385161 tn?1270081218

I want to know you better! ttc'vers!!

I am starting a new post if anyones interested! I want to know all about you girls!
Tell me your stories:)
1. How long have you been ttc?
2. What methods have you used?
3. Anyone already have children? How many?
4. m/c anyone...how many?
5. (My Favorite!!) Stories of ttc Success!!!
Post away!!!!
30 Responses
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245020 tn?1209657943
Hi! This is a great idea...it's always nice to hear others experiences. Husband and I have two great kids and I thought I was done after our second. They are five years apart so it took a while to get pregnant the second time around. I found out I was pregnant in Jan. 2006 and it was a total surprise. I mc in March and we decided to start trying again in April...I got pregnant again in Sept. 2006 and mc in Nov. My cycles are very irregular so Dr. put me on clomid to try and help things along...it didn't get me pregnant. So now we've been trying naturally since summer 2007 and so far nothing has worked! The only time I have gotten pregnant has been when we weren't "trying". How frustrating! I am thankful for our two children but would love to add one more to the clan! How about you? What's your story?
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254689 tn?1251180040
I wanna play!!  Dh & I ttc'd for two years+.  We resorted to ivf - I have 4 children from previous marriage (he has none).  I've had two m/c's - pretty horrible & we are now pg w/baby boy c-section set for April 22.  Wheewwww..........I can't wait to read others' stories - jennifer
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374593 tn?1257879950
Woooo APril 22nd is coming up so soon!!! Congratulations!!! thats so exciting!!!

1. We have been ttc since March 07 (so one year anniversary, whooo - not one I wanted to celebrate!)
2. all natural until one month ago all within one month - I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis, lost most of my left ovary, told I had low progesterone AND to top it all off we found out we have male factor IF too!! sooo we have a Lot against us, and will prob have to do IVF, however i'm on femara(first medicated cycle) ovidril trigger and progesterone with IUI's this month!
3.  one chem preg four months ago
4. Hope to be a success story!!! : )

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126702 tn?1240888250
Hi guys, great idea.

I wasnt actively TTCing and fell pregnant in Jan 06. I miscarried and only then did I realise I wanted to TTC. I fell pregnant again in Aug 06 only to have an ectopic pregnancy. We actively TTCed all of 2007 with no luck. The RE tests showed I have a blocked left fallopian tube. I am now in the process of going through injectables for my first IUI. I havent got a success story but the story that keeps me going  -  one of my mums friends who had 10 pregnancies from which she managed to have 5 beautiful children - all with one tube only.
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186627 tn?1257877774
Hey Girls!
We've been TTC for 4 years now.
" years naturally and 2 years fertility treatment.
We've  been through 2 Fresh IVF cycles and one frozen.
The frozen was a BFN and the 2 fresh were both BFP but one was ectopic and the second one was blighted ovum.
I have now to wait 3 months after the D&C for the blighed ovum and then we will go ahead with IVF #3 but with a different RS much smaller office and more personal approach.
I dfo not know how I could go ahead without this forum and all the fantastic people here!!
SSBD to all of us!
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317019 tn?1532965586
hey there...here's my story in a nutshell

1. waiting for testing to be done before we can TTC again...TTC for 10 months before I was preg last Nov
2. most likely will be TTC naturally unless doc recommends anything and my partner agrees to it
3. i have a 4 year old son
4. ive had 2 mc's...1 at age 19 i was between 6-8 weeks and then I just had one this past month at 18 weeks preg....im still devastated from this
5. I hope to have a success story to share sometime soon...maybe in the summer?
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215752 tn?1278004771
Here is my story.
1.Trying to conceve for 4 years even though i had no idea what i was doing so after bd i was always getting up and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Even though this has nothing to do
2. Got pregnant last year in april with clomit+injectables and m/c on june.Baby stopped growing between 5-6 weeks.
Got pregnant on august and m/c on october, babys heart stopped beating at 71/2 weeks.
Got pregnant this january and i'm just going through my 3m/c and it is painfull as hell. This time it was a blighted ovum.
Next time i'm consedering IVf since this method got me pregnant each time but m/c.
I hope i have a success story next time.
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359142 tn?1321120923
1. TTCing for six months
2. Timed BD, pre-seed, OPKs for six months & was getting ready for Clomid/IUI cycle
3. I have 2 children from a previous marriage (DS-7 & DD-4)
4. I have had 2 m/c - one when I was 22 6-8 weeks and one Dec 07 @ 5 weeks
5. Just got my BFP and am 5 weeks today

