5285867 tn?1365993292

Bile Reflux Gastritis

I have been sick with Bile Reflux Gastritis. I have done a lot of research on this disease. My doctors put me on Sucralfate 1gm. It made my heart race. I searched for many days to help my self and other sufferers. I came across an article in Helium by Frank Will on Bile Relux Gastritis. It talks about natural cures and four herbs to take. I do have a boyfriend who is knowledgeable with some herbs. I tried the herbs in the article. Camomile tea, slippery elm, licorice root, and marshmallow root. I made a tea using them all. This is the first time I had relief.My stomach is so much better. I sip it all day long. Not warm but cooled off. I know that the licorice root you use sparingly because it can raise blood pressure. I want to tell other Bile Reflux Gastritis about these herbs. Please let them know about these remedies that have been around for hundreds of years. My question is what else can I do to produce less bile. I know I must do lowfat diet and digestive enzymes. Not sure which ones to buy. I am finally eating bananas, salmon, boiled potatoes, smoothies with Hemp pro50, I do not have my Gallbladder. I am dairy free, gluten free, no junk food, drink water and my tea. Can I use olive oil and butter only sparingly. Any suggestions would be great.Thank you Loony56
63 Responses
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1711789 tn?1361308007
Hi there!

Yes, sparing use of fat/ products is allowed, while these are best avoided at bedtime/ at dinner. Aside natural remedies that seem to be helpful, you could try taking cold fat free milk and medications that help to reduce the gastric acid secretion. Taking small frequent meals is preferred over single large meals. Avoiding stress, control of conditions such as diabetes, nutrient/ micronutrient deficiencies etc. are other changes that might be beneficial.
Hope this is helpful.

Take care!
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The problem is with bile acid reflux your stomach is not making enough acid HCL on its own to help with digestion! So many people have this wrong! You need to take Bile salts, enzymes, digestive bitters!!!
1756321 tn?1547095325
My mother has bile gastritis for over 25 years (due to gallbladder removal). She is now pain free (took all up 2 years but was 90% better after a year) taking digestive enzymes containing proteases (enzymes that digest protein).  An excellent article online to read from Enzyme Stuff: Digestive Disorders and Enzymes. "Proteases help reduce inflammation, clean out debris and infection, and stimulate healing."  You bet it does!
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5285867 tn?1365993292
Thank you for the information. I make my own tea. Chamomile flowers, slippery elm, marshmallow root. Wow does that help. Learned it from the web site  Helium by Frank Will all on Bile Reflux. My boyfriend does herbs all the time.  i drink my tea all the time. it also relaxes you. Loony 56
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HI loony, did you go to the doctor and the doctor diagnose you? That you have Bile Gastritis? Endoscopy showed that you have Bile Gastritis? Which state do you live in?
1399363 tn?1462342610
try DGL=Deglycyrrhizinated licorice it doesnt raise BP. anyway i ve been searching similar issue too. seems some herb to help liver increase bile production so im confussed. (such as dandelion) also have you tried ginger?
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I researched a lot on Bile Reflux. I found this website called Helium. There was this author named Frank Will who did this column on Bile Reflux. He said that there was a couple thousand year old herbal teas you could make for Bile Reflux Gastritis. My boyfriend uses many herbs himself. In fact he does not got to doctors. I made tea using chamomile flowers, slippery elm and marshmallow root. I get the water to a rapid boil. Remove from heat and steep About 4 cups. Big pinch of the flowers one pinch of the marshmallow and smaller pinch of slippery elm. You can use licorice but sparingly. I will do research on dandelion. I went to the goodwill and found as many herbal books as I can. You can call of some chinese medicine acupuncture places and they know alot about herbs. I know that the tea I make does wonders! I put it in a jar and call it my brew! Without it I can't eat. I am going to get some digestive enzymes called anzeo pangene, Still doing research on that. There is lipo gene another product on Dr Dahlman online but found similar items less expensive on Pure Formulas website. All of this is research still for me. My problem is I have Hypo Thyroid and the Gastritis does not help. I hope you stay in touch and when I find out more about herbs i will let you know. I have not tried Ginger because that always irritated my stomach. Right now I must go to an endocrinology for my thyroid. Its hard trying to stay healthy now days. To many chemicals. Just don't let them in your house or in your food. Thanks loony56
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1399363 tn?1462342610
hello :D i was confused about ginger too if its supposed to help or avoid. also ACV. what about tumeric, have you tried?
i know slippery elm, marshmallow root and licorice when i was searching for GERD problem. but didnt know it could help with bile? or maybe since the symptoms are almost the same?
