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Healthy 27/m sudden onset of dibilitating GI issues.

What's wrong with me? 27/m/athletic, debilitating medical issues over past 6 mths out of nowhere.

Symptoms & frequency:

-itchy scalp w/red bumps, starts behind ears, spreads to back of scalp when I scratch - occasionally (probably hives)
-hives all over body, including forehead, eyelids, souls of feet, palm - every day (reactine helps)
-debilitating esophageal problem - once a week, keeps me up all night into late am/early pm next day.
feeling of pill stuck in throat (like hive in throat)
chest extremely tight
gassy belching, feeling of trapped gas
constricted throat/esophagus, pain when swallowing water (like drinking too much water at once, hurts going down)
regurgitating partially digested food and foamy saliva
overproduction of bubbly saliva (have to spit all night)
throat constricts so tightly that it causes me to dry heave foamy saliva, accompanied with gut wrenching burn
vomiting (recent symptom)
sore throat
can't sleep when it flares up
is my digestion shutting off? Too much acid? HELP
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You have parasites! Almost 95% of people have some sort of parasite. These parasites breed, and make hundreds to thousands of eggs per day! Sugars, natural or artificial, seem to feed the parasites, creating candida. If you have allergies or suffer from post-nasal drip  (like I do), and have the sensation of mucus or "something stuck in the back of your throat", these are parasites "coming down to feed" on the sugars, dairy, and other mucus-forming foods you consume.

Let me list the ailments I’ve noticed, just in my own health struggles, over the last 20+ years: dry, itchy scalp (NOT dandruff, but I NOW know they’re demodex mites), thinning hair (or bald spots), allergies, sinus issues (PND), “cluster” and migraine headaches, eye floaters, visual disturbances, acne, occasional lesions, occasional ringworm & small white spots that appear randomly over the body (caused by what I NOW know is a skin fungus), easy bruising, anemia, constant weight gain (even when not eating much), itchy skin (especially on the lower legs), abdominal pain/gas/boating/IBS symptoms, vaginal/rectal itching (especially at night), depression/mood swings/memory lapses, body odor/bad breath, and nail fungus.

Most of the time, these parasites are "stealing" the nutrients from your foods, to feed and protect themselves in your body, leading to issues like abdominal discomfort, IBS/Crohn's, Diabetes, Anemia, easy bruising, Cancer, and other ailments.

Unless you go to a holistic or naturopathic doctor, your stool samples, and other blood tests will MAGICALLY turn up "negative". WHY YOU ASK??? Because the medical profession NEEDS you to keep coming in for unnecessary tests and medications, TO KEEP YOU SICK! It's more profitable for the FDA and Big Pharma, to keep one believing that something is wrong with them (whether gastro issues, psych issues, or other more serious illnesses and diseases), than to CURE YOU of your issues!!

I have parasites. LOTS OF THEM! I have been to several doctors that just write off anything you say, but are quick to order medications and other unnecessary (expensive) tests that DON'T WORK! I'm also a nurse (for over 35 years), and don't take one's word as gospel, until AFTER I do my own research.

In my research, I found an interesting link between parasites, an overabundance of candida, and various health issues. I’m an avid gardener, love sushi, grew up eating pork products, have always had pets (that I kissed often, and allowed on my bed regularly), had pinworms as a child (that I THOUGHT had been treated), and as an Emergency Room nurse, tended not to eat the best diet (I’ll admit). Yep, I fit the bill for parasite infestation.
I decided (after the last physician treated me like I was ignorant) to order natural supplements (from Amazon) to rid myself of any parasites. BTW, don’t bother buying anything for a candida cleanse (like I did) because until you rid the body of parasites, the candida won’t be eliminated. This candida buildup creates the “perfect storm” for various diseases and illnesses, including cancers, diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, IBS, Crohn’s disease, yeast infections, etc.

I ordered Dr. Clark's Super W Blend (which contains Wormwood, a POWERFUL anti-parasitic); Organic Cloves; and GREEN Black Walnut Hulls TINCTURE (Black Walnut Hulls capsules are fine, but the liquid GREEN Black walnut TINCTURE is far more effective. TRUST ME ON THIS).