Best of luck guys.  Praying my little bean stays stuck.
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447077 tn?1222790570
hi i'm fairly new here...here are my answers! :)
1. How long have you been ttc?  since February 26th (mirena removed Feb 25th)lol
2. What methods have you used? unproteced sex! ovulation calendars...thats about it so far
3. Anyone already have children? How many? 1 lil girl 3 years old
4. m/c anyone...how many? 3 miscarriages :( before my daughter was born
5.  Stories of ttc Success!!! 3 miscarriages later 1 beautiful lil girl now I am trying for my second and hopefully I'll have a safe healthy sucessful journey!!!

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318181 tn?1336443496
Hi Jennyfer! Here's my story:

1. How long have you been ttc? About 3 years now.
2. What methods have you used? OPKs, BBT charting and timed intercourse for the past year and a half or so. Before then, just unprotected sex. I also had 4 unsuccessful  IUI cycles about a year ago (no meds)...in between my two miscarriages.
3. Anyone already have children? Unfortunately, no.
4. m/c anyone...how many? I've had 2 miscarriages. Got pregnant on my own in January 2006, but the baby stopped developing at 8 weeks (needed a D&C), then after the unsuccessful IUIs last year, got pregnant on my own again in July 2007, but had a natural (spontaneous) miscarriage at 6.5 weeks in September.

I'm now considering whether or not to continue trying on our own or move on to injectables and IUI or IVF.
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385161 tn?1270081218
Your stories are all amazing, some def. made me smile, others made me cry. I am going to pray for each and every one of you and its so great to know we are not alone in this journey and many of us have experienced pain and loss-but there is always hope:)
I encourage everyone to keep posting! I love reading these~ps. here is mine....

I have been ttc for 2years naturally and 3 years with help. I have only used IUI 2x and 1x w/clomid. I have never had any other children and have never even gotten a BFP. After numerous tests my dh appears to be perfectly healthy and they say I am too....we were diagnosed with "unexplained" infertility.

I am a full time student in college right now so I am taking it easy and going natural for a couple months. Hopefully this summer I will try one more IUI and see how that goes.

I am so hopeful I will get a BFP one day!  
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443968 tn?1288612689
my story ttc for about 4 years, 2 with fertility tx. Married for 5 years, with 4 previous miscarriages and no children.  DH has one child from previous marriage. We both are on our close 40's and is getting harder to deal with all these fertility problems. We had two IVF and IUI with no results so far. Well that is my story.
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126762 tn?1325261805
Great idea!

1. I've been ttc for almost three LOOONG years
2. We are using opks, Clomid(for low prog), baby aspirin(for blood clotting disorder), preseed and will do HSG test soon
3. nope :(   no children yet - but a 5 mo old niece and 1 mo. old niece that I'm spoiling like crazy!!
4. I have had two early m/c - one at about 6 wks and 7 months later another at 4 weeks
5. I have no stories of success... but hopefully I will soon!!
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173145 tn?1301700850
I think this is a great idea!!!

1. this time around we have been ttc for 17 months
2. we were trying naturally until Nov 07 and then we did 2 rounds of clomid and then they found a cyst the size of a grapefruit on my ovary so had to have it removed and am on the pill now till next month when i can get and HSG done and then start fresh:)
3. Yes i have two kiddos. DS Logan is 2. and DD Kylie is 5 (there are pics in my profile)
4. M/C yes one natural one in August 04 and then and ectopic in Aug 06 which i lost one tube and ovary, and then in January 07 i had a chemical pregnancy.
5. success stories. well when we were trying for our DS (baby #2) we had to do clomid with no luck went off it for a break and ended up pregnant on our own first month off.  now we are waiting for the next miracle.
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257175 tn?1204161973
1. DH and I have been TTC for 18 mths

2.Tried naturally for 12 mths naturally, but last 10 mths I had no AF...so I was not ovulating.  Went through 6 rounds of clomid....no success. We are now seeing an RE.  We are taking a break this month for testing, then RE will tell us what she thinks we should do next.  DH also has a low sperm count (12 million) so we will prob. do IUI.

3.no children....but I do have a cat that as of right now has her own room....just until I can put a baby in there!