i do have DGL chewable tablet and tried slippery elm lozenges only(150mg dont know if that helps i think it was only for throat problem)  but i didnt use it often i think the dgl could help a bit but if i eat fatty food still couldnt cover it. so i watch my diet. but the reflux ALWAYS comes when i was asleep (eventhough i dont eat before bed) which is weird but during the day if i careful with what i eat i didnt really notice the reflux eventhough still many gas.
i also have chamomile tea i bought it for insomnia but tried a couple of times for insomnia but didnt really help to make me sleepy although the smell and taste was soothing but didnt know if it could help with reflux?
anyway, does the tincture act like a drug (dependable) only to try to prevent the reflux for the next a couple of hours or it could heal/cure?
thanks for the idea about chinese herb ive been to what they called "shinshe"  its like a chinese traditional doctor also acupuncture but didnt really help i think in my case. but since its hard to find marshmallow root and slippery elm here (i have to buy it online. i was thinking of using gaia herbs. i heard theyre good? but i have to wait long for it to come) and you gave me an idea. maybe i could find it on chinese herbal pharmacy. but i couldnt find the chinese name for it :(
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I was looking in a book called natural healing. It says that acupuncture can help with Gastritis, insomnia, reflux and a lot of our symptoms and more. They give tea to you that will help with symptoms. In Colorado they have a chinese acupuncture school that charges $20.00 for  visit. I have not tried Ginger or Tumeric because my stomach is really sensitive. Prop your pillows at night and don't eat anything 3 hours before bed. My stomach is very sensitive. I eat a bite here and a bite there. No big meals. I will make fish and store most of it in the fridge, When I get hungry I will eat small bites. Vitamin Cottage here in Colorado has all the herbs, They might have online store.I found herb books at our goodwills called ARC. I have natural healing books.I have started CHI Quong and Tia Chi. This is all over U Tube. It is Chinese tradition and help relax the mind. I think the chinese tradtions are the best for cures. I try not to take medicine except for my hypo thyroid. Anything natural. Avoid surgery foods, processed, fatty, dairy, gluten and eat a bland diet. I avoid all fast food and restaurants. I have lost 35 LBS and feel better. Most of the food has High Fructose Corn Syrup, All Dairy makes me have reflux, all meat, all fatty foods. Thats because our stomachs cannot digest it. Makes sense. I hope all of this helps. Loony56
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1399363 tn?1462342610
i know qigong and taichi. been on and off with it though. i also watch videos online. also meditation, yoga. you must have heard it too. i think its for relaxing.
i dont know about the shinshe maybe i should find the right for me or maybe it was something else i dont know. been tried lots of things though and its tiring and makes me skeptical and lose hope :(
anyway you seem not interested with DGL? maybe because of other ingredients in it or its processed. although it said it doesnt raise BP.
have you tried/know about xylitol, erythol? it said its a better substitute than other sugar form. havent tried though but still finding more and more info.
probiotic also good.
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I will research the DGL. I have been avoiding so many foods. I eat bland. Bananas, apples no skins, potatoes boiled whipped with almond milk and slim on the butter, oatmeal smoothies with banana and apples. LOL. I add my vitamins. I can eat salmon, cod, trout, and now eggs with some yolk removed because I have elevated iron levels. I can do broccoli and carrots.I have to go easy on broccoli because of my thyroid and iron levels. I am really careful with food. I add no sugar or substitutes. No condiments,no junk,meat,dairy, gluten or processed. Probiotics are really good. I drink my herbal tea everyday. I do tai Chi and Chi Gong when I can.I am Looking into acupuncture next. If you find out anymore good remedies let me know and I will do the same.Loony56
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1399363 tn?1462342610
sure, anyway. i also avoid gluten, dairy, sugary, fatty food. and from information that i get a lot. its better to avoid high sugar food. one of it is banana. also in my case i really try to limit my sugar intake/sweet food that means most of it is fruit i have to decrease it since i usually take a lot also carbs. the hard thing is it only lasts for 1-2 hours so i get hungry fast :(.
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1399363 tn?1462342610
sorry i mean high sugar fruit not food. i try to search for other low sugar fruit instead but they dont taste as good (sweet) as the high sugar fruit. lol. avocado is good too but cant take a lot too. i usually like papaya since they said its good too for digestive but its high sugar too so have to decrease. have you tried aloe vera? its good for health especially digestive.