I kid you not; by the second day, I passed worms. Clear, (sometimes white) stringy worms (pinworms) and tons of egg larvae, were in my stools. And, my stools were NORMAL stools; I wasn’t having diarrhea or constipation. Just an incredible urge to go to the bathroom! Sometimes, I went to the bathroom more than 4 times a day! The Super W Blend and Green Black walnut tincture kills the adult worms, and the Cloves kill any egg larvae.

I couldn't believe my eyes! But I was even more focused to get these things out of my body! I even brought in a stool sample that anyone, even those with slight intelligence, could glance at quickly, and KNOW something was wrong. But guess what?? The tests for Ova & Parasites, came back negative. WTF??

So I stopped going to doctors, because I now KNOW what the real deal is. If you want to rid yourself of these issues, you must be PROACTIVE in YOUR OWN HEALTHCARE!!

I will say that once you start this protocol, YOU MUST CONTINUE AT ALL COSTS! If you stop, the parasites regroup, and you experience even MORE issues!  I must tell you, however, that you’ll feel worse before you feel better. I went through the sensation of “things crawling all over my body”. These are the parasites knowing they’re under attack, dying, and releasing their toxins, which poison the blood and leads to intense night sweats, increased body odor/bad breath, and insomnia (especially between the hours of 2-3am). You may have also noticed these worms become MORE ACTIVE around the time of the full moon. For the sinus/PND issues, I also added Oil of Oregano capsules; take 1 capsule 3x/day. For immediate relief of that sensation of “something stuck in the back of my throat”, I break one of the capsules in my mouth, and allow the oil to slowly go down my throat. The oil burns, but it kills worms “coming down to feast”. NEVER swallow the mucus! Cough it up and spit it out! Swallowing the mucus (which contain worms & their larvae) goes to your intestines, to begin their lifecycle all over again!

Stay away from any sugars (even natural sugar), dairy, grains, white flour, white rice, white bread (they convert to sugar in the body, thus feeding the parasites), and any mucus-causing foods, as much as you possibly can. Buy Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, and put 1 TBSP in water (or another drink) and have that once or twice per day. Be SURE to drink PLENTY of fluids afterwards, as DE tends to constipate you. The DE are tiny, microscopic fresh water diatoms, that under a microscope looks like Chex mix; their edges are sharp, and shred the parasite’s body, rendering them helpless (or killing them), so they can be easily flushed from the body with the other products mentioned earlier. The DE also has other benefits: can be used in a home-made toothpaste (to re-mineralize teeth); for pest control (in and outside of the home, so lose your pest control company fees ☺); can be mixed into pet’s food to kill parasites in their bodies, as well as rubbed into their coats to kill fleas and other parasites, amongst other benefits!

****FOR THE ITCHING: Tea Tree Oil body washes! I run a bath (with the water as hot as I can stand), put a few squirts of this into my water (along with Epsom salt, I find parasites cannot stand this!) and sit/soak for at least 20 minutes. NO MORE ITCHING (for that day at least). Change all bed linens and wash your clothes daily. Vacuum resting spaces DAILY. DO NOT KISS, or allow pets onto your bed. Be sure to treat EVERYONE in your household, as its more than likely, they’re infected too.

This is working for me. I hope and pray that this helps others.
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Well it's been a couple of months since I posted.

The doctors once again showed their moronic tendancy.  I told 3 different people, my family doctor, the nurse and the doctor performing the gastroscopy - that I needed to be tested for eosiniphillic esophogitis.  In order to be tested for that, they need to take a biopsy of a certain section and test it for increased eosinophil count.

Well a couple weeks later, I checked with the doctor for my results and he had no clue what I was talking about - they didn't even do the damn test.  They took biopsies of my esophagus and tested me for other issues.  They told me I had a Hiatus Hernia, which he said the majority of people have and just don't know it.  He said it was unlikely to be the cause of my problems.