4. No MC....no preg. at all.

5.  I hope to one day be a success story!
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318181 tn?1336443496
Oh, yeah...I forgot to mention that we have some furry "children" too. Two doggies and three kitties :-)
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219862 tn?1211644271
1. How long have you been ttc?........ 4 years
2. What methods have you used?  Will be starting fist cycle of IVF in May!!!
3. Anyone already have children? How many? No children
4. m/c anyone...how many? 1 mc before i even knew I  had fertility issues

And I also have a question. What is the difference between IVF and IUI?
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318181 tn?1336443496
IUI is where they collect the sperm sample, wash it and insert the little swimmers straight into the uterus, while with IVF they remove the eggs and fertilize them outside the body :-)
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374593 tn?1257879950
I'm not an IVF expert, but from my knowledge IVF is where they harvest the eggs from you and take the sperm put them together in a lab, let them grow 3-5 days then put them back into your uterus already fertilized, and hope that they will implant. IUI - they clean the sperm (take the bad ones out and keep the strong swimmers) and inject those directly into the uterus, and hopefully they will meet the egg on their own. IVF seems like a much more intricate process!! GOOD LUCK on your IVF!!
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359142 tn?1321120923
cost/benefit analysis on IUI/IVF needs to be considered too.  I think the IUI's run $300-$500 and have maybe a 10% success rate, whereas IVF can run you $15,000 for 3 cycles but have many centers claim close to a 50% success rate.  Look into IVF where they do 3 cycles for a set price and refund the money (or part of it) if you don't conceive.
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hi,iam 25years ttc18 months ago,idon't have children&taking medication year ago,inever had BFP,like u iam hoping 1 day it will come +ve,iam waiting that day,iam diagnosed as atypical pco,took clomid,ovulatiom came late but no pregnancy,moved to inj.&finally ovulation came in right time but no pregnancy too,right now iam going to iui in a couple of days,pray to me as i feel confused&worried a little&plz post me any advices as it is my 1st time iui,thanks for caring to hear our stories.
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What a great idea!   Dh and I have one dd that is almost 3 that we had no problems concieving.  We've been trying for number 2 for a year and a half.  Have never had a problem getting pregnant it's staying pregnant that is the problem.  Got pregnant Aug 06' but m/c in Oct.  Got pregnant again Jan of 07' but m/c in March.  Got pregnant again Aug 07 but m/c Oct 07.  After 3rd m/c found I had a septate uterus that was fixed through surgery in Dec 07.  We just started trying again this month and I was surprised to get a BFP this morning!!!!  Praying this one sticks and can deliver a healthy baby!  
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330481 tn?1309488243
Hey all! Here goes:

1. How long have you been ttc?  
I have been TTC this baby for 25 months. Found out about 6 months ago that I had PCOS so that would explain the lack of periods :)

2. What methods have you used?
I was on Clomid for 4 months. Went to RE, finally went on metformin for PCOS, actually O'ed, no luck. Went and did menopur shots, clomid, and ovidrel shot in January and it worked. But we just lost our munchkin at 6.5 weeks. Still waiting on AF to show so we can try again. I use temping/charting (love it!) and I also use a fertility monitor (the best invention ever!!! It is the only reason we actually got preggo with the drugs - my monitor told me to keep BDing and I did and it worked!)

3. Anyone already have children? How many?
I have an 8 year old girl named Kayla from a previos (crappy) marriage :)

4. m/c anyone...how many?
Just M/C about 2 weeks ago - this is my first (and hopefully only) M/C

5. (My Favorite!!) Stories of ttc Success!!!
Well, like I said, we have been using the monitor and added the menopur shots (5 days) and clomid and ovidrel shot to induce ovulation. 3 and a half days after the ovidrel shot (HCG shot) I finally O'ed and we actually got preggo. Everything looked good but then I started to bleed so we lost this one. But the only bright note - we CAN get pregnant...Just gotta keep going...and going... and going.... I am like the freaking energizer bunny! UGH!

HUGS AND SSBD to all!!!!!

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385161 tn?1270081218
My heart goes out to all of you who have had miscarriages. I am so sorry for your loss, but on the bright side you can get preggo!!! So that is def. a start! The ttc journey is a long one but the miracle in the end is what sustains us all, along with hope! For all of us who have spent countless hours, and lots of cash on testing and treatment we've got a strong passion to succeed and thats something admirable! We follow our hearts and live in our dreams which one day will come true! For all of this we become stronger people and when the little ones come along, I believe we will appreciate them more and be stronger parents too:) It will all be worth it in the end, so its important to keep that end result in mind! Keep sharing~I think its a wonderful way for all of us to know we are not alone!
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