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I can not believe my doctor!!!! What do you guys think?

I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago with Fibromyalgia; I also have DDD and scoliosis.  I am a 29 year old female and the winter is really really hard on me.  My arms hurt, my legs, my neck, back, and hands hurt; my skin burns and I get really bad migraines.  I was going to a pain managment doctor and he was extremely rude to me.  I would end up crying after every visit; he basically accused me of lying to him.  Every doctor I have spoke to in fact has told me that I am too young to have this many problems.  One of my really good friends works for the doctor I am currently seeing.  He was really great and understanding.... At first.  He told me that he could help me and that Eventually this would all "go away."  My son recently got a rash on his stomache and arms, so I called his doctor and scheduled an appointment.  I was scheduled to see my doctor on the 23rd of this month; however, he prescribed my meds on the 19th... well anyone that has medication of any kind knows that the next month my meds would be available on the 18th and then the next month on the 17th because 30 days is always one day shy of the first RX accept in months of 29 days.  My sons appointment was today so I asked if I could get into my doc today.  The nurse asked me what I was there for and I told her I had to get my refills because I didn't have anymore so that is what she wrote on my chart.  My doctor came in very aggrivated and told me that he could not "take part in this" and that I am ADDICTED to my medication.  He then told me that because I am not making an effort to go walking outside *BECAUSE THE COLD HURTS ME SEVERLY*  that I am not even making an effort to get better.  He then asked me how many pills I take a day.  I am prescribed to take 4 lortab a day and lately I have had to take  4 a day and I am not sleepin well at all.  The cold makes my whole body ache terribly.  He told me that I had to be taking more than that because I was out of pills.  I looked at him seriously confused and said NO SIR I am not out of pills I asked to see you today because My sons doctor is RIGHT UP THE STREET FROM YOU. AND I hate to drive my son in this type of weather.  It is horribly cold, snowing, and icy.  Needless to say he had me so upset I began to cry.  He then told me that He would switch me to a pain clinic and offered me THE PAIN DOCTOR I HAD JUST LEFT and another one.   ????????????????????????
I just do  not understand SERIOUSLY.  I am beginning to seriously believe that there are NO good doctors out there.  How can a doctor sit there and tell you that you don't hurt like you say you do and ACCUSE you of being addicted???!!!!???!!! WTF???  excuse my language but i am seriously soooo tired of this bulll crap.  Because they go to school for a lot of years they have the right to sit there and demean me and my feelings and my pain?????  I am seriously starting to become depressed... I am at the end of my rope.  I do not enjoy hurting, I do not enjoy taking these meds and I do not think this is funny or some game.... THIS IS MY LIFE.... If it wasn't for my son I would seriously give up and shoot myself... But I can't because he needs a mommy and he is my whole world... he is the reason I fight everyday to get up and keep going....
Do I sometimes take a extra pill a day? YEP I sure do if i am in serious pain I will take one... does this make me a addict?  am I a horrible person because I do not like to lay in agony?  I take hot baths, I use heating pads, I have a heated blanket for goodness sake... I have done everything and tried everything that they have EVER asked... and yet EVERY doctor ends up treating me the same way...
WHAT DO I DO???  What do you guys do?  Anyone who takes the time to read this THANK YOU... SINCERELY... I am just soo sick and tired of this... its not right... i shouldn't be sitting here crying right now wondering if I am losing my mind and crazy.... I do not imagine this pain it is real... and yet every doctor I go to seems to think I am a liar..... I just wanna give up
46 Responses
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136956 tn?1688675680
OMG you sound just like me :)

I was diagnosed with FMS and CFS when i was 18. I was ignored by most people and looked at like a hypochondriac, even my own family.

I had a doctor tell me he couldnt see me anymore because I cried too much!!!!

I went through some really hard times. I am now 33 and the pain is still here and I was diagnosed 3 yrs ago with Stage IV endometriosis.  

Most of the time I dont tell people the pain I am in because 1) they dont want to hear it, 2) they dont care, and 3) they have never experienced pain like this.  They will never ever ever understand until they are in that position.  