So obviously I'm fed up with the doctors, I haven't been back in 2 months, I have a specialist appointment coming up this month, so hopefully that goes somewhere.

Re: my own testing.

In December I stopped doing my extreme exercise program which had me eating a LOT of protein, and working out 3 times a week.

During the entire month of December I felt great- I had a couple really small flare ups, but nothing compared to before, nothing that kept me up all night.

I started my exercise program again in January - and over the past month I've been having the issues again. I've gotten sick about 3 times where it's interrupted my sleep and had me almost to the severity of where I was before.  One time was when I was in Phoenix on a trip, and almost caused me to miss my flight.

I stopped doing my exercise program last week, and so far I've flared up twice but not severely...I'm going to maybe take it down a notch and see how I react.

It feels like it has something to do with the amount of protein I eat when I'm on an exercise program.
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1100598 tn?1413127426
I am glad the doctors are trying to figure out what is wrong with you.  As far as the epi-pen goes, I am not sure where you would get one of those.

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1134679 tn?1260566598
It sounds to me like you might have Barrett's Esophagus...

Barrett’s esophagus is a condition in which the tissue lining the esophagus—the muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach—is replaced by tissue that is similar to the lining of the intestine. This process is called intestinal metaplasia.

No signs or symptoms are associated with Barrett’s esophagus, but it is commonly found in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Please do some research on that...  Or ask your doctor to verify it through biopsy.

The hives condition could have initiated with the Norwalk Virus as your doctor indicated.  I believe what your doctor was trying to tell you is that you had an "Id Reaction" to the virus.  In other words, your body not only reacted to the virus as a virus, but your body reacted from the brain (the Id) by saying it was a foreign body and reacted thusly with the hives and itching, etc...

Please research both of these on the net, but for your sake?  Concentrate on the Barrett's esophagus, and SOON!
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Greetings, just wondering have you been checked on bacteria infection from a stool test?

In my case, I started to have stomach problem 2 months ago, I get chest pain and an upset stomach.  My doctor prescribed me Prevacid for 2 months, he says I have too much stomach acid so it leads to gastritis.  I asked him well there must be a cause for excess stomach acid production, he said well most of the time you will have excess stomach acid for no reason at all.

Not satisfy with his answer, but I took the prevacid anyway.  I felt better after a few days on the drug so I thought oh he is right I do have excess stomach acid.  However, things get worst after a week into the drug, I start having the same pain as before, and have develop lower abdominal pain as well.

I have had ultrasound, countless blood test, x-ray, and h pylori test, all negative.  

I finished my last dose of prevacid a week ago, I am having severe heartburn everyday now due to the rebound effect.  I have never had heartburn before in my life so it is pretty scary.  I went to another doctor that my friend recommended to see what further test I can do.

To my surprise, he tested me for bacteria infection.  2 days later the clinic called and I do indeed have an infection !!  The bacteria call Aeromonas Hydrophila is infecting my gut, causing inflammation.  I talk with the doctor for a long time, and he agreed that using the PPI to surpress my stomach acid just makes things worst, this thing is allowed to grow in my stomach due to the PPI, so it spreads all over my gut.  

Hope my story help you, and if you haven't get a bacteria culture checked, I do advice to get it checked.  Just a side note, I hate doctors that prescribe PPI like candy, they are such strong medication and studies have shown that they infact causes GERD symptoms in healthy people after stopping the medication.  Anywayz sorry for the rant and I hope you find the cause of all your problems. Wish you good health.
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also I saw my allergy doctor yesterday, and he said the h pylori test came back negative, and that he couldn't help me any longer because he doesn't know what is wrong with me and expects the hives will clear up soon, disappearing as strangely as they appeared - I thin I will take his advice and intend these hives back to whence they came.
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Thanks to some law of attraction, I managed to get my gastroscopy done today instead of February 3rd!

A few months back my wife had an appointment to get checked for celiac.  She got pregnant and the family doc suggested she do the test next year not to interfere with the pregnancy.  We forgot to cancel the appointment a few months ago.

