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1271927 tn?1310580362

Our Turn NOW!

Hey ladies out there that have been trying for so long! It's finally our turn!!!! I know there is a pregnancy forum out there, but so many of us have been on this board for so long and I don't want to lose you when you go and find the prgnancy group just for you!  

How about we start with saying how long we've been trying, when we got our bfp and our edd.

I've been trying for 2 years now steadily and got my bfp on August 27th. I will never forget that day! :) I am almost 11 weeks now and my due date is May 11.

Welcome ladies!
130 Responses
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1271927 tn?1310580362
Busy...oh so busy!
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1419501 tn?1320206310
Wow it's been a while since anyone's been. How are you all
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1271927 tn?1310580362
April, I'm due in DAYS! You better not beat me to the punch!!! Seems like everyone else is beating me though. lol
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I am due in the next 3 weeks but i can not wait more..!    I am discussing c-section with my doctor and we will be making an appoinment for the next week.

Good luck to everyone!
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Sherry: I had that problem and then had some bleeding with it. I don't know why it happens, just from straining I guess but my dr said it shouldn't happen so who knows.
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1121300 tn?1426184776
Ok ladies so last night was kinda weird.  I really had to go # 2 last night but felt relaly constipated.only a lil came out - sorry tmi - after that i had horrible pains down there. It hurt so much I actually had to lay down for 20 min and couldn't even stand up straight.  I ended up taking a tylenol it hurt sobad.  Is that normal?  I never had this problem whenni i was preggo with dd.  Im fine today  but geez did it ever hurt
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1294482 tn?1354489288
I did the same thing with the bed rails :) I thought I was going to rip them off! getting induced is no fun, makes labor about 100 times worse I think and I don't plan to let them do that to me again!!! Hard on baby and mom. The epidural saved me too since ds was sunny side up and he kept trying to push out my back :(

Amanda... just a couple weeks to go :)
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1121300 tn?1426184776
LOL  Amanda!!  Wait til your in labour  LMFAO.  Your hubby is gonna wish he never came to the hospital   haha.  I was luck with dd.  I went 9 days over so they enduced.  Pain was getting to much but i wanted to hold off on epidural as long as possible. so I took demeral - well let me say it made me sick so i had no food in tummy and because i was sick they wouldn't allow me to have water  or suck on ice chips (cause it would make me sick again)  the only good thing outta that was it made me sleep through my whole labour  lol. I slept all day :)  by 3 pm pain was so bad I finally got hte epidural.  dh almost passed out lol but it felt sooooooo much better after i got it.  dh said i was gripping the arms on the bed so hard he thought i was gonna make an indent in them  haha.    Let m also forwarn you that the 3 weeks following the birth it will hurt like hell going to the bathroom.  It will burn like hell til it heals
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1271927 tn?1310580362
Congrats misslollipop!

Trying - sorry your son had complications, but glad to know that they can under estimate the baby's weight by that much! I was starting to get nervous...I know I can't deliver a 12 pound baby! LOL! I still have about 2 weeks to go, but I can feel her moving down and the pressure is getting to be more. I go on Thursday to get checked again. Hoping for progress, but still not quite at the point of forcefully evicting her! I DO want to wait as long as possible if I can. But I am starting to understand the itch women get to have their babies. Contractions don't feel that awesome, but I am starting to accept the pain a bit more! LOL! She will be here before we know it. :)
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Misslollipop: Congrats on your early and quick delivery!!! I am glad that it went well, I am sure you were pretty scared! I love the name Blayde :)
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136689 tn?1419580447
Hi ladies I though i would drop by and let you all know that i had my little bundle of joy on April 21st , after being induced 2 weeks early due to Blayde had stopped growing from 35 weeks, and must say he wanted a speedy entrance into the world cause he was here 2 hrs after my contractions started.
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Amanda: I was a big baby myself at 9lbs. I also had GD and they told me ds was going to be too big so they had to induce me.... well, he was 7lbs 4oz so I don't really trust Dr's and thier estimates on the u/s. Even as a 9lb baby I had some trouble and my ds actually had to spend 3 extra days in the hospital so no matter what the Dr says, they don't necessarily know when a baby is full term until delivered. Try to be patient, I know that can be tough when we want to meet our little ones but remember they come when they are ready :)
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1271927 tn?1310580362
Trying - don't wish fatness on my baby! LOL! My sister all had big babies and since I have gestational diabeties, it is likely that she will be big. The last ultrasound estimated her to be about 2 pounds over where she should have been at the time. I need no "plumping up" wishes for her! LOL! Another week or two in the womb would be nice for her to develop more.