Don't give up :)  I am hear to talk if you need someone to vent to or even ask questions etc.
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I am sorry to hear that you have and are going through this as well... it is like living in hell... and no one really wants to listen or even cares... Who in their right minds would even WANT or PRETEND to be in this kind of pain?!?! It makes no sense what so ever to me.... Have u eventually been able to find a good doctor?  Have u been able to find meds that worked for you?  I just keep thinkn that there HAS to be one good doctor out there... doesn't there?  Even tho I want to give up, everyday I wake up and look into my 3 yr olds eyes and I know that even if I am living in hell.... it is worth it for him... he needs me... and I need him too....  I think that when I walk into this new doctors office I am going to "interview" him... and if he doesn't foot the bill I will continue lookn... They are paid to help me... they aren't paying me... so you know what? either they are going to listen and care or I will just keep lookn... Im done with the B.S. Either they want to listen and want to help me or they are simply their to think that they are better than everyone else and kno everything... perhaps this is wrong of me to think this way... i'm just so upset and angry... and I think more than anything I am hurt.... its  not right... its not fair... but then whoever said life was?
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1098245 tn?1292545210
WOW so sorry everyone!! My Doctor told me last visit when I wanted to try the new FIBRO/CFS treatment used to help and has even cured HIV and cut MS symptoms way back its called LDN, http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/ I asked him to call it in to my compound pharmacy, he said since I am his only patient with CFS he has no desire to learn more about it and wont prescribe off lable drugs... OMG WTF? are you kidding me? What do we pay them for? EASY STUFF ONLY?  Off lable, I said the "label" dose is 50 mg 3 times a day I am asking you Dear Dr for only 1 MG once a day, and you wont even do that? OMG.. thats 150 x LESS than lable doseing!
He wont even give me a firm diagnosis. BUT I have been ill since 1984 but didnt know all the things were related until I had to reserach what an endrogrin doctor suggested back in 2007. Im sick of it all.. at least I know whats wrong with me now its does not make life any easier to life. I am home bound with fatique and pain, I do get out and do water excerise 3 times a week other than that and 30 min at the grocery store a week, thats my life.. I HATE IT! I used to be so active in the early throw of the illness, but once you hit 50, your body will not forgive so easily now..
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I am so sorry!  This is exactly what I am talking about!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE DOCTORS?!!!?!?!?  I thought that a person goes into the medical profession to HELP people.  Not to judge, or tell someone how they feel or demean someone else.  Not to tell another human being that their pain can't possibly be as bad as the say it is or to tell someone that they have no need to learn of their illness because he or she is the only patient they have with this problem.  WTF?!?!?!  I am so saddened by all of this... something needs to be done... something has to give, something has to change.  You know I am sorry that there are people out there who lie and mistreat their meds... but WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THEIR MISTAKES.... this is ridiculous... and it is so sad... what are we supposed to do? we have to live in pain daily and these doctors want to simply sit back and do what?  NOTHING.... except make us feel worse...  Just for ONE DAY i would like for my doctor to feel what I go through to deal with the pain I deal with and then look me in the eye and say the things he has said.... OMG... i used to wonder why ppl commit suicide... now i understand... it is because you feel so low and so down and no one cares and no one understands... its like living in your own personal hell.... and ppl who could actually understand you and help you... WON'T... simply bc they don't want to.... that is what it comes down to.... seriously...
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1098245 tn?1292545210
Kimmie, thanks for the reply, I can see I am not alone. I urge you to research that website I put up last post. I belong to another fibro/cfs website where I found out about LDN, and many of the ladies are having GREAT results with it. THEY say they got their life back, I want that! I will not stop trying to get well, but it will take awhile I dont have med ins right now so paying money I dont have for my Dr to tell me he isnt willing to help me since he is TOO LAZY? OMG really pisses me off. He suggested I go to the country hospital where they have training doctors. Im not up to a 13 hour ER visit you know? I have to be feeling pretty darn good to sit in a FREE ER room! Oh well, GOD only gives us what we can handle. I hope I am doing someone some good some where with my replies and my research. I shutter to think what is going to go next on my body. Tonight I am having some tummy issues, I hope its nothing serious!!
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Most Doctors don't understand fibro and CFS. They may say they do but they don't. It makes me so sad to hear what you all have had to deal with.

