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523927 tn?1257018704

Hansa Center visit

I took a recent trip to the Hansa Center out in Wichita, KS during the month of February. My decision stemmed from a year of using conventional medicine methods and achieving no answer as to what ails me. One of my more recent MD visits resulted in a comment that it was “all in my head and I should consider seeing a psychologist”. Sorry, I know what kind of person I am, I know how I feel, and I’m not quite yet Looney Tunes. I had also seen a couple of holistic doctors in the last year and it was kind of eerie how their testing results coincided with each other which just convinced me more that something was going on inside of my body.
The decision to go to the Hansa Center came from reviewing their website and using some Jernigan Nutraceuticals in the past. The Jernigan supplements were suggested to me by PlateletGal and I definitely felt some effects from using their Microbojen product. We all know how much PlateletGal tries to help everyone and inform, so I really value her opinion as something to consider.
By no means is this trip report meant to be taken as “Hey, everyone, you are doing everything wrong and the Hansa Center is your only option!” The purpose of this report from me is to let people know that there is another source of health care for you out there by a group of caring people. It is your decision to make on what you need to follow to get better and I’m not trying to sway anyone’s belief of the healthcare system. Most of all, I don’t want to misrepresent what the Hansa Center has done, does do, and will continue to do for people who want to get healthy by natural means.
My trip consisted of two weeks in Wichita, which is what the Hansa Center recommends for out-of-town patients. Ten days are spent at the clinic, excluding weekends, and the days are generally 3-5 hours. The clinic is populated by the wonderful and caring group of Dr. David Jernigan, Dr. Samantha Joseph, and Katy and Karla. Everyone is bright and cheerful and caring and makes you feel very welcome. I should add there is also a therapy puppy, Dr. Samantha’s dog, and he is just as friendly as everyone else.
The clinic is currently one level and set up with a relaxing atmosphere. I do state “currently” as the Hansa Center is constructing a new two-story building that will consist of an expansion of the clinic on the main floor with a wellness spa on the top floor as well as an organic café. There will be other exciting features and the new clinic is being built right next door to the CrestHill Suites, where I resided at for two weeks. Another promising feature is CrestHill may refurbish some rooms with Dr. David into “organic” rooms for visitors to the Hansa Center. This is a great undertaking and should be awesome when completed. The natural surroundings right in this area are also relaxing and not stuck in the middle of town.
I spent most of my time with Dr. David, as Dr. Samantha was on vacation for the second week I was there. The doctors like to tag-team patients to provide as much knowledge and experience on the analysis of your situation. I would have liked to have spent a little more time with Dr. Samantha to get the full effect of their efforts, but by no means do I feel short-changed. I would like to state that Dr. David is easily one of the most knowledgeable doctors, if not the most, that I have dealt with. This is coming from an experience of seeing twenty different doctors in the last year. I’m not stating the other doctors were dumb, but I’m sure many of you have experiences with doctors who have stopped broadening their horizons of knowledge. This isn’t any different than other professions. Some people excel and continue to grow and others stunt their growth and are content with it. Dr. David is easily one of those who excels and continues to grow with his knowledge and he is a wealth of it.
So what do they do at the Hansa Center? Biological Medicine is one way to state it. From a personal experience, I found it to be a detox clinic for the body, mind, and soul. The clinic’s goal is to restore the body’s original design and balance to allow it to heal itself. Dr. David is a strong believer in that the human body is more than capable of healing itself if its balance is restored. Their goal is to treat the cause of the illness and not treat the symptoms which is common protocol with conventional medicine and drugs. The Hansa Center definitely believes in a natural approach and to avoid pharmaceuticals. In addition to the therapies they provide, the doctors are well-versed in many techniques, far too numerous to list for the purpose of this report.
My first day consisted of a CRT test (computerized regulation thermography) and a physical examination. The CRT measures body temperature along certain points of the body and gives an indication of what organs are not functioning properly based on the readings running “hot” and “cold”. My results were not too overly surprising as I expected my heart, spleen, and liver to all be out of whack. I have also known for months that my core body temperature has been consistently low by a couple of degrees, low enough where certain microbes like to populate in it. My colon was running “low” which is a possible indication of a yeast problem. Considering I have had a colonoscopy in the last year, I can safely say it’s not a result of some polyp or malignancy issue.
As a comment, I’m not going to do justice in description of the testing and therapies they use, but they can back it up with a lot of scientific research and the fact that there are hospitals and MD’s out there that do use the same type of equipment. For example, the CRT is widely accepted and used in hospitals and by a variety of MD’s including oncologists. The CRT is also an FDA-approved device.
The physical examination is at least a good hour with one of the doctors and they determine dysfunction in your body through Bio-Resonance Scanning (BRS). Once again, I don’t feel I can provide enough justice in describing what they do and I don’t want to misrepresent their efforts. Therefore, I am going to keep some of my descriptions at a minimum. The BRS technique is one that I don’t think I can easily describe but it is based on frequencies that your body produces as well as what frequencies microbes (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, parasites, etc) are producing. The BRS is something that you really have to experience to have an appreciation for it or at least to generate an opinion of it. I will say that Dr. David’s office is full of specimens on microscope slides that he can frequency test against so there is no feeling of results being pulled out of the air. There are also many other benefits to what can be determined through BRS.
My results through BRS were not surprising and actually in-line with what previous holistic doctors had told me and even some blood tests. I tested positive for Lyme and some of its co-infections, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, mycoplasma, and fungus. I don’t think that is the complete rundown as I don’t have the list in front of me but that is the gist of it. The one that stands out for me is Lyme as I have suspected it for quite awhile. It should also be strongly noted that the doctors at the Hansa Center are not providing an official diagnosis nor a cure. They are providing support for the body to start functioning correctly and resolve the pathogens in your body. The Hansa Center is not filled with diagnostic tools like CT scanners and MRI’s and running blood tests, so they are not going to officially diagnose you with anything. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t walk into the clinic with a medical diagnosis already, an example being one fellow was dealing with cancer during my visit.
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How are you now?
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My sister i thinking of going to the Hansa Center, she is in constant pain and she thinks it is fibromyalgia.  Her doctor says it is rheumatoid arthritis.  