Anyway I finally got a referral from my family doctor regarding sending me to a GI specialist, and they booked me in for Feb 3rd - through serendipity, that same day the hospital called to remind us that my wife's appointment was coming up in a couple of days.

It turned out that it was the same dr that I was booked to get my procedure done, so they let me switch up and get in a couple of months early!

Anyway today I went and they did the gastroscopy on me.  I asked the dr about Eosinophilic Esophogitis, and he said it was rare, but he took some biopsies.

I was knocked unconscious so I don't remember the procedure, but when I woke up they told me that they found a Hiatus or Hiatal Hernia.

I'll be meeting with my family doctor in a couple of weeks to discuss that and the results of the biopsy re: eosinophilic esophogitus
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by the way I had a 24 hour flare up yesterday...it started at 3 AM Saturday night and lasted until last night at 3 am.

It wasn't as severe, mainly the uncomfortable gas feeling, the feeling of tight chest and constricted esophagus, and general feeling like a piece of crap lol.  I ate a piece of toast and a waffle the whole day.

Today I tried to get referrals from my doctor to get tested for EE, I tried to get sent to a gastroenterologist to do an endoscopy and talk about EE, and I tried to get them to fax off a request to my allergy doctor (which I have an appointment for on dec 9) to get skin ***** tested for a certain parasite that causes EE like symptoms after you've ingested the parasite from raw fish.

I was supposed to get an endoscopy done in September (from a referral in JUNE!) but when I got there the dr didn't have the equipment for the procedure.

Anyway, my Dr won't refer me to the gastroentologist and he won't send anything to the allergist.  He told me to wait until I get my blood test results back, and to wait for the follow appt with the allergist.

The allergist is just going to say "how are the hives" and do nothing for me unless I get my dr to fax a request to test me for this parasite.

The dr should send me to the gastroentologist because I was already supposed to see him already for the love of all that is holy.

Gotta love the health system in Canada - for the most part it's free, but when you need it for something like this, you are lucky to get anything resolved.

I guess I just have to sit and wait for them to do nothing, what a waste of time, they're so inefficient.
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Thank you David for telling me about Eosinophilic Esophogitis.

This sounds like it might be my problem.  It says that you develop an allergy to food protein - and over the past 6 months I've probably quadroopled my food protein intake to build muscle.  I have contacted my doctor to get a referral to a gastroenterologist.

Here's the weight loss/fitness journey I've been on in the past 6 months while trying to also deal with this health issue


I'm going to stop working out for a month and see what happens when I'm not taking creatine or eating protein shakes and bars.
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have you read the symptoms of Eosinophilic Esophagitis? Because that sounds like what you have, you should get into a doctor in any case and get scopped, just to take a look at everything, get biopsies and get diagnosed. http://www.apfed.org/ee.htm

But I do agree, creatine is probably not the best thing for you right now, at the end of the day if it could be contributing in any way, is it really worth it?
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Darb, will you PLEZ stop the drink with creatine in it and don't ever take it again?  You didn't say you would.  The link to the article I gave you a few days ago about side effects of that stuff matches your symptoms, irregardless of the timeline you recall being off it.  Thanks.  GG
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Hmm whisperwolf - that is an interesting concern as well.  I don't remember being bitten by anything, but I was in Hawaii a couple of months before this started, and I could have been bitten by something there maybe.

I do have joint pain but I have always had occasional bouts of joint pain, that's nothing new - so I don't really include that in the list of symptoms, maybe I should.

I don't remember if my bloodwork showed elevated levels of histamine or eosinophils - I have had so many blood tests done in the past 3 months - but I do remember seeing elevated histamine in my blood, but they said that was the hives.

When I had my allergy test done, I made sure not to take any benadryl or reactine or anything.

How do I get an epi-pen?  They told me it wasn't an anaphylactic response and said I didn't need an epi-pen.

gregg - I don't think the recovery drink is the culprit, because there was about 6 weeks where I wasn't taking the recovery drink and the symptoms were still the same as always.