   I am 24 for and officially been diagnosed 3 years ago. But I have had pain since I was 7.  I know people think I'm lazy because I don't work and stay home most of the day. I try to work but never can keep the job for more then a month or so because I just can't handle it. I go out with a group of people and am so wiped out after 2 hours.
I could go on and on about this but I'm sure you are all in the same boat with me.

         I'm so sorry to all of you who suffer like me with Fibro and CFS . Try to keep your head up. I know its hard. But we are all in this together.

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I am sorry to hear that you have to deal with these problems as well.  I think that is the worst thing- people think that you are really being lazy!! Or they think are faking or pretending... who pretends to hurt like this?!?!? Who in their right mind would want to be looked at as if they were a liar or crazy or simply lazy??!??! It makes no sense to me... the more I hear of you guys hurting like i do, it makes me wonder how ANY doctor can actually look at us and say the things they say and do the things they do.... it makes no sense... If i were a doctor, i would want to help people!  I would want to go over every symptom over and over again until i could really truly help them and figure out what will work for them... why can't i find a doctor like that???  why can't we all find a doc like that?

do you have a good doctor?  were you able to find something that helps? You said that yiou have hurt since you were 7... i am so sorry... honestly i am..... keep praying... i do... and i look into my childs eyes everyday and i find a reason to get back up and keep fighting this battle... bc no one else is going to help us... we are going to have to keep fighting and searching ourselves
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136956 tn?1688675680
I think doctors are useless.  Its actually pretty funny because I think patients know more then the doctors at time and that is what gets the back up of many doctors.  

I have had no choice but to do my own research and find the right doctors etc etc because if I didnt I probably would have committed suicide a long time ago.

They make you feel like a piece of crap.  Its hard when your own doctor does not believe you.  I have switched to so many different doctors, actually I cant even remember them all there were that many. So half of my records are probably lost some where.

FMS and CFS suck I hate it and it has taken over my life.  

I could write a book about my journey in life.

emmy: I am there with you on having problems since childhood.  I have never been well. I have always suffered from headaches and body pain as long as i can remember.  I feel like I am 80.

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I agree with you! Patients do know more... in some ways I think it is because we live it EVERYDAY... A doctor can never actually understand the pain we deal with... They have never had to deal with pain that is unexplainable and does not ever go away.... One doctor actually told me that because I am having a lot of trouble working out during the winter that it is my fault i hurt because ppl with fms HAVE TO HELP THEMSELVES....... Seriously... I just feel lost... my own boyfriend doesn't even understand it... he tells me its in my head... somedays i really wonder if it is worth the pain to continue on... but my child reminds me... he is my reason for keeping on going when I don't feel that I can.... ;As you said this stuff simply and utterly *****..
Im in a glum mood tonight... I tried to go shopping with my aunt, cousin, and my mom... i'm exhausted and I hurt all over... wanna sleep but can't bc i hurt... and honestly I am soooooooo tired of living like this...
Somethings gotta give... I wish I knew of ONE good doctor in ohio... I would travel where ever... I just want one doctor who wants to help me, who believes me, and who is seriously interested in what is happening in my body....
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1098245 tn?1292545210
My illness has chased off friends and some family my teen is all I really  have left, and that is becuase I never let her know just how bad I really am. When she comes home from college dorms on the weekends I make sure I have saved up all my eneries for her, and when she goes to work I am flat out again, its not a normal way to live I cant even get in the holiday spirit!! SAD!
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136956 tn?1688675680
Its funny how the things that people say can hurt so bad.  My sister once told me that I ruined our whole family with all my so called health issues.  From that day forward I cut her off and I dont make any efforts talking to her.  

Now that she has had her child she has problems of her own and I really dont care.  

I know thats bad because I am not that type of person but what was said by her at many occasions cut through my heart.

I dont think that there is one person that I know that can understand what I am going through.