The only relief she has gotten has been from doing the at home protocol in Dr. Jernigan's Beating Lyme book.

She is concerned about the 2 weeks off.  But is also afraid that if this gets any worse, she will be off work permanently.

I found this while searching the internet for Hansa Center.  So you think she should go?
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Hi ott70,

I remember months ago, I tried to find information online about CFS from the Mayo Clinic. I couldn't find such information to add to our Health Pages. I'm checking now and finally... they have a page on CFS. However, I disagree with their treatment plan... especially the cognitive behavior therapy and exercising... unbelievable ! Here's the link:


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523927 tn?1257018704
That's a tough question, at least in comparing it to other people. My 1-10 scale might not be like someone else's 1-10 scale. I think for the most part, I have been fortunate that my lifestyle has not altered much (work, social) except for less vigorous exercise. There have been very few days where I felt like I needed to stay couped up in bed. However, my most troublesome symptom is heart-related and that always makes you wonder what condition your body is in.

Scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst)
Before: 7
Now: 4

I think that's a fair assessment. I have only been back from the clinic for one week now and I expect to make progress over the next few weeks until a have another appt at the Hansa Center for re-evaluation. This morning was a little rough with heart flutters/skips and some malaise, but I feel better right now.

I've made progress and there is no reason for me to think otherwise. Everyday now is spent on focusing out the negatives and incorporate some positive healing with my mind and spirit. It's going to take some time but I wholeheartedly believe I made the right decision versus going to the Mayo or another conventional medicine facility.
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On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst), where would you rate your health now vs. before you went to the Hansa Center for treatment ?

You know after I had EAV testing done, my whole outlook on health changed. Did that also happen with you ?
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Hi !  I'm so happy for you and am very happy that you were able to actually visit the Hansa Center and be treated there in person.

Long before I had a diagnosis, I was having success with "alternative medicine".  I actually had one practitioner tell me that I had a chronic infection. At the time, it didn't make much sense to me, but now it certainly does ! Anyway, she treated me with EAV testing, acupuncture & homeopathic formulas. I remember going to work feeling worse. I was confused by it all, but I made so much progress that I was in remission for about a year. Of course now I know what this woman was doing and the science behind it. I had actually made the huge mistake of stopping my treatment early. Fortunately, I have a specialist now, who put me back on the pathogen killing treatment (originally antibiotics) and now Dr. Jernigan's formulas. My blood pressure is actually stabilized and my Endocrinologist is happy with my progress.... but more importantly, so am I.   ; ^ )
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Thank you so very much for sharing your personal experience with us.  It sounds like a wonderful place and i'm so glad you could have this opportunity.  I have no doubt that they do great work and are on target for what ails many of us here.