I just got a battery of blood tests done yesterday to test me for lupus, heavy metal poisoning and a bunch of other problems.  They took 12 vials of blood!  I'm sure they'll find out something with all that blood.

I'm intend to figure out out a solution, and I've made up my mind that this bizarre issue will pass.  Thank you for helping me out guys, you're more helpful than the drs over in the paid section - I haven't got 1 response from them yet and I had to pay to post in that section!
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Well, then, perhaps you should STOP the workout recovery drink with Creatine in it !!!!!  The side effects include not only hives, but also that tightness in your throat.  PLEZZZZ quit that particular drink, Darb, and see if you feel better!!!  Don't you agree???  You must promise me you will forthwith stop that drink !!!
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1100598 tn?1413127426
Here is another small thing to think about too:

Your very first symptom mentioned was the hives and rash on your scalp.  Some time ago I was bitten by a kissing bug and I had a rash, joint pain and hives.  I was pretty sick for some time.
If you were bitten by an insect it could have transmitted an infection such as west nile, lyme disease or a whole number of diseases that can cause your body to react with an allergic reaction.  Did your blood work show an elevation of histamine or eosinophils?  

If you had your allergy testing done while taking any sort of medication such as Benadryl you would have a false positive.  

I would get a second opinion, it sounds like your doctor is not helping you.  I suggest until they figure out what you are allergic to, you should have an epi-pen.  If you ever go into anaphylactic shock it could save your life!
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Thanks again for trying to help me out, I appreciate it!

re: steroids - I don't use steroids, I mainly just eat a healthy clean diet, exercise 6 days a week & take protein supplements.  My afterworkout recovery drink has some creatine in it as well.

I will try to keep track of my heart rate if I get this again - I expect it to disappear just as strangely as it appeared though.  I've been dealing with it for 6-7 months, I think that's long enough =P

I'm starting to think that it might be some sort of chemical or mold problem in my house though...

My wife used to get crazy symptoms too, and she'd throw up all the time.  Then my cat would even throw up all the time.  They are both not throwing up or having crazy issues anymore, but I am still - so it's possible it could be something in the house.

I just ordered $500 worth of mold and chemical test kits to see once and for all if it's radon/mold/carbon monoxide/etc.

re: massages - I rarely get massages, should I get some?

re: hives - the hives happen all the time, so I don't really ever notice any environmental change, it's usually due to friction - if I scratch somewhere, or if my pants are too tight on my waist, or if I grip a hammer to hard for too long etc...
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Darb, sorry my thinking is not too organized right now, but at the above link, look at the section entitled, "Side Effects," in that article.  It says you can get hives and all sorts of other oddball reactions from use of creatine that is in some workout supplements. GG
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One more thing, you said this started happening "before I started taking any medications."  Darb, even if you had some symptoms before that, if you're taking any medicines, you've got to talk to the prescribing docs for those and get some feedback on possible side effects.
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Thanks to you, too, Darb, for the detailed feedback.

Darb, I'm interested in your workout situation.  Now, I don't imagine this is the case, BUT if you were taking steroids, perhaps thru something your coach gave you and you were unaware of that being in it, it will do some of this wierd stuff to you.  But setting that aside, I have to think that SOMEthing in all those workout additives might be causing your symptoms, even tho you did stop them for a period of time and saw no change.

Therefore, I can see no harm in quitting ANYthing and ALLthings related to workout supplements again, even including something as simple as Gatorade.  Plain water and eating good foods and rest is all you need to recover from working out.  Now, if you're in the Olympics or in state competition, some say you gotta take all that stuff, but I still disagree.  I mean, some people drink green tea and get the jitters and flip out, and it's just a reaction to the caffeine properties of that herb.

One more item I want to bring up for you, next time you start to feel or experience all these symptoms, immediately check your pulse at your wrist, see how fast your heart is going RIGHT THEN.  It shouldn't be going over that formula of weight versus a couple other items, you probably know how to figure that number.  Also, at the moment you get hives or your symptoms flare up, I think you should carefully consider all environmental or outside influences going on around you that might be causing this, maybe even writing them down and reviewing the lists later for any commonalities.