It friggen ***** to live like this.
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Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain: A Survival Manual (2nd Edition) by Devin J. Starlanyl and Mary Ellen Copeland (Jun 30, 2001)

It seems like I have suffered most of my 63 years with CMP. An auto accident in 1996 pushed me over the edge with (undiagnosed) fibromyalgia. I went through every test and treatment before I got pro-active. My daughter brought me the above book (along with Starlanyl's other 2) in 2003 and it really helped me sort out what was going on. I remember that I was seeing a physician for my symptoms and he sort of shined me on. Then about a year later (I STILL hadn't fired him, silly me) he pokes around at my collar bones and says, "Why, you have fibromyalgia!" that was 2005 and he prescribed Cymbalta and Lyrica. You've got to figure than these docs who got out of school b4 anything was known about the syndrome are going to have a slower learning curve.

Fortunately, I changed docs and got one who understands that I have thoroughly researched my symptoms and conditions and am coming for a professional opinion and cooperation. We work together. She was a little shocked the first time I requested medical marijuana authorization, but I gave her a CD full of research on the effect of THC on muscle spasm and now she just adds authorization renewal to my yearly check up. I completely believe in educating doctors. This really is how medicine works today. You have to be able to tell them what is going on inside. In the 90's I had a team of 7 doctors treating me! Nobody had any answers and none of their prescribed treatments worked. The ones who helped most were a psychologist (who offered biofeedback to help me deal with chronic pain) and the rheumagologist who explained that some people have trigger points and some don't (CMP) and who referred me to the above psychologist.

What I have learned is that I have to treat myself if I want to live. If I lay around I will once again become unable to walk and that creates all sorts of other medical problems (heart, lungs, digestive) that I don't want. Being active, moving the blood around, is the best thing for me. I have horses now and getting up to feed them everyday in the snow and ice is a challenge, but it gets me out of bed when nothing else could. I doesn't matter how much I hurt or how tired I am, if I can just get out and take care of their needs my day will be a success. The bonus is that I usually stay up and do so much more that the pain goes away (if you have chronic pain,you will understand this phenomenon.) I remember the bad doc mentioned above saying I couldn't be disabled if I had horses. More stupidity!

I try to keep pain meds to a minimum but in this cold season when all the other aches and pains kick in on top of the fibro I find that I usually use 1 vicodine before the day is over. . .In summer when the days are longer (I live in the NW) I take a nap  midday and can get by w/o that except for flares. I know about the kick-back of narcotic pain meds (make you hurt more when they wear off than you did before taking) and so I walk a fine line of not being dependent on them, but also staying ahead of the pain (and avoiding the ER!)
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I have to admit that i am just sick and tired of being sick and tired.... I think I am starting to become depressed and I have fought and fought to not be depressed... but i am getting sadder and sadder.... i am unsure what to do anymore the will in me to fight this disease is slowly dwindling away... my child makes me realize that i have to keep fighting.. but at times i wonder if he would be better off without me.... i'm tired of livin like this... i'm tired of doctors not believing me and i'm really really tired of being in pain
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681148 tn?1437661591
OMG!  I can relate to some of this, because I went to an urgent care clinic ONCE.  I was so demeaned and dismissed and the "doctor" wouldn't even let me finish my question.  Get this, I am one of the few who is very intolerant to the narcotic pain meds that so many of the other FMS/CFS patients use because of the severe pain they're in.  I am also intolerant to Tylenol.  I can only use NSAIDS and I can't take those all the time because I'll get rebound headaches from the migraine disorder and I have gastritis and GERD.  And, many of us do have the GERD to go along with the IBS.

That urgent care doctor insulted me so badly that I refuse to go back to the place.  She talked down to me when I was only asking if there was something else that can be used for pain that was NOT in the narcotic family.  Before I was even finished speaking, she dismissed me as if I was a drug seeker, as you all have been mistreated.  The woman wouldn't even let me finish.  What's the matter with this person anyway?  Isn't it clear that I am NOT looking for the stuff that others are looking for when I'm trying to tell this woman I CAN'T tolerate the stuff in the first place?  She had the nerve to dismiss me and insult me and say that she WON'T get involved with anyone's "pain management".  Believe me, the tone she used was insulting, demeaning, demoralizing and accusatory.  I was only asking for information for God's sake!  If the woman didn't want to write a prescription for it because of the type of clinic that is and how close it is to a meth clinic in my area, I would've been fine with that.  I was just asking for information.