Personally, if I could afford the expense I would do the very same thing as you.  Unfortunately, the closest center to me is in Philadelphia (I believe)...and I could not manage for the parts that insurance would not cover...if any.  

We can all, however, read the books and take some measures on attending to our own bodily needs with supplements and detox.

I wholeheartedly agree with you about the power of positive thinking in our lives.  I'm on a personal, spiritual journey at this time and it's most rewarding.  We may not be able to change our slot in this life (one of having a chronic illness), but we can try to stay focused in our search for healing and spiritual enlightenment.  

Thank you again for sharing.
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523927 tn?1257018704
Once again, keep in mind this is not an only solution for you that I am promoting. I understand this isn’t some people’s cup of tea and I’m not providing this information to change your mind. It’s an option that I hope some become aware of and consider it. Dr. David uses the analogy of the three blind men and the elephant, on how they are describe a different part of the elephant but they are all right that it’s an elephant. He feels the same way with the medical community, that there are other solutions out there and he’s not promoting his way is the only way. I have seen some comments on other Lyme boards that criticize Dr. David pushing his supplements and some feel they are high-priced. I can easily attest that the Hansa Center has many, many other natural supplements that Dr. David is not associated with that they will offer to you. So Dr. David is not peddling his formulas to you but there is no reason not use his supplements since he has frequency-tested them to his best knowledge of effectiveness. Consider that the clinic has been in business for 14 years, they have seen thousands of patients from all over the place, and they are soon completing a new two-story building. All of that suggests success, that there is something behind all of it, not to mention the sincerity of the staff.
And to all of us, promote positive thinking! It’s medical knowledge that positive thinking is good for the body and soul. Focus on the positives in your life or thoughts that bring you positive emotions and stray from those negative thoughts about your illness. It’s a difficult mindset for us to work out of, but it’s scientific fact that negative emotions and thoughts promote no good. God Bless those who read through all of this and God Bless all in general. Amen.