I hope you've been getting enough rest through all this, and I hope you get some regular professional massages, and I hope you've changed around all your soaps and detergents and lotions, etc.  I feel for you and hope you sort all this out soon.  I'm worried your heart is not liking what's happening to yourself.
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Hey man thanks for the response.

I'm going to address some of what you said in the response.

re: heart racing - my heart doesn't race, I monitor my heart rate and blood pressure a lot due to my fitness regime.  I have really good low blood pressure, and my heart is really healthy with a low resting heart rate.

re: allergy test - I did do an allergy test, and I was not allergic to anything that they tested.

re: medications - This started happening to me before I started taking any medications.  I do take supplements and protein shakes/bars due to my workout programs, which I was taking before this started happening - so maybe that is contributing some how?

I really don't think it's anything I'm eating regarding my vitamins/minerals/protein supplements though, I went off of everything for a month and I still had the symptoms during the whole time I was off of everything.

re: poison/carbon monoxide - I will make a drs appointment and bring that up with him.
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Dear Darb,
I think you are taking a medicine that is doing this to you.  I don't care what it is or how much you need it, you are going to have to get off it.  This includes over-the-counter stuff, prescription meds, supplements, ANY drug whatsoever.  Many times I hear people's symptoms, but they'll leave out some drug they take for whatever.  I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to look closely at a reaction to medications.  Something similar to that is various shampoos and lotions.

If you are NOT taking ANY medicine at all, then go to an allergist and have them do a skin test, where they put all diff kinds of possible allergens on your skin, and if you get bumps and redness (hives), then they can either advise you to get that out of your life or give you allergy drugs for it.  I had a friend who had so many food allergies, they kept a list of stuff taped to the kitchen cabinet, so as not to make a mistake.  Poison is another related possibility, and a doc working in concert with a poison center can draw blood and see what's in there.

If an allergist is positive you are not allergic to anything on earth, then the only two things left are circulatory problems like with the heart, or it's possible there's carbon monoxide in your home from a furnace or gas stove or any heating source.  To find out if your heart is racing or you got high blood pressure, your regular doc can monitor all that stuff for you or refer you to a cardio specialist or pulmonologist.  To find out if it's carbon monoxide, you can buy one of those at the same place you get smoke detectors, and plug it in at home and see if and when it goes off.

But I'd bet my bottom dollar it's a medicine of some kind that's doing this to you.  
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any thoughts anyone?
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Thank you very much for taking the time to try to help me out!  BTW I'm in Canada, so our health care system is a bit different here.

I got this response from a doctor on another forum - any opinions?

This detailed chronological account must have taken a lot of time and effort.
Thank you.

I assume your barium swallow was fine and did not show any strictures, and all your workup thus far has been negative.
It sounds like your symptoms might be due to a systemic illness, perhaps an autoimmune disease. I'm not certain whether this has anything to do with the viral infection, but it conceivably it may have been a trigger. The first illness that comes to mind is lupus erythematosus. Another is collagen vascular disease. You may also have malabsorption syndrome.

That being said, another possibility that is frequently overlooked is heavy metal poisoning (mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.). Heavy metals can produce random, seemingly vague symptoms of gastrointestinal symptoms like heartburn, indigestion, bloating, food allergies and unusual rashes. You might be in contact with these and not even know it.

Certain vitamin and nutritional deficiencies can cause or exacerbate the underlying illness, especially in malabsorption syndromes.

