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Is this digestion

my husband started out with sever stomach pains thought it was gall bladder, it isn't then checked his liver it's good. Now he doesn't have an appitate. He was told he was plugged up. Took a laxative and had good movements. What do you think could be wrong?
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Welcome to the gastroenterology community!  Did taking the laxative and having more bowel movements help his symptoms at all?  What tests has he had done?
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He's had his colon, prostate, bowel and everything lower done. taking the laxative did help for a while, but he was told to take muralax for seven days and he can't go if he doesn't take it. everything plugs him. He's lost about twenty pounds and yesterday only ate a cup of pinto beans, he is extreamly tired. He's also had his heart checked.
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What specific tests has he had done?
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colenoscapy, prostate exam, they actually removed paart of his prostate, with green light surgory. They found it was the size of his fist. They also did x rays of his stomach and found he was full of poop. They check his gall bladder and his liver. so far that's the extent of it. His doctor told us the next step in an upper g.i. His stomach still hurts off and on somedays better some days not, he just started getting naucious when he eats. The heart doctor did a thing where they go into the groin and clear out the valves in the heart. His heart was 80% clogged. I just worried. He used to have seizures, but hasn't had one in three years. I was thinking or wondering if the meds are his problem.
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I assume that you mean that they did x-rays of his abdomen and they found stool in his large intestine.  What tests did they do to check his gallbladder?  What meds does he take?
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They did a blood test and the xray, not not sure what else. He is taking, Diflunisal 500mg, simvastatine 80mg, Dmeprazone 20 mg, all twice a day morning and evening, he also takes endocet 10/325 as needed. He's only been taking a couple of those a day. He has a doctors appointment today. The doctor gave him a pill called,dexulent to see if it would help with the burning in his stomach. He told me this morning he thinks it is helping and was able to eat breakfast today.
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Does he have arthritis?  Did you mean omeprazole, not dmeprazone?  Also deculent is very similar to omeprazole and most likely, they shouldn't be taken together.
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About 12yrs ago my husband who had been picture of health started having such problems. Had x-rays, colonoscopy, ultrasound, etc & was told it was IBS. Lots of gurgling noises in abdomen, nausea, feeling full, couldn't eat, lost weight,had diarrhea & complexion color changed. Just looked awful & felt worse. Went on for about 1yr or more w/numerous dr appts & emergency room trips until the night he vomited what wouldn't go thru his intestines. That was the worst experience ever for the both of us & that odor instantly permeated the whole house. Trip to emergency room & emergency exploratory surgery found a carcinoid tumor in his small intestine. Removed it w/ small section of intestine & he's been fine. All the suffering could have been avoided had they ordered a 24hr urine collection test that I believe is called 5HIAA. The tumor throws off certain proteins that will show up in this urine test. Be sure to ask for & follow diet restrictions prior to & during the test. There are certain things you cannot eat as they will interfere w/test results. I hope you get answers soon.
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