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Bad Digestive and Stomach Symptoms!

Where to start! For the last 5 or so months I have been experiencing many annoying and unexplained symptoms.

I have frequent, painful stomach cramps which usually climax and then go away in a minute, irregular bowel movements, usually semi-formed or watery. Occassionally after a bad attack of diarrhea, I will have an unfinished bowel movement sensation followed by a small ammount of bright blood. Another symptom occurring, (which seems to have only appeared recently) is a strange upper stomach fullness- along with a lack of appetite- usually after eating in the morning and sometimes lasting for the entire day.

Have taken 4 blood tests, all showing elevated liver irritation (I don't know what to call the levels, doctors have been very vague) which have been improving. The doctor also noted that one level was elevated, implying mild general illness. All other areas were fine, as were the stool tests. I also went for an abdominal X-ray, which returned perfect.

I don't want to spend another 5 months with these symptoms getting many more pointless blood tests. Any suggestions of what the problem could be and what tests would help to further identify the problem.

Thankyou very much for your time.

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Thankyou for anyone who may read this. I just had the colonoscopy and gastroscopy done three days ago. The doctor said it was a severe case of Ulcerative Colitis and immediately put me onto 30mg of Prednisolone each day (A corticosteroid) for the next few months. I will be moved onto some other medication after the inflammation has settled.

I'm happy that it has been diagnosed finally and hope that others don't have to deal with their symptoms for so long in the future.

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I was thinking that might be the case. Glad you are having the colonscopy. GL to you
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Okay, another quick update. I did in fact have glandular fever, albeit quite a few months ago so it is irrelevant. LFTs have been fluctuating since September and I will be seeing a GI within the next month.

Sorry for boring you all!
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How great!! Lots of luck and do keep me posted :)
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Ok update. I went to another GP today and he suggested that I get tested for all liver diseases (Hep ABC, HIV etc) and if they return negative, he'll write a referral for a GI. He thinks it could be Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's. Just as I suspected all along.

I will inform you all when everything's been sorted!

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Ok.. Glandular fever does have some of the symptoms you explain, but it's not supposed to last with diarrhoea for 5 months, AND it does noe explain the blood. You don't mention feeling fatigue or achy. Have you been?

Glandular fever often starts with a few days of mild symptoms, including headache, and fatigue. The major symptoms then develop, and last seven to twenty one days. The liver can become inflamed and that would explain your high LFT's. You can feel tired for months afterwards. Have you had swollen glands?

If I were you I would demand a colonscopy in any case or change to a doctor who is willing to send you to a GI.

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The outpatients specialist said that it was unlikely to be IBD (don't know why?) and pointed to me possibly having Glandular Fever  a few months ago. Haven't had any tests for Glandular Fever yet.

I don't understand how this explains any of my symptoms?
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After 5 months your doctor should be able to explain his thoughts to you. Having stomach cramps with irregular bm's and blood could be a sign of colitis.

Blood can be a sign of hemmeroids, and a colonscopy should be a good way to rule out more serious stuff.

Elevated livertests are something you defenitly want to know more about. Ask your doctor to explain or get your latest testresults from him and find a new GP NOW!!!

The general illness test he is talking about is either SED or WBC. And is a indecation of inflammation or infection in the body.

I would defenitly not wait. If you do have colitis or IBD it needs to be treated as soon as possible.

Good luck and keep us posted!
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