So, I recommend you ask your doctor to:
1. get a consultation with a rheumatologist
2. evaluate for heavy metal poisoning
3. check for vitamin deficiencies
4. consider gluten free and lactose free diet; it would be prudent to see a GI specialist if these measures do not make things better
5. consider a consultation with an immunologist if the other steps above are negative for disease.
6. Get tested for HIV if it hasn't been done already
In addition, while your symptoms do not sound infectious, it would be worthwhile to make sure you have not been subjected to toxic mold in your home, place of work, etc.
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Hives Causes - Diseases

When a cause for hives can be found, it's most likely an infection. Viral upper respiratory infections cause about 40% of hives rashes. Fortunately, these hives outbreaks resolve as the infection resolves. A chronic bacterial infection, especially sinusitis, may be the culprit if a case of hives is lingering.
--Diseases...Mastocytosis....Amyloidosis...Lymphoma...Rheumatic Fever...Pemphhigoid...Carcinomas...DermatitisHerpertiformis...Thyroid Disease...Polycythemia Vera...Lupus

--Infections...Gallbladder-Cholecystitis...H. Pylori - Ulcer
--Chronic Bacterial...Sinusitis..Urinary Tract
--Viral...Hepatitis B...Infectious Mononucleosis...Coxsackie Virus Infections
--Other....Intestinal Worms...Malaria
Scabies is a very itchy rash caused by the mite, Sarcoptes scabiei. Scabies occurs in both sexes, all ages, and all ethnic groups. In fact, it's estimated that at least 300 million cases of scabies occur worldwide every year.
What Causes Scabies
The mite that causes scabies is tiny, often too small to be seen with the naked eye. The female mite burrows under the skin and lays 10 to 25 eggs before she dies. The eggs hatch three days later and the larvae move to the surface of the skin. The larvae mature into adults in 10 to 14 days.
Scabies is spread by direct skin-to-skin contact. Contact with infested bedding or clothes only rarely causes a new infection.
Scabies Appearance
The rash of scabies can often look similar to other rashes. The rash causes red papules with small lines attached called burrows. However, the mite doesn't usually travel far once its under the skin, so the burrows may not be visible. A scabies rash typically occurs on the wrists, in between fingers, in the armpits, around the waist, and in the genital area. The rash causes intense inflammation in the skin with blisters, redness, and itching.

Angioedema is similar to hives but occurs deeper in the skin. Signs and symptoms of angioedema include:

Large, thick, firm welts
Swelling of the skin
Blisters (bullae) in areas of severe swelling
Pain or warmth in the affected areas
Difficult breathing or swallowing, in severe cases
Angioedema often appears near your eyes or lips, but can also develop on your hands, feet, genitalia or inside your throat. Angioedema and hives can occur separately or at the same time.

Hereditary angioedema is a more serious — yet uncommon — condition that can cause sudden, severe and rapid swelling of your face, arms, legs, hands, feet, genitalia, digestive tract and airway. Signs and symptoms of hereditary angioedema include:

Sudden and severe swelling of the face, arms, legs, hands, feet, genitalia, digestive tract and airway
Abdominal cramping as a result of digestive tract swelling
Difficulty or obstructed breathing due to swelling of the airway
When to see a doctor
Mild hives and angioedema usually aren't life-threatening. You can usually treat mild cases at home.

See your doctor if the hives or angioedema doesn't respond to treatment or if your symptoms continue to appear for more than a couple of days. Seek emergency care if you:

Feel lightheaded
Have difficulty breathing
Feel your throat is swelling

The diseases listed above are rare causes of hives, with the exception of thyroid disease. People with chronic urticaria have a higher incidence of thyroid problems compared to the general population.

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There are many causes of hives including foods, drugs, infections, and diseases. Oddly enough, even though there are many potential causes, in the majority of cases of hives, the cause is unknown. Hives causes can be broken down into 3 broad groups:

Idiopathic: This means we don't know the cause; it just happens.
Immunological: Some hives are caused by changes in the immune system. A typical scenario would be coming in contact with something that causes cells in the immune system to trigger the release of histamine from certain white blood cells called mast cells.
Nonimmunological: Exposure to certain substances can cause the direct release of histamine from mast cells without the involvement of other parts of the immune system.
If you have hives, you want to know what causes them so you can eliminate that trigger and free yourself from the itching. The following lists are not exhaustive, but do give the main known hives causes. While most cases of hives are idiopathic, see if you can eliminate any obvious causes of your hives. Just remember that it's best to talk to your healthcare provide before eliminating all possible hive triggers. If you suspect medication is causing your hives, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
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