148354 tn?1211233906

Rapid weight loss increase risk of gallstones?

over last 8 months had chronic abdominal pain,almost 100lb weight loss (28 yrs old,female,5ft1 ,130lbs now ) in oct had appendix out,now have 5cm ovarian cyst on right ovary,constant nausea,gas,bloating, and pain,especially pain in upper abdominal area,armpit,and back,(total lack of appetite)it comes and goes ,(crampy, sometimes or sharp)when it leaves i feel sore,but the attacks are after i eat ,which is very little because of pain i have no appetite,stick to bland limited diet,and  drink ensure when i cant tolerate food because of nausea and pain.Keep on reading about rapid weight loss and gallbladder stones.,is it possible this sounds like gallbladder trouble? ty in advance
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To anwser your question, loosing weight along with the pain after eating, problems digesting foods, constant burping can be the symptoms of having gallstones not the cause.What causes them is poor diet-eating a lot of greasy, fatty, deep fried foods, and simply eating foods with high fats and oils. Also combined with being overweight which slowes down the gallbladder in its ability to breakdown those fatty/greasy foods.You also asked if gall bladder prob's can cause bowel brob's and increased gas.YES! At least it did with me.Lots of burping and tooting.

I recently had my gallbladder removed due to gallstones.I was diagnosed late 2006, and suffered most of the year with it not knowing what was wrong due to the my GP telling me it was just indigestion and blowing me off. I originally went to see my GP cuz I had constsnt heartburn that was left over from being pregnant W/ my 2nd child. After my 1st one, the heartburn went away instantly. After having my 2nd in 2005 it didn't ease up at all. It even became worse, waking me up at night with acid comming up from laying down on a flat surface. I went to the doc and after several visits and getting nowhere I demanded that he do something besides send me home W/ a scrip that didn't work.So he sent me to a gastro/specialist who scoped me and discovered I had acid reflux disease. By this time I was having severe pain in my stomach when I ate, and up to 6hrs after, and also in the middle of the night, it would wake me from a deep sleep. Also constsnt burping and nausea.I assumed It was related to not getting proper treatment for my heartburn.Due to the pain from eating I lost my appetite and at the end could only tolerate extremely bland foods such as plain bread, plain rice, baked potatoes ect. Absolutely nothing added for flavor, this caused me to loose a lot of weight .The only liquid I could handle was water.He also did an ultrasound of my gallbladder/liver.Thats how I found out I had gallstones. To help W/my acid reflux, I've been taking Nexium, the only thing that works for me.My gallbladder was removed in Oct.2006.It was completely filled up with stones of all sizes.No more pain when I eat, but still having problems digesting fatty foods. The doc says it could take up to a year to fully adjust to not having a gallbladder. After affects include diarrea, nausea, lower abdominal cramping, I was told some people develope IBS after surgery, It lookes like I could be one of them.Still have trouble digesting fatty foods, thats normal(or do I'm told)and shop differently due to this problem. Now buy nonfat milk, lean meats only, low/no fatfoods. Also pay attention to how much oils and caffine are consumed.sorry this is so long, I find that reading other peoples stories help me deal with mine and give me new ideas, hope it helps you. Hang in there, there's gotta be a reason for your problems.I had to switch doctors in the end. Get a second opinion if you haven't already.
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148354 tn?1211233906
Ty for your replies,source of comfort! all we can do is leave it up to the Lord! I'm a firm believer as the Lord is the healer and the dr's are his tools.We all suffer for a reason,cant escape life without pain,if anything this has been a wakeup call for me.It could be alot worse, so I count my blessings,but I took my good health for granted,now I approach everyday with a different outlook on life,and thank the Lord for what I do have instead of dwelling on the pain and go on about my life.Prayers and best wishes to you!
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Vent away! How else can we release the frustration.  I'm praying for answers this coming Tues. from a Trans/vag US to evaluate pelvic masses.   A CT in Feb. said 1.9cm cyst.  This crossover from pelvic to abdominal symptoms is tortureous.  I'm at the point I want them to find something (I'm not afraid of cancer) so I can prove them wrong, get it taken care of and move on.  But I know I must also "accept" this trial and I have put it in God's hands and ultimately know he's better equipped to guide me, etc...Worse than the actual pain are the comments from people who suggest this is in my head.  (My mother and a good friend, a minister no less)  How can we judge the experience of another's pain. No one's is really greater or lesser than the other.  Only the Lord knows our hearts.  Most importantly, I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone.  I'm not here on this planet to be cruel or revengeful.  Only here to hope I can be a comfort and find comfort.  Thanks for the tip, I may try the Boost although it is considered high fat as I try to stay under 4 gr. per serving to prevent the spasm pain.  My prayers for your healing.
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148354 tn?1211233906
I agree if dr's were experiencing what we were going through they  would want an answer FAST and some relief,or if it was one of their loved one's suffering.They keep on telling me its IBS to,which no doubt i do have,have had for years,but I could tolerate it  before and didnt have as much problems as I do now.They put me on bentyl,which dont help,and lexapro (imply its in my head)and I take xanax before meals because I dread the pain after I eat,in April I was in hospital for inflammation of gallbladder,but had no gallstones and hida scan showed gallbladder function was fine.I dont believe either its just "IBS",on top of this ovarian cyst and rectal prolapse makes it unbearable.I'm very concerned about ovarian cancer,they want to put me on hormones but I hestiate because "if" it is cancer it will make it spread faster.I dont appreciate how dr's overlook and gamble with patients life,seems male dr's blow off women as were "Chronic" whiners with low tolerance for pain..pffft.I had chronic abdonmial pain for 4 months my old dr blew off as stomach flu..it was my appendix and almost ruptured! Next month I will be 29(single no kids),Its hard to function like this and I want to have some kind of life but I'm usually housebound.Sorry so long,just need to vent..lol!
     If you have trouble eating,try ensure-plus,it has most calories and omega-3,I have 2-3 a day with multi-vitamin and whatever food's I can nibble on to keep up strength and maintain weight.I was very overweight last yr (100lbs!!) but now I need to stop! I hope you find some answers soon! your in my prayers,take care and God Bless,
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I had my gallbladder out in June 06 and it didn't really relieve my symptoms.  I wasn't the classic presentation.  I had a spasm type sensation under my right and left ribs.  Had gallbladder U/S with no stones or abnormalties in Apr.  Took til June to get a hida-a-scan with CCK which showed my gallbladder was only functioning with score of 20.  Surgeon advised he didn't think this was the source of my problems and advised me of a 25% chance of no relief.  Well I'm in the 25% group.  I eat totally lowfat and my digestive system seems completely slowed.  I did have an MRCP in Oct.to evaluate pain in the pancreas but no abnormalities were visualized.  I have not had a gastric emptying test.  Doctors want to call it IBS but I feel strongly otherwise.  Something is pressing on my bowels, adhesions, whatever, it what I believe more than just calling it IBS.  I take Librax, an antispasmodic with anti-anxiety so I can eat without pain.  I'm seriously considering going total liquid for a while.  I think if the doctor personally experience these symptoms they would react quite differently.
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148354 tn?1211233906
could gallbladder issues cause bowel problems (change in bowel habits )and increased gas? seems like my body works harder to digest food.
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