Okay, so there really isn't anything else.  Tramadol isn't a narcotic, but I'm definitely allergic to it and it really isn't effective on the FMS pain I have.  A lot of FMS patients say the same thing about it not really being effective.

I so feel for you, because I have FMS pain all the time and I'm unable to even treat the pain at all.  Yesterday evening all I could do is try to divert my mind off the pain, but I was still unable to entirely because the pain was especially bad.  I was intentionally playing a game on the computer to take my attention off myself.  That's so tricky with the brain fog and the migraine I had, too.  I was pretty miserable and couldn't really do anything about the migraine either.  Treating the acute migraines too much and too often can make the problem worse.  All I could do is take the nausea medication to reduce the nausea and nothing more.  The pain comes in waves and will still make me wince from the piques in the waves.  Even the neurologist treats me with much more respect than that arrogant urgent care doctor did.  I get my SSRI from him, and being that I'm sensitive to stuff, I don't want to take a higher dose or an additional SSRI.  SSRI's are supposed to help some with pain of FMS and migraines.  I have yet to experience any evidence of this, but we've almost all been down that pathway, too.

Yeah, to be treated like a drug seeking drug addict ***** big time.  I'll go clear across town to my PCP before I step foot in the urgent care clinic ever again.  At least she knows me very well and won't dismiss me like that and knows I can't tolerate the usual narcotics.  She will be sympathetic and at least be a good listener and not dismissive and insulting.  It just didn't make sense to me to be mistreated like that at the urgent care clinic (I had gone in for something else and wasn't treated much better for what I went in for either.) when I clearly stated that I am allergic to narcotics and I'm allergic to Tylenol and I'm allergic to Tramadol.  I wasn't even finished speaking before she cut me off and talked down to me as if I'm a drug seeking meth head!  I hate the arrogance of some of these "doctors"!
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So were you out of medication? Reading the post it sounded you ran out before the 19th, so that is probably what triggered your doctor's response. I am not saying he was right, but that was probably what did it. You told him you were not out, but you told the nurse you needed the refills (which to them means your out) & you admitted that sometimes you take an extra one. So technically you lied to him, I wish you could have explained to him that the 4 he prescribes is not doing the job of controlling your pain.

Regular PCP doctor's won't handle long chronic pain patients, most of them due to the strict FDA laws that have them walking a thin line. A pain clinic is really what you need along with an understanding doctor. If you have fibro trying to stay active is VERY important. It may be to cold to go for a walk, but do something inside if you can.

Urgent care clinics are exactly that "urgent needs", you won't get much help if your there for chronic pain.

Most of this is not what you wanted to hear, but it is what it is. The fakers make it impossible for the legit ones to get any kind of help. Don't give up, you must take control of your pain because in reality, no one else will do it or cares or understands.

