a molar preg.  My new RE doesn't think that was the case.  It's been one LONG year and I just don't feel any closer then i was when we started this whole process.  The first time I was preg. they never checked my HCG or progesterone...what a HORRIBLE obgyn!  The second it was low and they put me on progesterone, and the third it was low and so was my HCG.  I don't think my RE believes in progesterone.  

DId you give yourself the shots?  Thinking about getting Dh to do it.  How many days do you have to take them?

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328927 tn?1227761840
Gosh, It has beena while, so I will try to recall best I can:

Femara cd 3-7
Follistim 75 cd 5-9 (added two more days to develop follies, so technically cd 5-11)
Ovidril Trigger cd12
IUI/BD cd 14

If you do a search under my username or Femara, you may find older posts with the exact protocol as I remembered it closer to the time. But, I am 90% sure this is correct.

I did inject the shots myself and it was no big deal for me. But, I am used to injecting myself b/c I used to have to inject arthritis meds in my stomach. The Follistim comes with a dial pen which bmakes it very easy.

Good Luck, and hope this helps!!!!
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458090 tn?1256321162
Ashort & Heather.. My DH claims he misses a little every time.  I think he's worried about the quantity.. and even I think that sometimes it looks like such a small amount (I mean compared to the times Ive seen it at home), but his SA was really excellent, so I won't say anything when he "claims" he missed a little, b/c I know how hard he tries to when it comes to that d=amn cup  :)
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328927 tn?1227761840
I know we missed, because his normal sperm count was like 50 million+, and that time it was barely one million!!!! Poor guys, their aim is not so good with such a wide bullseye. But, I have a hard time just doing urine samples, so I would be even worse ;-0

Backing up with BD never hurts, unless you know for sure your dh has an issue. That's my take anyway!
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237300 tn?1231454718
You girls make me laugh!  I knew my Dh had trouble with the lid b/c when i went to pick up the specimen the guy told me some had spilled...that month i didn't get preg.  Dh's sperm count was higher this month...8 million the first day and 2 million the next...sounds low to me but my RE was happy with it.  

Heather-  So are Femara and Follistim both shots or just the Femara?  I'm thinking about having my MIL give it to me b/c she is diabetic and she is used to giving shots.  I don't think I can do it myself...might pass out...where do you give them anyway?
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186627 tn?1257877774
I do not know about Femara but Follistim its a shot.
You use a "pen" and its really easy!!!
You give them in your tummy.
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294043 tn?1354207946
Tummy shots are really easy.  I also found that doing them myself is least painful.  My dh really enjoys doing the shots though so he was doing almost all of them during my ivf.  
Good luck to you this cycle!  I hope you get lucky and will not need injections.
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