My first due date was May 5th (according to ovulation). My second due date (and the one that stuck) is May 11th according to her growth at 10 and 12 weeks. Being a bit over 3 weeks (and officially full term according to my dr yesterday) it would be ok to go into labor. I'm not super anxious to evict her yet. But I am anxious to meet her! Yesterday the dr checked and I am 50% thinned and 1 cm dilated. So I still have about a week or two to go (at least) before she arrives.....time is moving s l o w....    :)

Sherry, sorry you are feeling yucky still...I remember those days. They DO pass, thankfully! And so glad that the ultrasound went well. :) For me, an ultrasound would hold me over for a few days, maybe a week or two, then I would start getting nervous again. But it will ALL work out and your bean will be safe. :) Take it easy and enjoy these early days as much as you can!
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Amanda: You are silly! Let that little one cook a bit longer!!! You still have almost 3 wks to go and they need that time to fatten up and lungs to fully mature. Ive seen babies born 2 wks early and still have trouble breathing so don't rush it!!

Sherry: You will see that little hb very soon. I know you are so nervous! I was nervous every day until I got the daily movements so I could at least reassure myself every day that things are fine. I was always worried I would mc and not know like the girl I knew who didn't find out til her scan, it was awful! My u/s is in 5 hours... just hoping baby is in good position and has plenty of fluid and cervix hasn't shortened too much. I cannot wait to hear about your little one and how perfect it is! Let us know :)
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1121300 tn?1426184776
im still a lil nautious .   I feel hungry all the time .  I feel like when i eat i just feel gross afterwards.  Nothing is satifying.  I know i havn't misscarried (no bleeding) but just nervous about finding no HB or empty sac.   I was so upset the other day cause hubby turned to me and asked if ive gained weight and i was like maybe a pound . im only 2 mths  lol  geez  way to make me feel good let me tell ya!! i gained 60lbs with my dd so hopefully i wont gain that much with this one.  
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1271927 tn?1310580362
Sherry - VERY exciting! I am sure all will go well. But I totally know the nervous feeling...it takes a while to go away. Today I have an appointment too...but I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I'm hoping to be checked today and have her say "Amanda, you're 8 cm dialated, let's go!" LOL! Yeah right....but I can hope! Ha ha!

Otherwise, how have you been feeling? Still nausous? I hope not.
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1121300 tn?1426184776
5 more hours til u/s.  It really hard to be excited when im still so nervous about it being a sticky bean.  Im 8 wks today and this will be the first time ive seen my bean or even a check for hb so the jitters are kicking in!!!  ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH  lol   I'll let you all know hows it goes
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Sherry: Just a couple more days for the u/s... I cannot wait!
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1121300 tn?1426184776
well since dh parents know - that means they have prob told his sister.  So Im gonna tell my parents this weekend for easter so I guess im gonna tell paige this wknd.  It was really cute 2 days ago we were watching cartoons and she looked over at me and said she wanted a baby sister - a "real" baby sister  lol  I wanted to tell her then but i thought id wait until after my u/s on Thursday :)
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Sherry: I too would be frustrated. We didn't wait to tell our parents but they have known about most our appointments and so forth so they really were so involved I don't know how we would have kept it from them. As for Paige I think that is a total personal feeling. My son is still a bit young to understand so I didn't have to worry much about that. Some people tell at like 8 wks and some wait til after 1st trimester to be safe. I think it is totally up to you when you tell her.
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1271927 tn?1310580362
Sherry - I would probably be a bit fustrated too. DH wanted to tell his family during the ultrasound that we were having a girl! I was like "whoa, wait there a second buddy! This is something we get to do TOGETHER!" But the cat is out of the bag now and I would say you just have to let it go. But I would remind him that this is news that the TWO of you get to share together from now on. And I would probably let his parents know that you all are not sharing this new with anyone else yet, so please keep quiet! :)
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1121300 tn?1426184776
well I was kinda pissed off yesterday.  I had been at my parents in the afternoon and when i got home dh says so what did they say - i said about what - I hadn't told my parents so I said why did you tell yours and he said yes.  I had said to him that i was hoping to tell our parents on mothers day since ill be 11 weeks  and wanted to ait until after i had the u/s.  Do i have a right to be mad or it it just me.  So i guess ill go ahead and give my parents the poem for easter since we're not waiting.  Now the question is when do i tell Paige
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1271927 tn?1310580362
Sherry - Love the poem too! What a great way to let the folks know. I'm hoping my little one shows up BEFORE mothers' day! However, I wouldn't be surprised if she arrived on Easter or on Mom's Day....I was a turkey baby after all, born on Thanksgiving. :)
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1294482 tn?1354489288
Sherry: I absolutely LOVE it! That is so sweet and beautiful! I cannot wait to hear about their reactions :)
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