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Anxiexy and/or fatigue after eating or drinking anything

I have been having anxiety and/or fatigue after eating for over a year now. The symtoms come on about 10-15 minutes after I eat. It doesn't matter what I eat or when I eat. I get anxiety and/or fatigue and it lasts for anywhere from 1-3.5 hours. I always have these symptoms, wether it be at breakfast, lunch or dinner. I thought that it may be a blood sugar problem but my blood sugar has never gone below 81 mg/dL (except when I was given the oral glucose tolerence test.. I hit 50 mg/dL) and it has never gone above 145 mg/dL. The doctor told me I am a reactive hypoglycemic however my blood testing hasn't shown that. Please correct me if I'm wrong as I am not a doctor. I recently went to a general care doctor and she perscibed anti-depresants! Now, I AM NOT DEPRESSED! If I was I would be the first to admit it. I am very happy except for the fact that I am having these symptoms. Does anyone think they know what I might be dealing with? I am 5'11" and 159 lbs. I workout 4-5 times a week for an hour and ride my bike on Sundays 8 miles a week. Please help!
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Also, I do not have symptoms after drinking water.
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If you're having fatigue after eating items that are gluten-based (wheat, rye, barley and sometimes oats) you may want to look into the possibility of celiac disease. Fatigue can be a symptom in some, if fact it may be the only symptom that really shows up. My husband, whose only other symptom for years was a feeling of food not digesting very well, also slowly developed a debilitating fatigue. At times he'd have to lie down and sleep for hours - and he'd still wake up tired.

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Get the book, "Is This Your Child" by Doris Rapp.  She is a brilliant doctor in New York who did food testing on children and recorded it.  These children tested normal for food allergies, but food sensitivities are another thing and are tested differently.  Find a Holist Doctor that tests for food sensitivities.  This may be your problem.  I had this problem for many years.  I would eat wheat and become hyper.  I would eat rice and become weepy and cry uncontroably.  Eventually I went on an anti-depressant called Paxil and also Depakote.  Once I did, my cerebral allergies (this is another name for it) went away.  So, give the anti-depressants a try.  They take at least 6 weeks to works.  The reason they work is that they stop allergic reactions.  You may be having an allergic reaction in your brain.  Allergies can effect all different parts of the body.  You must find out the food that is causing the reaction and get rid of it.  You can start right now by getting the most common allergins off of your diet...wheat, soy, nuts (including peanuts).  Find out what the most common ones are and stop eating them.  See if the problem goes away.  If not, get the book.  Good Luck!
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Just in case I didn't make myself clear...If I were you, I would do 3 things RIGHT NOW.
1. Look up on the web what the most common allergins are and cut them out of your diet.  Also, make water the only beverage you drink.
2. Take the anti-depressant
3. Get the book, "Is This Your Child" by Doris Rapp

If you still have the problem after doing 1 and 2 for 6 to 8 weeks, see a Holistic Doctor that tests for food sensitivities
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Just in case I didn't make myself clear...If I were you, I would do 3 things RIGHT NOW.
1. Look up on the web what the most common allergins are and cut them out of your diet.  Also, make water the only beverage you drink.
2. Take the anti-depressant
3. Get the book, "Is This Your Child" by Doris Rapp

If you still have the problem after doing 1 and 2 for 6 to 8 weeks, see a Holistic Doctor that tests for food sensitivities
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Thank you all for your help. I have lowered my sugar intake considerably (no soda, candy, sweets, etc) and it seems to have helped alot. I still have symptoms, however they are not as severe and do not last as long. I will be seeing a doctor (that specializes in digestion) in a few weeks so maybe he will discover something... Thank you all again.
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When I had cerebral allergic reactions, the worst reaction I had was to sugar.  It really caused a lot of mental problems.  I would consider cutting out all forms of sugar, even fruit and fruit jucie, and sweeten your foods ONLY with stevia.  I like NOW brand.  It's available at health food stores.  If this is a cerebral reaction to food, a traditional doctor will not know how to test or treat it.  In fact, he will probably tell you there is no such thing.  After seeing the a GI doctor, you may want to see an allergist.  If they can't pin point it, get the book I mentioned and see a doctor who tests for food sensitivities (I think it's called a RAST test).  However, if you cut out all forms of sugar and this goes away, you really don't need to do anything because you have found your answer.  Good Luck!
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