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15 Year Old Girl With Severe Stomach Pain

I am a 15 year old girl, and I get these severe, excruciating stomach cramps. I don't get them all of the time though. It was hurting so bad last night I was in tears. The pain is in my upper abdomen. It is usually more toward the middle, and on the right, but it eventually moves over to the left. I am allergic to dairy products, but I NEVER eat milk. I am extremely cautious. It was kind of gradual. It worsened over a period of two hours, and finally went away completely after about 6-8 hours. My mom took me to the emergency room because this has happened before, and we wanted to see what was going on. The doctor said he thought I had the stomach flu. Needless to say, we didn't agree with his opinion. Thankfully the pain subsided, but this morning after I ate I had a little bit of pain, but it went away, and it wasn't that bad. I do have a medical history. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome type 3, I have headaches every single day and doctors can't tell me why, and my toes are purple (blood pooling in my feet). My joints hurt a lot, but I am assuming that's from the EDS. What could be wrong?
I am not overweight. I weigh 84 pounds. I exercise 5 times a week. I just try to push through the pain.
Also, I did experience nausea from the pain, and my bowel movements were softer than normal. I have also experienced these stomach problems for about two years now.

12 Responses
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Ulcers are not a result of lactose intolerance.  I hope you figure out what is wrong and come up with a good treatment.
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Yes, I have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done. It revealed that I had an ulcer in my stomach of which they ran a biopsoy of. They said it was a result of lactose intolerance. I have been 100% dairy free for the time, and the diet has helped some because I used to just wake up with the pain, but I still get the pain in my abdomen sometimes, just not as frequent(maybe a 5 or 6 times a month; sometimes less or more). The description that pateint915 has given me of abdominal migraines sounds very similar to me, as I have researched further about them. I also have a very "slight" Chiari Malformation which may or may not be related to my stomach pain, but I believe quite strongly that all of my symptoms are linked together. We just have to find a good doctor that has the same belief. They say the indication of the Chiari isn't enough to cause any trouble, but we are getting a second opinion.
I haven't been to my gastro doctor since August because due to our insurance, we only have so many office visits per year (only 5). I am pretty sure I am going back in March, but this month I am going to see a diagnostician and family practicioner, and they will probably run some more tests. They have tested me for Celiac, lupus, diabetes, and numerous other conditions. It's hard to remember all of them haha

@patient915 Thank you for your information on abdominal migraines. My symptoms very much resemble those of an abdominal migraine attack. I usually get the pain after eating something greasy, not eating, when I don't get enough to drink, or when I eat certain foods, such as eggs. I am hoping this next doctor I go to will be thorough and find a concrete diagnosis for whatever is going on.

Thank you both very much for your information! I don't have an appointment scheduled quite yet with my doctor, but we are calling to schedule on tomorrow or Wednesday. Again, thank you!
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This is old so hopefully you can read this new comment. What was the outcome? My daughter is now 15 and has been experiencing the same thing. Last week she noticed purple bruises on her toes. So wondering what happened with your doctors? Thank you.
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It sounds like you are being well taken care of by your parents and I assume you have been to a gastroenterologist if you have been to several doctors all over the country.  When you have an empty stomach you can also get an abdominal migraine.  Abdominal migraines usually come in attacks and may always last the same amount of time.
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1475202 tn?1536270977
Good I'm so glad to hear you have been several doctors. You didn't say before. Sorry they have not found a diagnosis for you yet. Has anyone performed an endoscomy? This is a painless test that will sure tell them a lot. Also I think your doctor needs to send you to a specialist (Gastrologist) I also recommend sitting down with your parents and putting together a list of questions for your doctor. At the top of the list should be why isn't anyone taking further steps to help you. Two years is way to long and you dont know anything more. Doctors often are in a big hurry to move on to the next patient. Make them stay until you get some results. Good luck and best wishes.
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Thank you for your kindness. My parents have taken me to several doctors. We have had to travel all over the country, but nobody can give me an explanation as to why I have all of my symptoms. They have told me numerous things, such as stomach flu, gallbladder, etc. I am going to see my doctor next week, and hopefully will be step further to an answer or maybe he will have an answer for me.
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1475202 tn?1536270977
I sure wish I knew how better to help you. So i'm gonna try my best. I think you really need to get in to see a doctor. This is a problem that you have been living with for two years, what if its something that could have easily been corrected two years ago and you have had to live with it all this time. Even worse, what if its not so easily cured because of how long you waited. This problem should have been looked into for you a long time go, my consern is why hasn't your parents taken you for help. There really is no excuse for this kinda of neglect, you deserve to be helped. Talk to your parents, if they wont help you then i suggest talking to your school nurse and allow them to take whatever action nessasary to help you out. You must be honest with them and tell your whole story just as you have done hear so they can better help you. Dont make them guess. I really hope you get help soon. God bless you.
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What about when you have an empty stomach? Sometimes when I have gone a while without eating, my stomach starts to cramp up really bad. Or when I don't drink a lot the same thing happens. It is very strange because the pain usually always lasts 6-8 hours.
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Yes, just like with regular migraines, certain foods can trigger abdominal migraines.
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I am sorry. Can certain foods trigger abdominal migraines?
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I answered your question and so I'm confused why you bumped this post?  I'm willing to continue talking to you and discussing your symptoms and possible tests and treatments to help you figure out what is wrong.
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Welcome to the gastroenterology community!  It sounds like you might be having migraines and abdominal migraines.  I would recommend seeing a neurologist or a gastroenterologist about this.  The EDS is probably causing the joint pain but not the other things.
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