Good luck..
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No I wasnt out.  I was due for a refill on the 17th; I went to the doctor on the 15th. My son had a doctor app that same day and his doctor is right down the street from mine.  I live in ohio so it gets very icy in the winter and i prefer not to take my son out more than i have to.  I did explain to him that I did not think that the meds were working as well...., which is when he went off on his little tirade about how i must be out and blah blah blah... honestly im just sick of doctors.  Anyone who takes medication on a regular basis and who has severe pain gets their meds filled atleast a day before they are going to run out.  Also, i said I do take an extra one if I HAVE TO; however,  if I don't need the 4 that day, I WILL NOT TAKE 4...
Also I realize that I have to stay active; however, it is very difficult for me with the cold weather.  I try to still walk, but by the time I am done my body hurts so bad that I end up in bed for the next day.... so how is that helping?  Really?  At least in the house I can clean and move around as much as possible.  
My biggest problem is that it is NOT my fault that there are ppl out there who fake... therefore, I am not going to pay for the things that they do.  Doctors should not judge every single patient because of what other patients do.  Its simple:  Doctors either want to help ppl or they want to judge them and not do what they went to school to do which is to help ppl.  
I realize that most doctors don't take on chronic pain patients; however, I told him my situation before I ever took him on as a doctor.  He knew everything, i had every file sent over to him; therefore, if he didn't want to deal with it he should have never told me he would.
I am not trying to be rude, but there is NO EXCUSE for these doctors.  Period.  You either do your job or you don't, just like in every other profession.  
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I know exactly how you feel!!I am now going through a similar problem!My Family Doctor of 30 years passed away last year and he placed a doctor in his practice to take care of his patients well guess what I went to the doctors appointment yesterday and he now tells me..Well now after this visit he will no longer be giving me pain meds!!!!!!I fought for years against going on pain meds with my family doctor we tried them all before i finally gave in and started on perks.I do NOT abuse them i take 4 a day and like you sometimes i need an extra especially with all the snow we have had this year!My Family doctor and i had tried for many years to get my pain under control and now that it is and he is gone this new doctor i think does not believe in FMS He is rude talks down to me like i am second class I do NOT like living with having to take meds but it was a last resort and yet this new doctor doesn't even take the time to read my file and see the years i suffered in pain and took nothing at all!!!!I finally had gotten to a point in my life that i do not spend my day in bed crying and now it will all go back to a point that saw me quit a good job in the automotive industry ,constant pain and thoughts of suicide!!I give up!!!
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I am just in the saddest awe to see how many people are in the same mess I am in. It really is sad. I am a 32 year old female. I have had this since childhood. I was told it was growing pains back when and have been checked for arthritis, RLS, etc. I'm sure you all know the years of false diagnosis. Utter was a few years ago that I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. At first, I thought...Yea! The newest disorder to be diagnosed with....having no faith that it was what I had anymore than growing pains was accurate. However, after years of research and reading others stories, these strangers are describing my life perfectly, so at last I finally know what is wrong with me. I also have IBS and insomnia. Then this past January, my situation worsened when i lost my Dr. Get this! My husband and I along with my 2 children have been using this Dr. for 7 YEARS. I took Tramadol and lortab daily for years along with other meds like Klonopin and blood pressure meds. My Dr. Started going to school and only took appointments before lunch. The latest appointment I could get was 11am and you had to book it a month in advance. Mornings and nights are my worst time and I missed an appointment twice in the last year because I woke up in such a mess, I could not make myself get out of bed to go. Then with no warning, I got 3 letters certified mail. One for me...one for my husband and one addressed to the parents of my children saying that we had been "non compliant " and could no longer be patients. I could not believe it. I thought I had a decent Dr. I called to ask what we had done thinking it had to be a mistake. I was givrm a list of 10+ reasons that are considered non compliant....mostly drug use issues but we don't use anything except what the Dr. Prescribed. We don't even smoke or drink....ever! Nothing bad at all! Try to find a new Dr. That treats chronic pain....None treat chronic pain in new patients!!! NONE!!! So what do we do? I even tred a Dr. Group that talks on the news about fibromyalgia.  