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I can eat avocado but I have to limit those. I am not really worried about fruit andt high sugar fruits. I do eat bananas and apples since it is kind to my stomach. I think the most important is dairy free, meat and gluten free and of course fatty foods. I do eat fish but have to limit that since it contains mercury. I have iron issues, thyroid, Bile Reflux, gallbladder removed, I passed a kidney stone. I eat very small amounts. I lost 35lb which was good. Having all of these problems I have learned to have faith and patience. I do love aloe vera. I use it for everything. I do make all my home cleaners, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, and herbal remedies. I buy no chemicals from the stores. This includes makeup, toothpaste, shampoos, home cleaners you name it. Watch all your parabens, poly glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate and so many more chemicals. I go to organic stores and then you still have to be careful. Is there a reason you have to avoid high sugar fruits?
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1399363 tn?1462342610
i also prefer organic. the mercury issues also worries me too. (fish oil supplement, seaweed, spriluna, etc) its important for health but mercury ruined it. if i eat sugary food my HR raise/palpitation and my digestive problem got worse. i was worried about candida too because i used to take antibiotic often. and sugar feeds candida. candida could caused many health issues.
thats good that you make your own profuct, unfotunately i cant do that. is it hard to make all of that? i also dont like those chemicals. choosing supplement is hard because they added ingredients that could be have bad effects. its annoying.
i was searching about prebiotic and probiotic, soluble fiber, insolube fiber. it got a little confusing though. some said to avoid fermented foods, other said to eat those. also about prebiotic from inulin which is chicory root. eventhough i dont know where to find chicory root here even if i want to. some source said it feeds good bacteria but also bad bacteria.
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1399363 tn?1462342610
oh i forgot to add. about sugary food. our body dont need much sugar intake anyway so less is good. more sugar could cause bad health too. and carbs, grains, starch (i avoid starch though) convert to sugar also. some vegetables have more sugar too like carrot, pumpkin, etc. and since i eat brown rice and a little oats, fruits, carrot, squash, i have to reduce sugar intake from other food (includes high sugar food).
i also use olive oil, and some vco.
anyway about oats. do you know about the phytic acid issues? also there are other controversy about it too so i was uncertain if i should take it or not but there are also some good benefit from it.
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I use no sugar. It is really hard to digest especially white sugar. Best to avoid it. You use white vinegar to clean your home. Get a sprayer bottle fill have with water half with white vinegar. I put in about 15 drops of lavender oil and 15 drops of tea tree oil. That makes a wonderful sanitizer. Tea tree oil and lavender oil is a natural disinfectant. Vinegar is a really good cleaner. I use a smaller bottle that fits in my purse and fill it with water add 7 drops of tea tree and 7 drops of lavender and use it to spray buggies and my hands at the store. Works really well! I usually go to DR Kahlsa Soram where he has this store to buy his vitamin D 3. He has the best products.No fillers. He is a natural doctor who was on DR OZ show. I like fish too. Trout has less mercury. The smaller the fish the less mercury.I am not aware of the phytic acids in oats. I do put oats in my smoothie about once  a week Oats and bananas was all I could eat for a month. I am now feeling a wee better. My digestion is slow going but greatfull I can eat anything compared to 2 months ago. I am buying gluten free bread, not bad tasting. You should make that tea. It calms my stomach down! The best policy is eat small meals. I make fish and put half in the fridge and then I snack on it during the day! Bite here and a bite there. I have to watch out for iron in my foods which are ferritin levels. Make sure you have vitamin D3, vitamin b12, ferritin levels checked! And your thyroid! Hope all of this is useful to you. Hope we can learn and share our storys! loony56
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1399363 tn?1462342610
oh i see i think maybe i will look for more information about it if i think i can make it. i was looking for information about oats yesterday turn out the brand i usually used quaker oats may contain glutten. no wonder. and it says its not easy to find product that doesnt contain glutten :( i wanted to make that tea but its hard to find here. i already bought it online but have to wait for it to arrive. i was also reading much about food intolerance yesterday. histamine intolerance, etc. pretty interesting. anyway have you tried sea cucumber? seems good especially for digestive. also home made cultured veggies. for live probiotic. but i dont know where to find the jar :(
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5285867 tn?1365993292
You can find gluten free oats. Not sure how they taste. The bread is real good. Never tried sea cucumber and haven't made cultured veggies. I do eat oatmeal smoothies and of course that is the only gluten I do use. If I find some gluten free I will try that. I am leaving to go to North Carolina next week, then Florida for 3 months with my boyfriend. Hopefully the humidity will do me some good. I am in Colorado where there is a dry climate. I have been taking my thyroid pills and finally feeling better. I can eat limited food items which I am great full just to be doing that. I think some beach time and vitamin D3 sunshine in Florida might help. Keep up the research I will do the same. loony56
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1399363 tn?1462342610
sounds fun, hope you will have a great time :) vitamin d3 from the sun is really necessary. yeah im still looking for more information. keep posting!