PS - I do mean this posting for all of you CFS and Fibro sufferers since it is popular belief that pathogens trigger both conditions and the Hansa Center treats for both.
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523927 tn?1257018704
One interesting test was a tongue analysis. I knew that my tongue had changed in the last year but no MD really ever commented on it. As soon as I stuck out my tongue for Dr. David, he was proclaiming I had a textbook tongue that demonstrated body dysfunction. He proceeded to run through some pictures in a medical book about tongue analysis on what a healthy tongue looks like and tongue shapes and colors that suggest dysfunction in the body. I found that to be mind-boggling on why more MD’s don’t recognize something as simple as a tongue analysis. Sure, looking at a tongue is not going to tell you what you have, but it seems pretty clear-cut to me now that there is logic behind looking at a person’s tongue more in-depth.
The remaining nine days revolved around a doctor’s visit each day and then various detox therapies. The doctor’s visit would result in BRS testing, many different techniques – too many to list (gentle chiropractic techniques, low-level cold laser therapy, color therapy, myofascial release therapy, essential oils, and so forth), – and supplement support. Each of the doctor’s offices were an impressive setup but also a relaxing setup. The amount of natural and homeopathic remedies along one wall is astounding. I can’t imagine the time spent by each doctor to know the extent of all of the remedies they have but I will say each of them seemed to know just as much about natural remedies as any pharmacist knows about drugs. This just reinforces to me that they are two of the most knowledgeable doctors I have ever met.
The therapies, what I consider detoxing of the body, consist of an infrared sauna, an ST-8 lymphatic drainage machine, Ion-Cleanse, Lux IV electronic gem treatment, and a VIBE machine, at least the therapies I did. There might be another therapy or two I’m missing to add and it sounds like the new clinic will have multiple tools as well as an introduction of a new therapy or two. I can state that Dr. David scrutinizes what he provides for a therapy in terms of effectiveness and quality and there is plenty of literature and data around the clinic to read about each device. I can tell you from experience that the Ion-Cleanse footbath was the most visually telling. There is some hoopla on the Internet about the Ion-Cleanse not being a credible device, but I can tell you from experience that I witnessed changes. The Ion-Cleanse is meant to free toxins in the body and pull them out through your pores. The water changes certain colors based on what is being pulled out. Obviously, water itself is going to have metals in it and does add to the discoloration effect. However, I can state that the first day I did it that the water looked like oil sludge with big foamy bubbles. The last day that I did the Ion-Cleanse, the water looked nothing like the first time. The water being used is a constant and should have stayed the same color, so there’s no doubt in my mind that something was detoxing out of my body.
I also enjoyed the infrared sauna a lot. It runs at a lower temp than a regular sauna and penetrates deeper into your body to help sweat out toxins. Infrared saunas are widely used and there is significant research regarding the health benefits of using them. Plenty of info about them to Google. And I can state that the VIBE machine did something to me. I’m sure in a positive way but the first two times I used it I could feel my body on a buzz a few hours later, like a caffeine buzz. This doesn’t happen to everyone but it happens to me – my guess is I’m more sensitive to electrical frequencies.
Did I mention the clinic is relaxing? They really go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and there is constant positive reinforcement being spread around. Soothing sounds and odors abound and some of the therapies include music or DVD’s that promote positive thoughts and relaxing techniques. And for those of us that believe in our spiritual side, there is plenty of that to be shared as there is a strong belief in God and Jesus Christ and what the Bible says our bodies are capable of. By no means is anyone preaching their beliefs, but it is open to discussion and prayer can be provided as a therapy. Try and get that from your local MD!
So those that are interested now are probably going to want to know about expense. Can’t say that is was cheap, but what healthcare is? Some of us are fortunate to have health insurance, but even that can be an expense with the deductibles. A two week visit is going to be a different expense for each person depending on what you do. The new patient packet you can request from the clinic gives an example of what expenses could be over two weeks. To be honest, I ended up coming in at a lower dollar value than I had planned for and was lower than the packet example including my supplements. Of course, you also have to consider travel, hotel, and food expenses. Fortunately, Wichita is not an expensive hub of the US. The cost of it did freak me out a little before I went out but then I thought about it further. For example, Dr. David’s expense for an hour visit with him is actually cheaper than what a specialist charges you or your insurance and the specialist is most likely not going to be spending an hour with you. The cost of the therapies is reasonable and the cost of supplements is probably comparable to a drug prescription without insurance coverage. The Hansa Center also provides you with itemized bills that you can submit to your insurance company. My initial estimate is my health insurance will probably only cover a small chunk based on a previous conversation with them. However, I am going to portray positive thoughts that they will cover more when I submit some of my bills. Regardless, it’s going to work out in some fashion because it’s my health. I should also add that a two-week visit to the clinic is not a financial commitment. You are committed to the first day if you back out, but you pay on a day-by-day basis. I would like to say that they told me it’s rare for anyone to leave before their two weeks are up.
How do I feel? Better. Is it Lyme? Probably, in my mind. Do I benefit from trying to get officially diagnosed? Probably not, as many of you who know about Lyme know how difficult it is for a chronic Lyme sufferer to test positive. And even if I get a positive test, how does in benefit me? A regular MD is just going to want to pump low dose antibiotics which LLMD’s have admitted is not effective as a cure. I personally want to avoid drugs which is why I only filled three or four of the thirty prescriptions I was issued by MD’s over the last year. Am I cured? No, but if there was a two week cure out there for us to use wouldn’t we all be hammering on the door? I do have symptoms that have gone away and just a few that are lingering at this time. Unfortunately for me, my biggest symptom is heart flutters/skips/palpitations and chest/heart pain. I am happy to report that the last three days have resulted in a lot less of the heart issues than before.
The Hansa Center also recommends in many cases for a one week revisit after a month’s time as they recognize that the body needs a lot of balancing to get it back on track for all of us chronic sufferers. For me, Dr. David said 4-6 weeks before going back out and I might only need to stay for 1-3 days.
For those who are interested, I recommend their website, www.hansacenter.com. I also recommend Dr. David’s book Beating Lyme Disease, the latest edition. A lot of interesting facts that he cites in the book about Lyme and other pathogens. And for those of you looking for a spiritual boost, I highly recommend Dr. David’s book Everyday Miracles by God’s Design.
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