I drove an hour and a half to little Rock for this Dr. Just to get told when I was there that she treats fibromyalgia patients but never with narcotics...only with herbal medicine. I know my teeth hit the floor. If herbal meds worked, I would use them. I don't like the idea of killing my liver with narcotics, but nothing else helps. Believe me, I have tried EVERYTHING! !! massage, chiropractor, vitamin therapy and every pill u can think of...rx or OTC. Even a few old wives remedies. The drug abusers of the world habeas ruined everything. I also tried a pain clinic that i drove an hour to Batesville, AR and was treated so rudely by that Dr. I don't know how she keeps patients. Actually, I do know....we are so desperate for pain relief that we have to suck it up and they can treat us anyway they want because it is the only way to get any help....that is IF you find a Dr. That will even treat you. I have been in a mess for months....try loosing all your meds cold turkey after years of taking them. It is not fun! And i certainly understand every statement made here about the lack of care from a Dr. What happened to "First, Do no harm" They must have changed it to " First, Do nothing!" good luck to u all!
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I've had this disease for many years now myself, and I know what you all are speaking of. My only additional comment to all of this is that I believe that the non-treatment of chronic pain is a modern holocaust. The only job of the medical profession is to reduce or eliminate pain. They do not do this as a result of pernicious laws restricting effective drugs or other treatments. This has to end, there has to be a revolution in thinking here.
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I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1996...but it really wasn't that bad at that time and I just brushed it off. It did explain my fatigue and pain issues, but I was young and I was going to fight this. Well, in 2002 I was involved in a near death accident (I hit a guard rail head on at 60 mph) This was when my problems really began. I had a doctor that did treat my condition but then left the practice. I eventually found a doctor that I really liked and we really got a good doctor patinet relationship...I began seeing her in 2003 and until this year I had seen this doctor a few times a year and of course when I was in attack. This week I scheduled an appointment with her and when I arrived at the appointment they wouldnt see me they didn't take my insurance. I was willing to pay cash for the visit and they still wouldn't see me. I have GREAT insurance so I don't know what there issue was anyways. I was forced to find another doctor which is next to impossible to find a doctor that will treat fibromyaligia. I found one and I think I really like her. She has new ideas to help me which I would be so grateful for. I just had a gastric bypass surgery and have already lost 80 pounds in the past 3 months so I am more active, but that can cause me to overdo things and send me into an attack.
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I hate to say this, but welcome to our world.  I think at some time everyone has gone through this.  You need a Dr. that specializes in Fibro. Everytime I call for a new Dr. I make sure he has a lot of fibro patients and lots of knowledge on fibro.  I've been through so many dear,kimmi.  My heart goes out to you.  Killing your self is not the way to solve it.  that would bring on many more problems especially for your child.  You are wrapped up in how you are hurting physically and mentally right now, but don't forget the feelings of your family.  I thought of this many times also, my dear. "they'de be better off without me".  But, they won't. They would have guilt the rest of their lives and wonder what they should have done to save you. And on behalf of God, He doesn't want you to do this. He has a plan for you and you really don't want to mess up His plans!!!  Take something for depression and if that doen't work, try something else until you get a handle on your depression. Then you will be able to think about what you want to do about these Dr;s.  Pray for a Dr.to come into your life that will not only be knowledgabe but will be understanding and empathetic.
Good look Kimmi and many blessings to you.  You are worth it!!!!! Blossom2512
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2143208 tn?1336211728
I just had a nasty experience w/ a first time appointment w/ a physician and she had the nerve to tell me that she doesn't believe in FM and said it just means I'm severely depressed and that I need to see a physiologist and be examined.  She told me my symptoms that I have are all in my head. However, I was being treated for my FM from a pain specialist, neurologist, rhumatologist, and going to a physical therapist until I lost my health insurance because I was no longer fit for duty and was forced to resign from my job so I have been struggling to find a doctor to help me from the wonderful free medical health program that Virgina has to offer.
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1983602 tn?1336396985