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I recently found some marked down digestive enxymes called Digestive support from absorb aid. I chose the powder. I mix half teaspoon with 4 oz water and drink it during my small meals. It seems to be helping. This has Amylse,Lipase,Protease the main enxymes. I did check into the DGL. The doctor Weil was on Dr Oz and talked about it. I will use that instead of heartburn pills. I do still use my home made tea. I started to feel better with my thyroid and now I have a really bad sore throat and on antibiotics. I will use my probiotics even more now. I hope to be leaving for North Carolina then to Florida to see my step dad who is not doing very well. I hope to feel good myself soon. Its been a long journey 4 months. This Website has been very helpful. If I do not reply back to you I will when I get situated. Thanks and hope you are feeling better! loony56
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Hello Red Star.
I too have Bile Gastritis since my gallbladder was removed 5 years ago. I am in agony with burning. Burning even in my chest and throat. Did your mom have these symptoms also? I also get spasms in my bile ducts. I've been on digestive enzymes for a few months now and they have helped the bile diarrhea immensely! Does you mom take her enzymes on an empty stomach?
You have given me some hope!
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I got off dairy, meat, legumes, junk food, processed. I do eggs, almond milk, fish, oatmeal, bananas, apples, potatoes, carrots, broccoli,most vegetables, most fruit except citrus, avoid vinegar which is in most condiments. Steam your vegetables. I only do unsalted butter. I do DGL which you can get at health food stores for heartburn and digestive enzymes! I have powdered enzymes i mix with water during meals. I make homemade tea with Chammomile, slippery elm, marshmallow root. This I do believe cured my stomach. I drink tea a lot.  You can get that at health food stores. Without a gallbladder you have no where to store bile. You must avoid sugar an fattening foods, no deep fried! This is called new life style! I have lost 45 lbs and feel so much better. Remember you have no Gallbladder. Eat small amounts. Hope this all helps loony 56
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1756321 tn?1547095325
Glad to help!  

My mother had a painful stomach, painful burns up the esophagus and throat and painful spasms in the bile duct. She also suffered severe GERD and severe LPR (due to low stomach acid and lack of enzymes) for almost 6 years.  She takes digestive enzyme supplements and betaine HCL with pepsin supplements before meals.  My mother no longer suffers GERD, LPR or gastritis.  :)
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how many times a day do u drink the tea and do you buy tea bags of the slippery elm and marshmallow tea...where can i get these?
how are your iron levels high without eating meat.
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5285867 tn?1365993292
When I had Bile Reflux Gastritis I drank the tea all day. It calmed my stomach. I am feeling so much better and I still drink my homemade tea. You can buy the Marshmallow root, slippery elm, and Chamomile tea with flowers at a health food store. Regular stores will not have it nor do they come in tea bags. Go to an herb store online. My iron levels are doing better. I feel the best than I have for years. Right diet, homemade tea, enzymes and probiotics are the key to feeling better. Use DGL its is a licorice in tablet form. Hope this is helpful. Feel free to contact me if you still cannot find the tea i will send u some! loony56  
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Hi loony, my names Jessica, im 25 and just had an endoscopy this past Monday. They said my stimach looked pretty normal except i have excess bile in my stomach, and slight slight gastritis in my stomach and lower esophagus. He prescribed me sucralfate to take 4 times a day but it made my throat thick and a felt dizzy. So i didnt take it again. I just started juciing cabbage im on day 2 and it seems to be helping. But i had my abdomen ultrasounded and everything came back normal, and the HIDA scan showed my gallbladder being great at 89% during the function test. Do you have any ideas why i have excess bile in my stomach? My blood tests came back all good too. But my right rib will feel tight and i get low grade fevers here and there, tightness in my chest and nausea. I feel like i will benefit from your tea, what do you need to look for when buying the ingrediants? And how exactly do you make it? (Proportions, steeping time, when do you take it)
You can help you will be a godsend! I have already changed my whole diet, havent had alcohol, coffee, choloate or caffeine in a month in a half, quit smoking cogarettes two and half months ago the day this started because i thought it was my chest, but those tests were negative as well. Thank you so much, im excited to try your natural way of healing and be back to my self again
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