I 100% understand where you are coming from, and most of these "doctors" and/or "neurologists" are plain and simple full of crap and have NO IDEA what they are talking about. (Not like they've ever had to suffer with this kind of pain on a daily basis..)
And if I remember correctly you mentioned something about how you're doctors weren't taking you seriously because of your age and they didn't believe someone that young could suffer that much pain - my suggestion, go online, it's easier to find but I'm sure books could work too, and find cases and information about what I believe is called Junior Fibromyaligia - or at least something similar. And that can occurr in people as young as 3 to 5. You stick the research in his face there's no way ANY doctor can argue with you.. It's the only way I got my first doctor to listen.. I hope it works for you too.

Turns out when I was 14 or 15 a friend had picked me up ran around the gymnasium at school with me (It was someone I fully trusted so I thought nothing of it.) and as we were 3 steps away from the 'finish line' he threw me up to try to get a better catch on me and ACCIDENTALLY missed. Needless to say I came crashing down on the wooden floor, was knocked unconscious, and bruised several bones. And of course anyone that knows anything about Fibro most likely knows that it's usually started because of a traumatic/ physical event. Now of course I'd never had even a hint of it before (Although my mother, who also has it along with several of her sisters, had been keeping track of a book of my symptoms and the more she read and recorded the more she didn't like what she found. Later to find out that I'm practically her exact medical replica in most cases.) however, after the accident in the gym the Fibro slowly started to ruin my life as I'm sure it has others. I barely even graduated High School because I was out so many days simply because I just couldn't get out of bed 'cause I was in SOOO much pain. Granted the pain had lessened for a little while, I am now 21, turning 22 in a couple months, an am now without ANY help from any doctor at all because the last one that was REALLY, REALLY good at  helping me let his secretary get away with not doing her job fully and discriminating against me. (She made up several excuses so that the doctor would refuse to see me again..) GRR. And to make matters worse, they dropped me two weeks before the holidays, making it IMPOSSIBLE to find a new doctor to help me then! Not to mention him/ them telling me that they were ripping me off my narcotics  was a whole other big problem.
I'd even gotten desperate enough to try the doctor that my [now] ex-boyfriend had recommended. I don't know what he told that doctor (Most likely he gave him all MY symptoms, among other horrible untrue comments - jerk.) Cause once when I went in there, I'd even brought my mother in with me to validate everything I said also in case I forgot something that she didn't, as well as at least a 20-35 pg. packet of all the lists of meds I've been on, who prescribed 'em and when they were given, making it very simple for him - this doctor, who's ranked #8 in the state (How - I'll *NEVER* understand. Especially after telling me it was all in my head, lying to my face about what kinds of meds he prescribes, and how he thought me seeing a therapist would cure it all. Yea, he couldn't even bother to GLANCE at the list. Well gee, I'm sorry, but if it's all in our heads, than why on earth would we have to see a rheumatologist to get the final diagnosis?? A call that I was told that any other doctor requires him (or her) to make..  I don't know about you guys but it certainly doesn't make much sense to me, lol.) He assumed my crying my eyes out in agony was just pure depression or something a lot like it. B.S.!! Of course the rain and the cold makes it worse!
[He just wanted to keep putting me on the same meds that had already landed me in the ER a few nights before due to bad reactions to the new medications. Not that he could be bothered to listen.]

Since then I've absolutely refused to go back and deal with that -  [In an effort to be polite..] quack; that jerk; that damn phony.
Months later I've been through just about every neurologist in the Middlesex book, but finding a doctor that will take a 21/ 22 yr old seriously in my condition and *HOPEFULLY* give me my meds back so I can get on with my life before it's too late...
I don't know.. Any suggestions?? Any help would be appreciated..

Hell, after all, is it really such a bad thing to want to be constantly treated like a guinea pig; tried on drug after drug, taking test after test - last I checked that's nowhere near living...

Regardless - best wishes to all and I hope things pan out well for each of you.

P.S. Sooo sorry to get off topic..
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Goodness :( I can completely empathize with you. Right down to the "THIS IS MY LIFE.... If it wasn't for my son I would seriously give up and shoot myself... But I can't because he needs a mommy and he is my whole world... he is the reason I fight everyday to get up and keep going.... " comment.  I was diagnosed when I was 22 with Fibro and was prescribed over 25 pills a day. I took them for about 3 or 4 months and didn't get any relief so I took myself off all meds and gave up. I convinced myself I didn't have Fibro and if I did the meds would've helped.  I went  literally for years until I was 34 to go to a doctor again for the pain becaue it had gotten so much worse. Now I have so many problems it's insane. Now I get to deal with feeling like doctors don't believe I'm in the pain I'm in and doctors who just don't get it. I have been told so many times this or that is in my head and I need to see a Psychiatrist. Of sourse I've also been able to prove those doctors wrong everytime with tests. More randon symptoms found, lesions, bone degeneration, severe deficiencies, etc... Not that that makes them do anything about it other than tell me I should still go to a psychiatrist for my depression and anxiety. They just have to accept that maybe I do feel pain in those areas. I have so many stomach problems that the last thing I want is more meds so I started going to a therapist to help me deal with how hard life has gotten. As everyone here knows, you lose so much it's almost impossible to deal with and understand by yourself.  So my therapist recently ordered a sleep study for me and I am going to the neurosurgeon today with proof I am in pain even when I sleep. Otherwise the leg that I've been complaining about since the get go would not of moved 90 times. It was also discovered that I am only getting about half the stage 3/4 sleep I should be getting which is the restorative stage for your body. No wonder is the way I look at it. If my body isn't healing at night from the damage I did to the day prior and this has been going on for years then I'm hoping it will be very obvious to my neurosurgeon something needs to be done. So just a suggestion but if you can get a sleep study done then you may have proof you need the doctors can't ignore. After all, we don't consciously control our bodies when we sleep.
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